A Guide to the William Lightfoot Papers, 1740-1764 Lightfoot, William, Papers, 1740-1764 MS 52.4

A Guide to the William Lightfoot Papers, 1740-1764

A Collection in
the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library
Manuscript Number MS 52.4


John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

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John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Manuscript number
MS 52.4
William Lightfoot Papers, 1740-1764.
9 items.
William Lightfoot, 1724-1764.

Administrative Information


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Publication Rights/ Restrictions on Use

Before publishing quotations or excerpts from any materials, permission must be obtained from the Special Collections Librarian/ Associate Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts, and the holder of the copyright, if not the Rockefeller Library at Colonial Williamsburg.

Preferred Citation

William Lightfoot Papers, Manuscript MS 52.4, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Acquisition Information

Purchase, 1952.

Alternative Form

Also available on microfilm M-1555.

Biographical/Historical Information

William Lightfoot (1722-1764) was a merchant of Yorktown, Va. He served as sheriff of York County, 1746, and burgess from Charles City County, 1756-1758.

Scope and Content Information

Mercantile account book, 1747-1764, and loose accounts of William Lightfoot. The accounts for his plantations and his store show that he did business with men from all parts of the colony, and with some of the better known British merchants. Among the names in the accounts are William Byrd III, Dr. James Carter, Col. Dudley Digges, Lt. Gov. Robert Dinwiddie, Dr. Peter Hay, Col. Philip Ludwell, John Norton, Hugh Orr, John Randolph, Richard Taliaferro, Benjamin Waller, and Ralph Wormeley.

The first thirty-four pages of the book contain accounts, 1740-1744, of a merchant doing business in central and southern England. Names include Joseph Freeman, Edmund Goss, Edmund Green, Thomas Higgs, Thomas Hill, John Lewis, William Poole, Richard Purbeck, James Stanbridge, Thomas Tournay, Robert Warne, and James Young.


Chronologically arranged.

Index Terms


  • Byrd, William, 1728-1777.
  • Carter, James, d. 1794.
  • Digges, Dudley, 1718-1790.
  • Dinwiddie, Robert, 1693-1770.
  • Freeman, Joseph.
  • Goss, Edmund.
  • Green, Edmund.
  • Hay, Peter, Dr.
  • Higgs, Thomas.
  • Hill, Thomas.
  • Lewis, John.
  • Lightfoot, William, 1724- 1764.
  • Ludwell, Philip, 1716-1767.
  • Norton, John, 1719-1777.
  • Orr, Hugh, d. 1764.
  • Poole, William.
  • Purbeck, Richard.
  • Randolph, John, 1727 or 8- 1784.
  • Stanbridge, James.
  • Taliaferro, Richard, d. ca. 1789.
  • Tournay, Thomas.
  • Waller, Benjamin, 1716- 1786.
  • Warne, Robert.
  • Wormeley, Ralph, 1715-1790.
  • Young, James.
  • Subjects:

  • Merchants--Virginia-- Yorktown.
  • Great Britain--Virginia--Yorktown.
  • Genre and Form Terms:

  • Account books-- Virginia--Yorktown--18th century.

William Lightfoot Account Book Index

The following index provides page numbers where the following people or terms may be found.


