American Shakespeare Center CollectionWLU.Coll.0371

American Shakespeare Center CollectionWLU.Coll.0371


Washington and Lee University, University Library Special Collections and Archives

204 W. Washington St.
Lexington, VA 24450

Washington and Lee University, University Library Special Collections and Archives
American Shakespeare Center Collection Inclusive 1987- ongoing Bulk 1987-1995
13 Linear Feet, 75 plays, 175 DVDs, and 700 photographs
This collection is shelved near the rest of our theatre playbill collections.
English .

Administrative Information

Conditions Governing Use

The materials from Washington and Lee University Special Collections are made available for use in research, teaching, and private study, pursuant to U.S. Copyright law. The user assumes full responsibility for any use of the materials, including but not limited to, infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced materials. Any materials used should be fully credited with the source. Permission for publication of this material, in part or in full, must be secured with the Head of Special Collections.

Conditions Governing Access

Some restrictions apply: no reproductions of DVDs are allowed. The archives are governed by the rules of the Actor's Equity Association.

Conditions Governing Access

Blue sheet prepared by Edna Milliner (11/4/2011)

Preferred Citation

Preferred citation: [Identification of item], American Shakespeare Center Collection, WLU Coll. 0371, Special Collections, Leyburn Library, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA.

In some cases the citation format may vary. Please contact Special Collections staff to verify the appropriate format.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gift of the American Shakespeare Center, 2011.

Biographical / Historical

The Shenandoah Shakespeare Express was formed in 1988 with a small cast of actors; originally a touring company, they use the theatrical methods of Shakespeare's time.

Scope and Contents

This collection includes 65 Shakespeare plays, additional plays by George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde and Molière; 12 Beta videotapes and audiocassettes; 26 cast scrapbooks with photographs; correspondence between Ralph Cohen and James Warren, founders of American Shakespeare Center, Hank Dobin, Washington and Lee University Dean (2005-2012), and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Shakespeare Center.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Significant Places Associated With the Collection

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Container List

Mixed Materials [0000001497] box: 1 folder: 1
Control Folder
Scope and Contents

This folder contains promotional dvds, general organization papers, and 2011 article by Vaughan Stanley from the Friends of Leyburn Library Letter.

Text [0000005729] box: 1 folder: 2
Board of Directors Correspondence and Budget Information
Mostly 2000English.
Text [0000001499] box: 1 folder: 3
Newspaper Clippings
Scope and Contents

This folder cntains newspaper clippings about various topics related to the American Shakespeare Center.

Text [0000001500] box: 1 folder: 4
Magazine Articles
Scope and Contents

This is Folder 1 of 2 which contains magazines related to the American Shakespeare Center.

Text [0000001501] box: 1 folder: 5
Magazine Articles
Scope and Contents

This is Folder 2 of 2. It contains magazine articles relating to the American Shakespeare Center and a few Shakespeare periodicals.

Text [0000001502] box: 1 folder: 6
Catalog Spreadsheets
Scope and Contents

This folder contains spreadsheets that catalog the contents of this donation.

Moving Images [0000001507] box: 1 folder: 8
Alchemist- DVDs
4 Item
Single 2001English.
Scope and Contents

This folder contains four dvds relating to the Alchemist.

Mixed Materials [0000001511] box: 1 folder: 7
Alchemist- The Odyssey Tour
Single 2001English.
Scope and Contents

This folder contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and three photographs related to The Odyssey Tour production of the Alchemist.

Mixed Materials [0000001517] box: 1 folder: 9
Anthony and Cleopatra- Season of Love Tour
Single 1993English.
Scope and Contents

This folder contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clipping, and thirty photographs relating to the Season of Love production of Anthony and Cleopatra.

Moving Images [0000001518] box: 1 folder: 10
Anthony and Cleopatra- DVDs
3 Item
Single 1993English.
Scope and Contents

This folder contains three dvds relating to the Season of Love production of Anthony and Cleopatra, one of which is labeled 'all the year's p.r.'.

