A Guide to the Rhoades [Rhodes] Family Papers, 1908-1982 MS 648

A Guide to the Rhoades [Rhodes] Family Papers, 1908-1982

A Collection in
the Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
Collection number MS 648


Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
200 Second Street, NE
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Phone: (434) 296-1492
URL: https://albemarlehistory.org
Email: library@albemarlehistory.org

© 2024 By Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society

Processed by: Miranda Burnett

Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society
Collection number
MS 648
Rhoades [Rhodes] Family Papers, 1908-1982
3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.) .
Rhoades Family
Archive Room Shelves

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

There are no restrictions.

Preferred Citation

Rhoades [Rhodes] Family Papers, MS 648, Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society

Acquisition Information

The Rhoades Family Collection was donated to the Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society by Judith and Troy Bircham in 2020. The connection between the Rhoades Family and the Bircham's is unknown.

Biographical/Historical Information

The 1920 census records that Lelia F. Rhodes and her children Samuel Jr., Frances, Frank Albert and Margaret Culbert, were living in Charlottesville. The papers show that they were students in the Albemarle County Schools and the Miller School. At some point the family attended the Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church. The Rhoades had many family members living in North Dakota.

Scope and Content

This collection contains personal correspondence, photographs, memorabilia and published materials related to the Rhoades Family. There is an extensive collection of photographs from the Kesler family of North Dakota that was related to the Rhoades.


This collection is arranged in three parts:

Part 1: Correspondence and memorabilia

Part 2: Photographs

Part 3: Printed materials

Box 1

f. 1: Provenance, notes

f. 2: Albemarle County Schools - miscellaneous documents. Red Hill Elementary School health-fitness recommendations and some teachers notes, 1963 and 1969

f. 3: Boger, Dane - miscellaneous Christmas cards, 1934

f. 4: Boger, Dane - Zanol Products Co. advertisement for a "Tea and Coffee Route," [ca. 1931]

f. 5: Brady, Martin A. - cancelled checks, 1934

f. 6: Fisher, [Holier?] to friend, 1923

f. 7: Holladay, R. L. to S. S. Rhodes, 1909

f. 8: Randolph, W. M. - poetry, 1908

f. 9: Rhoades, Arley E. Cutright (Sam's wife) - correspondence, 1934

f. 10: Rhoades Children - school certificates of achievement, 1913-1916

f. 11: Rhoades Dusty - Bankers Trust documents, 1933

f. 12: Rhoades, Frances - incoming correspondence, 1922-1926, 1934

f. 13: Rhoades, Frances - congratulatory cards upon her graduation, 1926

f. 14: Rhoades, Frances - miscellaneous memorabilia, 1925, 1934, n.d.

f. 15: Rhoades, Frances - notebooks, 1923, n.d.

f. 16: Rhoades, Frank Albert - handwritten poems and permit for Driver of Motor Vehicles, n.d.and 1933

f. 17: Rhoades, Frank Albert - International Association of Lions Clubs: constitution and by-laws; information, 1931-1934

f. 18: Rhoades, Frank Albert - motor vehicle title, 1938

f. 19: Rhoades, Frank Albert - contract with Person Motor Corporation; life insurance policies, 1934

f. 20: Rhoades, Frank Albert - photos of Williamsburg, negatives, correspondence, [1934?]

f. 21: Rhoades, Lelia - incoming correspondence, 1917-1926

f. 22: Rhoades, Lelia - letters to son Samuel Rhoades, 1916

f. 23: Rhoades, Margaret Colbert - correspondence and UVA Hospital billing, 1926, 1929, 1932

f. 24: Rhoades, Samuel to mother Lelia - correspondence, 1916, 1926

f. 25: Rhoades, Samuel from Aunt [Heshe] - re Sam, n.d.

f. 26: Rhoades, Mary Belle vs. Frank Albert Rhoades - Deposition, 1929

f. 27: Christmas cards sent to Rhoades Family, 1923-1924, 1933, n.d.

f. 28: Funkhouser, Lilian marriage to Archibald Dabney, invitation, 1904

f. 29: Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church - directories, 1970, 1972, 1982

f. 30: Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church - photographs, 1968 and n.d.

f. 31: Letter from unknown to sis, n.d.

f. 32: Miller School songs, n.d.

f. 33: Miller School postcards, n.d.

f. 34: Mother's Day greetings cards and Easter card, n.d.

f. 35: Teaching notes and observations, 1969

f. 36: Valentine cards sent to Frances Rhoades, 1923

f. 37: "The Baby" Virginia Health Bulletin, Vol. XX, No. 12, 1928


f. 38: Chapell, Flossy E., n.d.

f. 39: Casey, John and Joanne, n.d.

f. 40: Cox, Delmer (cousin), n.d.

f. 41: Football teams [Miller School?], 1925 and n.d.

f. 42: [Hermans] Family, Christmas 1925

f. 43: [Kesler?] Family members, n.d.