Acrill, William, Charles City 42, 160, 218
Adams, Patrick, Dr., Surry 41
Allen, John, Farhnam 24
Allen, William, Esq., Surry 117, 184, 233
Amson, John, Dr., Williamsburg 94
Anson, John J., Dr., Surry Couunty 151
Apperson, Samuel, James City 159
Armistead, William, Charles City 66
Athawes, Edward, London 115
Austin, Francis 196
Badger, Joseph, Aulcester 15
Badnam, Evan, Tedington 152
Baker, Elizabeth, Alton 32
Baldiston, Robert, Dover 24
Ballard, Thomas, Charles City 55
Banister River Plantation 75
Barret, Charles, Louisa County 149
Barrot, Martha, at the ferry 92
Barrott, William, Capt., James City County 105
Barrow, Peter, Charles City 81
Belchus, James 225
Belck, Henry, Chesham 26
Bell, James, Charles City 113
Bendall, John, Sr., Charles City County 161
Bender, James, Charles City 76
Bennett, Henry, Charles City 157
Biddel 17
Bowcock, Edward, Williamsburg 119
Bowrey, Stephen, Charles City 137
Bradley, John, Charles City 72
Brandy Quarter, Brunswick 185
Braxton, Carter, Esq. 144
Braxton, George 96
Brewer, John, Charles City 102
Brewer, William, Charles City 140
Browne, Thomas Maxwell 221
Buck, Benjamin, Charles City County 124
Burcher, Thomas, Tounton 13
Burnett, Robert, Dr. 84
Burt, Matthew 43
Burton, William, Charles City 120
Burwell, Lewis, Col., James City 141
Burwell, Robert, Col. 46
Burwell, Robert, Col., Isle West 219
Byrd, William, Esq., Charles City 45, 147
Camish, Thomas, Alresford 18
Campbell, Mrs., Williamsburg 130
Carden, John 14
Carnegy, Patrick, Capt. 99
Carrington, Paul, Atty. 206
Carter, Charles, Cleeve 109
Carter, James, Dr., Williamsburg 212
Carter, Robert, Esq. 50
Chamberlayne, Messrs. Richard & Thomas 144
Chappel, James, Sheriff of Sussex County 126
Charles City County 140
Charleton, Lydia, Williamsburg 135
Chatt, Sarah, Yorktown 154
Cheyney, Philip, Charles City 179
Chitty, Chrus, Farnham 21
Christian, Turner Hunt 203
Churchill, Armistead, Col., Middlesex 176
Churchill, William, Nansemond 93
Clare, Joseph, London 17
Clark, Mary, widow of William in Charles City 89
Clark, Rachell, Devizes 11
Clarke, Sarah, nurse 222
Clarke, William, Canterbury 27
Cocke, Benhamin, merchant of Sussex 197
Cocke, Edward, Charles City County 94, 217
Cocke, Jane, Charles City 149
Cocke, John, Surry county 128, 205
Cocke, Littlebury, Charles City County 94, 160
Cocke, Thomas, Capt., Surry County 84, 102
Cocke, William, Surry County 121
Collier, Thomas, Surry, County 143
Colthread, John, Williamsburg 118
Cooper, Messrs. Shepherd and, Barbados 161
Corbett, Richard, Charles City 151
Coutant, Capt. 82
Cowles, Thomas, Charles City 90
Cox, Henry, Newburg 20
Cox, Samuel, Thame 38
Crews, Andrew, Charles City 204
Crews, Ellyson, Charles City 158
Crews, John, Jr., Charles City County 178
Cross, John, William Acrills overseer 127
Currie, James, Williamsburg 175
Dancie, Benjamin 53
Dancy, Benjamin 196, 214
Dancy, Edwrd, Charles City County 44
Dancy, Francis, Black Swamp 51
Dancy, Francis, Jr., son of Edward 156
Dancy, John, Charles City 113
Dandridge, Nathaniel West, King William County 122
Dansie, Thomas, Capt., King William 103
Danzie, John J. C. 56
Davis, William, Rev., Charles City 188, 222
Dickson, Nicholson, York 103
Digges, Dudley, Col., York 183
Dinwiddie, Robert, Esq. 174
Dobree, Thomas, Guernsey 80
Draper, John, Farnham 35
Drummond, John, James City 205
Dudley, William, King and Queen County 129
Duncastle, John, Williamsburg 83
Dunlop, Archibald, merchant, Surry 211
Eason, James, merchant, Kennons 211
Edloe, John, Jr., of the Roe 164, 194
Edloe, John, Major, Charles City 44, 105, 142, 173, 185, 213
Edloe, John, Major, as sheriff of Charles City County 150
Edloe, William, Capt., Charles City 47, 108, 133, 142, 157, 170, 224
Edwards, Nathaniel, Col., Brunswick 150
Eeles, Thomas, Thame 16
Egmon, Lawrence, carpenter of Tedington 97, 136, 171
Eppes, Lewellen, Major, Clerk, Charles City Court 116
Eyre, Littleton, Col., E. Shore 93
Falla, James, Capt. 52
Farmer, Samuel, Norfolk 87
Finnie, Alexander, Williamsburg 86
Fleming, John 74
