Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library© 2017 By The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. All rights reserved.
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Singleton P. Moorehead Papers, 1923-1972, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation , Accession # MS 1989.23, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Singleton P. Moorehead (1900-1964) was a prominent Architect involved in the restoration of Colonial Williamsburg. He graduated from Harvard School of Architecture and was a member of the Boston firm Perry, Shaw, and Hepburn when they were involved in the early stages of the restoration project. He was hired directly and worked on the restoration in the town for 35 years, partnering with archeologists to conduct research on historical architecture all around Virginia. He authored multiple reports on the various historic buildings in Williamsburg. In 1944 he became the Head of Architecture and moved to a consulting position in 1948. In 1963 he retired citing poor heath and died a year later.
This collection was gathered during the career of Colonial Williamsburg architect, Singleton P. Moorehead (1900-1964). Included are finished drawings, sketches, reproductions, artwork, postcards, correspondence, printed material and oversized architectural drawings. Much of the material relates to Williamsburg or Virginia buildings. The bulk of the collection is reference and research material from the reconstruction of Colonial Williamsburg. Also included are materials from when Singleton P. Moorehead (1900-1964) was a student at Harvard, and his time spent studying in Europe, including reproductions of European art and personal original art. There is one item in the collection from after Moorehead's death, a letter sent to a family member located in box six. The majority of the collection is not dated.
Collection is arranged in ten boxes, the first five of which are oversized materials. Boxes 1 and 2 are research and reference drawings organized by location name. Box 3 contains his notebooks. Boxes 4 and 5 primarily contain materials from when Moorehead was a student. Box 6 contains correspondence and other miscellaneous reference material. Boxes 7-10 contain reference index cards.
A collection of reference sketches and elevations signed by Singlton P. Moorehead of various historic buildings around Virginia created in his research of Colonial Virginian architecture. Some of the elevations include whole buildings or a layout of buildings, while others are of fine details. A large number of the items are Photostat black print copies from his sketchbook of architectural details. There is also a number of Cyanotype blueprints of the reference elevations, as well as regular copies of those elevations. Not all of the reference drawings are created by Moorehead, occasionally he notes that he copyed the image from a photograph or book, and some elevations are copied with consent from detailed drawings by W. M. Macomper. Contains field drawings, elavations of architectural details, and photo-reproductions of many elevations and sketches. As well as 9 loose photostats of decrotive interior details.
Contains sketches with notes with photostat.
Contains elevations on tissue paper in graphite and a photostat.
Contains photostats of sketches with notes from folder 1 of abington church.
Contatins elevation of details on tissue paper in graphite with photostat of same.
Contains elevations on tissue paper in graphite.
Contains detail sketches with notes with photostat of same.
Contains wooden Door and railing studies with photograph and notes.
Contains drawings on tissue paper with photostat black copies.
Contains blueprints of elevations and copy of same.
Contains photostats taken from the Sketchbook of architectural details from box 3.
Contains drawings of woodwork and window details with notes.
Contains photostats from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains sketches and notes.
Contains photostat of reference sketch.
Contains elevations on tissue paper in graphite, notes, and photostat black copies.
Contains reference sketch with photostat of same.
Contains reference sketch with photostat of same.
Contains reference sketches and notes.
Contains sketches and notes with drawings of molding and other woodwork details.
Contains blueprint and photostat of estate layout.
Contains reference drawings tissue.
Contains photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains reference sketch and layout.
Contains drawings of detailed woodwork on mantles, sketches with notes, and photostats of each.
Contains reference sketch with photostat of same.
Contains reference sketches with notes and elevations on tracing paper in graphite.
Contains reference sketches with notes.
Contains reference layout with sketches and a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains drawings of fine woodwork details such as mantles, reference sketches with notes, and photostat of the drawings.
Contains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains drawings of fine woodwork details such as molding and mantles, sketches with notes, and photostat of the drawings.
Contains drawings of fine woodwork such as moldings and mantles, sketches with notes, and blueprints and photostats of drawings.