Text [0000001519] box: 1 folder: 13
As You Like It- Blush and Swoon Tour
Single 2001English.
Scope and Contents

This folder contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to the Blush and Swoon Tour production of As You Like It.

Mixed Materials [0000001515] box: 1 folder: 11
As You Like It- Lend Me Your Ears Tour
Single 1996English.
Scope and Contents

This folder contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and fifty photographs relating to the Lend Me Your Ears Tour production of As You Like It. The photographs also include pictures from Julius Caesar, Henry V, and Comedy of Errors.

Mixed Materials [0000001516] box: 1 folder: 12
As You Like It- DVDs and Script
Single 1996English.
Scope and Contents

This folder contains two dvds and the script relating to the Lend Me Your Ears Tour production of As You Like It.

Mixed Materials [0000001532] box: 1 folder: 14
As You Like It- DVDs and Actor Handbook
3 Item
Single 2001English.
Scope and Contents

This folder contains two dvds and an actor's handbook related to the Blush and Swoon Tour production of As You Like It.

Mixed Materials [0000001521] box: 1 folder: 15
Comedy of Errors- Hurly Burly Tour
Single 1992English.
Scope and Contents

This folder contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clipping, and four photographs relating to the Hurly Burly Tour production of Comedy of Errors.

Text [0000001533] box: 1 folder: 16
Comedy of Errors- Script
1 Item
Single 1992English.
Scope and Contents

This folder contains a script relating to the Hurly Burly Tour production of Comedy of Errors.

Mixed Materials [0000001534] box: 1 folder: 18
Comedy of Errors- DVDs and Script
7 Item
Single 1996English.
Scope and Contents

This folder contained six dvds and a script relating to the Lend Me Your Ears Tour production of Comedy of Errors.

Text [0000001524] box: 1 folder: 17
Comedy of Errors- Lend Me Your Ears Tour
Single 1996English.
Scope and Contents

This folder contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to the Lend Me Your Ears Tour production of Comedy of Errors.

Text [0000001535] box: 1 folder: 19
Comedy of Errors- Blush and Swoon Tour and Bright Heaven of Invention Tour
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, and clippings related to the Blush and Swoon Tour production and the Bright Heaven of Invention Tour production of Comedy of Errors.

Mixed Materials [0000001536] box: 1 folder: 21
Coriolanus- Excellent Motion Tour
Single 2003English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, clippings, and five dvds relating to the Excellent Motion Tour production of Coriolanus.

Moving Images [0000001531] box: 1 folder: 20
Comedy of Errors- DVDs
3 Item
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains three dvds relating to productions of Comedy of Errors from 2002.

Text [0000001537] box: 2 folder: 22
Falstaff- Ripe with Mischief Tour
Single 2004English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to the Ripe with Mischief Tour production of Falstaff. The full title of Falstaff is: The Most Lamentable Comedy of Sir John, as written by Ralph Cohen.

Text [0000001539] box: 2 folder: 23
Falstaff- Script and Actor's Handbook
2 Item
Single 2004English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains an annotatated script and an actor's handbook relating to the Ripe with Mischief Tour production of Falstaff.

Mixed Materials [0000001540] box: 2 folder: 24
Falstaff- DVDs and Script
7 Item
Single 2004English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains six dvds and a script relating to te Ripe with Mischief Tour production of Falstaff.

Mixed Materials [0000001542] box: 2 folder: 26
Dr. Faustus- DVDs and Actor's Handbook
3 Item
Single 2000English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains two dvds and an actor's handbook relating to the Scoff and Grin Tour production of Dr. Faustus.

Mixed Materials [0000001543] box: 2 folder: 25
Dr. Faustus- Scoff and Grin Tour
Single 2000English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and three photos relating to the Scoff and Grin Tour production of Dr. Faustus.

Mixed Materials [0000001544] box: 2 folder: 27
Hamlet- Words to the Third Tour
Single 1995English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, reviews, clippings, and thirty-six photographs relating to the Words to the Third Tour production of Hamlet.

