Mount Vernon and MVLA Ephemera A.EPH

Mount Vernon and MVLA Ephemera A.EPH


Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association

PO Box 3600
Mount Vernon, VA 22121
Telephone: 703-799-3600

Rebecca Baird, Archivist

Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association
Mount Vernon and MVLA Ephemera 1858-2022
0.5 Linear Feet, 1 Hollinger box
English .

Administrative Information

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research during scheduled appointments. Researchers must complete the Washington Library's Special Collections and Archives Registration Form before access is provided. The library reserves the right to restrict access to certain items for preservation purposes.

Preferred Citation

[Name and date of item], Mount Vernon and MVLA Ephemera, [Folder], Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, The George Washington Presidential Library [hereafter Washington Library], Mount Vernon, Virginia

Scope and Contents

This artificial collection combines individual accessions or acquistions of ephemera pieces related to Mount Vernon or the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association (MVLA). Items often concern the visitor's experience or tourism, such as railway timetables, menus, and souvenirs. Several documents were created by the MVLA for guests, and were made to represent or commemorate their visit. Other items include Christmas cards, souvenir maps, and information leaflets or brochures. The inclusive date range covers the entire period of the MVLA's ownership of Mount Vernon, ca. 1860 to present.


Chronological. Undated items have been given a designated number starting with 001. Accruals will be given the next consecutive undated number or interfiled according to date.

Related Material

Publications and Printed Material of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association; Publications - History of Mount Vernon and George Washington; Papers of Lily Laughton, ephemera addendum; Special Collections - Geo. Gregory Smart Collection of George Washington and Mount Vernon Ephemera, and the Historic ephemera collection.

Significant Persons Associated With the Collection

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Container List

Graphic Materials box: 1 folder: 1858.02.22
Lithograph, Washington Monument with poem, Tribute to the Mt. Vernon Fund
Februrary 22, 1858
Scope and Contents

Two copies of a decorative lithograph featuring an image of the Washington monument in Richmond, Virginia with a poem or eulogy to Washington. Given for contributions to the Mount Vernon Fund, 1858. Printed by Devereux and Co. Philadelphia.

Graphic Materials box: 1 folder: 1876.00.00
Print reproduction, Martha Washington engraving, sold by the Mount Vernon Aid Association of New York
Scope and Contents

Small print reproduction adhered to decorative card. Note on reverse reads "From an engraving by J.B. Longacre, of an original miniature by Robertson, in the possession of G.W.P. Custis, Esq. This photograph sold only by the Mount Vernon Aid Association of the State of New York, for a Centennial Fund for the repair and maintenance of Mount Vernon. 1876"

Text box: 1 folder: 1890.00.00 2019-A-018
Advertisement card for the steamer Charles Macalester
ca. 1890
Scope and Contents

Advertisement card with times of departure, points of interest, and other information on the steamer Charles Macalester's trips to Mount Vernon.

Text box: 1 folder: 1892.00.00 2019-A-010
Timetable for the steamer Charles Macalester
ca. 1892
Scope and Contents

Small printed time table for steamer service to Mount Vernon and Marshall Hall.

Text box: 1 folder: 1901.00.00
Brochure, Washington, Alexandria, and Mount Vernon Railway Company Timetable
Washington, Alexandria, and Mount Vernon Electric Railway
1 Copies

National Publishing Co. Prs

Text box: 1 folder: 1910.00.00 2019-A-018
Brochure, To Mount Vernon via the Historic Route, timetable for the Washington-Virginia Railway
Washington, Alexandria, and Mount Vernon Electric Railwayca. 1910
Scope and Contents

Timetable and information about the Washington-Virgina Railway route to Mount Vernon and other sites.

Text box: 1 folder: 1910.00.00
Brochure, Mt. Vernon: The Nation's Sacred Shrine, reached by Mt. Vernon Railway (Washington-Virginia Railway)
Washington-Virginia Railway Company
1 Copies
ca. 1910English.

Brochure with railway departure times, cost, and information on scenes along the way.

Maps box: 1 folder: 1914.00.00 R-366
Map, Sightseeing Map of the Historic Potomac River
Scope and Contents

"Sight-seeing map of the historic Potomac River: Points of interest visible from the deck or saloon of the Potomac River steamers." Copyright 1914, by G.W. Atkinson, E.E., Washington, D.C.