Contains reference sketches with notes.
Contains reference sketches, drawing of wooden staircase, and blueprints and photostats of copies.
Contains sketch with notes of buildings.
Contains reference sketches with notes with photostat of same.
Contains sketch with notes.
Contains reference sketches with photostats of same and from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains sketches with notes, drawings of molding and mantles, photostats and photocopies of the drawings.
Contains sketches with notes and photostats from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains Reference sketches with notes and photostats.
Contains sketches with notes, drawings of mantle and molding details, and photostats of drawings.
Contains sketches with notes and photostats from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains sketches with notes and photostats.
Contains sketches with notes, drawings of staircase woodwork and mantles, and photostats of the drawings.
Contains sketch of floor plan with notes.
Contains sketches with notes and photostats.
Contains drawings of molding (copied from W.M. Macomber with consent). and photostat of drawing.
Contains drawing of small exterior building.
Contains notes.
Contains sketches with notes of Dairy.
Contains photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains sketch.
Contains drawings of interior paneling, molding, mantles and other fine details with blueprints and photostats of those drawings. As well as sketches with notes and photostats from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains sketches with notes and photostats.
Contains photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains copy of the layout of the estate with sketches and photostats.
Contains sketches with notes and a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains drawings on tracing paper of staircase and railings with a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains Sketches with notes and photostats.
Contains sketches with notes.
Contains drawings of woodwork details and sketches with notes. As well as photostats and blueprints of drawings.
Contains drawing of detailed woodwork and sketches with notes. As well as blueprints and photostats of drawings.
Contains Drawings of decrotive details and sketches with notes.
Contains photostats from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains drawings of interior woodwork details.
Contains sketches with notes and a photostat.
Cotains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains notes regarding research status for the reconstruction.
Contains sketches with notes and photostats.
Arranged into two parts, 55 folders in first part and 12 in second. Sketches, notes, and photostats dealing with architectural details around Williamsburg and outside of it respectively. A mix of reference and research material arranged by location. Most of the Photostat black prints are taken from S. Mooreheads Sketchbook of Architectural Details located in Box 3.
Contains reference and research drawings and notes on 18th century buildings within Williamsburg, VA. Also contains some sketches on Native american villages and a sketchbook. Arranged alphebetically by location name.
Contains photostats and sketch of miscellaneus architectural details.
Contains sketches and elevation of floorplan with notes.
Contains sketched elevations with notes and a photostat of hinge details.
Contains notes.
Contains sketches of floorplans.
Contains a painted mockup of various houses with floorplans, photostats, and notes.
Contains a reference sketch.
Contains drawings of architectural details with notes.
Contains photostats.
Contains sketches with notes.
Contains sketches with notes.
Contains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains sketches and photostat of architectural details with notes.
Contains photostats from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains references sketches and notes.
Contains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains sketches with notes.
Contains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains drawing of wooden gate and a photostat. Likely added to the collection at a later date.
Contains sketches of entrance and arches.
Contains sketches with notes.
Contains a reference sketch.
Contains reference sketches with notes.
Contains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains sketches with notes of fine details.
Contains sketches with notes.
Contains sketches with notes, report summeries with corrections, and photostats.
Contains sketches.
Contains a sketch of architectural details.
Contains sketches with notes.
Contains sketches with notes.
Contains sketches with notes.
Contains a sketch.
Contains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains notes, a drawing of a fireplace mantle, and a photostat of the drawing.
Contains reference sketches.
Contains sketches with notes.
Contains watercolor of houses from each side with floor plan and copy.
Contains photostats from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains floorplans and other sketches.
Contains notes.
Contains drawings of interior woodwork details, notes, and photostats.
Contains a reference sketch.
Contains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains reference sketches with notes.
Contains drawings and sketches of molding styles with photostats.
Contains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains sketches with 2 by J. B. Reed.
Contains drawings and sketches of interior wookwork details.
