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Jones Family Papers, Special Collections Research Center, Swem Library, College of William and Mary.
Gifts of 1969 and 1976 were made by Mrs. Jackson L. Fray, Jr. Mss. Acc. 1955.001 is a gift of Maria Talcott.
Further processing and completion of inventory done by Anne Johnson in 2011.
Papers, 1826-1916, of the Jones family of "Land's End," Gloucester County, Virginia, and related families of Curtis, Taliaferro, Page and Harrison. Includes correspondence, genealogical notes, obituaries, legal files, real estate material, notes concerning Land's End, Petsworth Parish (Gloucester County), Yorktown, and the homes of the Cringan family and the Mackenzie family, and Bible records of the Jones and Fauntleroy families.
The first two accessions, which compose the bulk of the material, are gifts of Mrs. Jackson L. Fray, Jr.
Addition Mss. Acc. 1955.001 was given by Maria Talcott, but the material deals with the same family, so it has been included with the Fray gift accessions. She was a first cousin of Mary Fauntleroy Cocke Fray and granddaughter of Harriet Jones and Charles Curtis.
Mary Fauntleroy Cocke Fray was the daughter of William Fauntleroy Cocke and great granddaughter of Harriet Jones and Charles Curtis. The 1969 accessions are family papers and documents from both the Jones and Curtis families with some material relating to the Cocke family.
Harriet's parents were Richard and Martha Washington Throckmorton Jones and her siblings were William Langborne, Mary Lanborne, Lucy Ann (married Mann Page), John James Emanuel, Richard P. (married Maria Greenhow Curtis) and Warner Throckmorton Jones (never married and lived with both his Curtis relations through the years). Harriet Jones Curtis's children were Martha, Harriet, Lucy, Mary, Fanny and Charles Curtis.
Subseries were not used with this collection due to difficulty separating papers into their family of origin. When possible, the papers have been grouped either by recipient or creator, whether individual or family. Most of the correspondence is arranged chronologically and is a mix of the Jones, Curtis, Taliaferro, Page and related families. Most envelopes were missing which made it difficult to ascertain not only who received the letters, but who wrote them.
Mss. 39.1 J75 Warner T. Jones Papers Mss. 65 Ar6 Armistead-Cocke Family Papers
Papers, 1826-1916, of the Jones family of "Land's End," Gloucester County, Virginia, and related families of Curtis, Taliaferro, Page and Harrison. Includes correspondence, genealogical notes, obituaries, legal files, real estate material, notes concerning Land's End, Petsworth Parish (Gloucester County), Yorktown, and the homes of the Cringan family and the Mackenzie family, and Bible records of the Jones and Fauntleroy families.
The first two accessions, which compose the bulk of the material, are gifts of Mrs. Jackson L. Fray, Jr.
13 items which include correspondence from F. Du-Veil, Warner T. Jones, Mary B. Curtis.
12 items which include letters from Charles M. Jones, M.G. Jones, Emma G. De Sausseur, L.A. Page, E.M. Wellford, Ella B. Howard and Mary T. Davies.
18 items including letters from Warner T. Jones, E.H. Dabney, Julia Meredith, Jos. Bryan, Susan E. Maury, St. G.T.C. Bryan and Preston Cocke.
35 items including letters fro M.G. Jones, M.G. Clarke, Leah T. Taliaferro and Mag. S. Smith.
26 items which include letters from M.G. Jones (Civil War comment), Sue Byrd, Mary C. Mason, Mary F. Jones and Fannie Curtis.
Genealogy correspondence, notes, printed material on the Blackburne, Booth, Curtis, Elizabeth (Queen), Fitzhugh, Jones, Langborn, Lawson, Payne, Pemberton, Throckmorton and Warner Families.
Handwritten story.
3 stories: "John Marshall" (3 pages); "Francesca, the Venetian Bride" (4 pages); and "The Love of Marie Rayneval" (20 pages).
"The Salon of Madame Necker" the Standard Series: Volume II, Parts III and IV, 1880, Volume III, Parts V and VI, 1881. Signed on covers "Martha T. Jones, Land's End, Gloucester Co., Va." Booklet, "Easy Questions for a little child, etc." published by Gen. Prot. Episcopal Sunday School Union, New York, undated, 40 pages.