Fountain, Peter, Rev. 53
Freeman, Joseph, Alresford 5
Freeman, William, Nottoway 82
Fugler, John, Charles City 171, 188
Fugler, Richard, Surry County 182
Gee, James 126
Gilker, John, Milton 15
Goodenough, John, Waeminster 26
Goore, Charles, Liverpoole 104
Gosden, Richard 9
Goss, Edmund, Denton 8
Green, Edmund, Wooburn 6, 13
Gregory, John, Charles City County 102
Griffen, Nathaniel 12
Gyles, Samuel, Winslow 22
Gyles, William, Tocester 28
Halcot, Mary, London 126
Hamilton, Messr. 51
Hancock, Clement, Nottoway 101
Hancock, Robert 72
Hardyman, Messrs. John and Littlebury 110
Harrison, Benjamin, Col., Wakefield 41, 55, 80, 141, 195, 235
Harrison, Carter Henry, Esq. 199
Harrison, Henry, Sussex County 207
Harrison, Nathaniel, Col., Stafford County 47
Harrison, Robert 202
Harrison, William, Rev., Henry 198
Harvey, Henry, Charles City County 111
Hatton, Rev., William and Mary College 199
Havens 31
Hawksbey, John, Devize 36
Hay, Anthony, Williamsburg 130
Hay, Peter, Dr., Williamsburg 57
Hill, Messrs. Lamar and 46
Hill, Thomas, Hempshead 10
Hoddart, John, Gardiner 65
Hodgkinson, Elizabeth, Woodstock 16
Hollyer, Roger, Newport Isle 14
Holman, William, Sudbury 32
Hopper, Cary, Dr., Charles City 132
Horn, Richard, Eversham 23
Hornblower, John, Kidderminster 19
Hotchkis, Rev., London 177
Hunt, John, London 57
Hunter, William, Williamsburg 128
Hurt, James, taylor, Charles City 189
Inspection of tobacco 133
Inspector of Cabbin Point 127
Jacskon, William, Barkway 34
Jameson, David, York 85
Jarvis, Samuel, Stratford 25
Johnson, Waddell, overseer, Nottoway 167
Jones 25
Jones, Matthew, York County 201
Jones, Messrs. Farwell and, Bristol 236
Jones, Phil Edward, Gloucester County 129
Jones, Richard, Sussex County 194
Kennon, Richard, Col., Charles City 86
Kennon, William 238
Kingstone, James, Chesham 35
Knox, Thomas, Bristol 54
Lamar, Messrs. Hill and 46
Lane 9
Lane, Isaac, Capt. 112
Lawrence 5
LeMesurier, Nicholas, Capt., Guernsey 158
Leaver, Francis, Dr., Charles City 100
Lee, Philip Ludwell, Westmoreland County 169
Lewis, John, Tounton 28
Lewis, Warner, Gloucester 43
Lightfoot, Armistead, London 58, 226-227
Lightfoot, John 193
Lightfoot, Mary, York 39-40, 146, 223
Lister, Dionissius, Charles City 59
Lister, John, York County 172
Lister, William, James City County 119
Littlepage, James, Hanover 153
Lorton, Robert, Charles City Court House 145
Loyd, Francis, Charles City County 134
Ludwell, Philip, Col. 52
Lyde, Lyonel, London 99
Lyne, Charles, Yorktown 56
Major, Edward, Charles City County 107
Malin, William, Elmden 37
Malone, James, shoemaker of Surry County 135
Marrable, George, Charles City 60
Marsom, Samuel, Luton 22
Marston, John, Charles City 145
Mason, John, Capt. 126
Massenburg, Nicholas, Sussex 92
Maynard, Nathaniel, Sheriff of Charles City 78, 187
Mayow, Ann, Oxon 19
Meridith, Mary 186
Messenger, Richard 125, 180, 193, 207, 234
Miggs, Thomas, Abington 7
Miller, Messrs. Perkins and 156
Minge, Edward, Charles City County 108
Minge, George, Charles City 88
Minge, John, Capt. 60
Mitchell, Sarah, Basingstoke 9
Moeier, William, Jamestown 106
Montford, Edward, Dinwiddie 169
Moore, Bernard, Col., King William County 98
Moore, Thomas, Col. & Bernerd, King William 176
Morecock, Thomas 81, 88
Morton, Joseph, Capt., James City County 98
Moss, William 224
Mossome, David, Rev., New Kent 204
Murphey, Thomas, Charles City County 91
Mustain, Thomas, Banister 61
Nelson, Thomas, Esq. 131
Nelson, William, Esq. 190
Newman, Paul, Milksham 17
Nicholson, Josiah 20
Norton, John, Yorktown 83
Noss, Elizabeth, Alresford 21
Nottoway Plantation 71,
Orr, Hugh, Williamsburg 117
Page, John, Esq., Gloucester County 143
Page, Manre, Esq. 125
Pascal, Michael H., Capt. 78
Peacock, Josiah, Tounton 25
Perkins, Messrs. Miller and, Norfolk 156
Perry, William Peleg, ship carpenter 138
Peter, John and Company, Surry 123
Petto, John, Guilford 36
Pierce, Jonathan 68, 154
Pierce, Peter, Beeve 27
Plantation in the Neck 69
Pond, Thomas, Clipson 33
Poole, William, Chertsey 18