Contains reference notes.
Contains reference sketches with notes.
Contains sketches and drawings of staircase details. As well as photostats from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains sketches with notes, photostats from the Sketchbook of architectural details, and a photograph of the town's layout circa 1786.
Contains reference and research drawings and notes on colonial style architecture outside of Virginia. Arranged alphebetically by location name.
Contains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains reference sketches and photostats.
Contains plate from Perry, Shaw, and Hepburn of staircase details. As well as some reference sketches.
Contains a reference sketches.
Contains drawings of interior details.
Contains sketches and a photostat.
Contains sketches and photostats from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains reference sketches with a photostat.
Contains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains sketches of floorplans with notes.
Contains sketches with notes and a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains a photostat from the Sketchbook of architectural details.
Contains Moorehead's notebook from his student trips to Europe through his professional career working on the restoration of Colonial Williamsburg. Most notebooks contain reference notes and sketches that pretain to his architectural career while working on the restoration of Colonial Williamsburg, most undated. Includes the Sketchbook of architectural details which serves as the source to many photostats from boxes 1 and 2. While many of the notebooks are numbered, they do not appear to have been numbered by the creater and they are not arranged in numerical order. Not all notebooks are full and many have leaves removed. The notebooks are not arranged in any clear order, and stored flat in an oversized box.
A collection of reference drawings of milwork and other fine architectural details. The source of many of the photostats in boxes 1 and 2.
Sketchbook from research trips around Virginia. Has many pages torn out and perhaps relocated elsewhere in the collection.
Research reference organized alphebetically.
Sketchbook from student trip to Europe, mostly empty.
Notes and sketches from student trip to Venice.
Contains miscellaneous sketches, mostly empty.
Reference books listed alphabetically by title. Binding separated from leaves.
Sketches of church architectural details. Has multiple sketches inserted in volume.
Sketches of architectural details such as mosaics and brick work. Not exclusively in the colonial style so it is likely the notebook is from before Moorehead started working on the Restoration of Colonial Williamsburg.
Contains in depth notes on architectural details. Likely from when Moorehead was a student at Harvard.
Notes on Colonial Buildings in Williamsburg listed alphabetically by name. Also contains list of 17th-18th century British Monarchs.
Notes and sketches from Italy and France, from Moorehead's trip there as a student. Many pages clipped or removed entirely.
Contains sketches of architectural details from various Colonial building in Williamsburg, such as the Galt and Bell houses. Features primarily millwork. The binding is in poor condition and many leaves are removed from the volume.
Notes and sketches from student trip to Italy and France, particularly on column type.
Reference sketches and notes on a brass canon from New Hampshire.
Sketches of architectural details and floorplans from various Colonial buildings in Williamsburg. Has typed procedure on restoring a house glued to inside front board.
Reference sketches and notes on various Colonial houses around Virginia with a list of reference books and photographs. Many leaves removed from volume.
Sketches and notes on architectural details. Many leaves removed from volume.
Notes on 18th century British Monarches and Govenors of Virginia. As well as a list of colonial buildings arranged alphabetically by location name
An account book in which Moorehead kept track of various projects he did in Williamsburg. Not comprehensive.
Sketches mounted into album. Labeled ARCH 4a and arranged by architectural feature type.
Notes and sketches on architecture, likely from when Moorehead was a student.
Notes on 17th century theaters.
Labeled Venice 1923, contains sketches and notes on proportions. It is mostly blank.
Contains notes on Moorehead's work on the restoration of Colonial Williamsburg. It is mostly blank with multiple leaves removed.
List of Architectural details with reference location. Arranged alphabeticall by detail type.
Leather binding boards from a portfolio.
Contains a mixture of his work for Colonial Williamsburg and student work, as well as a number of reproductions of european art likely from his trip to europe as a grad student.
Contains photostats of Monogram ciphers, with envelope from the New York public library from which the research was procured.
Contains information on, drawings, and some blueprint elevations of a proposed 17th theater.
