John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
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Zachary Lewis Account Book, Manuscript MS 86.11, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Purchase, 1986.
Zachary Lewis (1731-1803), son of Zachary Lewis, Sr., was a jeweller and watchmaker.
Account book of Zachary Lewis, documents an eighteenth-century Virginia jewelry/watchmaking business and the uses of gold, silver, and crystal in the repair or creation of jewelry and watches. Account book lists names of customers; repair, purchase, or service; and payment for services by cash or trade. Included are accounts of Robert Bullard, Nat. Dandridge, Patrick Henry, James Littlepage, James Madison, John Marshall, and John Waller. Also listed are several members of the Coleman, Dabney, Darracott, Fleming, Garret, Goodloe, Graves, Herndon, Johnson, Lewis, Madison, Meriwether, Minor, Robinson, Shackelford, Smith, Stubblefield, Thompson, Waller, Walton, Winston, and Woodroof families.
The following index provides page numbers for entries where the following names may be found.
Index |
Acuff, Cain | 45 | |
Acuff, Timothy | 39 | |
Almand, John | 41 | |
Anderson, Matthew | 4, 46 | |
Anderson, William | 44 | |
Arnold, Benj'a | 27 | |
Arnold, Edmund | 34 | |
Baker, Thomas | 53 | |
Barksdale, Wm. | 8 | |
Barret, Charles | 34 | |
Barret, Rev. Robt. | 1 | |
Baynham, Doctr. | 43 | |
Beard, John | 16 | |
Becheton, John | 47 | |
Bell, William | 35 | |
Berger, John | 9 | |
Berkley, Nelson | 9 | |
Bibb, Elizabeth | 35 | |
Bibb, Robert | 35 | |
Bichley, John | 4 | |
Bohannon, Ambrose | 25 | |
Bradburn, Isaac | 20 | |
Bradburn, John | 20 | |
Brownson, Martha (contra) | 15 | |
Buchannon, Henry | 33 | |
Bullard, Ambrose | 33 | |
Bullard, Robt. | 5, 37, (contra) 2 | |
Bullet, Cuthbert | 11 | |
Bulloch, James | 21 | |
Burnley | (contra) 10 | |
Butler, Edward | 47 | |
Cain, Barnet | 34 | |
Car, John | 10 | |
Carnahan, John | 36 | |
Carr, Betsy | 29 | |
Carr, Samuel | 54 | |
Carter, Edward | 12 | |
Carter, George | 51 | |
Carter, John | 33 | |
Carthrae, John | 15 (contra) 48 | |
Cason, Mrs. | 42 | |
Champ, William | 17 | |
Chandler, Wm. | 9 | |
Chen, John | 16 | |
Chiles, John | 3, 51 | |
Chiles, Walter | 26 | |
Chin, John, sheriff | (contra) 14 | |
Chrutchfield, Stapleton | 41 | |
Clayton, John | 41 | |
Cole, John | 13 | |
Coleman, Caleb | 49 | |
Coleman, Cleson | 53 | |
Coleman, Eliz. | 30 | |
Coleman, James | 2 | |
Coleman, Nicey | 42 | |
Coleman, Richard | 15 | |
Coleman, Robt. | 12 | |
Collin, Mr. | 21 | |
Colson, Thos. | (contra) 20 | |
Cook, Thomas | 33 | |
Cosby, Charles | 28 | |