Portopotank Plantation 73
Potter, John, Chesham 6
Powell, Nicholas, York 87
Powell, Seymour, Yorktown 146
Purbeck, Richard 4
Puxty, Alexander 29
Randolph, Edward, Capt. 79
Randolph, Elizabeth 96
Randolph, Isham, Capt. 61
Randolph, John, Esq., Williamsburg 120
Randolph, Peter, Col. 107
Randolph, Richard 50
Randolph, Ryland 216
Read, Gwyn, Capt., Gloucester County 110
Reynolds, Thomas, Capt., York 118
Riddlehurst, John 216
Ridlehurst, John 95, 184
Robinson, John, Esq. 122
Rogers, Matthew, Charles City 201
Royster, Peter, Charles City 76
Ruffin, Robert 62, 208
Rumball, Messrs. Walker and, Liverpool 225
Rusley, Francis, Axmister 30
Rutty, Samuel, Milksham 18
Sackett, Stephen, Margate 31
Saunders, Henry, Exon 11
Scot 15
Scott, James, Axbridge 34
Scott, Messrs., Burket and, taylors in London 178
Seward, Samuel, Nottoway 221
Shell, Charles City County 91
Shepherd, Messrs. Cooper and, Barbados 161
Sheriff of Brunswick 220
Sheriff of Sussex County 202, 220
Sheriff of York County 153
Sheriffs of Halifax County 192
Skipwith, William, Sir 159
Smith, Isaac, Charles City 148, 219
Smith, John, Richmond County 190
Smith, Peter, Nottoway 63, 162
Southall, John, Richmond County 121
Spiers, James, Williamsburg 116
Spotswood, John, Col. 114
Sprowle, Andrew, merchant, Norfolk 195
Stagg, Charles, Capt., Berkley 200
Stanbridge, James, St. Albans 4
Stanley, Dancy 77
Stevenson, William, York 167
Stith, Anderson, Charles City County 85
Stone, Elias, King and Queen 123
Strachan, Peter, Dr., King William County 175
Stuart, Charles, Norfolk 111
Stuart, Malcolm, Charles City County 125
Stubblefield, Edward, overseer, Bannister 170
Stubblefield, Simon, Charles City 112
Stubbs, John, Gloucester County 177
Symonds, Joseph, Slandford 12
Tabb, Edmund, York 104
Taliaferro, Richard, James City 165
Tayloe, John, Col. 64
Taylor, William, Tedington 114
Tedington Estate 166
Terry, James, Sheriff of Halifax County 131
Terry, Thomas, overseer, Halifax 163
Thompson, John, Greenwich 36
Thornton, Presley, Col., Northumberland County 109
Timberlake, Francis, Charles City 165
Tobacco 101
Tobacco, Inspection of 133
Toloervey, William, Cleobury 30
Tournay, Thomas, Ashford 8
Travis, Edward Champion, James City 65
Trebell, William, Williamsburg 203
Tronmonger, Scot 19
Tucker, Lawrence, Woolverhamp 23
Tucker, Robert, Col. 238
Turbitt, Henry, Stratsford 29
Turner, Arthur, Charles City County 183
Turss, John, at Col. Randolphs in Henrico County 181
Tyree, Francis, Charles City 66
Tyree, Mary, widow of Francis 66
Upholder, North 13
Vaughan, Rabley, Charles City 155
Walke, Anthony, Major, Princess Ann. 115
Walker, George, Capt., Hampton 179
Walker, Henry, Charles City 70
Walker, Joseph, Prince George 162
Walker, Messrs. Rumball and, Liverpool 225
Walker, Richardson 100
Waller, Benjamin, Williamsburg 54
Walls, Charles, Cheapside 37
Wansil, Mary Ann 181
Warburton, Mary 206
Warburton, Thomas, overseer of Huk Plantation 89, 148, 206
Warne, Roger, Chippenhim 10
Waterman, Samuel, merchant, London 186
Watkins, Jenkin 182, 220
Watson, Alexander, Charles City 137
Watson, James, Charles City 134
Wayles, John, Atty., Charles City 139
Weatherbone, Henry, Williamsburg 172
West, John, Charles City County 70
West, John, Jr., overseer 174, 215
West, Thomas, merchant, Yorktown 168, 180
Westover Parish 97, 200
Wheeler, Benjamin, overseer, Brunswick 191
Whitehead, Richard, Maningtree 33
Whitten 23
Whitwell, Matthew, Capt. 188
Williams 21
Williams, Ann 77
Williams, Brazure, Tedington 68, 124, 152, 197
Williams, John, taylor of Tedington 41
Williams, William, overseer, Bannister 75
Willis, Francis, Jr., Gloucester County 168, 198
Wills, Katherine, musick mystress 84
Windley, Thomas 11
Wise, Henry, Sandwich 38
Wood, Bowrey, Charles City County 136
Woodcock, Robert 106, 155
Wormley, John, York County 173
Wormley, Ralph 189, 237
Wright, Benjamin, Capt., merchant 132
Yattington 7
Young, Edward, Charles City 79
Young, James, Tring 5
Young, John, Charles City 64
clark, James, Blacksmith at Tedington 93


