Thomas Balch Library
Thomas Balch Library© 2006 By Thomas Balch Library. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Teckla H. Cox
Open for research.
No physical characteristics affect use of this material
Town of Leesburg: Department of Planning, Zoning & Development: Visual Records of Historic Sites (VC RG22), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.
Town of Leesburg, Department of Planning, Zoning & Development
Processed by Teckla H. Cox, 14 June 2007.
The Town of Leesburg Department of Planning, Zoning and Development assists the Town Council in developing land use policy and enforces land use and zoning regulations. There are three divisions within the department: comprehensive planning, current planning, and zoning. Their activities include reviewing development plans, processing zoning and special exception applications, and issuing permits. The department employs an Historic Preservation Planner, who provides assistance to property owners in the Old and Historic District with regard to planning matters.
This collection is comprised of photographs of historic buildings and sites within and adjacent to the Town of Leesburg. The photographs document changes to existing buildings, buildings demolished for development, and general streetscape photographs of the Old and Historic District documenting its appearance from 1990 to 2004 (with one 1974 photograph). The photographs were taken by the Preservation Planner of the Department of Planning, Zoning & Development of the Town of Leesburg.
77 of the folders contain photographs, some with their negatives; two folders contain maps (the Old & Historic District 2004, and a map of Goshen just outside the town); one folder contains 25 sets of negatives that do not exactly match any other particular folders that are listed separately; one folder is miscellaneous material. There is also a set of plans for the John Janney House at 10 Cornwall St. N.E. in the Historic District.
The buildings photographed are generally identified by address and further information may be accessed in Leesburg Architectural Surveys (M 016) which are listed by address, as well as by the state's identifying number and by the county's tax map numbers.
Leesburg Architectural Surveys 1971-2001 (M 016), Thomas Balch Library, Leesburg, VA.