Crane, John | 53 | |
Crenshaw, Charles | 25 | |
Culliam, Thos. | 19 | |
Curtis, Rice | 8 | |
Curtis, Rice, Jr. | 51 | |
Dabney, Capt., George | ||
Dabney, Capt., John | 38 | |
Dabney, Mr. | 10 | |
Dandridge, Nat, Col. | 1 | |
Darracott, John | 8 | |
Darracott, Thomas | 2 | |
Darracott, William | 8, (contra) 28 | |
Davenport, Burket | 14 | |
Davenport, William | 39 | |
Dawson, Musgrove | 5 | |
Divers, James | 30 | |
Doswell, Thomas | 51 | |
Duerson, Joseph | 33 | |
Durret, George | 28 | |
Durret, Rich'd | 23 | |
Easter, Arbam | 11 | |
Edward, Doctor | 10 | |
Ellis, Bartlet | 24 | |
Emerson, Anne | 44 | |
Eperson, John | 46 | |
Eperson, Paul | 8 | |
Estes, Abraham | 42 | |
Farish, Letty | 17 | |
Fearson, William | 18 | |
Finley, David | 39 | |
Fleming, Mourning | 14 | |
Fleming, Wm. | 51 | |
Flemming, Robert | 28 | |
Fontaine, Peter, Col. | 11 | |
Ford, Christopher | 31 | |
Fraser, James | 12 | |
Fry, Henry | 54 | |
Garret, John | 27 | |
Garret, Wm. | (contra) 32 | |
Gilbert, Henry, Jr. | 46 | |
Gilmer, Peachy | 44 | |
Goodall, Richard | 42 | |
Goodin, Robt. | 8 | |
Goodloe, George | 29 | |
Goodloe, Robert | 2 | |
Gordon, Charles | 4 | |
Gordon, George | 16 | |
Graves, Beman | 36 | |
Graves, David | 30 | |
Graves, Joseph | 18 | |
Graves, Thomas | 34 | |
Green, Wm., Col. | 12 | |
Guy, George | 7 | |
Harper, Joseph | 47 | |
Harris, John | 12 | |
Hatter, Benjamin | 31 | |
Hatter, John | 52 | |
Hattres, John | (contra) 15 | |
Hawkins, John | 40 | |
Hawkins, John | (contra) 16 | |
Hennen, Patrick | 5 | |
Henry, Patrick | 11 | |
Herndon, Edward | 52 | |
Herndon, Joseph | 50 | |
Herndon, Zach'y | 19 | |
Hickerson, John | 53 | |
Hodges, Francis | 29 | |
Holladay, Benjamin | 49 | |
Holladay, John | 17 | |
Holladay, Joseph | 49 | |
Holladay, William | 53 | |
Horn, Nicolas | 10 | |
James, Christopher | 29 | |
Jennings, James | 9 | |
Johnson, H. | (contra) 15, 27, 51 | |
Johnson, Henry | (contra) 41 | |
Johnson, Jane | 50 | |
Johnson, Rich'd | 27 | |
Johnson, Thomas | 48 | |
Johnson, Wm. | 51 | |
Johnston, Agnes | 25 | |
Johnston, Thomas | 35, 43 | |
Jones | (contra) 10 | |
Jones, Gabriel, Jr. | 13 | |
Kennedy, Davenport | 13 | |
Lewis, Ben | (contra) 3 | |
Lewis, John | 13 | |
Lewis, John, Col. | 53 | |
Lewis, Walter | (contra) 22 | |
Lewis, William | 46 | |
Littlepage, Betty | 32 | |
Littlepage, James, Col. | 7 | |
Longan, Augustin | 12 | |
Longan, John | ||
Luck, Samuel | 53 | |
Madison, George | 26 | |
Madison, James | 20 | |
Madison, Samuel | 21 | |
Marshall, John | 24 | |
Maury, Jas. | (contra) 44 | |
McAllister, Mr. | 39 | |
McClune, Robert | 30 | |
McGeorge, John | 54 | |
Megee, William | 16, 21 | |
