Thomas Balch Library
Thomas Balch Library© 2006 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Phyllis Ford
Open for research.
No physical characteristics affect use of this collection.
Preservation Society of Loudoun County 1990, (M 006/OMB 001), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Preservation Society of Loudoun County, Round Hill, VA
Processed by Phyllis Ford, 4 Aug 2004; Updated by Stephanie Adams, 22 Dec 2005
Senate Joint Resolution No. 177 was adopted during the 1989 Session of the General Assembly of Virginia. The resolution directed the Division of Historic Landmarks to study problems affecting small community and family cemeteries. Martha H. Little of Charlottsville was retained by the Division of Historic Landmarks to oversee the study. Alice Calhoun, president of the Preservation Society of Loudoun County, contacted Ms. Little to offer the Society's assistance in conducting the study in Loudoun County. A committee was formed with members Bill and Donna Miner, Alvin P. Titus, Ned Douglass, David Via, Louis Jett, Jeff Ball, and Wynne Saffer. The first meeting of the Cemetery Committee was held in June 1989. Two other Loudoun County citizens, Ronald Blake and Eugene Scheel, also helped the committee identify many small cemeteries.
During the project, committee members performed field research to find out how many cemeteries existed in Loudoun County, map their locations, and assess their condition. One of the goals of the project was to be able to use the data to lobby the state for funds to help maintain cemeteries that had been neglected or were in danger of being destroyed. Upon completion of the survey, 104 small cemeteries were identified.
Ronald Blake (1924-2000) was a member of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors in 1976, and the Leesburg Town Council from 1992-1994. A Civil War devotee, he donated his collection of Confederate burial site information to the Preservation Society.
The collection consists of research files relating to 104 cemeteries and 19 USGS maps, with each cemetery marked and numbered. Included from Blake's donation to the Society are lists of Civil War dead in Loudoun, Fauquier and Prince William Counties along with their burial sites. Copies of several WPA historical surveys of small cemeteries are also part of this collection, containing information about decedents and transcriptions of epitaphs. The majority of the collection dates from 1989-1990. Materials found in the Blake collection range in date from 1936-1938 with a number of undated items.