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Preferred citation: [Identification of item], Record Group 9: Academic Departments, Special Collections and Archives, James G. Leyburn Library, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA.
In some cases the citation format may vary. Please contact Special Collections staff to verify the appropriate format.
This record group contains materials created by individual academic departments.
Booklet for the exhibit The strangest Fruit by Vincent Valdez, which was on display in Staniar Gallery from April 27-May 29, 2015. It includes essays by various scholars about the widespread, institutionalized racism experienced by many of color in America.
These essays, written by freshmen and sophmores, were compiled and edited by members of the Department of English to serve as examples of both good and bad writing to other students.
Anonymized transcripts of recorded exit interviews with forty graduating Black students from Washington and Lee University in 1997. The interviews were organized and arranged by WLU's Institutional Effectiveness Committee to gain a range of perspectives on campus climate and the WLU student experience. The interview questions were created by WLU professors Ted Delaney (History) and David Novack (Sociology), Associate Dean of Students for Minority Affairs Anece McCloud, and students Mogana Richards and Robert Taylor. The interviews were conducted by Jennifer Ashworth, the administrative assistant in the History Deapartment. The content of the interviews was assimilated into a final report titled "The Black Student Experience" by Professor of History Robert W. McAhren in 1999. A copy of the report is included with the interviews.
Gift of Professor Ted Delaney, Septmenber 2,2015. This is an assessment of the History Department based on a survey given to students.
This folder describes the history of The Zeta Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity.
A card listing all sports at W & L for winter 1933-34.
This booklet describes the activities of the Pi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity during for the 1932-33 school year.
This booklet is an address delivered before the Eleventh Annual Conference on Printing Education. It describes the Vollbehr Collection in the Library of Congress.
This booklet contains a description of the then new rare book room of the Library of Congress.
An address by President Gaines to the officers and directors of The Robert E. Lee Memorial Foundation.
A collection of poems by Joe H.Ford, Jr., a student who died prematurely at age 18 while attending W & L. Illustrated.
This booklet describes the activities of the Pi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity during the 1933-34 school year.
This booklet describes the activities of The Zeta Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity during the 1933-34 school year.
This folder lists the constitution and by-laws of Delta Upsilon.
There are three one-page advertisemnts announcing the publication of the above title.
This folder is a brief paper read before the Fourteenth Annual Conference on Printing Education.
This booklet describes the activities of the Pi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity during the 1934-35 school year.
The organization,its constitution and its bylaws.
In this booklet, President Gaines recognizes notable contributors to the university.
This German journal has The First Printing in Virginia by Douglas C. McMurtie tipped into the center of the volume. The back of the insert says 'Designed, composed in Linotype Baskerville, and printed by C. Harold Lauck at the Journalism Laboratory Press of Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, U. S. A., for Philobiblon, a Book-Collector's Magazine published by Herbert Reicher, Vienna, Austria. December 1935'
This book is a tribute to the many benefactors of Washington and Lee. Drawings by Marion Junkin.
This book is a tribute to the many benfactors of Washington and Lee. Its is a special issue of the Washington and Lee University Bulletin . Drawings by Marion Junkin.
This book coantains a brief history of The Gamma of Virginia Chapter ,the constitution and by-laws, and a list of Phi Beta Kappa members from 1911-1936.
An address, delivered on the occasion of the presentation of a portrait of Dr. Powell to Dinwiddie County, Va., by his grandson, Dr.Richard Powell Carter, class of 1959.
This booklet contains the group's bylaws, list of member clubs by city and county, list of committee members,and list of previous awardees.
One copy was a personal copy of W&L Professor Allen Moger.
Folder. An announcement of lectures by ProfessorAmericao Castro, Don Quixote and Litertaure and Human Values.
"An informal Evaluation of the Several Educational Activities in Terms of Their Contributions to the Graphic Industries."
An informal report to the alumni by the president.
This booklet contains information about the group's officers. It was distributed at the group's 34th annual convention in Asheville,NC, May 18,19 and 20, 1936.
This book contains a Who's Who of members and a brief summary of the guild's yearly activities.
This booklet describes independent type designs.
This book contains a Who's Who of officers and members as well a brief summation of the guild's yearly activities.
This booklet contains the group's bylaws, list of member clubs by county and city, list of committee members, and list of previous awardees.
