Local History and Special Collections Branch, Alexandria Library
717 Queen StreetGregory Pierce
[Item identification], Shakes Letter Collection, MS005, Alexandria Library, Local History/Special Collections, Alexandria, Va.
This collection consists of letters, notes, business documents, and genealogical research from and on the Shakes, Carne, and Ficklin families. The materials were donated by various uknown donors from 1983-2015 and compiled into a collection created by Alexandria Library's Lloyd House and later Local History/Special Collections branch.
List of letters in folder:
20 January 1803. Letter from John Shakes to Sally LaTruite. Transcription attached. Undated. Letter from John Shakes to Mrs. LaTruite before marriage to her daughter. Transcription attached.
Original list of Letters:
13 April 1803. Letter from John Shakes to Sally Shakes. 21 April 1803. Letter from John Shakes to Sally Shakes.
List of letters in folder:
13 May 1809. Letter to John Shakes from John P. LaTruite, his brother-in-law. August, no year: Letter to John Shakes from Sally Shakes.
List of letters in folder:
14 July 1809: Letter from John Shakes to Sally Shakes, Cecilia and Amanda. Mention of "kine pox" vaccination, death of ducks and chickens due to rats gnawing their way in, calf, and dog. 18 June 1810: Letter from John Shakes to Sally Shakes. 28 May 1811: Letter from John Shakes to Sally Shakes. Brief description of visit to Mount Vernon with Mr. Faw and Mr. Douglass. 7 June 1811: Letter from John Shakes to Sally Shakes. Discusses business, neighborhood news, and a bad hail storm ("hail was as big as a goose egg") causing damage to buildings on the street. 30 September 1812: Letter from John Shakes to Sally Shakes. 21 June 1812: Letter from Sally Shakes to John Shakes. Family news, difficulty acquiring wire.
9 March 1814: Letter to Sally Shakes from cousin Ann Pienaudet. Family news.
List of letters in folder:
1 December 1840: Letter to Mary (Celestial) Shakes from her sister (Cec=Cecelia?). Describes the Jubilee and Illumination in honor of the election of Harrison and Tyler. Typescript attached.
List of letters in folder:
1 March 1848: Letter to Amanda Shakes from cousin, Bannon G. Thibodeaux
List of letters in folder:
8 January 1909: Letter from Rev. Wm. R. Bushby to Rev. Richard L. Carne 5 July 1909: Letter to Rev. Richard L. Carne from ? Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities
List of letters in folder:
25 April 1880: Letter to Cecilia from M.L. Potter 6 August 1890: Letter to Cecelia from her sister Mary 12 March 1891: Letter to Cecelia from her sister Mary
Letters listed in folder:
3 September 1907: Letter to Kroes Ficklin from Philip Niosi(?) 31 May 1926: Letter to Kroes Ficklin from Gertrude Bowler, State Teachers College, Fredericksburg VA 27 April 1931: Letter to Kroes Ficklin from Eda Bates about royalties for the play "The King's English"
List of letters in folder:
Undated: Scrap, "For Col. Ficklin (from) C.O. Pulman 4 March 1885: Letter to Col. Ficklin from W. M. Turner, Gainesville FL 11 August 1891: Letter to Col. Ficklin (City Surveyor) from Herbert Bryant, on Herbert Bryant letterhead 8 August 1908: Certificate of Visitation to the Franco-British Exhibit, Shepherd's Bush, in Col. Ficklin's name
List of letters in folder:
14 April 1799: Letter from Anthony LaTruite to his mother from Isle of White(sic) Photocopies of letters from 1799 (Marie Antoine LaTruite) and 1812 (John LaTruite) to mother
List of letters in folder: 17 April 1884: Letter to Mother from illegible, Elmira NY (Northrops?) No date: Note to Mr. Northrop about options on land 15 May 1889(?): Letter to F.X. Northrop ("Dear Son") from L.B.N.
List of letters in folder:
15 February 1875: Letter to Mother from W.C. Potter 12 March (no year): Letter to mother from W.C. P. 24 October 1881: Letter to parents from W.C.P.
This folder contains a letter written by Rev. J. E. A. Cote from Palestine to someone living in Alexandria.
List of folder contents: 1 October 1778: Receipt from Mr. Latruite 14 Livres for rent of a room for a month (in French) 12 July 1788: Receipt (in French)
Contents of folder:
9 May 1824: Bond for loan of $760, Bank of Potomac, from B. Rotchford to Richard L. Carne 25 November 1847: R.L. Carne account from Washington Foundry for castings 3 January 1835: Protest of nonpayment by Alexander Moore (notary) of loan by G. L. Norris to Richard L. Carne
This folder contains a sketch and poem either by or about John B. Tabb.