Mixed Materials [0000001546] box: 2 folder: 28
Hamlet- DVDs, Script, and Director's Notes
10 Item
Single 1995English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains eight dvds, a script, and drirector's notes relating to the Words to the Third Tour production of Hamlet.

Mixed Materials [0000001547] box: 2 folder: 29
Hamlet- Eaten Heart Tour
Single 1999English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, and eleven photographs relating to the Eaten Heart Tour production of Hamlet.

Mixed Materials [0000001549] box: 2 folder: 30
Hamlet- The Odyssey Tour
Single 2001English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and two photographs relating to The Odyssey Tour production of Hamlet.

Moving Images [0000001550] box: 2 folder: 31
Hamlet- DVDs
8 Item
Single 2001English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains eight dvds relating to The Odyssey Tour production of Hamlet.

Mixed Materials [0000001551] box: 2 folder: 32
Henry IV, part 1- Sweet Smoke of Rhetoric Tour
Single 1997English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, reviews, clippings, and thirty-three photographs relating to the Sweet Smoke of Rhetoric Tour production of Henry IV, part 1.

Text [0000001553] box: 2 folder: 33
Henry IV, part 1- Script
Single 1997English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains scripts and notes relating to the Sweet Smoke of Rhetoric Tour production of Henry IV, part 1.

Text [0000001554] box: 2 folder: 34
Henry IV- Excellent Motion Tour
Single 2004English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers and clippings relating to the Excellent Motion Tour production of Henry IV.

Mixed Materials [0000001555] box: 2 folder: 35
Henry V- We Happy Few Tour
Single 1988English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, reviews, and ten photographs relating to the We Happy Few Tour production of Henry V.

Mixed Materials [0000001557] box: 2 folder: 36
Henry V- DVDs and Script
3 Item
Single 1988English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains two dvds and a script relating to the We Happy Few Tour production of Henry V.

Mixed Materials [0000001558] box: 2 folder: 37
Henry V- DVDs and Prompt Book
3 Item
Single 1997English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains two dvds and a promptbook for Jim relating to the Sweet Smoke of Rhetoric Tour production of Henry V.

Text [0000001559] box: 2 folder: 38
Henry V- Script with notes
Single 1997English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script with notes relating to the Sweet Smoke of Rhetoric Tour production of Henry V.

Mixed Materials [0000001560] box: 3 folder: 39
Henry V- Bright Heaven of Invention Tour
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, clippings, and two dvds relating to the Bright Heaven of Invention Tour production of Henry V.

Mixed Materials [0000001561] box: 3 folder: 40
The Important of Being Earnest- Excellent Motion Tour
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, clippings, and three dvds relating to the Excellent Motion Tour production of The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde.

Mixed Materials [0000001564] box: 3 folder: 42
Julius Caesar- Script and Actor Handbook
Single 1990English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script and an actor's handbook relating to the First Rep Tour production of Julius Caesar.

Mixed Materials [0000001565] box: 3 folder: 41
Julius Caesar- First Rep Tour
Single 1990English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, reviews, clippings, and fifty photographs relating to the First Rep Tour production of Julius Caesar.

Text [0000001566] box: 3 folder: 43
Julius Caesar- Lend Me Your Ears Tour
Single 1995/1996English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence,flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to the Lend Me Your Ears Tour production of Julius Caesar.

Text [0000001567] box: 3 folder: 44
Julius Caesar- Scripts and Prompt Book
Single 1995/1996English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains scripts and a prompt book relating to the Lend Me Your Ears Tour production of Julius Caesar.

Text [0000001569] box: 3 folder: 45
Julius Caesar- DVDs and Script
11 Item
Single 1995/1996English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script and ten dvds relating to the Lend Me Your Ears Tour production of Julius Caesar.

Text [0000001570] box: 3 folder: 46
Julius Caesar- Renaissance Run
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondenc, flyers, brochures, and clippings relating the the Renaissance Run production of Julius Caesar.

Text [0000001572] box: 3 folder: 47
Julius Caesar- DVDs and Script
3 Item
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains two dvds and a script relating the the Renaissance Run production of Julius Caesar.