Meriwether, Francis | 32 | |
Meriwether, John | 47 | |
Meriwether, Mary | 36 | |
Meriwether, Thomas | 40 | |
Minor, Garrett | 41 | |
Minor, Joseph | 7 | |
Minor, Lucy | 14 | |
Minor, Owen | 13 | |
Minor, Sarah | 15 | |
Minor, Thos. | (contra) 15, 29 | |
Mitchel, Jas. | 40, (contra) 12, 22 | |
Mitchel, John | 13 | |
Morris, Richard | 40 | |
Morris, Thd. | (contra) 25 | |
Nelson, Wm. | (contra) 30 | |
Niglesworth, Jas. | 15 | |
Old Charles, the mulatto | 54 | |
Old, John | 39 | |
Overton, William | 48 | |
Oveton, Samuel, Capt. | 47 | |
Owen, Richard | 53 | |
Pannel, Ann | 23 | |
Parish, Joel | 22 | |
Parker, William | 6 | |
Pemberton, John | 24 | |
Pen, John | 40 | |
Pendexter, John | 25 | |
Pendleton, Harry | 19 | |
Philips, Richard, Jr. | ||
Poole, Thomas | 12 | |
Price, John, Capt. | 9 | |
Price, Thomas | 22 | |
Prior, Joseph | 46 | |
Pulliam, Thos. | 37 | |
Quarles, William | 48 | |
Raglan, John | 1 | |
Raglan, Samuel, Capt. | 46 | |
Rawlins, James | 3 | |
Red, James | 5 | |
Rice, Samuel | 26 | |
Richard, Thomas | 43 | |
Richards, Thos. | (contra) 39 | |
Richardson, David | 43 | |
Roan, John | 1 | |
Robinson, Harry | 41 | |
Robinson, James | 5 | |
Robinson, John | 44 | |
Robinson, Joseph | 11 | |
Rogers, Lucy | 50 | |
Shackelford | (contra) 10 | |
Shackelford, Ambrose | 31 | |
Shackelford, John | 24 | |
Sims, George | 3 | |
Slaughter, George | 14 | |
Slaughter, John | 2 | |
Smith, David | 24 | |
Smith, Dorothea | 42 | |
Smith, L., Miss | 46 | |
Smith, Sarah | 38 | |
Smith, Wm. | 47, (contra) 35 | |
Snelson, William | 6 | |
Strother, French | 14 | |
Stubbelfield, Beverly | 42 | |
Stubblefield, George | 22, 48 | |
Sutton, William | 43 | |
Swift, Thos. | 21 | |
Tate, Zacheus | 3 | |
Taylor, Richard | 35 | |
Taylor, Robert | 35 | |
Taylor, Thomas | 40 | |
Terril, Harry | 29 | |
Terril, Peter | 44 | |
Thennon, Pat. | 21 | |
Thomason, George | 49 | |
Thompson, Rev. Mr. | 18 | |
Thompson, William, Capt. | 20 | |
Thornton, Fras. | (contra) 17 | |
Thorton, John | 4 | |
Thurston, Wm. | (contra) 16 | |
Tickel, Rev'd Mr. | 29 | |
Tod, Charles | 8 | |
Tollen, David | 26 | |
Tompkins, Harry | 4 | |
Tompkins, Robert | 6 | |
Towles, Oliver | 17, 52 | |
Towles, Thomas | 51 | |
Trevilian, Thos. | 27 | |
Trig, Judith | 26 | |
Tuerman, John | 50 | |
Tuning, Mrs. | 31 | |
Vass, John | 7 | |
Vass, Reuben | 18 | |
Venable, Abraham | 48 | |
Walker, John | 23 | |
Waller, Agatha | 15 | |
Waller, Benjamin | 44 | |
Waller, John | 3, (contra) 24 | |
Waller, Wm. | 43 | |
Walles, John | 34 | |
Walton, John | 19 | |
Walton, Sim | 7 | |
Walton, Simeon | 14 | |
Watson, James | 32 | |
Watson, John | 27 | |
