A Guide to the Virginia Room Biography Files, Undated Virginia Room Biography Files

A Guide to the Virginia Room Biography Files, Undated

A Collection in The Fairfax County Public Library


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Fairfax County Public Library
The Virginia Room Biography Files, Undated
15.5 linear feet
Virginia Room - City of Fairfax Regional Library - Fairfax County Public Library
The Virginia Room Biography Files consist of 15.5 linear feet and consist of over 1,200 folders on Fairfax County families and individuals. Folders contain news clippings, articles, obituaries, genealogies, photocopies, correspondence, unpublished reports and family histories, and reproductions of historical documents.

Administrative Information

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Use Restrictions

Files may be photocopied and reproduced for research purposes only.

Preferred Citation

Virginia Room, Fairfax County Public Library. Biography Files.

Acquisition Information

Files assembled over a period of time by Virginia Room library staff

Processing Information

Phillip Ciske, Chris Barbuschak, 2015
EAD generated by Ross Landis, 2016

Historical and Biographical Information

With the establishment of the Virginiana Collection of the Fairfax County Public Library in the mid-1950s, Virginia Room librarians have continuously collected items relating to Fairfax County individuals. The Biography Files consist of two file cabinets of folders arranged alphabetically by the surname of the family or the individual. The files include news clippings, articles, obituaries, genealogies, photocopies, correspondence, unpublished reports and family histories, and copies of historical documents. Occasionally, approximate birth and death dates and occupation for individuals have been included in the folder title. The files act as a starting point for researchers seeking local family history or biographical information on Fairfax County individuals. Library staff is continuously adding to these files.

