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Preferred Citation
Preferred citation: [Identification of item], Elsie Ball Wright Bowley Papers, WLU Coll. 0242, Special Collections and Archives,
James G. Leyburn Library, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA. In some cases the citation format may vary. Please
contact Special Collections staff to verify the appropriate format.
Elsie Ball Wright Bowley was the wife of General Albert J. Bowley, and the sister of Jessie Ball du Pont, a benefactor and
Trustee of Washington and Lee.
Includes correspondence (4 folders) by and about Elsie Bowley's sister, Jessie Ball du Pont, and her brother-in-law, A. I.
du Pont, as well as letters and correspondence from Elsie's son, Thomas Ball Wright, Ball family members of the Northern Neck
of Virginia and other members of the du Pont family. Also contains papers of General Albert J. Bowley, along with Elsie Bowley's
business papers regarding her benefactions. Includes ca. 175 photographs (mainly family photos), most of which are not identified.
Letters and Cards When Elsie was at Union Memorial Hospital, 1929
Ball, EdwardDoty, William K.Butzner, William W.Norris, Robert Opie, Jr.Saunders, John R.Lee, Marguerite du PontEdwards, MinnieDu Pont, Maurice (1866-1941)Hall, Basil WiseHaile, Ella GreshamYerby, Emma S.Wright, Thomas BallJesse, Eoline BallLewis, James M.Huidekoper, BessieWilson, F. B., Mrs.Lewis, EllenGresham, Nannie
38 Item
Scope and Contents
Letters from Edward Ball, April 24, 1929 William K. Doty, April 21, 1929 William W. Butzner, Apil 23, 1929 John R. Saunders, May 9, 1929 Marguerite du Pont Lee Minnie Edwards, April 29, 1929 Maurice DuPont Basil Wise Hall Ella G. Haile Emma S. Yerby, April 19, 1929 Thomas 'Tom' Ball Wright, April 25, 1929 Eoline Ball Jesse (2 letters) James M. Lewis, May 4, 1929 'Bessie' most likely Bessie Huidekoper Mrs. F. B. Wilson, April 24, 1929 Ellen Lewis, May 9, 1929 J. Dew Bland (most likely), April 20, 1929 Nannie Gresham Clift (2 letters), May 18, 1929
Text [0000004354] box: 1 folder: 3
Letters and Cards When Elsie was at Union Memorial Hospital, cont.
Lee, Marguerite du PontWright, Thomas BallCralle, A. A.Adams, EdnaDoty, MargaretBaker, Isabel BallSadler, MaryGresham, William D.Dew, Sarah FordTucker, Elsie B.Dickey, Sadie CraneLauer, NellieLewis, James M.Yerby, Emma S.Barron, Sallie H.Ware, Catherine E.Reid, MinaEnglish.
Scope and Contents
Letters from: Marguerite du Pont Lee, May 8, 1929 Thomas Ball Wright ('Mother's Day Greeting', 4 cards, 4 letters. Many signed 'Tucker') A. A. Calle, May 4, 1929 Edna Adams Margaret Doty, Apil 25, 1929 Isabelle Baker (telegraph), April 29, 1929 Mary Sadler, April 23, 1929 William D. Gresham, April 24, 1929 Sarah Ford Dew, April 26, 1929 Elsie B. Tucker Sadie Crane Dickey, May 4, 1929 Nellie Lauer James M. Lewis, April 24, 1929 Emma S. Yerby, May 8, 1929 Sallie H. Baron Catherine E. Ware, May 21, 1929 Mina Reid, June 19, 1929 'Sue' (4 letters) 'Alice,' April 26, 1929 'Hazel,' May 16, 1929 'Anne,' May 11, 1929 'Elsie'
Text [0000004355] box: 1 folder: 4
Miscellaneous Letters
Wharton, Henry M.Black, Elizabeth H.Pollard, GraceTucker, Beverley R. (Beverley Randolph)Orbison, Thomas J. (Thomas James)Bumgardner, EleanorPollard, Violet Elizabeth McDougallMarter, BeatricePollard, John GarlandBall, EdwardLee, Dorothy VandegriftMcPherson, Martha E.Butzner, William W.Nice, Edna V.Marshall, KatherineMordin, FlorencePatterson, Charles H.Greble, Edwin St. John, Mrs.Young, Gordon R.Graig, Malin
47 Item
Scope and Contents