Text box: 1 folder: 1920.00.00 2022-A-004
Menu, Mount Vernon Inn, Edw. C. Gibbs proprietor
ca. 1920s
Scope and Contents

Menu, "Mount Vernon Inn, Mount Vernon, Virginia, Edw. C. Gibbs proprietor, Souvenirs, Post Cards, In Waiting Room." Mr. Gibbs restaurant, the Mount Vernon Inn, was located in the terminal railway station just outside MVLA property.

Text box: 1 folder: 1926.00.00
Leaflet, Afternoon Refreshments at Mount Vernon
Fleming, Vivian Minor, Mrs., 1855-1941
1 Copies

Leaflet printed by Mrs. Vivian Minor Fleming, Fredericksburg, VA. Copyright 1926. Describes a connection to the niece of Mrs. Bushrod Washington who grew up at Mount Vernon and how the Washingtons would entertain guests. Includes three recipes, Virginia Sugar Cakes, Chocolate Cakes, and Mulled Chocolate.

Text box: 1 folder: 1939.00.00 2015-A-015
Playbill, Winter Garden with advertisement for Mount Vernon whiskey
Scope and Contents

Playbill for Broadway show, includes an advertisement for Mount Vernon whiskey, 1939.

Maps box: 1 folder: 1945.00.00
Map of Mount Vernon Estate by George Washington 1793
1 Copies
print copyright 19311945
Scope and Contents

"George Washington's Map of his Mount Vernon Estate - Modern roads and neighborhoods are noted in red ink." Facsimile reproduction of the original in the Huntington Library, reproduced by permission. Additions Copyright 1931 by the Huntington Library, published by the MVLA, 1945.

Graphic Materials box: 1 folder: 1932.00.00
Napkin, George Washington's Bicentennial
Scope and Contents

Napkin from an unknown event for the Bicentennial of Washington's birth, 1932. Design shows image of Washington and Mount Vernon with dates 1732 and 1932.

Graphic Materials box: 1 folder: 1934.00.00
Invitation, Washington Ball at the Colonial Village, World's Fair
Scope and Contents

Invitation to the Washington Ball held by the Illinois Daughters of the American Revolution at the 1934 World's Fair. "The Colonial Village at A Century of Progress cordially invites you to The Martha Washington Ball at Mount Vernon and the preview of the Colonial Village."

Text box: 1 folder: 1940.00.00
Menu, Ye Little Hatchet Tavern
1 Copies
ca. 1940sEnglish.

Ye Little Hatchet Tavern later became the Mount Vernon Inn. Built in 1932 for the Washington Bicentennial and operated by the National Park Service.

Books box: 1 folder: 1940.00.00 2023-A-005s
Handbook of Mount Vernon, with notes and pressed leaves
Scope and Contents

Handbook with notes and pressed leaves taken during a visit to Mount Vernon, ca. 1940. Miss Tordis Orin of Washington, D.C.

Text box: 1 folder: 1943.08.11
Brochure, memorial for Lieutenant David N. Murdock
August 11, 1943
Scope and Contents

Memorial brochure, "Uncle Sam Remembers" for Lieutenant David N. Murdock "who gave his life in battle for his country on the hostile shores of Sicily August 11, 1943. With historical and descriptive information on Mount Vernon written by Myrtle M. Murdock.

Graphic Materials box: 1 folder: 1946.12.29 RP-2568; MISC-6936
Christmas card, "Christmas Greetings"
December 29, 1946
Scope and Contents

Christmas card with message dated December 29, 1946. From Emma V. White to Mrs. Laidlaw (probably addressed to a Mrs. Laidlaw who worked for the MVLA as a housekeeper). Decoratone card.

Text box: 1 folder: 1975.00.00 2019-A-018
Ticket for admission to Mount Vernon
ca. 1975
Scope and Contents

Ticket for admission or entrance into Mount Vernon. The price for admission was increased to $1.50 in 1974, the amount charged on this ticket.

Graphic Materials box: 1 folder: 1976.00.00 2022-A-020
Christmas card, Spirit of '76
ca. 1976
Scope and Contents

Christmas card, blank. Inside message reads "Sincere Greetings and all Good Wishes for the holiday season." undated, Spirit of '76 , 305, Made in U.S.A.

Text box: 1 folder: 1978.09.17
Program, Naturalization Ceremony
September 17, 1978
Text box: 1 folder: 1982.04.26
Invitation and brochure, George Washington's 250th birthday party
April 26 to May 8, 1982
Scope and Contents

Invitation brochure with trip information and rsvp form. Trip itinerary with locations in Washington, D.C., Alexandria, and Philadelphia.