One page of births (1828-1868) and one page of deaths (1830-1939); obituaries of Miss Martha T. Jones (d. 1952 January 16) and Fanny Curtis Jones (d. 1954 October 28); 1 page of marriages, Curtis-Fauntleroy-Jones; and 1 memo from C. Nelson to Miss Jones.
Expansive notes on a possible biographical paper which includes thoughts on a variety of topics such as politics, religion, the South, Banks and much more.
1833 payment from Mann Page, 1846 invoice of C. C. Curtis, 1849 invoice from Beers and Poindexter, 1858 receipt for Robert Armistead, 1878 receipt for Marg. T. Jones for a Saratoga Trunk, 1878 letter to Bangy about items purchased, 1915 receipt of the Misses Jones with The Gloucester Pharmacy, 1927 bill from Dr. Windells for Martha T. Jones, 1940 bank receipt and Curtis receipt in regards to Thomas Fauntleroy's will (undated).
Accounts of estate and an account of a sale of estate items with buyers and items listed with their prices.
Bills, invoices and receipts for items purchased by Richard P. Jones. Businesses and others include Thomas B. Taliaferro (household items), Mitchell and Tyler of Richmond, Chris Heirsch, Potter and Middleton of Baltimore (furniture), G. Earnest & W. Cowles of Baltimore (China), Gwyn & Co. of Baltimore (cloth), Monroe Nicolson (cloth, household items), Heywood Smith (general store), J. T. Guy (house repair) and Sam M. Price & Co (sewing supplies).
1842 invoice from Augustine Owen, 1846 receipt from Diggs' Hotel, 1855 account with R. B. Taliaferro, 1860 account with Oscar Granz of Richmond, 1863 note saying A. Grady will deliver...twelve servants, 1861 invoice from John C. Shafer,
Letter to Armistead from Warner Lewis J[ones], 16 May 1768. Possibly a copy of the letter.
1805 letter written from Lynchburg to Uncle, partial letter written from Upton in 1811 and an 1821 letter from A. Sheldon in Rubert to Jacob Sheldon in Williamsburg.
1834 letter from M. Southgate to Elizabeth Page, his sister, about the shock of his wife's death (Louisa) and 1838 letter from Uncle Richard Jones to Cadet Francis W. Page at West Point Military Academy.
Fragments of letter to Cadet Frank N. Page at West Point from Warner T. Jones, January 12, 1849.
1851 letter from Unknown in Newport, Rhode Island to Major about his visit to Capon Springs and his health problems. 1855 letter from Julia in Alexandria to Maria, 1858 letter to Mother from Daughter and an 1859 letter from D.B. Page of Carybrook to "friend" sending condolences about the death of her baby. Includes 1859 letter to Jones from St. G. Tucker in Ashland about Jones request for his copy of "Journal and Documents," which Tucker explains is usually only borrowed by new members during the Journal Session. Tucker also explains his view on new bill about "ordinary" and "Merchants License" and how McCue of Augusta and Haywood of Marion "concocted an amendment to each of them"..." to extend the promises of the bill to trading with free negroes as well as slaves."
Undated (circa 1861) letter from H. Baytop in Gloucester to Col. Jones, in which he states "I have been offered the Captaincy of a uniform Rifle Company and I had rather accept of that than to be ... I am perfectly willing to serve under you but am not willing to be under any underling"... "let me know if I can get the situation of Paymaster..." January 1861 letter to "Aunt" from Fannie Harrison at Carter Hall about family and friends with a few references to the war. January 1861 letter to "Brother" from sibling in Richmond about the weather preventing the nominations of representatives to the Convention and resulting in too many candidates ..."to the cause of immediate state secession," he is convinced "is the path of safety and of honor" and "immediate secession is gaining ground rapidly." He also mentions different areas of the state and their feelings about secession and how some of them lean towards the Union and others choosing Whigs as their representatives. Letter is unfinished. January 1861 letter to Warner from P. R. Page at the Ship Yard giving details of the election process in selecting a representative to the Convention, with Seawell getting 132 votes and William Taliaferro getting 38. February 1861 letter from J.C. Sheldon at Wilson's Creek to Cal about the property and Mr. Langborn's will. August 1862 letter to Maria from a friend in Richmond about family news. July 1862 letter from D. M. Taliaferro in Gloucester to Warner T. Jones in Richmond about the circumstances of John Richard White leaving Richmond because of sick relatives. Series of letters to