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Container List

Adameuski, James F.
Adams, Hebron
Adams, John & Abigail
Albo, Dave
Alcorn, Walter L.
Alden, Robert "Bob", Washington Post editor
Alexander Family
Alexander, Joseph, 1930-?
Alford Family
Alix, Jack
Allen, Dorothy
Allums, John F.
Almond, James Linsay Jr., 1898-1986
Anderson, Joy
Anderson, Peyton, 1838-1914
Annan Family
Annunziata, Rosemarie
Ansley, William
Archer, Louise A. Reeves, 1893-1948
Ardis, Barbara M.
Armel, Vicky O.
Armentrout Family
Armstrong, Terry
Artemel, Janice G., 1942-?
Asbury Family
Ashby, John, 1707-1789
Ashby, R. Barry
Ashby, Turner
Atkins, Ollie
Austell, Theodore III
Babson, Frederick, BOS, Chairman
Bach, Bruce F., Judge
Baggett, Ella, 1910-?
Baird, Carol Lynn
Baker, Wallace
Baliles, Gerald L.
Ball, Elijah
Ballard Family
Barnes Family
Barrett, Kate Waller, 1855-1925
Barrett, William E., 1927-1997
Barron, Robert
Barry, Stan, Fairfax County Sheriff
Barry, Warren, E., 1933-?
Baskin, William M.
Bates Family
Beach Family
Beall, John Ninian Jr.
Beard, E. Kemper
Beard, Joseph, 1909-1993
Beattie, Fountain
Beauregard Family, GT Beauregard Family. General during Civil War.
Beckwith, Minnie, 1871-?
Beerman, John L., BOS, Providence Dist.
Bell, James D., 1935-?
Belles, George W.
Beltrante, Nicholas R.
Bemiss, Samuel M.
Benko, Katy
Bennett, Richard J., 1918-2003
Berberich, John V.
Berger, Ernest J.
Berkley Family
Berry, J. Owens
Besley, Florence Eugenia, 1872-?
Besley, Fred W.
Besley, Harry E.
Bethune, John Franklin
Bethune, Talie
Beyer, Donald S., 1950-?
Biderman, Albert
Birch, Ray
Birmingham, Irving
Bissell, Arthur H.
Blackwell, Homer D.
Blackwell, Patricia
Bladen Family
Blair, Larry
Blake, Harry
Blake, John R.
Blankenship, A. Hugo
Blankenship, James H.
Bles, Marcus J., 1904-1986
Blevins, Lucas, ?-2002
Blincoe Family
Bobzien, David
Boggess, Robert
Bolton, Eleanor Reed
Boston, Bernard Norman, 1933-2008
Boucher-butcher Family
Bowman, Donald R., ?-2010
Bowman, Family
Boxer, Bob B.
Braddock, Edward, British General
Bradley, Harriet F., Former Fairfax County Supervisor, 1921-2013
Brauet, Adelard L, 1909-?
Brent, Margaret, 1601-1671
Brittin, Burdick H., ?-1999
Broadwater Family
Brocco, Jay
Brooks, Kathryn, 1906-1996
Brooks, Lucy Goode, 1819-?
Brophy, Philip Noel, ?-2004
Brown Family
Brown, Jane, 1889-?
Brown, Mattie Gaskins, 1893-?
Brown, Paul Edward, ?-1996
Browning Family
Broyhill, Joel T., 1919-?
Broyhill, Lincoln F. "Babe", ?-2008
Bruin Family
Bryan, Albert V. Sr., ?-1984
Bryant, Cunningham C., Gen., U. S. Army; Maj. Gen., D.C. Natl. Guard, 1921-?
Buchanan, Roy, ?-1988
Buckly, John
Buckner Family
Buckner, Marian E.
Bulova, Sharon
Buracker, Carroll D., Chief, Fairfax County Police Department
Burby, Lillian, First Lady of Sterling Park, 1922-1997
Burch, Sean
Burgess, Irene, ?-2003
Burke Family
Burkholder, William J., 1929-?
Burrows, John Lansing, 1814-1893
Burton, Stephen Douglas
Bush Family
Byers, John R.
Byrd, Harry Flood Jr., 1887-1966
Byrne, Leslie, 1946-?
Cacheris, Plato
Cahill, Mary
Caldwell, Lucy
Calhoun, Robert L.
Callahan, Vincent, 1931-?
Campbell Family
Campbell, Lynnwood
Cannon, Michael D., 1923-?
Caputo, Carmin C. "Chuck"
Carey, M. Patricia, Librarian, Fairfax County, ?-1995
Carlyle Family
Carne, William Lindsay, Publisher, Fairfax Herald, 1901-1971
Carpenter, Miles Burkholder, ?-1988
Carper Family
Carper Family
Carrico, Harry L., 1916-?
Carter Family
Cary, Hetty, 1836-1892
Cary, Lott, 1782-?
Casalaro, Daniel, Author
Case, Steve
Castillo, Edmund, Director, PIO
Castleman, Mary Eloise
Castleman, Robert Allen
Castro, Isis
Cedeno, Charles J.
Cecchi, Guiseppe, Developer
Champe, John
Chapin, Benjamin, ?-1781
Chapman, Thomas P., Mayor, Fairfax
Chapman, Thomas P. Jr., Clerk of Court, 1945-67, 1904-1984
Chichester, Daniel McCarty, 1834-1897
Chilcott Family
Childress, John R., ?-2007
Chisholm Family
Choate Family
Christmas, William Whitney, Aeroplane Flight at Fairfax C. H., 1908, 1865-1960
Cikins, Warren I., Supervisor, Mount Vernon District, 1930-?
Claggett Family
Clark, Adele, Artist, Suffragist, ?-1983
Clark, George Rogers, 1752-?
Clarke Family
Clarke, Owen W.
Clevenger Family
Clifton Family
Clinton, William J. "Bill", 1946-?
Clore Family
Coates, Leslie R., Chantilly Resident, 1907-1997
Cobb Family
Cobb, Mavis, Attorney, 1906-2000
Cody, Gwen
Coffer Family
Cohn, Sherman L.
Coleman, Beverley Mosby, Admiral, USN; Mosby Descendant., ?-1993
Coles-Cockrell-Harding Families
Collins, Sara Jean Dobie, 1929-2014
