Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
© 2024 By Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
Processed by: Miranda Burnett
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Carpenter - Higginson - Hornidge Family Papers, MS 722, Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
This collection was donated by Molly Ladd Taylor, 23 September 2023. Her mother was Hylda Higginson Ladd.
The Carpenter, Higginson, Hornidge, and White families of Albemarle County were interconnected by marriage since the 1890s. Originally from Northern Ireland, they went back and forth from Virginia to Ireland.
This collection consists mainly of photographs, but also has correspondence, diaries, photo albums, printed materials, one pair of stockings, and a leather wallet.
The collection is arranged alphabetically and chronologically.
Box 1
f. 1: Accession folder
f. 2: Baker, Louisa Higginson - photographs, 1892-1955 (14 photographs):
1. Louisa Gladys Nicola Higginson, May 1892
2. Lou, September 1898
3. L. Higginson, 1906
4-5. Louisa Higginson Baker, June 4, 1918
6. Lou Higginson - Charles Baker passport photo, n.d.
7. Charles Baker [husband], n.d.
8. Lou and Mabel [horse], n.d.
9. Louisa Higginson Baker, n.d.
10. Group photograph, n.d.
11. Hylda Higginson Ladd, 1943
12. Mary M. Ladd and Louisa Higginson Baker, 1955
13. John Higginson at 19 years old, n.d.
14. Memorandum book, 1950-1960s
f. 3: Carpenter Family Genealogical Research Documents, undated, 1973
f. 4: Carpenter Family Photographs [some from University Studio and Wampler, Charlottesville], [1890s-1957] (14 photographs):
1. Alfred Carpenter, photo of portrait, n.d.
2. Jerry Carpenter, n.d.
3. Dick and Helen Carpenter, n.d.
4. Helen Carpenter, n.d.
5. Isabel Worthington Carpenter, n.d.
6. [Isabel Worthington Carpenter], n.d.
7-8. Portraits of old couple, from "Carpenter State," n.d.
9. William Lloyd Carpenter, n.d.
10. Dick Carpenter, John Page, John Sutherland, Jack Page, c. 1940
11-12. Richard (Dick) Carpenter, n.d.
13-14. "Mammy" Carpenter, n.d., 1957
f. 5: Carpenter, Frances Sutherland v. Isabel M. Carpenter, Hylda G. Ladd, John O. Higginson, Order, n.d.
f. 6: Carpenter, Isabel M. - correspondence and memorabilia, 1911-1916, 1934, n.d.
f. 7: Carpenter, [Keelan], photograph, n.d.
f. 8: Cree - Hornidge Genealogical Research Documents [from Albemarle County], n.d.
f. 9: [Higginson - Carpenter] - Albermarle County photographs of properties and houses, (16 photographs), 1900, 1958, n.d.:
1. The Quarter Place (Carpenter's House)
2. West Leigh, 1900, n.d.
3. Ivy Manor
4. Rosemont (house of Charlie and Louisa Baker)
f. 10: Higginson - Dobbs Genealogy - research correspondence, photographs of portraits, notes, family tree, 1973, 1985, n.d.:
1. Sir James Macauley Higginson, K.C.B.
2. Olivia Nichola Dobbs Higginson
f. 11: Higginson, Family Photographs, 1919, n.d.:
1. Helen and Jack Higginson Wedding, August 5, 1919
2. John Higginson and Isabel Carpenter, n.d.
f. 12: [Higginson], Helen Carpenter - Commencement Exercises from Red Hill High School, 1917
f. 13: Higginson, Helen Carpenter - correspondence to "Auntie," Nick and Mrs. Greaves, 1922, n.d.
f. 14: Higginson, Helen Carpenter to John W. Higginson - correspondence, 1921-1929, n.d.
f. 15: Higginson, Helen Carpenter photographs (4 photographs), n.d.:
1-2. John, Helen, Hylda Higginson, n.d.
3. Helen Carpenter, n.d.
4. [Helen, John], Higginson (Holsinger Studio), n.d.
f. 16: Copy of Settlement of James M. Higginson, Esq. With Miss Louisa Mary Hornidge, October 22, 1885
f. 17: Higginson, John M. and Helen Carpenter wedding photos, invitation and certificate of marriage, 1919
f. 18: Higginson, John M. and James DeWitt Wilde III Agreement re land situated in Ivy Magisterial District in Albemarle County, November 12, 1940
f. 19: Higginson, John M. - condolence correspondence upon the death of his wife Helen Carpenter Higginson [1930] and other family members, 1908, 1930, n.d.
f. 20: Higginson, John M. - photographs (1890-1950), Portora [Football] printed schedule (1904-1905), and Portora Royal School Register, ca. 1936
f. 21: Higginson, John M. - receipts, obituary, address book, 1911-1914, 1960
f. 22: Higginson, John M. - Settlement of Captain C. R. D. Higginson to Provincial Bank of Ireland, Ltd. To John Metcalfe Higginson and his children, October 3, 1933
f. 23: Conveyance of Lady Olivia Nichola Higginson to George Perkins and John Greaves, Esq., May 5, 1891, of "Land Albemarle, VA"; Deed of parcel of land in Albemarle County, VA, August 19, 1936
f. 24: Higginson, Louisa Hornidge miscellaneous documents - correspondence, recipes, invitations, photographs, etc., 1892-1906, undated
f. 25: Higginson, Louisa - correspondence, 1909-1959
f. 26: Higginson, Louisa - miscellaneous memorabilia, 1892-1948, undated
f. 27: [Higginson, Louisa] - stockings and ivory handle, undated
Box 2
f. 1: Hornidge Family Photographs, 1918, n.d.:
1-3. Edward Hornidge, n.d.