Mixed Materials [0000001573] box: 3 folder: 48
King Lear- Renaissance Run
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, clippings, and three dvds relating to the Renaissance Run production of King Lear.

Knight of the Burning Pestle
1999- Vaulting Ambition Tour, Eaten Heart Tour2003- Renaissance RunEnglish.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to the productions of Knights of the Burning Pestle at the Vaulting Heart tour, the Eaten Heart Tour, and Renaissance Run. Knight of the Burning Pestle is a play within A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Mixed Materials [0000001574] box: 3 folder: 50
Les Liaisons Dangereuses- Ripe with Mischief Tour
Single 2004English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, clippings, and four dvds relating to the Ripe with Mischief Tour production of Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Christopher Hampton.

Mixed Materials [0000001575] box: 3 folder: 51
Love's Labours Lost- Rough Magic Tour, Sweet Smoke of Rhetoric Tour
Single 1997English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and thirty-six photographs relating to the Rough Magic Tour and the Sweet Smoke of Rhetoric Tour productions of Love's Labours Lost.

Mixed Materials [0000001576] box: 3 folder: 52
Love's Labours Lost- DVDs and Script
5 Item
Single 1997English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains four dvds and a script relating to the Rough Magic Tour and the Sweet Smoke of Rhetoric Tour productions of Love's Labours Lost.

Mixed Materials [0000001577] box: 3 folder: 53
Love's Labours Lost
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, clippings, and two dvds of a 2002 production of Love's Labours Lost.

Text [0000001578] box: 4 folder: 54
Macbeth- Hurly Burly Tour
Single 1992English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, reviews, and clippings relating to the Hurly Burly Tour production of Macbeth.

Mixed Materials [0000001580] box: 4 folder: 55
Macbeth- DVDs, Scripts, and Notes
Single 1992English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains three dvds, scripts, and notes relating to the Hurly Burly Tour production of Macbeth.

Mixed Materials [0000001581] box: 4 folder: 56
Macbeth- Rough Magic Tour
Single 1997English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flers, brochures, and fifty-one photographs relating to the Hurly Burly Tour production of Macbeth. This production was preformed by the James Troupe.

Mixed Materials [0000001583] box: 4 folder: 57
Macbeth- Prompt Book
Single 1997English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a prompt book for an actor named Jim which relates to the Hurly Burly Tour production of Macbeth.

Text [0000001584] box: 4 folder: 58
Macbeth- Vaulting Ambition Tour, Eaten Heart Tour, Done Quick Tour
Single 1999English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to the Vaulting Ambition Tour, Eaten Heart Tour, and Done Quick Tour productions of Macbeth.

Text [0000001585] box: 4 folder: 59
Macbeth- Bequile the Rich Tour
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to the Bequile the Rich Tour production of Macbeth. This production was performed by the Elizabeth Troupe.

Text [0000001586] box: 4 folder: 60
Macbeth- Script
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script that relates to the Bequile the Rich Tour production of Macbeth.

Text [0000001587] box: 4 folder: 61
Measure for Measure- Prick of Love Tour
Single 1991English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains information relating to the Prick of Love Tour production of Measure for Measure.

Mixed Materials [0000001589] box: 4 folder: 62
Measure for Measure- Over the Hump Tour
Single 1998English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, reviews, forty-eight photographs, and three dvds relating to the Over the Hump Tour production of Measure for Measure.

Mixed Materials [0000001590] box: 4 folder: 63
Merchant of Venice- Hurly Burly Tour
Single 1992English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, programs, reviews, clippings, and twenty-two photographs relating to the Hurly Burly Tour production of Merchant of Venice.

Text [0000001591] box: 4 folder: 64
Merchant of Venice- Scripts
Single 1992English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains scripts relating to the Hurly Burly Tour production of Merchant of Venice.