Box 2

f. 1: Kesler, Alice E. and Bernice 8th Grade Graduation, n.d.

f. 2: Kesler, Alice, n.d.

f. 3: Lacy, Mamie T., n.d.

f. 4: [Mother and child], 1867. [C. E. Rees, W. G. E. Frayser, E. J. Rees Photos, Richmond, Va.]

f. 5: Monticello Hand Colored Photographs, n.d.

f. 6: [Moore, Tom and Nannie], North Dakota, n.d.

f. 7: Nielsen, Buddy, North Dakota, n.d.

f. 8: [Owens, Elizabeth], n.d.

f. 9: Radeliff, W. A. and wife, Algiers, IN, n.d.

f. 10: Rhoades, Mary Bell

f. 11: Photo of a Black Woman, n.d.

f. 12: Photos of women from North Dakota photographers, n.d.

f. 13: Photos of unknown children, n.d.

f. 14: Rhoades Family Photographs, n.d.

f. 15: Rhoades - Birchman photos taken by Charlottesville photographers, n.d.

f. 16: Rhoades - Bircham photos of unknown women and girls, n.d.

f. 17: Roberts, Sonny, n.d.

f. 18: Unidentified miniature photos from B. A. Blackemore and Son Studio, Stanton, VA, n.d.

f. 19: Unidentified persons from Maryland photo studio, n.d.

f. 20: Unidentified photos of couples, n.d.

f. 21: Unidentified family, North Dakota, n.d.

f. 22: Nurses - group photograph taken in Olsen's Studio, North Dakota, n.d.

f. 23: Photographic postcards of unknown family members, n.d.

f. 24: Photos of unidentified persons taken in North Dakota, n.d.

f. 25: Unidentified photographs of family members from North Dakota, n.d.

Box 3

2 photo albums of the Kesler Family, ca. 1921

Oversize photograph of Platoon 19 G. E. Baker Co. Com., October 10, 1923. Photo by U. S. N. T. Station Photographers, Hampton Roads, VA.

Oversize photograph of Rocking Chair Manufacturing [Employees], "Henderson - Ervin - Rocking Chair Mfg.", Monticello Rd., ca. 1950.

Folder with University of Virginia postcards

Folder with postcards

Printed Materials:

Crandall, Irene Jean: A Cabin Courtship: A Comedy in Three Acts, USA, 1921

Gamble, Elizabeth Brown: She Dares to Be Different. An Autobiography. Charlottesville, VA, The Reynolds Company, 1974

Hare, Walter Ben: The Camp-Fire Girls. A Comedy in Four Acts. Boston, Walter H. Baker and Co., 1915

Loving, Boyce: The Origin of Necking. A Travesty on the Pocahontas-John Smith Episode. Richmond, VA., 1932

McGlone, Susie G.: A Virginia Heroine. A Comedy in Three Acts. Boston, Walter H. Baker and Co., 1907

Scott, Walter: The Lady of the Lake. New York, The MacMillan Company, 1928 [Book belonged to Margaret Rhoades]

Service Song Book (Abridged). Prepared for the International Committee of Young Men's Christian Association for the Men of the Army and Navy. New York, Association Press, 1918

Shakespeare, William: The Merchant of Venice. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1911. Riverside Literature Series, No. 55

Stevenson, Robert Louis: Travels with a Donkey and an Inland Voyage. New York, The MacMillan Company, 1927. [Book belonged to Margaret and "Dusty" Rhoades]

The Book of Psalms: translated out by The Original Hebrew; and with the former translation diligently compared and revised. New York, Army and Navy Edition, American Bible Society, 1917. [Book belonged to Frances L. Rhoades]

The Language of Flowers: An Alphabet of Floral Emblems. London, T. Nelson and Sons, 1875

The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers. Part I. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1893. Riverside Literature Series, No. 60

The Sir Roger de Coverley Papers. Part II. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1893. Riverside Literature Series, No. 61

Whitman, R. Adelaide: English and Scottish Popular Ballads. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1909. Riverside Literature Series, No. 61

Index Terms


  • Boger, Dane
  • Brady, Martin A.
  • Kesler, Alice E.
  • Kesler, Bernice
  • Rhoades, Arley E.
  • Rhoades, Frances
  • Rhoades, Frank Albert
  • Rhoades, Lelia
  • Rhoades, Margaret
  • Rhoades, Samuel Jr.
  • Roberts, Sonny
  • Family Names:

  • Kesler family
  • Rhoades family
  • Corporate Names:

  • Albemarle County Schools
  • Hinton Avenue United Methodist Church
  • Miller School
  • Subjects:

  • Education - Albemarle County
  • Local history
  • Photographs
  • Geographical Names:

  • North Dakota
  • Virginia - Albemarle County
  • Virginia - Charlottesville

Significant Places Associated With the Collection

  • North Dakota
  • Virginia - Albemarle County
  • Virginia - Charlottesville