Cousin Maria from Mary L. Browning of Greenfield about family affairs. Letters are undated, but probably written in the 1860s. 1864 letter to Maria Jones from Cousin Mary Harrison about the death of Mary's Aunt and family news. July 1864 letter to Martha from Mary L. Browning mostly about the War: who died, who is on disability and where friends are or have been during the war. July 4, 1864 letter from sister MBC (Mary Booth Curtis) in Richmond, Virginia to her sister, Mrs. R. P. Jones (Marie Curtis Jones) about the war with comments such as "I think today may be the most important of the war as it is supposed Grant will try and do something...," " I have no doubt of the issue but the loss of life sickens me." She also mentions prices of food in Richmond and the whereabouts of family and friends. Two August 1864 letters from Fannie in Nelson's Creek to Emily Kemp about visiting, illness of Martha and family news. February 4, 1865 letter from D.B. Page in Carybrook as part of the military to "friend," mostly about friends, family and missing Gloucester. Letter is torn, stained and fragile. March 12, 1865 letter from Joel Thomas to wife, Indiana E. Thomas, with location "In the Trenches." He explains the cost system of sending packages and people stealing from personal shipments. On the second page of the letter he says that his regiment is out of the trenches and living in cabins near Dinwiddie Court House, 10 miles from Petersburg. He writes of movement of troops, news of his and her brothers and his good wishes to his and her family. January 15, 1866 letter written from Greenfield to cousin about death of Aunt Judy in Montgomery, hard times after the war such that "the gentlemen look worse than they did during the war" and "my faithful Hillary and Hannah went off, could not induce them to stay and all through the war, Hillary was as faithful and good as possible..." January 15, 1866 letter from Aunt MBC (Martha Booth Curtis) to Bangy (Mary) asking her to visit and "got a letter from Mrs. Coleman...in which she said she would open her school in Wmsburg the 15th of March" and encourages Bangy to go. 1866 letter from Cousin Louis West in Pensacola, Florida to Cousin Mary about the death of Mrs. Caldwell. July 1866 letter from Maria at Hunting Quarter to Cousin about "Papa going to Clarke to live" with Henry Harrison and they will follow, plus other family news. September 1966 letter from Richmond to "Mother" about where she is living. March 1867 letter from Burwell to cousin about paying her to care for his Aunt. August 30, 1867 letter from Cynthia B. T. Coleman in Aldie, Loudoun County to Maria about teaching her daughter English and Music for free, but can't afford to give free board plus news of her visits to friends. 1869 letter to B about family and being homesick. 1869 letter from Martha Throgmorton to her sister, with postscript by her Mother about family news. 1869 letter from E. Browning to Charlie about a fire in their house that killed their granddaughter, Anna. 1869 letter from Rebecca Tabb to Charlie about the coat he gave LLoyd.
Many letters to and from Curtis and Jones family members. Writers include Mary Booth Curtis, C. C. Curtis, Susan, George O. Nicholson, Allie, sister, Maggie Locke, Martha T. Jones, Huntingdon, Bassett French, David N. Baldwin, M. Curtis, Aunt Lea Page, Barney, Maria Cocke, Preston Cocke, Emily and other indecipherable names. Recipients include Sister, Brother, Cousin, Julia and M. Thompson, Martha (sister), Mary, Emily, Mrs. Semple, Cousin Martha, Matty, Bangy (Mary), Richard Jones, B, Mary Jones, Charlie, Fanny, C.C. Curtis and others. Content is mostly news of family and friends.
Letters are between members of the Jones and Curtis families. Writers include John R. Page, S.S. Page, Annie (Blaxton), W. T. Williams (to Bangie about her Mother's death) and Philip A. Taliaferro. Recipients include Maria, Martha, Fannie, Bangie, Sister and Cousin Martha. Mostly concerns family news.
Letters between Jones and Curtis family members. Writers and recipients include Thomas Nelson Page to Cousin Mrs. M. T. P. Vandergrift (about a story she wrote), P. M. Thompson in Williamsburg to Mary about the death of her Uncle, H. B. Kendig (sending checks to Miss Jones) and Sally Nelson Robins (of the Virginia Historical Society) to Mary about some documents.
1932 letter to Martha and Fanny from Cousin M. J. Vandegrift about family news, and a 1948 letter to Martha from Mrs. H. O. Sanders of Gloucester, saying she found some of "Mama's diaries and was having them typed."