Collins, Theodore H. "Ted"
Colton Family
Conley, Brian
Conn Family
Conn, Marty
Connell Family
Conner Family
Connolly, Gerald E., BOS, Chairman
Conrad, Thomas Nelson, 1837-1905
Cook, Ted
Cooke, Elizabeth Miles
Cooke, John Esten
Cooper Family
Corbalis, James J. Jr., Fairfax County Water Director, ?-2006
Corbett Family
Corcoran, Michael (Gen.), Civil War General, died at William Gunnell's house, 1827-1863
Cosgriff, Chris
Cotton, Robert Claude Jr., ?-2005
Counts Family
Cox, Alice Lee, Librarian, ?-1997
Cox, Frances, Treasurer, City of Fairfax
Cox-Phillips Family
Crater, Flora, Civic Activist; Democrat
Crawford Family
Crickenberger, Letha M., ?-2001
Crippen, Jack, ?-2006
Crockett, Daisy Juanita, ?-2000
Croson Family
Crossfield, A. Scott
Crouch, Harry
Crouch, Will
Crounse, Donald C., Judge
Crowl Family
Crozet, Claudious
Crump Family
Cuccinelli, Ken
Curran, Louise, Publisher, Author, 1925-1981
Curtis, Marshall H.
Curtis, Mary Lou, ?-1995
Custis Family
Dabney, Virginius, Author
Dale, Jack D., Superintendent, Fairfax County Public Schools
Dalton, John N.
Darden, Colgate W. Jr., 1897-1981
David, Elizabeth
Davies, Samuel
Davis Family
Davis, Jefferson, President, Confederate States of America
Davis, S. John, 1928-?
Davis, Thomas M. III, 1949-?
Dawson Family
Dawson, Samuel Cooper Jr., 1909-2005
de la Fe, Frank A.
de Wilde, Dorothea D., 1916-2000
Dean, Gladys, 1906-2012
Dean, Jennie, 1852-1913
Debell Family
DeBell, Stuart T., BOS, Centreville Dist.
Deck, Linton L. Jr., 1929-?
Deierhoi, Frank L., Judge
Dempsey, Joel
Denealle Family
Denlinger, William "Bill"
Denton, Richard E., plasma physicist
Derr, Harry B.
Devers, Clarence
Devlin, Suzanne, Interim Chief, Fairfax County Police Department
Devolites, Jeanne Marie, Va. Senate
Dial, Rebecca, Author
Diamonstein, Alan Arnold
DiAntonio, Mary, 1920-2005
Dickerson Family
Dickson, Robert B., ?-2006
DiGiulian, John P.
Dillard, J. M., Author
Dillard, James H. II, 1933-?
Dillon, Jane Marshall, ?-2000
Dindlebeck, Grace, ?-1981
Dineen, Mary Lenore, Architect, ?-2006
Disney Family
Dix, Robert B. Jr.
Dodd Family
Dodson, Charles
Domenech, Daniel A., Superintendent, Fairfax County Public Schools
Donaldson, James
Donnelly, William, ?-2001
Donner Family
Donohoe Family
Douglas, Henry H., 1906-1989
Downer, Judith W
Draeger, Brad
Drakeford, Richard
Drummond, Henry
DuBois, Joan M., BOS, Dranesville Dist.
DuBois, John H., ?-1933
Duckworth, Sandra S.
Dulaney Family
Dulin Family
Dumas, Joan Kennedy, ?-2002
Dunbar Family
Duncan Family
Dunn Family
Dunn, Douglas McClain, ?-2000
Dupuys Family
Durham, C. J. S. "Jack", 1905-1991
Durland, William R. "Bill", 1931-?
Durrette, Wyatte B. Jr., 1938-?
DuVal, Clive L. II, 1912-?
Dye, Robert Randolph, BOS, 1877-1957
Dykstra, Vergil, President, GMU (1973-1977)
Eakin, LeRoy, ?-1972
Eakin, LeRoy Jr., ?-2005
Eakin, Ruth, ?-2003
Early, Jubal, 1816-1894
Easterday Family
Edsall Family
Egge, T. Farrell
Eldridge, Robert
Elgin, Roger Lee Sr., 1891-1990
Ellsworth, Elmer, 1837-1861
Ellsworth, Israel
Elson, Quin S.
Engle, Eloise, Author
English, Brenda, Author
Ernst, Richard J., President, NVCC (1968-1998)
Erwin, Harold E., ?-1990
Eskridge Family
Estes, Winston M., Author
Evans, Bayard D.
Evans, Robert O., 1917-1997
Everhart, Kathryn M., Owner, Everhart Jeweler's
Everhart, William "Bill"
Ewell Family
Ewell, William Thomas Jr., ?-2006
Fahey, Helen
Fahringer, Mary MacNeill
Fairfax Family
Fairfax, Bryan, 8th Baron of Cameron, 1736-1802
Fairfax, George William, 1723-1787
Fairfax, Joseph Sinclair, Architect, 1842-1916
Fairfax, Nicholas, 14th Baron of Cameron
Fairfax, Thomas, 6th Baron of Cameron, 1690-1781
Fairfax, Thomas, 9th Baron of Cameron, 1762-1846
Fairfax, Thomas, 3rd Baron of Cameron, 1612-1671
Falck, Nancy K.
Falk, Stanley
Fall Family
Falwell, Jerry, 1933-2007
Farley, Carol
Farley, Guy O. Jr.
Farr Family
Farrar, Larston D., Author
Fasteau, Tybelle L.
Faulkner, Winthrop, Architect, ?-2004
Feagan Family
Ferguson, Hazel Merrill, Librarian, ?-1996
Ficklin, Eugene D., 1842-1916
Field, Dawn Stewart, Author
Fiks, Beatrice
Fill, Gerald Andrew
Fink Family
Fisher, Joseph, 1914-?
Fisher, Richard Leland
Fitzpatrick, Johanna L.
Flakne, Joseph
Follin Family
Foote, Frederick
Ford, C. Vernon, 1871-1922
Ford, Gerald, Former President
Ford, West, Former Slave; Founder Gum Springs Community, 1784-1863
Fortune, George, Engineer; Bridge Builder
Fox, Ann
Fox, Maurice W., ?-1968
Fox, Tom, ?-2006
Franklin, Jean Schmidt, ?-2004
Freehill, Joseph H.
French, Daniel
French Family
