Licensing Department Files A.LF

Licensing Department Files A.LF


Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association

PO Box 3600
Mount Vernon, VA 22121
Telephone: 703-799-3600

Rebecca Baird, Archivist

Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association
Licensing Department Files 1982-2014
56 Linear Feet, 30 containers with 3 oversize wallpaper swatch books
English .

Administrative Information

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is currently closed to researchers outside of MVLA staff.

Preferred Citation

[Name and date of item], Licensing Department Files, Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington [hereafter Washington Library], Mount Vernon, Virginia

See the Chicago Manual of Style for additional examples.

Biographical / Historical

During the MVLA Council in 1991, the Ad Hoc Product Marketing Committee recommended hiring a new professional to oversee estate's licensing program, saying the goals of this program were "to generate a revenue base outside the estate." They continued, saying "licensing presents a financially effective way to expand on revenues; to heighten public awareness of Mount Vernon; to create additional exposure for Mount Vernon and its programs; and to expose the public to and educate them in the fine examples of 18th-century decorative arts." The committee presented a written "philosophy" for a licensing program with a budget and work program. The report recommended the creation of a licensing department to help "generate additional income and reduce the reliance on admission and related revenues." Beverly Addington was hired as the Director of Licensing and Product Development in early 1992. Her previous experience included working at the Smithsonian Institution. Her role was to coordinate with the librarian, the curator, and gift shop managers to research Mount Vernon's collections for potential museum reproduction pieces to sell in the shops. Ms. Addington also formed relationships with companies and manufacturers to use the name "Mount Vernon" on collections of paint, wallpapers, rugs, etc. with the estate receiving royalties from the sale of these products. The responsibilities for her position were described in the 1992 Minutes as: "assessing the collection and finding potential objects; interviewing manufacturers and researching their strengths and weaknesses; creating sketches and designs; reviewing current markets and areas of special consumer interest; negotiating contracts and obtaining advance permissions; setting terms of license agreements; assessing prototypes, a most important decision-point; and marketing of finished items, which is the responsibility of the licensee." Ms. Addington continued in this role until 2016 when she retired. Throughout her 24 years as Director of Licensing, she negotiated contracts and agreements with multiple companies to produce furniture, textiles, china, jewelry, and many other items inspired by Mount Vernon's collections, or the Mansion and grounds. After her retirement, the licensing program was absorbed into the estate's retail operations.

Scope and Contents

This collection is made up of paper records and a large portion of special formats including sample products, photographs, blueprint drawings, and large research binders. The paper files consist of contracts, product development and research files, marketing material, and correspondence with companies or manufacturers. Inclusive date range is 1982-2014.


The paper records are broken down into five series, with addenda of special formats described at the end. Following the structure and organization of the creator, the content of each series is listed alphabetically and then chronologically when appropriate. Description of the addenda is based on physical housing, size, location, etc.

Series 1. Contracts Series 2. Correspondence Series 3. General Series 4. Legal Series 5. Royalties Addenda: Binders, Drawings, Photographs, Product Samples

Related Material

Other records pertaining to the licensing program at Mount Vernon may be found in the following collections: Council Minutes of the MVLA; Papers of the MVLA; Papers of James Rees

Container List

Series 1. Contracts
Scope and Contents

Official contracts and agreements made between Mount Vernon and product manufacturers or makers whose items would be sold in the estate gift shops or licensed under the Mount Vernon name, 1989-2009.


Alphabetical by folder title, then chronological.

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Series 2. Correspondence
Scope and Contents

Department correspondence, 1996-2009. For related material and more interfiled correspondence see Series 3. General.


Alphabetical by folder title, then chronological.

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Series 3. General
Scope and Contents

General subject files, research, and product development or marketing information for companies and manufacturers of Mount Vernon items, 1994-2014.


Alphabetical by folder title.

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Series 4. Legal
Scope and Contents

Papers regarding copyright, trademarks, and other legal matters, 1982-2013.


Alphabetical by folder title.

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Series 5. Royalties
Scope and Contents

Records regarding payment for licensed products sold under the name or image of Mount Vernon, 2000-2008.


Alphabetical by folder title.

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Addendum - Binders
Scope and Contents

Research information and print photographs or slides of Mount Vernon collection items used as inspiration for new licensed products. Also includes presentation notes and an office procedure notebook.



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Addendum - Drawings
Scope and Contents

Blueprint drawings, mostly for furniture design and production, 1993-2006.


Listed chronologically within each box. Overall item-level list.

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Addendum - Photographs
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Addendum - Product Samples
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