Writers include E. Browning, Elizabeth Byrd Nichols, F.L. B. Cocke, Mother, MBG, unknown Taliaferro, Sister, friend, M.F. Jones, Fanny, Lilly Page, Lizzie Archer, Martha, Mr. Cocke, Aunt Booth, Child and Marion. Recipients include Friend , Bangy (Mary), Miss Jones, Bangy, B. and Sister M, Mother, Sister, Friend, MBC, B, Martha, Mary, Mrs. R.P. Jones, Maria Jones, Children, Niece, Fanny and Miss Jones. Includes a copy of a letter of George Herberts to "Dear Sick Sister," a letter fragment about Florida and assuming government funding to remove native population, letter to Maria from Mr. Cocke where he sends her a four leaf clover (no longer with letter) and a wedding invitation. Topics include all areas of family life and news of friends, family and neighbors.
Undated correspondence to a son or daughter, written either from Richmond, Virginia or Lands End in Gloucester, Virginia. Writer is probably Harriet Throckmorton Curtis and/or Martha T. Jones. Topic is mostly news of family, friends and neighbors.
1840s letters from his sister, Harriet Throckmorton Jones, of Lowlands Cottage, to Richard Jones in Baltimore, telling of local and family news; 1849 letter about finances from Thomas W. Fauntleroy; 1851 letter from C. Lebaron about an account with L. Fauntleroy; 1853 letter from cousin A. Dabney in Raymond, Mississippi; 1853 and 1860 letters from Robert B. Armistead of Alabama about the estate of George Fauntleroy; 1869 letter from Henry Harrison of Millwood about a bond; 1874 letter from M. B. C. about death and God; 1882 note to Mrs. Richard Jones from Cynthia B. T. Coleman mentioning a 50th anniversary; and an undated invitation from Dr. and Mrs. Tabb.
Includes an 1860 letter from P. R. Page in Gloucester about not getting paid as an officer in the Army, giving examples and ranting about the unfairness of the system; 1860 letter from a ? W. Power in Yorktown about Jones' solicitation on behalf of the Volunteer Companies of Gloucester to erect a permanent memorial at Yorktown; 1861 letter from John W. C. Catlett, asking Jones to pick up an earring he left at a shop in Richmond; 1864 letter from C. C. Curtis about the will of Cora Harriet Shelden; 1867 letter from John R. Page about applying before the Members of the Board; 1871 letter from Henry Harrison recommending John R. Page as County Judge; 1873 letter from John R. Page, professor of Natural History at The University of Virginia, about the resolution to fund the University; 1884 letter to Judge W. Crump about a meeting to discuss the finances of William and Mary; 1886 letters about a deed of trust; 1890 letter from Joseph Bryan and an 1890 letter from W. C. Throckmorton of Danville, Virginia about Throckmorton genealogy.
1884 letter to Miss M. F. Jones from S. G. Fauntleroy about coat of arms and other family information; 1894 letters from S. Bassett French to Richard Jones about genealogy; and a 1901 letter to Miss Jones from Edwin Hawley, about the Throckmorton Family. Notes and charts about families; obituaries of Burgh Taliaferro, Rev. Charles Mann, Virginia Throckmorton and Fielding L. Taylor; a correction of the genealogy done by Miss Hary Fauntleroy by unknown person; notes on descendants of Mary Warner; notes on Read and Warner families; genealogy article about connection between the Queen, Washington and Lee, gravestone inscriptions of William Langhorne of King William County and Sarah Ann Weatherby Smith.
1835 note for purchases at estate sale by Warner T. Taliaferro; 1849 note to the Commissioner of Revenue of Gloucester County, transferring 802 acres from C.S. Jones to Richard P. Jones; 1844 indenture between the company of Curtis Jones and Robert C. Curtis; 1845-6 bonds; 1851 final payment for the purchase of Lands End; 1863 list of "negroes and their ages"; 1875 appraisal by Richard P. Jones and R. M. Page for personal estate of Sam Bolling; and a 1877 payment by Richard W. Jones to James D. Pointer for Richard P. Jones' coffin. Also includes an 1890 letter to Mary from George B. Harrison, about English property of Coryndon Carpenter, which by his 1776 will "devised two small farms in Cornwall to his brother Nathaniel Carpenter...of King and Queen County...after his death to be sold and the proceeds to be divided between the four sons of Dr. Carpenter: Coryndon, William Fauntleroy, Bushrod and Nathaniel; and 1830-1852 guardian account records for Maria G. Curtis and R. P. Jones with C. C. Curtis the guardian of Maria.
