A Collection in
the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library
Manuscript Number MS 78.3
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library Colonial Williamsburg Foundation P.O. Box 1776 Williamsburg, Virginia 23187 USA Phone: (757) 565-8520 Fax: (757) 565-8528 Email: speccoll@cwf.org URL: http://www.history.org
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Preferred Citation
Galt Family Papers, Manuscript MS 78.3, John D.
Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg
Miscellaneous papers relating to the Galt family,
especially Dr. John Minson Galt II (1819-1862), superintendent
of Eastern State Hospital in Williamsburg, Va., and his
sister, Sarah Maria Galt (1822-1880). Includes personal
letters, architectural notes and rough sketches, newspaper
clippings, genealogical information, and other miscellany.
Contains information on Eastern State Hospital; attitudes
toward the mentally ill; Williamsburg, Va., and its
inhabitants; the disruptions of the Civil War; the Galt
family; and the sculptor Alexander Galt.
Drawing of Egyptian Mummy and Dr. Warren's
account of the same,
General Laws of Motion,
List of items sent to the Eastern State
Asylum by Sally M. [Sarah Maria] Galt. re: marble bust
and pictures,
Memo. Definitions,
Memo. Notes on David,
Richmond Medical Journal. Obituary of John M.
Galt, M.D.
Letter to Alice re Lissie's illness, Carter
Randolph mentioned,
Letter. Chatham, L[ucy] B. Saunders to Sally
re Saunders's return to "old home" in Williamsburg.
Family news
Letter. Williamsburg, G. Grimes to Dr. John
M. Galt re good work of Eastern Asylum and Dr. Galt in
caring for those afflicted with insanity,
29 January 1847.
Letter. Anne Arundel Co., MD. Mary McCeobe to
Cousin Sally re family news, fear of childbearing,
business disruptions of war, irregularity of mails to
6 July 1865.
Letter. Charlestown, [West] Virginia,
Margaret M. Raum to Miss Galt re condition of her
sister, a patient in the Asylum. Family news,
24 September 1865.
Reprint: P.G. Hamlin M.D. "Dr. John Minson
Galt and the Williamsburg Asylum." Virginia Medical
Monthly, 68, pp. 502-50,
September 1941.
Architectural notes and sketches re plans for
a new asylum? 18 items,
Galt Family genealogical information for
1769-1836 from the Galt Family Bible. 5 items,
Miscellany from the Galt Family Bible. 6
items and other fragments,
Newspaper clippings. 9 items. Includes:
Courier-Journal, August 23. 1875, "Virginia's First
Capital. Some Historical Reminiscences of
Williamsburg..." Also references to Alexander Galt,