Watson, William | 30 | |
Watts, James | 38 | |
Webb, Ann | 50 | |
White, Wm. | 41 | |
Whitfield, John | 34 | |
Whitten, John | 52 | |
Willaby, Joseph | 48 | |
William, Mr. | 10 | |
Willis, Stephen | 44 | |
Winslow, Ben. | 30 | |
Winston, James | 6 | |
Winston, John | 50 | |
Winston, Old Mrs. | 47 | |
Winston, William | 46 | |
Wood, Joseph | 36 | |
Woodroof, Dar'd | (contra) 46 | |
Woodroof, David | 31 | |
Woodroof, Rachel | 31 | |
Woolfolk, John | 41 | |
Woolfolk, Robt. | 33 | |
Wyatt, Thomas | 16 | |
Yancey, John | 6 | |
Zachariah, Mr. | 10 |
Index |
Acuff, Cain | 45 | |
Acuff, Timothy | 39 | |
Almand, John | 41 | |
Anderson, Matthew | 4, 46 | |
Anderson, William | 44 | |
Arnold, Benj'a | 27 | |
Arnold, Edmund | 34 | |
Baker, Thomas | 53 | |
Barksdale, Wm. | 8 | |
Barret, Charles | 34 | |
Barret, Rev. Robt. | 1 | |
Baynham, Doctr. | 43 | |
Beard, John | 16 | |
Becheton, John | 47 | |
Bell, William | 35 | |
Berger, John | 9 | |
Berkley, Nelson | 9 | |
Bibb, Elizabeth | 35 | |
Bibb, Robert | 35 | |
Bichley, John | 4 | |
Bohannon, Ambrose | 25 | |
Bradburn, Isaac | 20 | |
Bradburn, John | 20 | |
Brownson, Martha (contra) | 15 | |
Buchannon, Henry | 33 | |
Bullard, Ambrose | 33 | |
Bullard, Robt. | 5, 37, (contra) 2 | |
Bullet, Cuthbert | 11 | |
Bulloch, James | 21 | |
Burnley | (contra) 10 | |
Butler, Edward | 47 | |
Cain, Barnet | 34 | |
Car, John | 10 | |
Carnahan, John | 36 | |
Carr, Betsy | 29 | |
Carr, Samuel | 54 | |
Carter, Edward | 12 | |
Carter, George | 51 | |
Carter, John | 33 | |
Carthrae, John | 15 (contra) 48 | |
Cason, Mrs. | 42 | |
Champ, William | 17 | |
Chandler, Wm. | 9 | |
Chen, John | 16 | |
Chiles, John | 3, 51 | |
Chiles, Walter | 26 | |
Chin, John, sheriff | (contra) 14 | |
Chrutchfield, Stapleton | 41 | |
Clayton, John | 41 | |
Cole, John | 13 | |
Coleman, Caleb | 49 | |
Coleman, Cleson | 53 | |
Coleman, Eliz. | 30 | |
Coleman, James | 2 | |
Coleman, Nicey | 42 | |
Coleman, Richard | 15 | |
Coleman, Robt. | 12 | |
Collin, Mr. | 21 | |
Colson, Thos. | (contra) 20 | |
Cook, Thomas | 33 | |
Cosby, Charles | 28 | |
Crane, John | 53 | |
Crenshaw, Charles | 25 | |
Culliam, Thos. | 19 | |
Curtis, Rice | 8 | |
Curtis, Rice, Jr. | 51 | |
Dabney, Capt., George | ||
Dabney, Capt., John | 38 | |
Dabney, Mr. | 10 | |
Dandridge, Nat, Col. | 1 | |
Darracott, John | 8 | |
Darracott, Thomas | 2 | |
Darracott, William | 8, (contra) 28 | |
Davenport, Burket | 14 | |
Davenport, William | 39 | |
Dawson, Musgrove | 5 | |
Divers, James | 30 | |
Doswell, Thomas | 51 | |
Duerson, Joseph | 33 | |
Durret, George | 28 | |
Durret, Rich'd | 23 | |
Easter, Arbam | 11 | |
Edward, Doctor | 10 | |
