Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association
PO Box 3600Rebecca Baird, archivist
Material can be reproduced for study or personal use upon written approval from library staff.
This collection is open for research during scheduled appointments. Researchers must complete the Washington Library's Special Collections and Archives Registration Form before access is provided. The library reserves the right to restrict access to certain items for preservation purposes.
[Name and date of item], Mount Vernon Citizens' Association Collection [Folder], Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, The George Washington Presidential Library at Mount Vernon [hereafter Washington Library], Mount Vernon, Virginia See the Chicago Manual of Style for additional examples.
The Mount Vernon Citizens' Association was a neighborhood organization for the area surrounding Mount Vernon that represented the interests of local residents. Two of its members, Mayme Parker and Bernice Carter Davis, started the annual tradition of hosting a Birthnight Ball in 1947 to celebrate the anniversary of George Washington's birth with proceeds donated to Mount Vernon. Both women were also interested in local history and wrote articles on the subject, along with participating in other regional events. The Mount Vernon Citizens' Association eventually dissolved into other organizations such as the Mount Vernon Council of Citizens' Associations and the Mount Vernon Civic Association. In 1995 the Mount Vernon Neighborhood Friends accepted the responsibility of hosting the Birthnight Ball every year which continues to be a major fundraiser for Mount Vernon.
This small collection combines papers and memorabilia of Mayme Parker and Bernice Carter Davis. A major focus is the annual Birthnight Ball, as well as the Mount Vernon Citizens' Assocation's annual fair and each woman's interest in local history. The collection includes programs, news clippings, event notices, personal correspondence, ephemera, and photographs. Dates range for the material is 1930-1982 inclusive.
Alphabetical by folder title.
Black and white photographs of the Birthnight Ball including three proof sheets with multiple photos on each.
Includes black and white photographs of her home and family, color photographs of events, and one photograph of Frank Morse, former employee of Mount Vernon.
Ribbons of different color with lettering "MVCA '49"