Letters from: Henry M. Wharton, April 21, 1928 'Sadie,' August 19, 1931 Elizabeth H. Black, December 10, 1931 Grace Pollard, May 6, 1930 and December 26, 1931 Beverley R. Tucker, August 22, 1931 'Cousin Gillie' (2 letters- August 27 & December 10, 1931 Thos. J. Orbison, May 25, 1933 Eleanor Bumgardner, October 4, 1933 Margaret Teahaw, October 8, 1933 Violet 'Mac' McDougall Pollard, December 5, 1933 Mrs. Dern (invitation), December 6, 1933 Beatrice Marter (7 letters), October 10, 1933, March 2, April 19, 1934, December 24, 1936, February 4, 1937, November 22,
1937 John Garland Pollard, August 23, 1934 Edward Ball, September 20, 1934 Dorothy Vandegrift Lee (2 letters, 1 card), September 3, 1931, November 3, 1936 Clyde Garrett (telegraph about symphony concert), January 14, 1953 Martha E. McPherson, March 26, 1937 Wm. W. Butzner, July 13, 1939 Edna V. Nice, November 4, 1937 Governor John Garland Pollard (Christmas Card most likely when Elsie was in the hospital in 1929) Katherine Marshall Florence Mordin Hattie Belle Gresham Charles H. Patterson 'Mary' Mrs. E. St. John Greble Gordon R. Young, December 4, 1947 Malin Craig, December 28, 1942
Text [0000004356] box: 1 folder: 5
Miscellaneous Letters, 1950s-1960s
Rhodes, Fred Burnett, Jr.Rhodes, Winona HendersonJohnston, Elizabeth NashWhitman, Ann C.Battle, John StewartEngland, G. A.Palmer, Williston B.Heflin, Charles W.Palmer, Bruce, Jr.Mathe, Robert E.Shannon, John T.Glenn, Thelma H.McAuliffe, Anthony C., GeneralMcAuliffe, Helen WhitmanGresham, Louis B.Hart, Charles Edward, Lieutenant GeneralHart, Charles Edward, Mrs.Heath, W. D.Bertram, LauraPetersen, JargineMay, MarjorieHuidekoper, BessieMatlack, J. M.Dudley, Albert H., Jr., Dr.Anderson, Mary Morris
43 Item
Scope and Contents
Letters from: Winona and Fred Rhodes, December, 15, 1959 Lizzie Nash Johnston, December 3, 1959 Ann C. Whitman, January 31, 1953 John S. Battle (telegram), January 14, 1953 G. A. England, August 13, 1959 Gordan R. Young (2 letters), May 16, 1950, November 24, 1950 Williston B. Palmer (6 letters), December 31, 1959, March 24, 1961, November 21, 1961, May 16, 1963, ebruary 19, 1968, April
28, 1868 Charles W. Heflin (3 letters), February 9, 1961, February 23, 1962, February 18, 1963 Bruce Palmer, Jr., February 15, 1966 Robert E. Mathe, June 1, 1967 John T. Shannon, October 17, 1960 General and Mrs. Anthony McAuliffe, December 8, 1949 Louis B. Gresham, May 4, 1967 Lieutenant General and Mrs. Charles Edward Hart, September 10, 1967 W. D. Heath, April 10, 1968 Secretary of Lord Richard Percy, September 29, 1965 Jargine Peterson, July 8, 1968 'Gladys,' December 14, 1962 Marjorie May (telegram), April 25, 1962 Laura Bertram (4 letters), September 17, 1967 'Marge,' July 22, 1968 'Bessie,' most likely Bessie Huidekoper J. M. Matlack, Jr., July 12, 1968 Dr. Albert H. Dudley, Jr., July 15, 1968 Mary Morris Anderson, January 5, 1968
Text [0000004357] box: 1 folder: 6
Miscellaneous Letters, 1970s
Bertram, LauraHuidekoper, Bessie
42 Item
Scope and Contents
Many cards letters from friends and family, including Laura Bertram, Bessie, and 'Pit,' to Elsie. Also included are sympathy
notes when Jessie died.
Text [0000004341] box: 1 folder: 7
Miscellaneous Letters, 1970s, cont.
45 Item
Scope and Contents
Several letters and cards written to Mrs. Bowley by friends and family, many from neices and nephews. Some of the letters
are notes of sympathy after Jessie's death.
Text [0000004345] box: 2 folder: 8
Ball Letters
Ball, EdwardBall, Ruth
54 Item
Scope and Contents
Several letters to Elsie, Thomas, and General Bowley from different members of the Ball Family. There are many letters from
Edward Ball and his wife Ruth.