Ellis, Bartlet | 24 | |
Emerson, Anne | 44 | |
Eperson, John | 46 | |
Eperson, Paul | 8 | |
Estes, Abraham | 42 | |
Farish, Letty | 17 | |
Fearson, William | 18 | |
Finley, David | 39 | |
Fleming, Mourning | 14 | |
Fleming, Wm. | 51 | |
Flemming, Robert | 28 | |
Fontaine, Peter, Col. | 11 | |
Ford, Christopher | 31 | |
Fraser, James | 12 | |
Fry, Henry | 54 | |
Garret, John | 27 | |
Garret, Wm. | (contra) 32 | |
Gilbert, Henry, Jr. | 46 | |
Gilmer, Peachy | 44 | |
Goodall, Richard | 42 | |
Goodin, Robt. | 8 | |
Goodloe, George | 29 | |
Goodloe, Robert | 2 | |
Gordon, Charles | 4 | |
Gordon, George | 16 | |
Graves, Beman | 36 | |
Graves, David | 30 | |
Graves, Joseph | 18 | |
Graves, Thomas | 34 | |
Green, Wm., Col. | 12 | |
Guy, George | 7 | |
Harper, Joseph | 47 | |
Harris, John | 12 | |
Hatter, Benjamin | 31 | |
Hatter, John | 52 | |
Hattres, John | (contra) 15 | |
Hawkins, John | 40 | |
Hawkins, John | (contra) 16 | |
Hennen, Patrick | 5 | |
Henry, Patrick | 11 | |
Herndon, Edward | 52 | |
Herndon, Joseph | 50 | |
Herndon, Zach'y | 19 | |
Hickerson, John | 53 | |
Hodges, Francis | 29 | |
Holladay, Benjamin | 49 | |
Holladay, John | 17 | |
Holladay, Joseph | 49 | |
Holladay, William | 53 | |
Horn, Nicolas | 10 | |
James, Christopher | 29 | |
Jennings, James | 9 | |
Johnson, H. | (contra) 15, 27, 51 | |
Johnson, Henry | (contra) 41 | |
Johnson, Jane | 50 | |
Johnson, Rich'd | 27 | |
Johnson, Thomas | 48 | |
Johnson, Wm. | 51 | |
Johnston, Agnes | 25 | |
Johnston, Thomas | 35, 43 | |
Jones | (contra) 10 | |
Jones, Gabriel, Jr. | 13 | |
Kennedy, Davenport | 13 | |
Lewis, Ben | (contra) 3 | |
Lewis, John | 13 | |
Lewis, John, Col. | 53 | |
Lewis, Walter | (contra) 22 | |
Lewis, William | 46 | |
Littlepage, Betty | 32 | |
Littlepage, James, Col. | 7 | |
Longan, Augustin | 12 | |
Longan, John | ||
Luck, Samuel | 53 | |
Madison, George | 26 | |
Madison, James | 20 | |
Madison, Samuel | 21 | |
Marshall, John | 24 | |
Maury, Jas. | (contra) 44 | |
McAllister, Mr. | 39 | |
McClune, Robert | 30 | |
McGeorge, John | 54 | |
Megee, William | 16, 21 | |
Meriwether, Francis | 32 | |
Meriwether, John | 47 | |
Meriwether, Mary | 36 | |
Meriwether, Thomas | 40 | |
Minor, Garrett | 41 | |
Minor, Joseph | 7 | |
Minor, Lucy | 14 | |
Minor, Owen | 13 | |
Minor, Sarah | 15 | |
Minor, Thos. | (contra) 15, 29 | |
Mitchel, Jas. | 40, (contra) 12, 22 | |
Mitchel, John | 13 | |
Morris, Richard | 40 | |
Morris, Thd. | (contra) 25 | |
Nelson, Wm. | (contra) 30 | |
Niglesworth, Jas. | 15 | |
Old Charles, the mulatto | 54 | |
Old, John | 39 | |
Overton, William | 48 | |
Oveton, Samuel, Capt. | 47 | |