Acrill, William, Charles City 42, 160, 218
Adams, Patrick, Dr., Surry 41
Allen, John, Farhnam 24
Allen, William, Esq., Surry 117, 184, 233
Amson, John, Dr., Williamsburg 94
Anson, John J., Dr., Surry Couunty 151
Apperson, Samuel, James City 159
Armistead, William, Charles City 66
Athawes, Edward, London 115
Austin, Francis 196
Badger, Joseph, Aulcester 15
Badnam, Evan, Tedington 152
Baker, Elizabeth, Alton 32
Baldiston, Robert, Dover 24
Ballard, Thomas, Charles City 55
Banister River Plantation 75
Barret, Charles, Louisa County 149
Barrot, Martha, at the ferry 92
Barrott, William, Capt., James City County 105
Barrow, Peter, Charles City 81
Belchus, James 225
Belck, Henry, Chesham 26
Bell, James, Charles City 113
Bendall, John, Sr., Charles City County 161
Bender, James, Charles City 76
Bennett, Henry, Charles City 157
Biddel 17
Bowcock, Edward, Williamsburg 119
Bowrey, Stephen, Charles City 137
Bradley, John, Charles City 72
Brandy Quarter, Brunswick 185
Braxton, Carter, Esq. 144
Braxton, George 96
Brewer, John, Charles City 102
Brewer, William, Charles City 140
Browne, Thomas Maxwell 221
Buck, Benjamin, Charles City County 124
Burcher, Thomas, Tounton 13
Burnett, Robert, Dr. 84
Burt, Matthew 43
Burton, William, Charles City 120
Burwell, Lewis, Col., James City 141
Burwell, Robert, Col. 46
Burwell, Robert, Col., Isle West 219
Byrd, William, Esq., Charles City 45, 147
Camish, Thomas, Alresford 18
Campbell, Mrs., Williamsburg 130
Carden, John 14
Carnegy, Patrick, Capt. 99
Carrington, Paul, Atty. 206
Carter, Charles, Cleeve 109
Carter, James, Dr., Williamsburg 212
Carter, Robert, Esq. 50
Chamberlayne, Messrs. Richard & Thomas 144
Chappel, James, Sheriff of Sussex County 126
Charles City County 140
Charleton, Lydia, Williamsburg 135
Chatt, Sarah, Yorktown 154
Cheyney, Philip, Charles City 179
Chitty, Chrus, Farnham 21
Christian, Turner Hunt 203
Churchill, Armistead, Col., Middlesex 176
Churchill, William, Nansemond 93
Clare, Joseph, London 17
Clark, Mary, widow of William in Charles City 89
Clark, Rachell, Devizes 11
Clarke, Sarah, nurse 222
Clarke, William, Canterbury 27
Cocke, Benhamin, merchant of Sussex 197
Cocke, Edward, Charles City County 94, 217
Cocke, Jane, Charles City 149
Cocke, John, Surry county 128, 205
Cocke, Littlebury, Charles City County 94, 160
Cocke, Thomas, Capt., Surry County 84, 102
Cocke, William, Surry County 121
Collier, Thomas, Surry, County 143
Colthread, John, Williamsburg 118
Cooper, Messrs. Shepherd and, Barbados 161
Corbett, Richard, Charles City 151
Coutant, Capt. 82
Cowles, Thomas, Charles City 90
Cox, Henry, Newburg 20
Cox, Samuel, Thame 38
Crews, Andrew, Charles City 204
Crews, Ellyson, Charles City 158
Crews, John, Jr., Charles City County 178
Cross, John, William Acrills overseer 127
Currie, James, Williamsburg 175
Dancie, Benjamin 53
Dancy, Benjamin 196, 214
Dancy, Edwrd, Charles City County 44
Dancy, Francis, Black Swamp 51
Dancy, Francis, Jr., son of Edward 156
Dancy, John, Charles City 113
Dandridge, Nathaniel West, King William County 122
Dansie, Thomas, Capt., King William 103
Danzie, John J. C. 56
Davis, William, Rev., Charles City 188, 222
Dickson, Nicholson, York 103
Digges, Dudley, Col., York 183
Dinwiddie, Robert, Esq. 174
Dobree, Thomas, Guernsey 80
Draper, John, Farnham 35
Drummond, John, James City 205
Dudley, William, King and Queen County 129
Duncastle, John, Williamsburg 83
Dunlop, Archibald, merchant, Surry 211
Eason, James, merchant, Kennons 211
Edloe, John, Jr., of the Roe 164, 194
Edloe, John, Major, Charles City 44, 105, 142, 173, 185, 213
Edloe, John, Major, as sheriff of Charles City County 150
Edloe, William, Capt., Charles City 47, 108, 133, 142, 157, 170, 224
Edwards, Nathaniel, Col., Brunswick 150
Eeles, Thomas, Thame 16
Egmon, Lawrence, carpenter of Tedington 97, 136, 171
Eppes, Lewellen, Major, Clerk, Charles City Court 116
Eyre, Littleton, Col., E. Shore 93
Falla, James, Capt. 52
Farmer, Samuel, Norfolk 87
Finnie, Alexander, Williamsburg 86
Fleming, John 74