Text [0000004344] box: 2 folder: 9
Letters from Elsie's Son, Thomas Ball Wight
Wright, Thomas Ball
24 Item
Scope and Contents
This file contains many letters from Thomas Ball Wright to his mother, Elsie. Several of the letters are written during his
times at Woodberry Forrest School and at the University of Virginia. Also included in the file are letters to Pit and Jessie.
Text [0000004346] box: 2 folder: 10
Letters from Cousins
Edwards, MinnieDew, J. BlandGresham, Katherine
14 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of letters to Elsie and Thomas Ball Wright from members of the Ball family, including Minnie, 'Cousin Bland,'
and Katherine Gresham.
Text [0000004347] box: 2 folder: 11
Letters from Elsie's Nieces and Nephews
23 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of letters from Elsie's nieces and nephews, identified as such. Many of the letters are from 'Shirley'
and 'Marge and John.'
Text [0000004348] box: 2 folder: 12
Letters from the Wrights
Palmer, Williston B.Wright, EdgarWright, Rhonda M.
6 Item
Scope and Contents
This file contains letters from Williston B. Palmer (subject: Edgar Wright), Edgar Wright, 'George,' and Rhonda M. Wright.
Text [0000004349] box: 2 folder: 13
Letters from Family
Anderson, Mary MorrisHaile, Ella GreshamBowley, BobbieYerby, Emma S.Hoffman, JaneLee, Marguerite du Pont
38 Item
Scope and Contents
This file contains letters and telegrams from an array of people. There are several letters from Mary Morris Anderson, Ella
Haile, and Emma Yerby. There is also a letter from 'Bro. Barney' and letters from members of the Hoffman Family. Elsie often
had folders marked 'family.'
Text [0000004350] box: 3 folder: 14
Letters Written by A.I. du Pont, 1921-1935
Du Pont, Alfred I. (Alfred Irénée), 1864-1935
23 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of letters from A.I. Du Pont. to Elsie, Thomas Ball, A.J. Bowley, and Henry DeShields. There is also a
'suggested annual budget' for Alfred V. Du Pont.
Text [0000004360] box: 3 folder: 15
Letters from Jessie Ball du Pont
Du Pont, Jessie Ball, 1884-1970Williams, Hazel
68 Item
Scope and Contents
The letters are mostly written to Elsie, but there are letters to Edward, Thomas Ball, Belle Baker and General Bowley as well.
Many of the later letters to Elsie were written by Hazel Williams on behalf of Jessie.
Text [0000004359] box: 3 folder: 16
Letters to or about Jessie Ball du Pont
Gouldin, BessieDew, J. Bland
20 Item
Scope and Contents
This files consists of letters to or about Jessie Ball du Pont. Many of the letters are from the Alred I. du Pont Institute
to Elsie. The file also consists of sympathy letters from family and friends to Elsie about Jessie's death.
Text [0000004352] box: 3 folder: 17
Letters from du Pont Relatives
Lee, Marguerite du PontZapffe, Carl A.Zapffe, DeniseHuidekoper, BessieRuoff, Madeline du PontRuoff, Hermanndu Pont, Henry C.
42 Item
Scope and Contents
The letters are from members of the du Pont Family to Elsie.
Text [0000004361] box: 4 folder: 18
Benefactions and Requests, 1930s
Jesse, James D.
3 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of two letters from James D. Jesse of Nuttsville, Va. and of a thank-you letter from the Woman's Club of
Essex County.
Text [0000004363] box: 4 folder: 19
Benefactions - James Monroe Memorial Foundation, 1950s
23 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of letters from the James Monroe Memorial Foundation thanking Elsie for gifts. Elsie later joined her sister
Isabel in becoming a trustee of the foundation. Several meeting minutes and reports are included in the file.
Text [0000004364] box: 4 folder: 20
Benefactions, 1950s
26 Item
Scope and Contents
This file includes letters and benefactions by several different societies and associations, including The Society of the
Lees of Virgina, The National Mary Washington Memorial Association, The Eisenhower-Nixon Club, and The Northern Neck of Virginia
Historial Society.
Text [0000004365] box: 4 folder: 21
Benefactions, 1960s
Randolph-Macon Woman's CollegePalmer, Williston B.United States Military AcademySt. Margaret's School (Tappahannock, Va.)Alfred I. Du Pont Institute
47 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of benefactions and several progams from events such as the Dedication of the Victorine duPont Dent Memorial
Clinic and the Dedication Ceremony of the Jessie Ball duPont Library at Sewanee. There are many letters rom the St. Margaret's
School in Tapahannock, Virginia and the United States Military Academy.
