On 9 Mar 1923 seventeen women met at the home of Mrs. John Moore (n.d.) and decided to establish the Aldie Horticultural Society.
Mrs. Floyd (Eleanor Truax) Harris (1868-1937), was elected president, and the group agreed to meet monthly. Records show
that the group has met on a regular basis to hear presentations on topics of interest to gardeners, to undertake projects
to beautify various sites in Aldie, to visit gardens of interest, and to sponsor shows of several varieties of plants, including
a yearly daffodil show for members of the society. Mrs. Harris developed the Stoke Daffodil, named for her home, Stoke.
The organization, which is not associated with Garden Clubs of Virginia, meets on a regular basis. Ongoing civic activities
include sending two Aldie children to nature camp each year, and decorating the town of Aldie, VA for Christmas. A long term
project has been to send money for treats to a senior citizens' home in Manassas, VA for the Fourth of July.
This collection consists of photocopies of minutes, roll call records, programs, and brochures of places visited by the members
of the society from 1923-2013. The originals of these records were retained by the society.
Folders 1-11 contain the minutes of meetings of years 1923-1933. Folders 12 -16 contain the minutes for 1937-1941. Minutes
in Folder 18 go back to 1933; folders 19-22 contain records for 1934-1937.