Fountain, Peter, Rev. 53
Freeman, Joseph, Alresford 5
Freeman, William, Nottoway 82
Fugler, John, Charles City 171, 188
Fugler, Richard, Surry County 182
Gee, James 126
Gilker, John, Milton 15
Goodenough, John, Waeminster 26
Goore, Charles, Liverpoole 104
Gosden, Richard 9
Goss, Edmund, Denton 8
Green, Edmund, Wooburn 6, 13
Gregory, John, Charles City County 102
Griffen, Nathaniel 12
Gyles, Samuel, Winslow 22
Gyles, William, Tocester 28
Halcot, Mary, London 126
Hamilton, Messr. 51
Hancock, Clement, Nottoway 101
Hancock, Robert 72
Hardyman, Messrs. John and Littlebury 110
Harrison, Benjamin, Col., Wakefield 41, 55, 80, 141, 195, 235
Harrison, Carter Henry, Esq. 199
Harrison, Henry, Sussex County 207
Harrison, Nathaniel, Col., Stafford County 47
Harrison, Robert 202
Harrison, William, Rev., Henry 198
Harvey, Henry, Charles City County 111
Hatton, Rev., William and Mary College 199
Havens 31
Hawksbey, John, Devize 36
Hay, Anthony, Williamsburg 130
Hay, Peter, Dr., Williamsburg 57
Hill, Messrs. Lamar and 46
Hill, Thomas, Hempshead 10
Hoddart, John, Gardiner 65
Hodgkinson, Elizabeth, Woodstock 16
Hollyer, Roger, Newport Isle 14
Holman, William, Sudbury 32
Hopper, Cary, Dr., Charles City 132
Horn, Richard, Eversham 23
Hornblower, John, Kidderminster 19
Hotchkis, Rev., London 177
Hunt, John, London 57
Hunter, William, Williamsburg 128
Hurt, James, taylor, Charles City 189
Inspection of tobacco 133
Inspector of Cabbin Point 127
Jacskon, William, Barkway 34
Jameson, David, York 85
Jarvis, Samuel, Stratford 25
Johnson, Waddell, overseer, Nottoway 167
Jones 25
Jones, Matthew, York County 201
Jones, Messrs. Farwell and, Bristol 236
Jones, Phil Edward, Gloucester County 129
Jones, Richard, Sussex County 194
Kennon, Richard, Col., Charles City 86
Kennon, William 238
Kingstone, James, Chesham 35
Knox, Thomas, Bristol 54
Lamar, Messrs. Hill and 46
Lane 9
Lane, Isaac, Capt. 112
Lawrence 5
LeMesurier, Nicholas, Capt., Guernsey 158
Leaver, Francis, Dr., Charles City 100
Lee, Philip Ludwell, Westmoreland County 169
Lewis, John, Tounton 28
Lewis, Warner, Gloucester 43
Lightfoot, Armistead, London 58, 226-227
Lightfoot, John 193
Lightfoot, Mary, York 39-40, 146, 223
Lister, Dionissius, Charles City 59
Lister, John, York County 172
Lister, William, James City County 119
Littlepage, James, Hanover 153
Lorton, Robert, Charles City Court House 145
Loyd, Francis, Charles City County 134
Ludwell, Philip, Col. 52
Lyde, Lyonel, London 99
Lyne, Charles, Yorktown 56
Major, Edward, Charles City County 107
Malin, William, Elmden 37
Malone, James, shoemaker of Surry County 135
Marrable, George, Charles City 60
Marsom, Samuel, Luton 22
Marston, John, Charles City 145
Mason, John, Capt. 126
Massenburg, Nicholas, Sussex 92
Maynard, Nathaniel, Sheriff of Charles City 78, 187
Mayow, Ann, Oxon 19
Meridith, Mary 186
Messenger, Richard 125, 180, 193, 207, 234
Miggs, Thomas, Abington 7
Miller, Messrs. Perkins and 156
Minge, Edward, Charles City County 108
Minge, George, Charles City 88
Minge, John, Capt. 60
Mitchell, Sarah, Basingstoke 9
Moeier, William, Jamestown 106
Montford, Edward, Dinwiddie 169
Moore, Bernard, Col., King William County 98
Moore, Thomas, Col. & Bernerd, King William 176
Morecock, Thomas 81, 88
Morton, Joseph, Capt., James City County 98
Moss, William 224
Mossome, David, Rev., New Kent 204
Murphey, Thomas, Charles City County 91
Mustain, Thomas, Banister 61
Nelson, Thomas, Esq. 131
Nelson, William, Esq. 190
Newman, Paul, Milksham 17
Nicholson, Josiah 20
Norton, John, Yorktown 83
Noss, Elizabeth, Alresford 21
Nottoway Plantation 71,
Orr, Hugh, Williamsburg 117
Page, John, Esq., Gloucester County 143
Page, Manre, Esq. 125
Pascal, Michael H., Capt. 78
Peacock, Josiah, Tounton 25
Perkins, Messrs. Miller and, Norfolk 156
Perry, William Peleg, ship carpenter 138
Peter, John and Company, Surry 123
Petto, John, Guilford 36
Pierce, Jonathan 68, 154
Pierce, Peter, Beeve 27
Plantation in the Neck 69
Pond, Thomas, Clipson 33
Poole, William, Chertsey 18