Text [0000004368] box: 4 folder: 22
Benefactions, 1960s, cont.
Randolph-Macon Woman's CollegeMary Washington College of the University of VirginiaSociety of the Cincinnati in the State of Virginia
56 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of benefactions and letters from the United States Military Academy, Mary Washington College, Randolph-Macon
Woman's College, and the Society of the Cincinnati in the State of Virginia.
Text [0000004367] box: 4 folder: 23
Benefactions - James Monroe Memorial Foundation, 1960s
17 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of benefactions and documents rom the James Monroe Memorial Foundation.
Text [0000004369] box: 4 folder: 24
Benefactions, 1970s and no date
National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the Commonwealth of VirginiaPollard, John GarlandMary Washington College of the University of Virginia
43 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of benefactions from several organizations, including the British Commonwealth Nurses War Memorial Fund,
Mary Washington College, and personal letters from students receiving scholarships in memory of General Bowley.
Text [0000004370] box: 4 folder: 25
Financial Records
47 Item
Text [0000004371] box: 1 folder: 26
Financial Records
30 Item
Text [0000004372] box: 4 folder: 27
Financial Records
19 Item
Text [0000004376] box: 5 folder: 28
Biography of General A. J. Bowley
2 Item
Text [0000004377] box: 5 folder: 29
General Bowley's Will
2 Item
Text [0000004375] box: 5 folder: 30
Cards to General Bowley from Elsie and Jessie, no date
Haile, Ella GreshamWright, Thomas BallHuidekoper, Bessie
56 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of letters written to General Bowley and letters to Elsie about General Bowley. Most of the letters are
from family and friends. General Bowley and Elsie's engagement accouncement and General Bowley's death certificate are included
in this file.
Text [0000004380] box: 5 folder: 33
Sympathy Letters to Elsie When A.J. Bowley died
Anderson, Mary MorrisPalmer, Williston B.Ralston, BettyRead, Mary B.Rhodes, Charles D.Rehe, A. J., MajorRiely, Jean RoyLundgren, Ralph O.
25 Item
Text [0000004381] box: 5 folder: 34
Sympathy Letters to Elsie When A.J. Bowley died, cont.
Parker, Katherine L.McKnew, Thomas W.Pratt, SadieKenned, John T., Brigadier GeneralKent, AliciaLincoln, BertieLee, Mary Middleton WilkersonLawrence, ShirleyMartin, Charles
87 Item
Scope and Contents
Sympathy notes from friends of Elsie and General Bowley. There are also many cards from flower arrangements sent to Elsie.
Text [0000004387] box: 5 folder: 35
Sympathy Letters, cont.
Ball, Emma A.Brown, Thomas R., Dr.Bowley, VirginiaLee, Dorothy VandegriftBowley, BobbieBland, MinnieCampbell, Alice R.
58 Item
Scope and Contents
More sympathy letters and cards from friends and family
Text [0000004383] box: 5 folder: 36
Sympathy Letters, cont.
Lee, Dorothy VandegriftBall, HelenBowley, VirginiaBowley, BobbieBall, Betrand R.Bowley, D. Gould
70 Item
Text [0000004385] box: 5 folder: 37
Sympathy Letters, cont.
Tucker, Beverley R. (Beverley Randolph)Hoffman, Flora BowleyMason, AliceWright, SadieWright, MarjorieGresham, PhilipNorris, Robert Opie, Jr.Tucker, Elsie B.
87 Item
Text [0000004386] box: 5 folder: 38
Sympathy Letters, cont.
Dew, J. Blanddu Pont, Alfred VictorEdwards, MinnieGresham, SadieGresham, NellieGresham, EvaHoffman, Flora Bowley
84 Item
Text [0000004388] box: 5 folder: 39
Sympathy Letters, cont.
Cauthorne, WilliamDew, J. BlandDew, Sarah FordDoty, William K.Gresham, Marydu Pont, Margerydu Pont, NestaDu Pont, Marianna
58 Item
Realia [0000004391] box: 6 folder: 40
Invitations to Truman and Eisenhower Inaugurals
2 Item
Realia [0000004390] box: 6 folder: 41
Invitations and Programs
Palmer, Williston B.United States Military AcademyHoffman, Flora Bowley
24 Item
Scope and Contents
Marriage announcements, cards, church programs, graduation invitations, Valentine cards, Christmas cards,
Realia [0000004392] box: 6 folder: 42
Cards, Mementos, Clippings, and Fragments
54 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of newspaper and magazine clippings, progams, documents, invitations, and other miscellaneous realia.