Text [0000001593] box: 4 folder: 65
Merchant of Venice- Done Quick Tour, Eaten Heart Tour, Vaulting Ambition Tour
Single 1999English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, and thirty-one photographs relating to the Done Quick Tour, Eaten Heart Tour, and Vaulting Ambition Tour productions of Merchant of Venice.

Mixed Materials [0000001594] box: 4 folder: 66
Merchant of Venice- DVDs and Scripts
Single 1999English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains two dvds and a script relating to the Done Quick Tour, Eaten Heart Tour, and Vaulting Ambition Tour productions of Merchant of Venice.

Mixed Materials [0000001596] box: 4 folder: 67
Merchant of Venice- Rife With Mischief
Single 2004English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, clippings, and six dvds relating to the Rife with Mischief production of Merchant of Venice.

Mixed Materials [0000001597] box: 4 folder: 68
Merry Wives of Windsor
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and two dvds relating to a 2002 production of Merry Wives of Windsor.

Text [0000001598] box: 5 folder: 69
A Midsummer Night's Dream- Prick of Love Tour
Single 1991English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence and clippings relating to the Prick of Love Tour production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Mixed Materials [0000001599] box: 5 folder: 70
A Midsummer Night's Dream- Season of Love Tour
Single 1993English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, and forty photographs relating to the Season of Love Tour production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Mixed Materials [0000001600] box: 5 folder: 71
A Midsummer Night's Dream- Script, Director's Notes, DVDs
6 Item
Single 1993English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script, the director's notes, and four dvds relating to the Season of Love Tour production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Mixed Materials [0000001601] box: 5 folder: 72
A Midsummer Night's Dream- Rough Magic Tour, Sweet Smoke of Rhetoric Tour
Single 1997English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and fifty-three photographs relating to the Rough Magic Tour and the Sweet Smoke of Rhetoric Tour productions of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Mixed Materials [0000001602] box: 5 folder: 73
A Midsummer Night's Dream- Script, DVDs
5 Item
Single 1997English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script and four dvds relating to the Rough Magic Tour and Sweet Smoke of Rhetoric Tour productions of A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Mixed Materials [0000001603] box: 5 folder: 74
A Midsummer Night's Dream- Ripe with Mischief Tour
Single 2004English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, clippings, and seven dvds relating to the Ripe with Mischief Tour production of A Midsummer Night's Dream preformed by the Odyssey troupe.

Mixed Materials [0000001604] box: 5 folder: 75
Much Ado About Nothing- Tongues Like Knives Tour
Single 1994English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, clippings, twenty-five photographs, a script, and two dvds relating to the Tongues Like Knives Tour production of Much Ado About Nothing.

Text [0000001606] box: 5 folder: 76
Much Ado About Nothing- Eaten Heart Tour
Single 1999English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, clippings, and an actor's handbook relating to the Eaten Heart Tour production of Much Ado About Nothing.

Text [0000001607] box: 5 folder: 77
Much Ado About Nothing- Scoff and Grin Tour
Single 2000English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, clippings, and an actor's handbook relating to the Scoff and Grin Tour production of Much Ado About Nothing preformed by Elizabeth Troupe.

Mixed Materials [0000001790] box: 5 folder: 78
Much Ado About Nothing- Renaissance Run
Single 2003English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and three dvds relating to the Renaissance Run production of Much Ado About Nothing.

Mixed Materials [0000001609] box: 5 folder: 79
Othello- Tongues Like Knives Tour
Single 1994English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, reviews, clippings, and five dvds relating to the Tongues Like Knives Tour production of Othello.

Mixed Materials [0000001610] box: 5 folder: 80
Othello- Charm Your Tongue Tour, Scoff and Grin Tour
Single 2000English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, clippings, one photograph, and one dvd relating to the Charming Your Tongue Tour and Scoff and Grin Tour productions of Othello.

Mixed Materials [0000001612] box: 5 folder: 81
Richard II- Scoff and Grin Tour
Single 2000English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and nine photographs relating to the Scoff and Grin Tour production of Richard II.

Mixed Materials [0000001613] box: 5 folder: 82
Richard II- Actor's Handbook, DVDs
Single 2000English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains an actor's handbook and eight dvds relating to The Scoff and Grin Tour procution of Richard II.

