Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
© 2023 By Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
Processed by:Sabrina Fairley
The collection is open for research.
No restrictions.
Mary Oakley Hay Collection, MS 688, Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
Mary Oakley Hay (1873-1965) spent the last decade of her life in Charlottesville. She was known for her volunteer and social work, especially for children. She had previously lived in Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Great Britain.
Folder 1: Correspondence (20 files)
1911-35, 1938, 1939, 1940, Postcards from the 1940s, 1945, 1946, 1947, Jan-April 1948, May 1948, June 1948, July-August 1948, Sept.-Oct. 1948, Nov.-Dec 1948, Jan. 1949, Feb. 1949, March 1949, Apr.-Dec. 1949, 1950, Unknown dates (contains a lock of hair)
Folder 2: Photographs
two of Sarah Hay, Mary Oakley Hay, Home of Mrs. J.W. Robertson Scott in Oxfordshire, England
Photographs from this collection are available online at
Folder 3: Checks and Invoices
most from the Charlottesville area 1940s-50s
Folder 4: Ephemera
unknown dairy from 1817, cemetery record of Sara Oakley Hay, two address books belonging to Mary Oakley Hay, letter from Phillip Hay to his sister Amelia Sprigg, Employment Record of Mary Oakley Hay