Andrews, Marietta Minnigerode, papers A Guide to the Marietta Minnigerode Andrews Papers, 1914-1931 M 189 A Collection in Special Collections and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library, M 189
Marietta Minnegerode Andrews Papers (1914-1931) Marietta Minnegerode Andrews Papers, Collection Number M 189, Special Collections
and Archives, James Branch Cabell Library, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Va.
Marietta Minnigerode Andrews was born 11 December 1869 to Charles and Virginia Cuthbert Minnigerode. She studied art in Washington,
D.C., New York, Paris and Munich. In 1895, she married her former instructor, Eliphalet Fraser Andrews, director of the Corcoran
School of Art in Washington, D.C. She began to write and publish poetry and prose after the death of her husband in 1915.
Her works include Songs of a Mother (1917), Out of the Dust (1920), George Washington's Country (1930), and Many Waters (1931).
The collection consists of approximately 100 items. The bulk of the material concerns Black Brother, a long, unfinished manuscript
that Mrs. Andrews was working on when she died. Some of her notes and research materials are included, as well as seven of
her short stories. There are two pages that have been identified as belonging to George Washington's Country.
The manuscript for Black Brother has been reconstructed from internal evidence and Mrs. Andrews' notes. Associated materials,
probably intended for inclusion in the final book, have been arranged following the manuscript. Photographs have been removed
to the University photograph collection.