Text box: 1 folder: 1985.00.00
Tour evaluation card
ca. 1985
Scope and Contents

"Confidential Tour Evaluation" for visitors to fill out. These probably date from the beginning of the interpretation program at Mount Vernon in the 1980s.

Text box: 1 folder: 1995.00.00
Menu, Mount Vernon Inn
ca. 1995
Scope and Contents

Menu for the Mount Vernon Inn, ca. 1995

Text box: 1 folder: 1997.00.00 2015-A-028
Menu, Mount Vernon 100 Dinner
Scope and Contents

Print menu for a dinner of the Mount Vernon 100, a past donor group.

Graphic Materials Drawer: 71 2024-A-009
Movie props, Map and letter from National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets
Text box: 1 folder: 2013.00.00
Promotional leaflet and button pins, Vote For George campaign
Scope and Contents

Promotional leaflet and button pins, "Vote for George" campaign to have funds from the National Trust for Historic Preservation given to Mount Vernon.

Text box: 1 folder: 2014.10.17 2015-A-001
Program, Washington family descendants 60th anniversary, with coat of arms drawing
October 17-19, 2014
Scope and Contents

Program for the meeting of the Washington family descendants meeting and 60th anniversary celebration. Included is an ink drawing of the Washington family coat of arms.

Realia box: 1 folder: 2018.00.00 2018-A-024
Button pins, "Save George Washington's View"
Scope and Contents

Button pins used for marketing and promotional purposes in the campaign to save Mount Vernon's viewshed.

Text box: 1 folder: 2018.06.19 2018-A-024
Program, Ceremony and Reception of the United States Patent and Trademark Office celebrating ten million patents at the Mount Vernon Gristmill and Distillery
June 19, 2018
Scope and Contents

Program for the event with description of Washington's Gristmill and Distillery.

Text box: 1 folder: 2021.06.19 2021-A-007
Program, dedication of a marker for Ona Judge
June 19, 2021
Scope and Contents

Program for the Ona Judge Marker Unveiling Ceremony, Hosted by Mount Vernon District Supervisor Dan Storck and George Washington's Mount Vernon.

Text box: 1 folder: 2022.04.02 2022-A-006
Certificate of participation in the wreath-laying at Washington's Tomb
April 2, 2022
Scope and Contents

Sample certificate, blank. With signatures of Gail Cassidy, Mount Vernon History Interpreter, and the Regent, Meg Nichols. April 2, 2022.

Text box: 1 folder: 2023.06.17
Program, dedication of a Virginia Historical Highway marker for West Ford
June 17, 2023
Text box: 1 folder: undated001 2019-A-002
Broadside, Thomas Collyer steamer advertisement
Scope and Contents

Print broadside, "Mount Vernon, the Tomb of Washington, Fort Washington, The Steamer Thos Collyer, Runs regularly every Tuesday and Friday Morning," etc. undated.

Graphic Materials box: 1 folder: undated002 2015-A-028
Christmas card, from the Regent and Vice Regents of the MVLA
Scope and Contents

With cover image, Winter at Mount Vernon watercolor by Paul Hoffmaster, 1984 courtesy of the Kiplinger Collection. Message inside the card reads "Warm Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season, The Regent and Vice Regents of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association."

Graphic Materials box: 1 folder: undated003
Flower seed packet
Bailey, Worth, 1908-1980undated
Scope and Contents

Small flower seed packet, sold as a souvenir by the MVLA at Mount Vernon, "Flower Seeds from the Mount Vernon Gardens." Image of the East Front of the Mansion, woodcutting by Worth Bailey.

Text box: 1 folder: undated004
Information sheet, Man or Myth?
1 Copies
Scope and Contents

Information sheet, Man or Myth? The Real Truth About George Washington

Text box: 1 folder: undated005
Greeting card, in celebration of the anniversary of Washington's birth
Scope and Contents

Birthday card for Washington with image of an 1899 lithograph from a painting by H.A. Ogden, showing the wedding of Nelly Custis. Inside reads "With Best Wishes on the Anniversary of the Birth of George Washington, The Regent and Vice Regents of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association."

Graphic Materials box: 1 folder: undated006
Promotional card, American Bar Association
Scope and Contents

Promotional card with image of Mount Vernon. Reads "The three main requisites of a lawyer are learning, diligence, and integrity; but the greatest of these is integrity." And "You can depend on councsel chosen thru The American Bar, presented by B.F. Forster, Minneapolis, Minnesota."