Portopotank Plantation 73
Potter, John, Chesham 6
Powell, Nicholas, York 87
Powell, Seymour, Yorktown 146
Purbeck, Richard 4
Puxty, Alexander 29
Randolph, Edward, Capt. 79
Randolph, Elizabeth 96
Randolph, Isham, Capt. 61
Randolph, John, Esq., Williamsburg 120
Randolph, Peter, Col. 107
Randolph, Richard 50
Randolph, Ryland 216
Read, Gwyn, Capt., Gloucester County 110
Reynolds, Thomas, Capt., York 118
Riddlehurst, John 216
Ridlehurst, John 95, 184
Robinson, John, Esq. 122
Rogers, Matthew, Charles City 201
Royster, Peter, Charles City 76
Ruffin, Robert 62, 208
Rumball, Messrs. Walker and, Liverpool 225
Rusley, Francis, Axmister 30
Rutty, Samuel, Milksham 18
Sackett, Stephen, Margate 31
Saunders, Henry, Exon 11
Scot 15
Scott, James, Axbridge 34
Scott, Messrs., Burket and, taylors in London 178
Seward, Samuel, Nottoway 221
Shell, Charles City County 91
Shepherd, Messrs. Cooper and, Barbados 161
Sheriff of Brunswick 220
Sheriff of Sussex County 202, 220
Sheriff of York County 153
Sheriffs of Halifax County 192
Skipwith, William, Sir 159
Smith, Isaac, Charles City 148, 219
Smith, John, Richmond County 190
Smith, Peter, Nottoway 63, 162
Southall, John, Richmond County 121
Spiers, James, Williamsburg 116
Spotswood, John, Col. 114
Sprowle, Andrew, merchant, Norfolk 195
Stagg, Charles, Capt., Berkley 200
Stanbridge, James, St. Albans 4
Stanley, Dancy 77
Stevenson, William, York 167
Stith, Anderson, Charles City County 85
Stone, Elias, King and Queen 123
Strachan, Peter, Dr., King William County 175
Stuart, Charles, Norfolk 111
Stuart, Malcolm, Charles City County 125
Stubblefield, Edward, overseer, Bannister 170
Stubblefield, Simon, Charles City 112
Stubbs, John, Gloucester County 177
Symonds, Joseph, Slandford 12
Tabb, Edmund, York 104
Taliaferro, Richard, James City 165
Tayloe, John, Col. 64
Taylor, William, Tedington 114
Tedington Estate 166
Terry, James, Sheriff of Halifax County 131
Terry, Thomas, overseer, Halifax 163
Thompson, John, Greenwich 36
Thornton, Presley, Col., Northumberland County 109
Timberlake, Francis, Charles City 165
Tobacco 101
Tobacco, Inspection of 133
Toloervey, William, Cleobury 30
Tournay, Thomas, Ashford 8
Travis, Edward Champion, James City 65
Trebell, William, Williamsburg 203
Tronmonger, Scot 19
Tucker, Lawrence, Woolverhamp 23
Tucker, Robert, Col. 238
Turbitt, Henry, Stratsford 29
Turner, Arthur, Charles City County 183
Turss, John, at Col. Randolphs in Henrico County 181
Tyree, Francis, Charles City 66
Tyree, Mary, widow of Francis 66
Upholder, North 13
Vaughan, Rabley, Charles City 155
Walke, Anthony, Major, Princess Ann. 115
Walker, George, Capt., Hampton 179
Walker, Henry, Charles City 70
Walker, Joseph, Prince George 162
Walker, Messrs. Rumball and, Liverpool 225
Walker, Richardson 100
Waller, Benjamin, Williamsburg 54
Walls, Charles, Cheapside 37
Wansil, Mary Ann 181
Warburton, Mary 206
Warburton, Thomas, overseer of Huk Plantation 89, 148, 206
Warne, Roger, Chippenhim 10
Waterman, Samuel, merchant, London 186
Watkins, Jenkin 182, 220
Watson, Alexander, Charles City 137
Watson, James, Charles City 134
Wayles, John, Atty., Charles City 139
Weatherbone, Henry, Williamsburg 172
West, John, Charles City County 70
West, John, Jr., overseer 174, 215
West, Thomas, merchant, Yorktown 168, 180
Westover Parish 97, 200
Wheeler, Benjamin, overseer, Brunswick 191
Whitehead, Richard, Maningtree 33
Whitten 23
Whitwell, Matthew, Capt. 188
Williams 21
Williams, Ann 77
Williams, Brazure, Tedington 68, 124, 152, 197
Williams, John, taylor of Tedington 41
Williams, William, overseer, Bannister 75
Willis, Francis, Jr., Gloucester County 168, 198
Wills, Katherine, musick mystress 84
Windley, Thomas 11
Wise, Henry, Sandwich 38
Wood, Bowrey, Charles City County 136
Woodcock, Robert 106, 155
Wormley, John, York County 173
Wormley, Ralph 189, 237
Wright, Benjamin, Capt., merchant 132
Yattington 7
Young, Edward, Charles City 79
Young, James, Tring 5
Young, John, Charles City 64
clark, James, Blacksmith at Tedington 93

