Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
© 2024 By Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
Processed by: Miranda Burnett
The collection is open for research.
There are no restrictions.
Bateman-Garth-Gentry-Keblinger Family Documents, MS 198, Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
Gift of J. Paul Burke, Charlottesville, Va., 13 May 1990.
The Batemans, Garths, Gentrys, and Keblingers were Albemarle County residents.
This collection consists of various documents associated with the Bateman, Garth, Gentry, and Keblinger families, and includes early tax receipts of the Keblinger's; a marriage announcement of Amelia Foster to John Bateman (1882); handwritten genealogical notes; bible record pages for Beatrice Gentry and William Garth; and two certificates awarded to Edwina Gentry for Sunday School courses in 1930 and 1934. Also included is a photograph of an unidentified woman and a photocopy of a house in Crozet, Va. (location of the original photograph unknown).