Includes receipts from purchases, notes and real estate; an accounting of an estate for Miss Maria G. Curtis and R. P. Jones (1830-1852); indenture between Robert C. Curtis and Charles C. Curtis, Richard P. Jones and Philip E. Tabb (business) for $744.72 (1844); "List of Richd P. Jones' negroes and their ages in 1863; indenture inventory of the estate of Sam Bolling (1875); and receipt for coffin of W. T. Jones from Richard W. Jones (1877).
1859 letter by Jno A. B. Thornton certifying that Warner T. Jones was elected to represent Gloucester in the House of Delegates; 1859 form letter to the Alumni of William and Mary Collection, asking for donations; 1880 letter from George B. Harrison asking for help in an English deposition; 1882 Power of Attorney given to Warner Jones for Martha T. Vandergrift; and an 1891 resolution from the Faculty of the College of William and Mary on their appreciation of the character of the late Judge Warner T. Jones.
"A Review of the Circular Letter of the Attorney General...to the Marshals...in Relation to Elections," possibly 1863. June 30, 1929 Richmond Times-Dispatch about the Wells Cathedral in England; February 11, 1912 Times-Dispatch "Our Confederate Column"; and clippings on religion and wedding announcements.
Four handwritten business cards for C. C. Curtis (one with a note); weekly reports from "Lane and Meade's School"in Richmond, Virginia for C.C. Curtis (1868); and newspaper article about Court of Appeals session where John Poindexter's conviction of killing C. C. Curtis on March 3, 1879 was affirmed.
1873 certificate for Miss Mary T. Jones who is "authorized to teach in the Public Free Schools of Gloucester County...1874" and list of "Mary's pallbearers."
1863 Confederate Bonds for Five Hundred Dollars belonging to L. A. and R. M. Page.
Business Card for "The Davis Carriage Company" with "lines...found on the walls of Old Blandford Church...," small Christmas card, printed funeral service for Catherine Elizabeth Murray (1940), 1932 News Leader "In By-gone Days" about "William and Mary College...to be revived and continue as a State Normal School...General William B. Taliaferro and Judge Warner T. Jones have been indefatigable in the cause"; and a calling card for Misses Jones.
William Langhorn's 1823 will in King William County, leaving property in England, "Fox Court," to his Throckmorton cousins. The will was not recognized by English Law and his property was considered intestate. Mostly correspondence about determining the legality of the heirs and the division of the estate, but also includes rental receipts, deeds, agreements and accounts. One document, "Case," says that the English property was willed to William Langborn by Mary Langborn in 1783 and his heirs were the children of his sister, a Throckmorton. Family members involved in the settlement are: Warner T. Taliaferro, Alexander G. Taliaferro, William Taliaferro, Richard P. Jones, Nancy T. Jones, Lucy Anne and Mann Page, Anne Jones, Harriet T. Curtis, John and Lucy M. Page and Henry and Fanny T. Harrison. Other names include Mrs. Sheldon, John and Sally Throckmorton Dixon.
Typescript of "Record of Major William Langborn's Revolutionary War Service"; 1838 Revolutionary War Claim by heirs of William Langborn; 1840 survey of Ohio land granted William Lanborn on reverse of a letter to Charles C. Curtis; and an April 7, 1840 indenture between Charles C. and Harret T. Jones Curtis and Warmer T. Jones giving Warner T. Jones all interest in the King William County land once owned by William Langborn.
Poems and stories written by various members of all the families, though the writer is usually not identified. Includes "Mr. Adam Foster's Letters describing 'old times in Gloucester Co., Va'" in 1848, sent to Mary and belonging to M. L. Tabb of St. Catherine's School; poem written for Maria Greenhow of Williamsburg by Leander, fragment of text," copied by F. B. Macaulay in 1854; Romeo and Juliet (revised and improved), a story about a cat named Dolly by F. C. J.; "Female Character" by Mary F. Jones; handwritten obituary for a pet bird (1874); "popular sayings from Pope"; fragment of notes, poem on the death of "Little Lizzie"; calculation of crop rotation and profits using "The Henley Four Field System"; prose story about Lands End; note that describes "...romantic delusion that the south was inhabited exclusively by aristocrats and picturesque negroes..."; fragment of a story about a young girl at a ball; notes on Spanish and European religious and political history; page from a book with a poem entitled "Stillness," which is addressed to Bangy; recipe for "Tomatoe Catsup," and a typescript manuscript of "Cousin Martha's recollections" of Eagle Point, Lands End and other areas of Gloucester.
