Special Collections and University Archives, Virginia Tech
Special Collections and University Archives, University Libraries (0434)Blue short sleeve t-shirt with black silk screened letters: "Virginia Tech Welcome to the 1950s" T-shirt was created by Laury Ward. In March 2003, the Board of Visitors eliminated Virginia Tech's affirmative action hiring practices for hiring and admissions, removed sexual orientation from Virginia Tech's non-discrimination policy, and passed a resolution barring anyone who had "participated in illegal acts of domestic violence and/or terrorism" from holding a meeting on campus unless he or she obtained permission from the president. Laury Ward was an undergraduate senior in classical studies, philosophy, and psychology; Womanspace co-ordinator and treasurer; and Take Back the Night co-ordinator and facilitator.
T-shirts were given away for free at the March 13, 2003 protest of Board of Visitor actions.