Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
© 2023 By Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
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Mathew's Chapel Minutes, MS 469, Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society, Charlottesville, Va.
Received from Gladys Harris, 2005.
Mathew's Chapel was organized in the Baptist denomination on April 23, 1899. It stood on the corner of Route 706 and 631 in Albemarle County. It's location was shown on the 1907 Massie Map, south of Charlottesville near the Brookhill estate and Carter Bridge Road (modern day Route 20). The chapel was torn down circa 1965.
The Record book lists persons in attendance at the 23 April 1899 organizational meeting of Mathew's Chapel. Election of officer's names are listed. Surnames include Day, Farish, Fife, Fretwell, Garland, Gentry, Randolph, Reed, Shuck, Tribble, Wheat, and Woodson. There are 2 pages of meeting minutes. Pages 3-22 are missing, 23-28 contain a child's math problems, pages 29-38 are missing, and pages 39-42 contain a child's math problems.