Papers of the Jones Family and collateral families, the Fauntleroy Family, the Taliaferro Family, the Sheldon Family, and others. Includes printed material, obituaries and writings. This accession was a gift of Maria Talcott. Mss. Acc. 1955.001 Addition.
October 28, 1825 letter from Mary L. Fauntleroy in Oakley to Miss Apphia B. Fauntleroy in Richmond, Virginia about her sadness because of the death of their sister and brother. Undated letter to Mother from Maria Greenhow (tear) about her activities in Richmond. August 11, 1873 letter to Mary from Janet, telling about attending the Virginia Council in Winchester, Virginia with her father. Undated letter to Mrs. Mary Lewis Browning from Sally Taliaferro about news of weddings and friends. Partial Last Will and Testament of Thomas Fauntleroy, dated February 1820.
Letters and documents spanning from 1859 to 1916. Documents concerning Warner T. Jones include an 1859 invoice from E.B. Spence; 1861 invitation to a Ball at Rosewell by the Gentlemen of Gloucester; 1861 bill for room and other items at the Spotswood Hotel in Richmond; 1862 receipt for the American Hotel in Richmond; 1865 check from Pugh; 1866 letter from unknown at Millhouse to Warner about property (Sheldon?) and news of friends; undated (after 1887) opinion from T.G. Jones to Hon. W.T. Jones about the "matter of the old dragon Bridge and causeway now pending in Gloucester County Court" in Middlesex and Gloucester Counties; May 12th, 186? letter from Capt. Chs. Garnett to Col. Jones about "Scouts from Gwynn's Island report persons landing & marching towards ...women & children leaving for mainland in night..."; a 1873 card for free travel on the Atlantic Mississippi and Ohio Railroad; and a partial undated letter from W. T. Jones while at William and Mary; August 1863 letter to "My Very Dear Sister" from her sister in Chatham telling of news of friends, deaths in the war, Mr. Gringam's whereabouts, the hot summer, her garden in Richmond and the Yankees stopping the mail; 1884 letter from son P. E. Jones to his Mother, Maria Jones, about family news; a 1916 envelope addressed to Richard Jones, and a 1922 paper on the Throckmorton family by William Carter Stubbs. Undated material includes a genealogical note about the Warner and Smith families; a report on the Throckmorton family; undated letter between two Jones sisters; small poetry notebook; and a handwritten copy of a letter written by Emanuel Jones, Petsworth Parish, Gloucester County with a "list of questions sent out by the Bishop of London in 1724," with answers.
April 13, 1864 Confederate Bond for J. C. Sheldon; typed "Story of Land's End" about Captain John Sinclair; 1869 and 1871 court judgments in the cases of Spencer Forrest vs. William T. Hicks, William Lane vs. William T. Hicks and others against William T. Hicks.
Undated wedding invitation between Olivia Clarke Bridges and Robert Colgate Selden; 1899 Circuit Court judgment in Gloucester, Virginia in Smith vs. Taliaferro; a 1901 booklet about Philip Alexander Taliaferro; undated document about the division of the estate of William Langborn and his heirs, the Taliaferro and Jones families, with a "Memoranda relative to Capt. Philip Taliaferro and Major Wm Langbourne" about Langborn not receiving pay during his military service.
Obituaries for Dr. E. C. S. Taliaferro and Mary Fauntleroy Jones.
1864 pamphlet, signed by M. B. Custis, entitled "Our Father's Care. a Ballad. by Mrs. Sewell," printed by the Presbyterian Committee of Publication in Richmond, Virginia. Religious pamphlet entitled, "Morning Watches." "Vital Facts about Jamestown, Yorktown, Williamsburg, College of William and Mary," revised 1932.
Notes and draft entitled "A History of Petsworth Parish." Petsworth Parish is in Gloucester County, Virginia. Possibly written by Mary Fauntleroy Jones.
Handwritten partial stories and a poem, "The Little Flower Maiden." Pages of the stories are numbered, but many seem to be missing. These stories were possibly written by Mary F. Jones since they arrived in an envelope addressed to Miss Mary F. Jones.
A small book, "Teacher's Pocket Record," with some records kept, but most are covered by newspaper clippings.