4. Richard E. Hornidge, n.d.
5. George Hornidge, 1878
6-7. Phoebe Julia Stewart Hornidge (grandmother of John M. Higginson)
8. Louie Hornidge Higginson
9. Lizzie Hornidge Montray
10-12. Frances Hornidge, n.d.
13-14. Freda Hornidge, n.d.
15-16. Alice Hornidge, n.d.
17. Edith Hornidge Lewis
18. Hornidge Family in California, n.d.
f. 2: Hornidge Family Photographs, 1893-1917, undated:
1. Mr. Vorsecoyle, Trustee for Hornidge Family, [late 1890s]
2. A.G.S., February 1893
3. Colonel Henry, undated
4. George Carlegow, [1917]
5. Hornidge Children of [?], n.d.
6. Roy Hornidge, n.d.
7. Edith Lewis [ca. 1900]
8. [Louise] and Georgie Hornidge, n.d.
9. Louise Hornidge Higginson, n.d.
10. Col. Cosmo Stewart, n.d.
11. Great Grandfather Hornidge, n.d.
12. [Chris?], n.d.
f. 3: Hornidge, Georgina (Mrs. Greaves) Photographs, [1890s-1930s]
f. 4: Hornidge Trust - Accounts of Louisa and Georgina Hornidge, 1879-1883
f. 5: Irish Family Members Photographs - Higginson:
1-3. Conway Higginson, 1872 and n.d.
4. Bertie and Conway Higginson, n.d.
5. Robert Higginson, n.d.
6-8. M[ontague] Edward Higginson, n.d.
9-10. Metcalf Higginson, n.d.
11. Col. Harry Higginson, n.d.
12-13. Sir James Higginson, n.d.
14. Great Great Grandfather Dobbs, n.d.
15. Great Great Grandmother Olivia Higginson, n.d.
16-17. Amy Higginson Owen, n.d.
18. Millicent (Milly) Higginson, n.d.
19. Aunt Maude and Willy Higginson, n.d.
20. M[aude] Higginson, n.d.
f. 6: Irish Family Members Photographs - Kennedy, 1896-1929, undated:
1-2. James E. Kennedy, 1913 and n.d.
3. Gladys "(Honey)" Kennedy, 1912
4. Augusta Mabel Kennedy, Gladys Maude Kennedy, John Ralph Kennedy, 1896
5. Mabel Kennedy, n.d.
6-9. Maude [Higginson] Kennedy and Ralph Kennedy, 1896
10. Maude Higginson Kennedy "Lady Kennedy," 1896
11. Ralph Kennedy, 1918
12. Unknown woman, n.d.
f. 7: "The Threatened Counties," [Flier], [1910s]
f. 8: White Family of Albemarle County, VA - copy of document written by John W. Williams III, 1977
Photographic Albums:
1. [Louisa G. N. Higginson] Photo Album, 1906-1908
2. Photographic Album, n.d.
Box 3
Photographic Album [West Leigh, Albemarle County, VA] and other places, ca. 1940
Photo Album of Louisa Higginson Baker, n.d.
Architectural Drawing of Communion Table in St. Mary's Church, Blessington, Ireland, October 9th, 1907
Wedding Gift Book presented to Louisa Higginson, n.d.
Book of Common Prayer of Louisa Higginson and Jack Greaves, [1918]
Printed Materials:
The Royal Bijou Birthday Book. London, Eyre and Spottiswoode, [1912]
The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, London, G. E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, n.d. [Has annotations]
Where is it [address book]
Church Hymnal by permission of the General Synod of the Church of Ireland. Dublin, Porteous and Gibel, n.d. [Book belonged to Louie Hornidge, 1877]
Daily Light in the Daily Path. A Devotional Text Book for Every Day in the Year; in the very words of scripture. The Morning Hour. London, Samuel Bagster and Sons, n.d. [Book belonged to Louie M. Hornidge, 1892 and Jack Higginson, 1900]
The Book of Common Prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of The Church of Ireland. Dublin, Association for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1894
Box 4 [carton]
Other Materials:
Church Mouse Cook Book Compiled by the Women of St. Paul Episcopal Church, Ivy, Virginia, 1964
Georgina Hornidge Diaries (2), 1883-1884
Daily Reminder. [Agendas] 1942-1965
Louisa G. N. Higginson notebook, 1907
Notebook, 1910
Isabel Worthington Carpenter guest book, n.d.
John M. Higginson leather wallet
Richmond Times Dispatch Magazine, February 12, 1950 [Ivy Hockey]
Oversized photographs:
Dobbs, Olivia Home in Cobb County, Ireland, n.d.
Donadea Castle, County Kildare, Ireland, n.d.
"Glenville," home of the Macauley Family in County Antrim, Ireland, n.d.
Higginson, James Macauly, n.d.
Higginson, Olivia Nichola, n.d.
Hornidge Residence in Tulfarris, Ireland, n.d.
Portora Royal School Rugby Team, 1906