Frey, John T.
Friedman, Carol Drake, Centreville Resident; Local Historian
Fry, Joshua, ?-1754
Frye, Robert
Fullerton Family
Gabrielson, Ira Noel, 1889-1977
Gallagher, Mary Berelli, Author
Gallery, Daniel, Admiral, 1901-?
Gallo, Gary L., Lawyer
Galt Family
Gano, John Howard, ?-2003
Gapp, Frank, ?-2003
Garbarino, Michael, ?-2006
Gardenhire, Jacob
Gardner, Darlene
Garges, John Henry
Gartlan, Joseph V. Jr., 1925-2008
Gasch, Manning, Real Estate Developer
Geddes, Jean R.
Gentry Family
Georgelas, John George, 1917-2007
Gerard Family
Gibbs Family
Gibson Famiy
Gillingham Family
Godwin, Mills E. Jr., 1914-?
Goff/Gough Family
Going Family
Goldfard, Lewis & Ruth, Lawsuit re. Lawyers Fees
Goldsmith, John A.
Gordon, Guanetta, Author
Gott, John K., 1929-?
Granberry Family
Griffin, Anthony H., 1949-?
Griffith, Lewis H., Judge
Grigsby Family
Grigsby, Alexander S., Slave Trader
Gross, Penelope A., BOS, Mason Dist.
Gunnell Family
Haden, Robin
Haeringer, Francois
Haight, Alexander L.
Haislip Family
Haley Family
Haley, Alex
Hall Family
Hall, Janet R.
Hall, Milton Dulaney, 1849-1940
Halley Family
Hamel, George
Hamilton Family
Hammack, Paul W. Jr.
Hammer, G. William, Judge
Hammill, George A., Mayor, City of Fairfax, ?-2003
Hamner Family
Hanley, Katherine K.
Hanlon, Patrick M.
Hanssen, Robert
Harbor Family
Hardter, Frances Williams, Author
Hargis Family
Hariot, Thomas, 1560-1621
Harlow, John W. "Willie", Burke Resident, 1896-1988
Harman, Doug
Harper Family
Harris, Fred, Senator, Oklahoma
Harris, Herbert E. II, 1926-?
Harris, Jean L.
Harris, Kenward
Harris, Robert E., 1935-?
Harrison Family
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, Fairfax
Harrison, Richard M.
Harrover, Robert M.
Harsel, Suzanne F.
Hart, James R.
Hart, Nancy, 1846-1913
Hart, William D.
Hartwell, Elizabeth, Conservationist, Mason Neck
Hash Family
Hatch, Winslow R., McLean Resident; Local Historian, 1908-1980
Hawkes, Robert, ?-2008
Hawkins, Eliza Washington, ?-2003
Hawxhurst Family
Hayden Family
Haywood, Verdia
Hazel, John T. "Til", Developer
Heath, Gary
Hedge Family
Heinbuch, John Conrad "Cooney", 1864-1925
Heittman, Bob, ?-2004
Henderson, Edwin B., 1883-1977
Hennesy Family
Henry, John
Henry, Patrick, 1736-1799
Herbert, Charles Joseph, 1931-2014
Herbert, Sarah Tracy
Hereford, John
Herman, Catherine Winkler, ?-2007
Herndon, Ellen, 1837-1880
Herndon, Glasselle
Herrity, John F. "Jack", BOS, Chairman, 1932-2006
Hine Family
Hirst, Omer L., 1914-?
Hite Family
Hobbs, Maude
Hobson Family
Hobson, Richard
Holden, Charles Gardner
Holland, Charles, Tenor
Holland, J. Sidney
Hollis, Carl M. "Billy", 1922-1994
Hollis, Joanne Mellender, 1924-2013
Holmes, Jay, Author
Holton, Linwood Abner, 1923-?
Honesty Family
Hoofnagle, William H.
Hopkins, Nancy
Hopkins, Samuel, 1753-?
Horan, Robert F., Commonwealths Attorney
Hornig, Doug, Author
Houston, Sam, 1793-1863
Houston, William and Polly
Howard, T. Brooke, Attorney
Howell Family
Howell, Henry, 1921-?
Howell, Janet D., Va. Senator, 32nd Dist.
Howley, Dennis C., Author
Howrey, Edward, ?-1996
Hubbard, Karetta Browning
Hubler, George, City Manager, City of Fairfax
Hudgins, Catherine M., BOS, Hunter Mill Dist.
Huggins, Wayne
Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967
Hugo, Tim
Humphrey Family
Humphrey, Robert W., ?-1997
Hunsberger Family
Hunt/Huntt Family
Hunt, Harriet
Hunter Family
Hunter, David
Hurst, Robert W., Judge
Hutchison, Catherine Ellen, ?-2006
Hyland, Gerald W.
Hyman, Rick
Ingle Family
Irvine, Frances
Isman, Warren E., Chief, Fairfax County Fire Dept.
Jackson Family
Jackson, James Munson
Jackson, John, 1924-2002
Jackson, Luther
Jackson, Robert R.
Jackson, Thomas J. "Stonewall", 1823-1863
Jacobs, Eva Harris, Author
Jacobs, William, 1737-?
Jaksh, John
Jamborsky, Richard J., Judge
Janney Family
Jarvis, Anna May
Jarvis, Kathy, ?-2006
Jaynes, Julian Clifford, 1854-?
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826
Jenkins Family
Jenkins, Red
Jennings, Barnard F., Judge, Fairfax County Circuit Court, 1925-?
Jennings, Daniel, First Surveyor of Fairfax County, ?-1754
Jennings, Kay, 1921-2010
Jerman Family
Jessup, Georgia, Artist
Jett Family
Jevtich, Olga
Jodzies, Florence
Johnson, Augustus C., Activist; Politician
Johnson, Constance
Johnson, George W., President, GMU (1977- ), 1928-?
Johnson, Michael F., County Archaeologist
Johnson, William Page II
Johnston, Mary, Author, 1870-1936
Jones, Anna E., 1844-?
Jones, Dorothy Holder, Author
Jones, Ellen
Jones, Robin D., Author
Jones, Sultana
