Local History and Special Collections Branch, Alexandria Library
717 Queen Street[item identification], United Daughters of the Confederacy Records, MS155, Alexandria Library, Local History and Special Collections, Alexandria, Virginia.
The Mary Custis Lee United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapter of Alexandria was organized in 1895 and the charter issued April 17, 1895. The 17th Virginia Regiment United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapter of Alexandria was chartered November 11, 1897. In 1903 Both Chapters of the UDC along with the Robert E. Lee Camp moved in to 806 Prince Street which the R.E. Lee Camp had purchased as a permanent site for their organization.
Because the membership of the R. E. Lee Camp was growing smaller over the years, the Camp thought the house at 806 Prince should be deeded to the UDC. By 1921, the two separate UDC chapters had united and were incorporated in order for the chapter to own property in Virginia and the house at 806 Prince was deeded to the UDC.
The Chapter, now almost 100 years old, has supported charities and philanthropic causes since its inception. Located in the Chapter house at 806 Prince is a wonderful museum displaying artifacts, photos, paintings, furniture, and many other items from and related to the Civil War.
This collection contains items pertaining to the UDC chapter such as year books, publications, miscellaneous items, and minutes of the UDC chapter.
Chronological where possible.