Text [0000004394] box: 6 folder: 43
Lee, Marguerite du PontTucker, Beverley R. (Beverley Randolph)
76 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of mostly poetry cut out from newspapers. There are also typed and hand written copies of poems. There
is one poem written for 'My little friend Elsie Ball.'
Text [0000004395] box: 6 folder: 44
Thomas Ball Estate
1 Item
Text [0000004396] box: 6 folder: 45
Sympathy Letters to Elsie When Brother Thomas Died
Cauthorne, WilliamLee, Maurice Du PontAnderson, Mary MorrisHuidekoper, Bessie
18 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of letters written to Elsie when her brother, Thomas Ball, died.
Text [0000004397] box: 6 folder: 46
Wright, Edgar
9 Item
Scope and Contents
Miscellaneous documents, a few letters, and a few newspaper clippings
Realia [0000004398] box: 6
Ledger - Congratulatory Wires for Wedding
Realia [0000004399] box: 6
Ledger - Wedding Guests
1 Item
Realia [0000004436] box: 7 folder: 47
Certificates from Commonwealth of Virginia for Membership of the Board of Regents of the James Monroe Law Office
2 Item
Graphic Materials [0000004435] box: 7 folder: 48
Photograph of A. I. du Pont
Graphic Materials [0000004434] box: 7 folder: 49
Photographs of Places
Baker, Isabel Ball
7 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of photographs of places as identified on the back incluing early photographs of Miami Florida at the Everglades
Hotel, likley taken by Isabel Ball Baker. It includes a photograph of Mary Ball Washington's grave and Ella Gresham Haile's
grave. There are photographs dated 1931-1934 of the Bowley's home in Oahu, Hawaii, at the Schofield Barracks, and a photograph
of Unity Church in Santa Ana, California.
Graphic Materials [0000004414] box: 7 folder: 50
Four Photographs of Objects
4 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of four photographs. Three photographs are of pocket watches and the other is of a chandelier. One of the
pocket watches is inscripted with 'to George Washington from John Wentworth Stark.'
Graphic Materials [0000004433] box: 7 folder: 51
Unidentified Photographs (most likely of Elsie and her family and friends)
51 Item
Scope and Contents
This file contains photographs ranging from 1923-1970. It includes portraits of Elsie and Thomas Ball Wright and a photograph
from Palm Beach. Some of the square photographs are labled as Mrs. Du Pont's seventieth birthday in 1968.
Graphic Materials [0000004432] box: 7 folder: 52
Photographs of People (as identified on back)
12 Item
Graphic Materials [0000004406] box: 7 folder: 53
Wedding Photographs of A. J. Bowley and Elsie Ball Wright
10 Item
Graphic Materials [0000004428] box: 7 folder: 54
Photographs of Places
35 Item
Scope and Contents
There are eleven c. late 1920s-early 1930s era photographs of Alameda, California buildings, churchs, neiborhoods, parks,
etc. There are 8 inch x 10 inch interior views of an unidentified mansion and five photographic images of Sequoya Park, Eureka,
California by the Freeman Art Company.
Graphic Materials [0000004429] box: 7 folder: 55
Photographs Pertaining to General Bowley
23 Item
Scope and Contents
Many of the photographs are taken in Asia
Graphic Materials [0000004431] box: 7 folder: 56
Photographs of Thomas Ball Wright
3 Item
Graphic Materials [0000004426] box: 7 folder: 57
Photographs of Elsie and Family
33 Item
Graphic Materials [0000004430] box: 7 folder: 58
1940s-1950s Era Chinese Wedding Photograph
2 Item
Scope and Contents
One photograph was a gift to Mr. and Mrs. Bowley from Alfred and Molly Psai.
Graphic Materials [0000004412] box: 7 folder: 59
Photographs of President Ramon Magsaysay
3 Item
Scope and Contents
This file consists of a photograph of President Magsaysay and Pedro Paguio given to Isabel Baker on June 23, 1959. There is
also a print of President Magsaysay indicated that it was acquired during Mrs. Baker's visit to Manila, Philippines in 1959,
and there is an itenerary of the trip.