Jones, Thomas ap Catesby, 1790-1858
Jones, Virgil Carrington
Jones, Walter, 1776-1861
Jones, William Edgar Jr.
Jorgenson, Harold T., Author
Jouett, Jack, 1754-1822
Kaine, Anne Holton
Kauffman, Thomas Dana, BOS, Lee Dist.
Keast, Paul
Keating, Gladys
Keating, John Richard, Catholic Bishop of Arlington Diocese, 1934-1998
Keel, Kelsey
Keenan, Barbara M., Judge
Keith, James, Judge; Chairman BOS, 1911-2002
Keith, James, 1734-1824
Kellam, Revell
Kellar, Arthur, ?-2007
Kelley, George J., 1921-?
Kelley, Robert J.
Kelso, John B.
Kendall, Waffendal
Kennedy, Eleanor Upchurch, ?-2007
Kennedy, Harold
Kent, Denton U.
Kenyon Family
Kester, Paul and Vaughn
Khan, Habib
Khan, Sara Lee "Sallie" Sencindiver, 1930-1997
Kidwell Family
Kilmer, Kenton, ?-1995
Kinchloe Family
King, George Harrison Sanford, ?-1985
King, Harold C.
King, Richard A., ?-2006
Kinney, David B.
Kinsman, Jane
Kirk Family
Kirkland Family
Koch, Ronald William
Krause, Jeffrey
Kuehling, John M.
Kuhn, Frank J. Jr.
Kurylo, Walter
Kuss, Henry J., ?-1990
Kutner, Murray, ?-2004
Lacey, Donald
Lacy, Elizabeth B., Judge
Lafayette, James Armistead, Rev. War Spy
Lafayette, Marquis de, 1757-1834
Lambert, J. Hamilton, County Executive, 1941-?
Langstaff, John
Langston, John Mercer, ?-1897
Lantzsch, Horst B., ?-1986
LaRouche, Lyndon H. Jr.
Larsen, Arnold L. "Larry" Jr., ?-2006
Lattimore, Harry McLaurine, Lorton Historian; FCPL Staff, 1926-2004
Lawrence, David & Eleanor, Centreville Residents
Lawrence, Kenneth A.
Lawson Family
Lecos, Mary Anne, Chairman, School Board
Lederer, Robert, Mayor, City of Fairfax
Lee Family
Lee, Earl
Lee, Robert E., Civil War General, 1807-1870
Legge Family
Leidinger, William J., 1940-?
Leigh Family
Leigh, Randolph, Orator; Author, 1891-1953
Leighton, Frances Spatz, Author
Leslie Family
Lestina, Dale
Levy, Charles W. "Levi", ?-2007
Lewis Family
Lewis, James, 1756-1849
Lewis, Oren R., Judge, ?-1983
Lightfoot, Rosie Mae Crouch, ?-1991
Lightsey, William Marion
Ligon Family
Lilly, George M.
Lincoln Family
Lindquist, Donald, Author
Lindsay Family
Lippman, Gordon J.
Lipscomb Family
Little, Katherine
Liu, Allen
Lively, George P.
Lloyd, John Gilbert, Author
Loftus, Bernard "Bud"
Lomask, Milton, Author
Lonberger Family
Long, Miriam Storm, ?-1982
Looney Family
Loughborough, Randolph M.
Louk, Ralph G.
Love Family
Lovelace, George E.
Loving Family
Loving, Gerry A.
Loving, William H.
Lusk, Rodney
Lynch, Edwin W., Developer, 1913-2004
Machen, Lewis M., ?-1927
Macintyre, P., Artist
Mack, J. Hunter, ?-1972
Mackall Family
MacLeod, Orrin W., 1936-1994
Madderra, John Thomas
Maddox, Ida Mae, ?-1970
Madison, James and Dolly, 1751-1836
Magazine, Alan H.
Majer, Charles E., 1929-?
Malcolm, George A., ?-1905
Manger, Thomas J., Chief, Fairfax County Police Department
Mann, C. Harrison Jr., ?-1977
Marden, Luis, ?-2003
Marr, John Quincy, 1st Confederate casualty in the Civil War, 1825-1861
Mars Family
Marsh, John O. Jr.
Marshall, John, 1755-1835
Marsteller, Frederick A., ?-1980
Martin Family
Martin, Hershel, ?-2006
Martin, Richard B., Catholic priest, 1939-2014
Mason Family
Mason, George IV, 1725-1792
Mason, John, Mayor, City of Fairfax
Massey, Carleton C., 1901?-?
Matacia, Louis
Mathy, Joseph J. "Sunny", ?-2009
Mattock Family
Mattox, Bev, Author
Maxey Family
Mayer, Alan E.
McAtee, Kenneth S., Author
McAuliffe, Terry
McCaffery, Dan
McConnell, Elaine N., BOS, Springfield Dist.
McCormick, Cyrus Hall, 1809-1884
McCorry, Don A.
McCoy, Maddy
McCray, Paul E.
McCulloch, Mary K., Director, Fx. Co. Public Library
McDaniel, John B., ?-2002
McDiarmid, Dorothy S., 1907-1994
McDowell, Dean
McEnearney, Virginia "Ginny", 1928-2009
McGinn Family
McGrath, Kathleen, ?-2002
McKee, Robert L., President, NVCC (1965-1968)
McLean Family
McLeod, Beth Slater
McMullan Family
McNair, Robert Warren, ?-1996
McPherson Family
Meadows Family
Meek, Joshua, 1731-1818
Meiselman, David I., ?-2014
Meiser, Robert N.
Mello, Craig C.
Melnick, Joseph, ?-2001
Mendelsohn, Stewart, BOS, Dranesville Dist.
Mercer, Charles Fenton, U. S. Congressman, 1778-1858
Mercer, Hugh, 1725?-1777
Merhige, Robert R. Jr., 1919-?
Meriwether, David, 1755-1822
Mershon, Phillip Samuel
Merton, Allen G.
Metzger, Evelyn Petersen, ?-2004
Middleton Family
Middleton, Thomas J., Judge
Milberg, Opal
Millan Family
Miller, Andrew P., 1932-?
Miller, Emilie
Miller, Francis Pickens, ?-1978
Miller, Harold O.
Miller, Helen Hill, Author, ?-1995
Miller, Russell
Milliken, John C.
Milton, Hilary, Author
Mims Family
Minor Family
Mintz, Myron J.