Mixed Materials [0000001618] box: 5 folder: 85
Richard III- Script, DVDs
4 Item
Single 1998English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script and three dvds relating to the 10th anniversary of Over the Hump Tour and the Tough Love Tour productions of Richard III.

Mixed Materials [0000001621] box: 5 folder: 83
Richard III- Maiden Tour
Single 1988English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and nine photographs relating to the Maiden Tour production of Richard III.

Mixed Materials [0000001622] box: 5 folder: 84
Richard III- Over the Hump Tour, Tough Love Tour
Single 1998English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains information relating to the 10th anniversary of Over the Hump Tour and Tough Love Tour productions of Richard III.

Text [0000001623] box: 6 folder: 86
Richard III
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to a 2002 production of Richard III.

Mixed Materials [0000001624] box: 6 folder: 87
Richard III
2 Item
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script and one dvd relating to the 2002 production of Richard III.

Text [0000001625] box: 6 folder: 88
Richard III
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains an envelope filled with Edward Gorey clippings which were apparently used for character attitudes. These relate to the 2002 production of Richard III.

Mixed Materials [0000001626] box: 6 folder: 89
Romeo and Juliet- Season of Love
Single 1993/1994English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, reviews, clippings, and twenty-seven photographs relating to the Season of Love production of Romeo and Juliet.

Mixed Materials [0000006684] box: 6 folder: 90
Romeo and Juliet - Tough Love Tour
Single 1998English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, reviews, clippings, photographs, and two dvds relating to the Tough Love Tour production of Romeo and Juliet.

Text [0000001628] box: 6 folder: 91
Romeo and Juliet- Blush and Swoon Tour
Single 2001English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to the BLush and Swoon Tour production of Romeo and Juliet.

Mixed Materials [0000001629] box: 6 folder: 92
Romeo and Juliet- Script, DVDs
7 Item
Single 2001English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script and six dvds relating to the Blush and Swoon Tour production of Romeo and Juliet.

Mixed Materials [0000001630] box: 6 folder: 93
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead- Word to the Third Tour
Single 1995English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and a dvd relating to the Word to the Third Tour production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard.

Mixed Materials [0000001631] box: 6 folder: 94
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead- The Odyssey Tour
Single 2001English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and two photographs relating to The Odyssey Tour production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Tom Stoppard.

Mixed Materials [0000001632] box: 6 folder: 95
Saint Joan- Bright Heaven of Invention Tour
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and photographs relating to the Bright Heaven of Invention Tour production of Saint Joan by George Bernard Shaw.

Mixed Materials [0000001633] box: 6 folder: 96
Saint Joan- Actor's Handbook, DVDs
5 Item
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains an actor's handbook and four dvds relating to the Bright Heaven of Invention Tour production of Saint Joan by George Bernard Shaw.

Mixed Materials [0000001634] box: 6 folder: 97
Taming of the Shrew- Taming Tour
Single 1989English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, reviews, clippings, and one dvd relating to the Taming Tour production of Taming of the Shrew.

Mixed Materials [0000001635] box: 6 folder: 98
Taming of the Shrew- Tongues Like Knives Tour
Single 1994English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, reviews, clippings, and five photographs relating to the Tongues Like Knives Tour production of Taming of the Shrew.

Mixed Materials [0000001636] box: 6 folder: 99
Taming of the Shrew- Script, DVDs
6 Item
Single 1994English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script and five dvds relating to the Tongues Like Knives Tour production of Taming of the Shrew.

Mixed Materials [0000001637] box: 6 folder: 100
Taming of the Shrew- Over the Hump Tour, Tough Love Tour
Single 1998English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, reviews, clippings, and thirty-seven photographs relating to the Over the Hump Tour and Tough Love Tour productions of Taming of the Shrew.

Mixed Materials [0000001638] box: 6 folder: 101
Taming of the Shrew- Renaissance Run, Excellent Motion Tour
Single 2003English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, clippings, and five dvds relating to the Renaissance Run and Excellent Motion Tour productions of Taming of the Shrew.

