Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434)Item: blue blouse, trousers (2 pair) Date: 1920
BLUE BLOUSE Color: navy blue with black lining Material: wool blend, satin lining (?) Manufacturer: Blacksburg: Virginia Polytechnic Institute Uniform Department Condition: stitching and lining worn in collar, worn patch on the front right side as well as a small spot on right sleeve (could be a moth hole) Special Markings: black outline down the center, around the collar, along the bottom, around the sleeve at the bottom and has two strips extended up the back almost to the top; black plastic buttons on right, hooks on left. Two gold colored pins on the collar: 1. VPI with propeller and wings, 2. ROTC with torch between the RO and TC. Single thin [gold bullion] strip above black strip on each sleeve. US ROTC shield shaped patch on lower left sleeve above gold strip, light blue lettering on dark blue background. White plastic button sewn on the inside of the back collar, thread stitched yellow five pointed star on a black circle (differs from the gold bullion start seen on other uniforms). Black metal buttons snapped through the outer lower sleeve (through the black strip). Exposed to the outside are circular disks [perhaps to hang a cord from], the disk on the right sleeve is a cloudy translucent plastic, the disk on the left sleeve is a mat silver colored metal.
TROUSERS Color: blue gray Material: off white [cotton] lining around waist and for pockets, mainly [wool blend] Manufacturer: faded Condition: bottom button disattached from trousers with label 1 (was attached with a safety pin), worn and/or stained on the seat, knees, and inner lower legs Special Markings: label 1: faded William R. Kyle [?-37-46], label 2: faded [W______ Kyle _____] [?-?-46], wide black strip down outside of each leg, 5 black plastic buttons with a large flat metal hook at waist