Mitchell, Wiley F.
Moncure, Dora Wallace
Money Family
Monroe, James, 1758-1831
Montague Family
Moon, Ilryong
Moore Family
Moore, Audrey, 1928-?
Moore, Claude
Moore, Mattie
Moore, Robert Walton, 1867-1940
Moore, Thomas, 1819-1899
Moran, James P., U. S. Congress, 11th Dist.
Morgan Family
Morgan, Elizabeth, Author
Morin, Fred C., ?-2005
Morrill, William A.
Morris, Lewis D. Sr., Judge, ?-1999
Morris, Martin E., Judge, ?-1999
Morris, S. Barry, 1920-?
Morrissette, Arthur E., 1914-?
Mosby, John Singleton, 1833-1916
Moses, Ed
Moss, William H.
Mott, James, ?-2003
Mott, Marguerite H., 1921-2009
Motter Family
Moutoux Family
Moyer, James T., Teacher/Author/Mosby Historian, 1935-1999
Mulvaney, Richard Joseph, ?-2006
Munse, Carol, Radio announcer
Munson Family
Murnane Family
Murphy, Hiram, 1830-1903
Murphy, Peter F. Jr.
Murtagh, Hugh H., ?-2004
Mutersbaugh, Jean A., ?-1971
Myrick, Jean Elizabeth Curning, 1920-2006
Nasworthy, Frank
Negrey Family
Neifert, Marianne, Author
Nelson, Thomas Jr., 1738-1784
Nethers Family
Netherton, Nan, Author; Fairfax County Historian, 1926-2003
Netherton, Ross, Author; Fairfax County Historian, 1918-?
Neuhard, Michael, Chief, Fairfax County Fire Dept.
Newman Family
Newport, Christopher, Abt 1560-1617
Newton Family
Neyhart, Robert J.
Nickens Family
Nigh, Omar I., ?-1955
Norman, Jane T.
O'Bannon Family
Obenshein, Richard L., 1935-?
O'Brien, James K. "Jay"
O'Dell, Gerald T. "Jerry"
Odiaga, Carlos E.
Odin, Dexter S.
O'Dochartaigh Family
Odone, Lorenzo
Oertel, Johannes S., 1823-1909
Ogburn, Charlton Jr.
O'Kane, Cornelius J., ?-2009
O'Keefe, Richard Bennett, ?-2006
Olin, James, Congressman, VA 6th District
Oliver Family
Oliver, George Gilbert, ?-1973
Oliver, J. Russell, ?-1980
Oliver, Walter T., ?-1964
O'Neill, Robert J. Jr.
Onesty, Catherine B., ?-2003
Opechancanough, Elder brother of Powhatan, Abt 1544-?
Ormbsy, Sally, ?-2007
Ould, James P. Jr.
Overstreet, Bonaro W., Author
Owsley Family
Owsley, Douglas
Paananen, Eloise and Lauri, Author
Packard, Jean R., 1923-?
Painter, Albert L., ?-1958
Palatiello, John M.
Palmer, Louise
Pammel, James D.
Parker, Mayme
Parrell, Rick, Musician
Parris, Stanford E., 1929-?
Parrish, John E., BOS, Mount Vernon Dist.
Parrish, Phillip S.
Patram, William, House Mover
Patteson, Samuel A.
Patton Family
Payne Family
Peach, Daniel
Peake Family
Pease, Ted
Peck, Julius J., 1829-1907
Peck, Margaret C.
Peed, Carl, Sheriff
Pence Family
Pendleton, Edmund
Pendleton, William Nelson, ?-1883
Pennino, Martha V., BOS, Centreville Dist., 1918-2004
Penrod, Henry C., 1842-1906
Perkins, Diane, Author
Perlik, William Robert, ?-2006
Perper, Martin H., 1939-?
Persil, Herbert G.
Petersen, J. Chapman, Va. House of Delegates
Peterson, Milton V.
Pethtel, Ray
Pettigrew Family
Pfeiffer, Paul N.
Phillips Family
Phillips, Bernard
Phillips, John, Author
Phillips, Ruffus C., 1930-?
Pickett Family
Pickett, George Edward, Civil War General
Pinkett Family
Plaskett Family
Plaskett, Susan Annie
Platt, Charles M.
Plissner, Lenore
Plum, Kenneth R., 1941-?
Pocahontas, ?-1617
Podesta Family
Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849
Pohanka, Brian C., ?-2005
Poland, Lawrence
Pollard, John G. Jr.
Poling, Harold A. "Red", Ford Motor Company executive, 1925-2012
Pond, Glen D.
Porter, Carl W.
Porter Family
Powell, Lewis F. Jr.
Preston Family
Price, Keith
Price, Murriel F.
Price, Stanley G.
Prichard, Edgar Allen, ?-2000
Prichard, Nancy Montague McCandlish, ?-2006
Pruefer, Cliff, 1915-?
Pryor, Henry
Pugh, Evelyn L., ?-1987
Pugh, John R., ?-1891
Puller, Linda T. "Toddy", Va. Senate
Pulley, Mary Grace Watt, 1918-2011
Pulsipher, Bill
Putnam, Carleton
Quander Family
Quenstedt, Warren B.
Rae, Jimmy, ?-2006
Ragsdale, Ben Jr.
Rainwater, Thelma May, ?-2009
Randall, Robert L.
Randolph Family
Randolph, Robert B.
Ransom, Candace, 1952-?
Rappleyea, Millard C.
Ratcliffe Family
Rawlings Family
Rawlings, George C. Jr.
Ray, Charles, ?-1982
Reardon Family
Reed, Walter, 1851-?
Reese, Gary
Reeves-Graybell Family
Register Family
Register, Ethel Wilcox, Clerk of the Board
Rehder, Mark Clifford, ?-2000
Reiber, Paul
Reid Family
Reid, Robert H., Director, GMU (1963-1966)
Reilly, William K.
Rems, Alan
Remsburg, Vera B.
Renzi, Eugene Carmen, ?-2008
Rhee, Jhoon
Ribble, John F. III
Ricci, Barbara Guignon, Author
Richards, Amos
Richards, Lilla, BOS, Dranesville Dist.
Richardson Family
Richardson, David, Author
Richardson, Frederick Wilmer, 1853-1936
Richardson, Malcolm L. "Rich", Archeologist, Historian, Library Volunteer, 1929-2006