Text [0000001639] box: 6 folder: 102
Tartuffe- Renaissance Run
Single 2003English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to the Renaissance Run production of Tartuffe by Molliere.

Mixed Materials [0000001640] box: 7 folder: 103
The Tempest- Word to the Third Tour
Single 1995English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and twenty-five photographs relating to the Word to the Third Tour production of The Tempest.

Mixed Materials [0000001641] box: 7 folder: 104
The Tempest- Script, Director's Notes, DVDs
Single 1995English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains scripts, director's notes, and three dvds relating to the Word to the Third Tour production of The Tempest.

Text [0000001642] box: 7 folder: 105
The Tempest- Brave New World Tour, Excellent Motion Tour
Single 2003English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to the Brave New World Tour and Excellent Motion Tour productions of The Tempest.

Mixed Materials [0000001643] box: 7 folder: 106
Twelfth Night- Prick of Love Tour
Single 1991English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, a script, and one dvd relating to the Prick of Love Tour production of Twelfth Night.

Mixed Materials [0000001644] box: 7 folder: 107
Twelfth Night- First James Tour, Words to the Third Tour
Single 1995English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, reviews, clippings, and forty photographs relating to the First James Tour and the Words to the Third Tour productions of Twelfth Night.

Mixed Materials [0000001647] box: 7 folder: 108
Twelfth Night- Script, DVDs
Single 1995English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script and three dvds relating to the First James Tour and Words to the Third Tour productions of Twelfth Night.

Mixed Materials [0000001650] box: 7 folder: 109
Twelfth Night- Charm Your Tongue Tour
Single 2000English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and three photographs relating to the Charm Your Tongue Tour production of Twelfth Night.

Mixed Materials [0000001651] box: 7 folder: 110
Twelfth Night- Script, DVDs
Single 2000English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains scripts and two dvds relating to the Charm Your Tongue Tour production of Twelfth Night.

Text [0000001654] box: 7 folder: 111
Twelfth Night
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to a 2002 production of Twelfth Night.

Text [0000001655] box: 7 folder: 112
Twelfth Night- Script and DVDs
Single 2002English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script relating to a 2002 production of Twelfth Night.

Mixed Materials [0000001656] box: 7 folder: 113
Two Gentlemen of Verona
Single 2004English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, clippings, and two dvds relating to a 2004 production of Two Gentlemen of Verona.

Text [0000001657] box: 7 folder: 114
Winter's Tale- Blush and Swoon Tour
Single 2001English.
Scope and Contents

THis file contains correspondence, flyers, brochures, and clippings relating to the Blush and Swoon Tour production of Winter's Tale.

Mixed Materials [0000001658] box: 7 folder: 115
Winter's Tale- Script, DVDs
6 Item
Single 2001English.
Scope and Contents

This file contains a script and five dvds relating to the Blush and Swoon Tour production of Winter's Tale.

Moving Images [0000001785] box: 8 Item: 2
30 sec. spot for WCVE Richmond and WHTJ Charlottesville
Single December 21, 2006English.
Scope and Contents

This is a Betacam SP labeled 30 sec. spot for WCVE Richmond and WHTJ Charlottesville. It is related to the American Shakespeare Center.

Conditions Governing Use

There is a note attached for Linda Blazer.

Moving Images [0000001786] box: 8 Item: 1
Underwriter's Spot
Dates UnknownEnglish.
Scope and Contents

This is a Betacam SP labeled 'underwriter's spot'. It lasts 30 seconds. It is related to the American Shakespeare Center.

Conditions Governing Access

There is a note attached that says 'Please Do Not Remove this Tape Without Letting Linda Blazer Know' with a phone number at the bottom.

Moving Images [0000001787] box: 8 Item: 3
Shenandoah Shakespeare Express
Dates UnknownEnglish.
Scope and Contents

This is a Betacam SP labeled SSE submaster.