This book contains a Who's Who of members in addition to a summary of the guild's yearly activities.
This booklet presents a critical look at the the state of graphics arts education by on of its early leading proponents, Harry L. Gage.
A paper read before the Bibliographical Society of America describing the first and oldest paper mill in colonial Virginia. R
A map showing Lexington and the surrounding countryside sent to alumni at Christmas 1939.sent out
This book is a physical history of the Lee Memorial Journalism Foundation written by C. Tom Garten '42 ass part of a research project. It describes the origins and growth of the foundation up to the early 1940's.
This booklet describes the activities of The Zeta Chapter of Sigma Chi fraternity for the 1941-42 school year.
This booklet describes the activities of the Pi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity during the 1940-41 school year.
This booklet describes the activities of the Alpha Ro Chapter of Beta Theta Pi fraternity during the 1941-42 school year.
This booklet describes the activities of the Alpha Ro Chapter of Beta Theta Pi during the 1940-412 school yesr.
The commencement program for June 7, 1940.
'A folio of personalities,impressions and observations...'.A kekepsake issue of a newsletter edited by Lloyd Emerson Siberell.
This booklet describes the activities of The Mu Chapter of Kappa Sigma fraternity during the 1940-41 school year.
A program for a violin concert by Mrs. George Junkin (Ruby Johnson) Irwin.
This folder describes the U.S. Army's School for Special Service, the Eighth Class of which was held at Washington and Lee.
This copy of the W&L Bulletin is a message to alumni discussing the univrsity's commitment to preparing students for military service. Includes a list of casualties, POW's and MIA's.
This edition of the Washington and Lee University Bulletin is a Christmas issue prepared for students who had joined the armed forces.
This booklet contains the entire annual report of the National Graphic Arts Education Association. It was written by Fred. J. Hartman.
This booklet is a report outlining the progress of the early years of the National Graphic Arts Education Guild.
This four page pamphlet describes an exhibition of American bookmaking and graarphic arts in McCormick Library
The commencement program for June 4, 1948.
This is the program for the Gibert and Sullivan play 'Trial by Jury'. Theis play was actually performed in the Rockbridge County Court House.
This one page folder seeks contributions from alumni.alumni for contributions.
This small folder seeks contributions froorm alumni.
This issue of the University Bulletin addresses 1940's choices for students - education or military service.
This issue of the University Bulletin provides general information about classes and university services available to returning veterans.
This brochure provides ticket information and the schedule for the 1947 football season. and the schedule.
This brochure includes ticket information and the 1948 schedule. Two brochures togeteher, never cut apart.
This copy of the Washington and Lee University Bulletin includes a list of alumni known to be dead orand missing in action as of October 1944.
This issue of the Washington and Lee University Bulletin includes a list of alumni that were known to be dead, missing, or prisoners of war as of April 1945.
The official program of the 1948 Mock Convention.
This is a program whose theme is 'Graphic Arts in the First Year of Peace'.
The Baccalaureate Service program for June 4, 1950.
The program and agenda of the Southern Humanities Conference held at UVAa April 14-15, 1950.
This folder provides information for prospective students.
A single sheet with a photo of a crowd observing the university print shop building on fire and a printed announcement stating that university publications would be delayed.
This folder provides general information for the upcoming freshman camp at Natural Bridge, the first time this annual event was ever held there.
A book edited and published by the Lambda Chapter of Sigma Nu for the benefit of alumni and friends. Describes the members' activities for the year.
A one page sheet detailing the Menkemeller Scholarships and Grants.
This brochure includes ticket information and the schedule for the 1950 football season.
A single wallet-size card with the 1950 football printed on it.
A map of Lexington. There is one original and a photocopy with a detailed map of the the university and its buildings. Drawn by Henry L. Ravenhorst.
A description of a course in long theme writing in the W & L English Department.
A folder announcing an addition to the Engineering Department cirriculum for 1950-51.
This folder catalogues an art exhibit on loan from the Metropolitan Museum of Art
This booklet contains information about intramural athletics constitution and by-laws, rules, award recipients from the previous year, and directory information for coaches.
The commencement program for June 8, 1951.
The program and agenda of the Southern Humanities Cconference held in McCormick Library April 13-14, 1951.
This folder provides general information for the upcoming freshman camp at Natural Bridge.