Riddle, Hugh, Jr.
Rieger, Donie C., McLean Resident; Local Historian, 1912-1996
Rierson, Michael
Rigg, Shirley
Rigg, Townley
Ring, Constance K., 1932-1997
Ritchie, F. Carbery
Rittenhouse, E. Stanley
Rives-Kroehebuehl Family
Robb Family
Robb, Charles F., 1939-?
Robbins, Routh M., ?-1993
Robertson Pat
Robertson, A. Willis
Robertson, Elvin W. "Robbie", Aviator, Founder of Hylba Valley Airport, 1902-1979
Robertson, John Graham "Gray"
Robey Family
Robinson Family
Robinson, Charles A., Jr., Mayor, Town of Vienna
Robinson, Clarence J., ?-1983
Robinson, Frederick W., Herndon Businessman, 1888-1972
Robinson, George S., Author
Robinson, Maud
Rockwell, George Lincoln, American Nazi Party Chief (Murdered 1967), ?-1967
Rodio, Pat
Roebuck Family
Rogers, Edith, BOS, Dranesville Dist., 1914-1979
Rohrer, David M., Chief, Fairfax County Police Department
Rolfe, John, 1585-1622
Rose Family
Rose, Robert
Rosen, Judith
Rothrock, Thomas J.
Rowland, Florence
Rubinowitz, Arthurea Brown
Ruck, F. Lee, County Attorney, 1940-?
Rudd, Margaret Thomas, Author
Ruffing, L. Fred
Ruffner, William Henry, 1824-?
Rumsey, James, 1743-1792
Russell, John
Russell, Robert Cecil, 1929-2013
Russell, Walter
Rust, Jeanne Johnson, 1919-?
Rust, John H. Sr., Attorney
Rust, John W.
Ruzicka, Gregory, ?-2004
Ryder, Richard J.
Sahr, Morris G.
Salak, Phylis, Voter Registrar, City of Fairfax
Sanders, Milburn, Historian, 1922-?
Sanders, Robert Alexander, Narcotics Detective, 1873-1947
Sangster Family
Sansone, Cordelia Grantham, ?-2007
Saslaw, Richard, 1940-?
Satterfield, David E., III
Saunders Family
Scannell, Thomas Patrick, Catholic priest, 1910-2005
Schar, Dwight C.
Scheel, Eugene, Cartographer
Schneider, Eugene
Schorer, Lonnie
Schreiner-Yantis, Netti
Schumann, Herbert
Scott, James M., 1938-?
Scott, Richard Marshall, Owner of "Bush Hill", 1770-1833
Scott, Willard
Scott, William L., 1915-?
Scott, Winfield, 1786-1866
Sebastian, Benjamin, 1739-1832
Sebben, James
Seeley Family
Seeley, Martha Ulfelder, ?-2002
Seeley, Rudolph, Developer, 1906-1988
Seeman, Madena Jane, ?-2014
Segman, Ralph
Selement, Joan, Author
Senese, Donald Joseph, ?-2004
Sewall Family
Shacochis, Helen Mary, ?-2005
Shacochis, John
Shafran, George
Shands, Nancy Lamb
Shanholtzer Family
Sharp, L. Harold, ?-1978
Sharp, Madeline Holt, 1907-1998
Sharper Family
Shaw, Harold M., ?-1999
Sheads Family
Shelton Family
Shepherd, William Thomas
Sheppard, William Ludwell, Artist, 1833-1912
Sherman Family
Sherwood Family
Shirley, Henry G., 1875-1941
Shiver, Jube Burrell, 1922-2010
Shlesinger, B. Edward, Jr.
Shockey Family
Shortridge Family
Shouse, Catherine Filene
Shreve Family
Shreve, George William, 1844-1940
Shupe, Charles
Shur, Lee C.
Sickles, Merrill, Jr.
Simmons Family
Simon, Robert E. Jr., 1914-?
Simons, Vera
Simpson Family
Sinclair, Arthur W.
Siple, Paul
Sisson Family
Sizemore, Christine C., 1927-?
Skibiak, David Paul, Artist
Skinner Family
Skipwith, Jean Miller, 1748-1826
Skorupski, Jean
Slane Family
Slaughter, Robert Madison, 1857-?
Smith Family
Smith, Alson H.
Smith, Andrew, ?-1978
Smith, Darryl C.
Smith, H. Selwyn
Smith, Howard W., 1883-1976
Smith, Jeanette
Smith, John, 1580-1631
Smith, Joshua, Author
Smith, Stanley Warren, 1927-2003
Smith, Verlin W, ?-2007
Smith, Vernon L., Nobel Laureate
Smith, William "Extra Billy", 1796-1887
Smitherman, Smythman, Smotherman Family
Smoot Family
Smyth, Linda Q., BOS, Providence Dist.
Snyder, George T., 1940-?
Spann, Barbara Towner, ?-2001
Sparacio, Ruth L., 1917-2007
Sparacio, Sam, ?-2000
Speh, Francis J., 1916-?
Spicer, James Albert, 1844-1948
Spillane, Robert R.
Spindle, Robert Leachman, 1840-1923
Spong, William B. Jr., 1920-?
Spotswood, Alexander, 1676-1740
Springston, Sterling E., ?-2001
Sprissler, Kathleen, Author
Sprouse, Edith Moore, Author; Mount Vernon Resident; Local Historian, 1923-2004
Spurling Family
Stalcup Family
Stambaugh, Warren G.
Stanhagen, William H., 1928-?
Stanley, Thomas Bahnson, Virginia Governor, ?-1970
Starr, Nicholas
Steadman, Rev. Melvin Lee, 1932-1987
Steel, Thomas
Steele, Sidney R.
Stevens, Donald C.
Stewart Family
Stickman, Ralph
Stillwell, Nicholas
Stinnette, Edward L., Chief, Fairfax County Fire Department
Stone, Kathryn H., ?-1995
Stone, Ormond, 1847-1933
Strickhouser, Donald E.
Stringfellow, Benjamin Franklin, 1840-1913
Stroop Family
Stryker Family
Stuart, James Ewell Brown, 1833-1864
Stuber, Robert, 1956-?
Stull, C. Meade
Stuntz, Mayo & Constance, Authors; Vienna Residents; Local Historians
