The Parker-Gray Historic District is a locally designated historic district in Alexandria, Virginia and an adjunct to the
Old and Historic District. The Old and Historic District was established in 1946; a proposed expansion of that district to
include the historically African-American Parker-Gray area in 1974 was unsuccessful. In 1977-1978 the expansion and National
Register listing were again proposed, and met with opposition from the African-American community.
As of 2008, the Uptown/Parker-Gray Historic District was approved as a Virginia Landmarks Register resource and in the process
of being nominated to the National Register of Historic Places.
This collection contains papers dating from May 1983 to July 1985 and relating to the process of evaluating the Parker-Gray
Historic District under the City of Alexandria's historic preservation ordinance. Included are dockets and minutes from Planning
Commission and City Council meetings and hearings, correspondence, petitions, news clippings, and meeting agendas/minutes
from the Northwest Old Town Civic Association.