A Guide to the Affidavits for Ardent Spirits Collection, 1916-1917 SC 0091

A Guide to the Affidavits for Ardent Spirits Collection, 1916-1917 SC 0091


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Don Lambert, Tiffany Cole

James Madison University Libraries Special Collections
SC 0091
Affidavits for Ardent Spirits Collection 1916-1917
0.33 cubic feet, 1 box
Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society
English .
The Affidavits for Ardent Spirits Collection, 1916-1917, consists of one Hollinger box of records documenting the inventory, sale, and transport of alcohol for medicinal purposes in Rockingham County. The collection references carrier companies such as Southern Express, Adams Express, and Wells Fargo, and local pharmacies and druggists such as Elkton Bottling Co., Aldhizer & Son Druggists, and Fletcher's Pharmacy.

Administrative Information

Use Restrictions

The copyright interests in this collection have not been transferred to the James Madison University Special Collections Library. For more information, contact the Special Collections Library Reference Desk (library-special@jmu.edu).

Access Restrictions

Collection is open for research. Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws before using this collection. Please contact Research Services staff before visiting the James Madison University Special Collections Library to use this collection.

Preferred Citation

[identification of item], [box #, folder #], Affidavits for Ardent Spirits Collection, 1916-1917, SC 0091, Special Collections, Carrier Library, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Va.

Acquisition Information

The collection is on deposit from the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Historical Society.

Processing Information

In order to streamline the process of applying collection numbers, Special Collections staff completed a large-scale renumbering campaign in the spring of 2017. This collection was previously cataloged as SC 2035.

Historical Note

On March 10, 1916, the General Assembly of Virginia passed Chapter 146, an act foreshadowing the 18th Amendment of 1920. In this act, the General Assembly defined ardent spirits and went on to prohibit their manufacture, sale, transportation for sale, and general distribution. It further regulated the sale of alcohol for medicinal purposes by requiring those business who were allowed, by court license, to sell alcohol to file a monthly report, or inventory, of their alcohol on hand. This act was not written to prevent manufacture for consumption; it was intended to stimulate Virginia's temperance movement.

Chapter 146 was strengthened on March 19, 1918 with the passage of Chapter 388, which required that common carriers of ardent spirits be required to keep their records of quantities transported in an alphabetical file box. This was to include affidavits attesting to whom the alcohol was shipped, the amount and kind received, the date of delivery, and the cosignee. Both of these acts were repealed, however, with the passage of Chapter 403, section 504 (March 20, 1920), which required that the clerk of the circuit court of each county keep these affidavits in an alphabetically arranged book; therefore relieving the transportation companies of the duty.

Scope and Content

The Affidavits for Ardent Spirits Collection, 1916-1917, consists of one Hollinger box of records arranged in two series: Affidavits and General Documents.

Series 1: Affidavits, 1916-1917, documents the individual to whom the alcohol was shipped, the amount and kind received, the date of delivery, and the cosignee. Most affidavits are from the carrier companies Southern Express, Adams Express, and Wells Fargo. They are alphabetically arranged by county locale and further organized chronoglically. Due to their smaller size (4" x 6"), they are filed vertically and separated by tabs in lieu of folders. Oversize affidavits are foldered separately.

Series 2: General Documents, 1916-1917, consist of a single folder of monthly alcohol inventories from pharmacies and druggists such as Elkton Lithia Bottling Co., Aldhizer & Sons Druggists, and Fletcher's Pharmacy.


The collection is arranged in two series. Series 1 is arranged alphabetically by county locale and further organized chronoglically.

Affidavits, 1916-1917 General Documents, 1916-1917

Subjects and Indexing Terms


Acts and Joint Resolutions of the General Assembly of the State of Virginia, Sessions of 1916, 1918, 1920.  Richmond: Davis Bottom, Superintendent of Public Printing, 1916, 1918, 1920, respectively. LAW: Laws, Statutes, Codes.

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