Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
© 2021 By Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
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Reports and Certificates from the School at Midway, MS 145, Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society, Charlottesville, Virginia
Gift of Rev. W. Ramsay Richardson, Charlottesville, Virginia
The School at Midway was a private school conducted by Henry Clay Brock (1845-1928) in the mid-1880s at the site of Midway House, located at the intersection of Main and Ridge Streets. The school location later became the site of Midway School, Charlottesville's public all-white high school. Brock was later a Professor of Greek and French at Hampden-Sydney College.
The collection consists of two reports dated June 1886 from the School at Midway for Robert French Mason and Joseph Bryan Page, and a Certificate of Distinction in History for Eugene McLean Long, June 1886. The pre-printed forms are completed and signed by the headmaster Henry C. Brock.