Suddarth Family
Sullivan, Mary Arneita, ?-1974
Sullivan, Rosemari
Sully, Thomas, Artist, 1783-?
Summers Family
Sundquist, Beth Ritchie, 1916-1982
Sutherland, David A., 1930-?
Sutherland, Marvin M., 1912-?
Sutphin Family
Sutton, Myron D., Author
Swayze, Roy
Sweig, Donald M.
Swinson, James D., 1913-?
Syphax Family
Tanzer, Lester, Author
Tart, Nelson M.
Tate, James R., 1943-?
Taylor Family
Temple, Pick
Templeman, Eleanor Lee, 1906-1990
Terrett, George H.
Terrett, Washington
Thackrey, Jessie, 1913-2013
Thaler, William J., 1925-?
Thoburn, Robert L., 1929-?
Thomas Family
Thomas, Alvin Leroy
Thomas, Henry Wirt, Judge-Lt. Gov., 1812-1890
Thomas, Sonya K.
Thomas, William Griffith
Thompson Family
Thompson, Lorin A., Chancellor, GMU (1966-1973)
Thorman, Rose
Thornton Family
Thorowgood Family
Thout, Pierre, NASA Astronaut
Tibbets, Jean, ?-2004
Tilp, Frederick, Historian-Author, 1908-1988
Timanus, Eddie
Tingstrum, James Frederick, Jr., Photographer, ?-2007
Todd, James W.
Tolbert Family
Tolers Family
Torrey Family
Townsend Family
Trammell Family
Trapnell, Christine R.
Travesky, Marie
Traynor, Andrew, Capt., U. S. Army: Medal of Honor Recipient, 1843-1920
Treiber, Kenneth L., Author, Inventor
Trible, Paul S. Jr., 1947-?
Triplett Family
Troth, Jacob M., 1828-1915
Trott, Samuel, 1784-1866
Troy, Anthony F.
Tuck, William M., 1897-1983
Tugwell, Ron
Tull, Ronald I.
Tunnell, William
Turberville Family, also Pettit; Thornton; DeBell
Turley Family
Turpin Family
Tussey Family
Tuthill, Warren E., Sr., ?-2006
Tyers Family
Tyler, Robert H.
Ulfelder, Ethel Housel, ?-1969
Ungaro, Justine, Photographer
Utterback Family
Valentine, Drew
Valentine, Edward Virginius, Sculpter
Van Metre Family
Van Metre, Albert G., Developer, ?-2008
Van Voorhees Family
Vandivier, Robert Carroll, ?-2007
VanDyck, E. Calvin, Judge, 1915-1967
Vaughan, Sue Landon
Vickery, Clarise
Vickery, Raymond E. Jr., 1942-?
Victor, John
Viguerie, Richard Art
Villar, Elizabeth David, Historian, ?-2002
Von Egger, Joan B., ?-2010
Vondersmith, Fletcher Stulen, 1922-1997
Waddell, Charles, Va. Senate
Wagner, Charles R. "Chappie", Architect, ?-2007
Walke Family
Walker, Fred W.
Walker, Jay
Walker, Robert B., FCPS Administrator, ?-1974
Walker, Rosa Lee, ?-2003
Wall, Charles Cecil, 1903-1995
Wallace, Barbara Brooks, Author
Walsh, Ray
Walsh, Raymond V., Jr., 1936-?
Waple, George Henry, III, 1921-2010
Warden Family
Warfield, James A.
Warner, John
Warner, Mark
Warren, Rita, 1928-?
Washington Family
Washington Family - Homes
Washington, George, 1732-1799
Washington, Martha, 1731-1802
Watters, Frank C.
Watters, William, ?-1827
Watts, Lawrence M., 1924-1970
Watts, Vivian
Webb Family
Webb, Earnest E., McLean Resident, 1888-1975
Webb, Jim
Webdale, Walter Downes
Weems, W. L.
Weickhardt, Karl F.
Weisiger, Eileen M., ?-2001
Weiss, Barbara
Welsh, Thomas Jerome, First Bishop of Diocese of Arlington, 1921-?
Wenzel Family
Wessel, Theodore J.
West Family
West, William A., 1874-1978
Wheelan, Belle, NVCC President
Wheeler Family
Wheeler, William
White Family
White, Winnie
Whitehouse, Joseph, Member, Lewis & Clark Expedition
Whitley Family
Whitman, Merrill Joseph, 1919-2008
Whitmore, George, ?-1850
Whitmore, Harold B., ?-1973
Whorton, Leonard L., 1937-?
Wiehle, Carl Adolph Max, Founder, Town of Wiehle, Va.
Wilder, L. Douglass, 1931-?
Wiley, Robert, ?-1932
Wilhelmi, Charlotte
Wilkins, Anne A., 1914-1996
Wilkinson Family
Wilkinson, Joyce E.
Willcoxon Family
Williams Family
Williams, Carrington, 1919-?
Williams, Susan, 2004 Olympic triathlon bronze medallist
Williams, Taylor M., FCPS Superintendent
Willis, Albert Gallatin, ?-1864
Wilson, Jane Smoot, ?-1987
Wilson, Laurie Frost
Wilson, Robert W., 1933-?
Winfield, Louise, Author
Winslow, Joan, Author
Winsor, Christopher
Winter, Helen
Wirt, William, ?-1834
Wissler, Nettie Lou
Witt Family
Wojtum, Lily
Wolf, Frank R.
Wolff, Tobias, Author
Wood, John C., Mayor, City of Fairfax, 1918-1994
Woods, Jane
Woods, Thomas H.
Woodson, Wilbert Tucker, Superintendant of Schools (1929-1961), 1893-1982
Woody, Oscar S., Crew Member, S. S. Titanic, ?-1911
Wrench, William B.
Wrenn, James, 1728-1815
Wright Family
Wright, Thomas B., BOS, Providence District, ?-1991
Wyatt, Edward, City Manager, City of Fairfax
Yeonas, Constantine G. "Gus", Developer, ?-1990
Young, Lehman, Fairfax Resident, 1916-?
Young, Nathaniel, Mayor, City of Fairfax
Yowell Family
Zimmer Family
Zimmer, Carl L.
Zissios, Patricia
Zollman, William M. Jr., City Manager, City of Fairfax