Contains photostats of research done for the proposed 17th century theater.
Contains research and sketches done for an 18th century fair.
Contains reprodutions of various european art.
Contains reproductions of european art, notably several etchings by Rembrandt.
Contains depictions of greek vases on linen paper.
Contains sketches of European architecture from Moorehead's student trip abroad and other school work.
Contains original watercolors by Moorehead.
Contains some student work and other drawings.
Contains a reproduction and sketch from New Orleans, LA.
Contains sketches of the American West.
Contains photographs and a photostat, including a portrait by Thomas L. Williams.
Contains miscelleous sketches.
Contains Christmas cards and designs created by Moorehead.
Contains sketches of heraldic designs from English abbys.
Contains elevations and blueprints. The locations are unclear.
Contains sketches and photostats of various architectural details. The related locations are unclear.
Contains two portfolios of art reproductions from his trip to europe, the second is of monted clipped reference illustrations of interiors and crests. One published art book with 26 reproductions and a sample of a Mary Cassett Art book to be published in 1942. As well as 1 folder containing 3 copies of the Boston Evening Transcript real estate section from 1927 February 19 plus the first six pages of an additional copy. The Front page story is of a building project with the Harvard Building Trust and the firm Kilham, Hopkins, and Greeley which Moorehead worked for briefly.
Contains reproductions of European art, likely gathered during a student trip to Europe.
Contains 3 and a half copies of the Boston Evening Transcript dated 1927 February 19. The front page story is of a building project at Harvard.
Sample Art book of Mary Cassatt's work by Adelyn D. Breeskin, set to publish in 1942
Contains mounted and loose illustrations of French buildings, interiors, and crests.
A collection of reproductions with introduction. The binding is in poor condition.
A mixture of reference material; photographs and negatives (Black and White 35mm), index cards, articles, catalogs, and coorespondance. All material seems to relate to Moorehead's work at Colonial Williamsburg.
Contains the series "Furniture of historic types" by Arthur DeBles, from International Studio magazine.
Contains bulletins, magazine ariticles and coorespondance.
Contains black and white photographs of buildings and farm scenes.
Contains photographic negatives on 35mm film.
Contains correspondence, a guidebook, and the article "A Painting and a contract" by Guy Eglington clipped from orginal source.
Correspondence regarding Mooreheads membership to the American Insitute of Architects.
Contains handwritten notes on Fairs, lists of reference material, and a basic architectural report.
Contains book catalogs, and lists of reference material in the form of a descriptive bibliography.
Contains a series of photographic prints on card stock of architectural details from Mexico and Rome.
Correspondence from the office of John D. Rockefeller Jr. and an article referencing a restoration project in New York, Sunnyside, that Moorehead consulted on.
Contains a series of index cards carrying history, descriptions, citationsm, and other reference material.
Contains lists of books of interest, correspondance, and magazines. As well as an example photo book of the work by Perry, Shaw, and Hepburn.
May issue of "Art in America" that contains an article by Moorehead on architectural restoration.
Contains reference bibliographies and a copy of "Glassmaking at Jamestown" by J.C. Harrington.
The cards are a mix of handwritten and typed reference notes set up in alphabetically order as quick reference for a variety of subjects relating to the restoration of historic Williamsburg. They include citations, quotations, drawings, and some direct information about the titled subject.
The cards are a mix of handwritten and typed reference notes set up in alphabetically order as quick reference for a variety of subjects relating to the restoration of historic Williamsburg. They include citations, quotations, drawings, photographs, and some direct information about the titled subject.
The cards are a mix of handwritten and typed reference notes set up in alphabetically order as quick reference for a variety of subjects relating to Williamsburg during the 18th century. They include citations, quotations, drawings, photographs, and some direct information about the titled subject.
The cards are a mix of handwritten and typed reference notes set up in alphabetically order as quick reference for a variety of subjects relating to the restoration of historic Williamsburg. They include citations, quotations, drawings, photographs, and some direct information about the titled subject.