Local History and Special Collections Branch, Alexandria Library
717 Queen StreetGregory Pierce
[Item identification], Thomas Swann Correspondence, MS410, Alexandria Library, Local History and Special Collections, Alexandria, Virginia
Gift of J. C. Phillip Spottswood, December 1, 2018
The Thomas Swann Correspondence is a small collection of letters mostly written by Helen Swann to her husband Thomas. A single letter from Thomas to Helen also lives with the collection, as well as a handful of letters by other authors. Helen's cousin Henrietta Alexander is included as an author of a letter, as well as a P. W. White, who writes to Helen's cousin John Chapman regarding a list of named slaves.
The collection exists within a single folder inside an assorted collections box. The letters are arranged first by subject/author, then chronologically.
Chapman-Southerland Collection (MS409) A History of Chapman and Alexander Families (1946)
Click to view digital materials in this collection