Significant Persons Associated With the Collection

  • Byrd, William, 1728-1777.
  • Carter, James, d. 1794.
  • Digges, Dudley, 1718-1790.
  • Dinwiddie, Robert, 1693-1770.
  • Freeman, Joseph.
  • Goss, Edmund.
  • Green, Edmund.
  • Hay, Peter, Dr.
  • Higgs, Thomas.
  • Hill, Thomas.
  • Lewis, John.
  • Lightfoot, William, 1724- 1764.
  • Ludwell, Philip, 1716-1767.
  • Norton, John, 1719-1777.
  • Orr, Hugh, d. 1764.
  • Poole, William.
  • Purbeck, Richard.
  • Randolph, John, 1727 or 8- 1784.
  • Stanbridge, James.
  • Taliaferro, Richard, d. ca. 1789.
  • Tournay, Thomas.
  • Waller, Benjamin, 1716- 1786.
  • Warne, Robert.
  • William Lightfoot, 1724-1764.
  • Wormeley, Ralph, 1715-1790.
  • Young, James.

Contents List

Mercantile Account Book, 1747-1764.
Folder 1
Account of Dr. John J. Anson to William Lightfoot, May, 1757.
Folder 1
Receipt, William Trebell, 26 April 1759.
Folder 1
Account of John Bates, 18 January 1759.
Folder 1
Account, William Lightfoot, 29 April 1763.
Folder 1
Account, William Lightfoot, June 1763.
Folder 1
Account, Captain Falla, n.d.
Folder 1
List of household goods, n.d.
Folder 1
Memo re on account, n.d.