Owen, Richard | 53 | |
Pannel, Ann | 23 | |
Parish, Joel | 22 | |
Parker, William | 6 | |
Pemberton, John | 24 | |
Pen, John | 40 | |
Pendexter, John | 25 | |
Pendleton, Harry | 19 | |
Philips, Richard, Jr. | ||
Poole, Thomas | 12 | |
Price, John, Capt. | 9 | |
Price, Thomas | 22 | |
Prior, Joseph | 46 | |
Pulliam, Thos. | 37 | |
Quarles, William | 48 | |
Raglan, John | 1 | |
Raglan, Samuel, Capt. | 46 | |
Rawlins, James | 3 | |
Red, James | 5 | |
Rice, Samuel | 26 | |
Richard, Thomas | 43 | |
Richards, Thos. | (contra) 39 | |
Richardson, David | 43 | |
Roan, John | 1 | |
Robinson, Harry | 41 | |
Robinson, James | 5 | |
Robinson, John | 44 | |
Robinson, Joseph | 11 | |
Rogers, Lucy | 50 | |
Shackelford | (contra) 10 | |
Shackelford, Ambrose | 31 | |
Shackelford, John | 24 | |
Sims, George | 3 | |
Slaughter, George | 14 | |
Slaughter, John | 2 | |
Smith, David | 24 | |
Smith, Dorothea | 42 | |
Smith, L., Miss | 46 | |
Smith, Sarah | 38 | |
Smith, Wm. | 47, (contra) 35 | |
Snelson, William | 6 | |
Strother, French | 14 | |
Stubbelfield, Beverly | 42 | |
Stubblefield, George | 22, 48 | |
Sutton, William | 43 | |
Swift, Thos. | 21 | |
Tate, Zacheus | 3 | |
Taylor, Richard | 35 | |
Taylor, Robert | 35 | |
Taylor, Thomas | 40 | |
Terril, Harry | 29 | |
Terril, Peter | 44 | |
Thennon, Pat. | 21 | |
Thomason, George | 49 | |
Thompson, Rev. Mr. | 18 | |
Thompson, William, Capt. | 20 | |
Thornton, Fras. | (contra) 17 | |
Thorton, John | 4 | |
Thurston, Wm. | (contra) 16 | |
Tickel, Rev'd Mr. | 29 | |
Tod, Charles | 8 | |
Tollen, David | 26 | |
Tompkins, Harry | 4 | |
Tompkins, Robert | 6 | |
Towles, Oliver | 17, 52 | |
Towles, Thomas | 51 | |
Trevilian, Thos. | 27 | |
Trig, Judith | 26 | |
Tuerman, John | 50 | |
Tuning, Mrs. | 31 | |
Vass, John | 7 | |
Vass, Reuben | 18 | |
Venable, Abraham | 48 | |
Walker, John | 23 | |
Waller, Agatha | 15 | |
Waller, Benjamin | 44 | |
Waller, John | 3, (contra) 24 | |
Waller, Wm. | 43 | |
Walles, John | 34 | |
Walton, John | 19 | |
Walton, Sim | 7 | |
Walton, Simeon | 14 | |
Watson, James | 32 | |
Watson, John | 27 | |
Watson, William | 30 | |
Watts, James | 38 | |
Webb, Ann | 50 | |
White, Wm. | 41 | |
Whitfield, John | 34 | |
Whitten, John | 52 | |
Willaby, Joseph | 48 | |
William, Mr. | 10 | |
Willis, Stephen | 44 | |
Winslow, Ben. | 30 | |
Winston, James | 6 | |
Winston, John | 50 | |
Winston, Old Mrs. | 47 | |
Winston, William | 46 | |
Wood, Joseph | 36 | |
Woodroof, Dar'd | (contra) 46 | |
Woodroof, David | 31 | |
Woodroof, Rachel | 31 | |
Woolfolk, John | 41 | |
Woolfolk, Robt. | 33 | |
Wyatt, Thomas | 16 | |
Yancey, John | 6 | |
Zachariah, Mr. | 10 |