Moving Images [0000001788] box: 8 Item: 4
Shenandoah Shakespeare Virginia Season
Dates UnknownEnglish.
Scope and Contents

This is a Betacam SP . It is labeled 'Raw 30 no graphics and music' and relates to the Shenandoah Shakespeare Virginia Season.

Moving Images [0000001789] box: 8 Item: 5
Shenandoah Shakespeare Express edited
Dates UnknownEnglish.
Scope and Contents

This is a Betacam SP tape. It is labeled 'Shenandoah Shakespeare Express edited'. It has a business card for WVIR-TV-NBC 29 Shenandoah Valley Office attached.

Moving Images [0000001791] box: 8 Item: 6
Shenandoah Shakespeare Express Master demo
Dates UnknownEnglish.
Scope and Contents

This is a Sony KSP-S20 tape labeled SSE Master Demo. The time length is 5:10 and Ch. 1 and 2 are not mixed.

Moving Images [0000001793] box: 8 Item: 7
Royal Shakespeare Company Speaking Shakespearean Verse
Dates UnknownEnglish.
Scope and Contents

This is a large-format Beta tape labeled Royal Shakespeare Company Speaking Shakespearean Verse.

Moving Images [0000001802] box: 8 Item: 8
WVIR TV Ch. 29 Valley Bureau
May 21, 1994English.
Scope and Contents

This is a large format Beta tape labeled WVIR TV Ch. 29 Valley Bureau. The time is 2:01.

Moving Images [0000001796] box: 8 Item: 9
Love's Labour Lost and A Midsummer Night's Dream
Dates UnknownEnglish.
Scope and Contents

This is a large format Betacam SP labeled Love's Labour Lost and A Midsummer Night's Dream 2nd session SSE raw tape THMS Harrisonburg.

Moving Images [0000001798] box: 8 Item: 10
1991 Radio Spots MM and TN
Scope and Contents

This is a 7 1/2 ips reel to reel. It is labeled WRXL 102 FM, 910 WRNL, WRVA, and '91 Radio Spots MM and TN.

Moving Images [0000001799] box: 8 Item: 11
Blush and Swoon- As You Like It
Scope and Contents

This is a MD Gold 74 labeled Blush A4CI-WT.

Moving Images [0000001801] box: 8 Item: 12
Bright Day, Blush and Swoon- Romeo and Juliet
Scope and Contents

This is a small format Fuji d-cassette labeled Bright Day and Blush - R and J.

Audio [0000001803] box: 8 Item: 13
April 13, 2006English.
Scope and Contents

This is a Maxwell GX-MP 8mm cassette tape labeled RTTFP #2 13 Apr 06.

Audio [0000001805] box: 8 Item: 14
Third Project
April 16, 2003English.
Scope and Contents

This is a Radioshack 8mm cassette tape labeled 3rd project- 04-16-2003 Virginia Vaughan lecture- 4/16/03.

Audio [0000001806] box: 8 Item: 15
Item #15- Cassette
Dates UnknownEnglish.
Scope and Contents

This is a Panasonic 8 mm cassette with no notes.

Audio [0000001807] box: 8 Item: 16
Coffeehouse YCTC 2000
Scope and Contents

This is a Maxwell GX-MP 8 mm cassette tape labeled Coffeehouse YCTC 2000.

Audio [0000001808] box: 8 Item: 17
Richard III
Inclusive 2002-2003English.
Scope and Contents

This is a Radioshack 8 mm cassette labeled Richard III 3/19/03 Blackfriars 2002/2003 RezCo.

Audio [0000001809] box: 8 Item: 18
1. Philaster Reading 2. Ralph 'Earnest' Lecture
Date UnknownEnglish.
Scope and Contents

This is a Radioshack 8 mm cassette tape labeled 1. Philaster Reading 2. Ralph 'Earnest' Lecture.

Audio [0000001810] box: 8 Item: 19
Item #19- Cassette
Dates UnknownEnglish.
Scope and Contents

This is a Fuji hi8 MP 8 mm cassette with no notes.

Scripts and Promotional Materials
2 Box