Thomas Balch Library
Thomas Balch Library© 2006 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Rebecca K. Ottinger
Open for research.
No physical characteristics affect the use of this material.
Sesame Club Records, 1932-2011 (M 027), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Ann Thomas, Round Hill, VA.
A CD of club constitutions and a CD of club history are filed in Box 4, Folder 6.
2006.0157, 2012.0060
Processed by Rebecca K. Ottinger, 12 Feb 2007. Updated by Rebecca K. Ottinger, 2008, 2009, 2012.
This is an open collection; additions will be made periodically. There are extra program booklets for some years (located in Box 4, Folder 5); these may be used for display. Copies of Elizabeth Stowe: The Collected Stories by Elizabeth Stowe (VREF FICTION STO) are also available in the library's fiction collection.
Late in 1932, nine women living in western Loudoun County, VA who were interested in enriching their lives established Sesame Club. The charter members were Martha McComb (19 Jun 1897-Mar 1972), Nan Cornwell (20 Jun 1897-Jan 1988), Louise Hawthorne (11 Dec 1898-Jul 1994), Alice Kerr Stehle, Evelyn Taylor Adams Litton (22 Oct 1904-9 Jan 1999), Margaret S. Taylor Chamblin (24 Mar 1901-10 Aug 1968), Sally R. Speer (nd), Julia Monroe (22 Aug 1892-Apr 1984), and Alice James (12 Jan 1887-20 May 1946). The club's constitution says, "The purpose of Sesame shall be to study history, sociology, art and literature for the cultural improvement of the members.' From 1932 to1952 Sesame's fiscal and program year was from September to September; in 1952 it was changed to begin in January.
The structure of the club is rather informal; the constitution provides that a nominating committee, appointed in September, propose a slate of officers consisting of president, vice-president, and secretary-treasurer who are elected in November to serve one year terms. The constitution also provides for the August appointment of a program committee. The committee is responsible for selecting a topic for the following year and assigning club members to prepare and present programs, which are given at each regular monthly meeting. Meetings are usually held in the home of one of the members. Ad hoc committees can and have been appointed as needed. Throughout the club's history program topics have included the history and culture of a number of countries, literature, music, fashion, art, and many other areas of interest.
At the time of processing these records date from 1932 when the club was established and continue through 2006; it is an open collection - additions will be made periodically since the club is still active. The records of early years are incomplete, and from May 1943 until August 1944 the club did not meet. It reconvened in that month and has continued to meet regularly. Until 1947 programs were written and presented by members. Since that time, programs have been oral. Efforts have been made to obtain and preserve written copies of more recent programs and, when available, these are included in the files.
CD-Rom capable computer