This folder presents facts and adviceve about the beginning of the 1951-52 school year.
This one page folder seeks contributions from alumni.
This one page announcement details the scholarship awards of the Alfred I.duPont Awards Foundation.
This folder seeks contributions from alumni.
This issue of the University Bulletin contains the agenda of the 22nd annual convention of the Southern Interscholastic Press Association
This brochure lists information for those attending the bowl game on January 1,1951.
This brochure lists ticket information and the schedule for the 1952 season.
This brochure list ticket information and the schedule for the 1951 season.
A map showing Lexington landmarks to aid attendees at the conference. Drawn by Henry Ravenhorst.
This is the program for a concert by the Washington and Lee R.O.T.C. band.
This is a program for a vocal performance by contralto Irene Beamer. Professor James G. Leyburn was the accompanist.
This is the program for a joint concert by the glee clubs of Sweet Briar College and Washington and Lee University.
This is the agenda of a banker's forum on current banking problems.
The Fancy Dress program for 1951, with the opera 'Carmen' as the theme.
A folder briefly describing Kappa Alpha's activities for the 1951-52 school year. Cover letter written by Edgar Spencer.
The official program of the Mock Convention for 1952.
This is the program of the 31st Annual convention, which met at W & L.
This folder is the program for the John Randolph Tucker Lecture for 1951 by the Honorable John J. Parker:. 'The Significance of the Nurnberg Trials in Establishing a World Order Based on Law.'
An eight page newspaper printed as a ' Journalism Laboratory exercise by students of Journalism 202 at Washington and Lee University.' 38 x 59cm.
Annual publication of the Journalism Department.
The annual Editorial Writers Seminar was sponsored by the Virginia Press Association. Programs include the schedule of meeting events and
This file contains two announcements about the 1940 Lee Editorial Award Ceremony and one about the 1939 ceremony.
Program from the Newspaper Management Seminar held on November 24 and 25, 1952.
This file contains a draft of a report to be presented to the President of Washington and Lee.
Does not include 2020 because of the COVID pandemic.
These are arranged in chronological order.
Harrell on cello and Blackham on piano. Held in Wilson Hall.
Held in the Wilson Concert Hall. Student ensemble with director, Terry Vosbein.
Held in Wislon Concert Hall. Student groups. Shane Lynch, conductor of Men's Glee Club. Terry Vosbein, conductor of University Jazz Ensemble. Mark Taylor, conductor of University String Ensemble. Chad Reep, conductor of University Wind Ensemble.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall. Widney on baritone, Gaylard on piano, Goudimova on cell, and Jiang on flute.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall. Shafer, sporano; Yonan, viola; Kuipers, cello; McDonald, piano.
Held in Concert Hall. Hurley and Wayne-Wright, countertenors; Gregory, tenor; Bruerton and Gabbitas, baritones; Howard, bass.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held in Wlson Concert Hall.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held at First Baptist Church, Lexington, VA.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall. Petty on flute and piano, Parrish on oboe, Kevin Matheson on violin, Bryan Matheson on viola, Goudimova on cello, Easter II and III on French horn, Watanabe and Cook on piano.
Held in Wilson Concert Hall. Cook and Harvey on piano.
Held in Wilson Hall Concert.
Tour Program.
See Also RG 48 Lenfest
Directed by Jemma Alix Levy and music composed by Dana Gary WLU 2018.
Directed by Stephanie Sandberg and written by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins.
Directed by Stephanie Sandberg, written by Moliere, and adapted by Ranjit Bolt.
Celester Lanuza, Artistic Director.
Shaleigh Comerford, Artistic Director.
Written by Devorah Gearing and directed by Jemma Alix Levy.
By Natsu Onoda Power. A kamishibai adaptation from Hans Christian Anderson. Directed by Jemma Alix Levy.
Written by Adrienne Kennedy. Directed by Nafeesa Monroe, Guest Artist.
A Staged Reading. By Will Arbery. Directed by Rob Mish.
Robert O. and Elizabeth M. Bentley Musical Event. Book, Music, Lyrics by Jonathan Larson. David Auburn, Script Consultant. Vocal arrangements and Orchestration by Stephen Oremus. Guest Directed and Choreographed by Darnell Pierre Benjamin. Musical Direction by Patrick Summers.