A Guide to the William Lightfoot Papers, 1740-1764
A Collection in
the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library
Manuscript Number MS 52.4
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
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Preferred Citation
William Lightfoot Papers, Manuscript MS 52.4, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Acquisition Information
Purchase, 1952.
Alternative Form
Also available on microfilm M-1555.
Biographical/Historical Information
William Lightfoot (1722-1764) was a merchant of Yorktown, Va. He served as sheriff of York County, 1746, and burgess from Charles City County, 1756-1758.
Scope and Content Information
Mercantile account book, 1747-1764, and loose accounts of William Lightfoot. The accounts for his plantations and his store show that he did business with men from all parts of the colony, and with some of the better known British merchants. Among the names in the accounts are William Byrd III, Dr. James Carter, Col. Dudley Digges, Lt. Gov. Robert Dinwiddie, Dr. Peter Hay, Col. Philip Ludwell, John Norton, Hugh Orr, John Randolph, Richard Taliaferro, Benjamin Waller, and Ralph Wormeley.
The first thirty-four pages of the book contain accounts, 1740-1744, of a merchant doing business in central and southern England. Names include Joseph Freeman, Edmund Goss, Edmund Green, Thomas Higgs, Thomas Hill, John Lewis, William Poole, Richard Purbeck, James Stanbridge, Thomas Tournay, Robert Warne, and James Young.
Chronologically arranged.
Index Terms
- Byrd, William, 1728-1777.
- Carter, James, d. 1794.
- Digges, Dudley, 1718-1790.
- Dinwiddie, Robert, 1693-1770.
- Freeman, Joseph.
- Goss, Edmund.
- Green, Edmund.
- Hay, Peter, Dr.
- Higgs, Thomas.
- Hill, Thomas.
- Lewis, John.
- Lightfoot, William, 1724- 1764.
- Ludwell, Philip, 1716-1767.
- Norton, John, 1719-1777.
- Orr, Hugh, d. 1764.
- Poole, William.
- Purbeck, Richard.
- Randolph, John, 1727 or 8- 1784.
- Stanbridge, James.
- Taliaferro, Richard, d. ca. 1789.
- Tournay, Thomas.
- Waller, Benjamin, 1716- 1786.
- Warne, Robert.
- Wormeley, Ralph, 1715-1790.
- Young, James.
- Merchants--Virginia-- Yorktown.
- Great Britain--Virginia--Yorktown.
- Account books-- Virginia--Yorktown--18th century.
Genre and Form Terms:
William Lightfoot Account Book Index
The following index provides page numbers where the following people or terms may be found.
Index |
Acrill, William, Charles City | 42, 160, 218 | |
Adams, Patrick, Dr., Surry | 41 | |
Allen, John, Farhnam | 24 | |
Allen, William, Esq., Surry | 117, 184, 233 | |
Amson, John, Dr., Williamsburg | 94 | |
Anson, John J., Dr., Surry Couunty | 151 | |
Apperson, Samuel, James City | 159 | |
Armistead, William, Charles City | 66 | |
Athawes, Edward, London | 115 | |
Austin, Francis | 196 | |
Badger, Joseph, Aulcester | 15 | |
Badnam, Evan, Tedington | 152 | |
Baker, Elizabeth, Alton | 32 | |
Baldiston, Robert, Dover | 24 | |
Ballard, Thomas, Charles City | 55 | |
Banister River Plantation | 75 | |
Barret, Charles, Louisa County | 149 | |
Barrot, Martha, at the ferry | 92 | |
Barrott, William, Capt., James City County | 105 | |
Barrow, Peter, Charles City | 81 | |
Belchus, James | 225 | |
Belck, Henry, Chesham | 26 | |
Bell, James, Charles City | 113 | |
Bendall, John, Sr., Charles City County | 161 | |
Bender, James, Charles City | 76 | |
Bennett, Henry, Charles City | 157 | |
Biddel | 17 | |
Bowcock, Edward, Williamsburg | 119 | |
Bowrey, Stephen, Charles City | 137 | |
Bradley, John, Charles City | 72 | |
Brandy Quarter, Brunswick | 185 | |
Braxton, Carter, Esq. | 144 | |
Braxton, George | 96 | |
Brewer, John, Charles City | 102 | |
Brewer, William, Charles City | 140 | |
Browne, Thomas Maxwell | 221 | |
Buck, Benjamin, Charles City County | 124 | |
Burcher, Thomas, Tounton | 13 | |
Burnett, Robert, Dr. | 84 | |
Burt, Matthew | 43 | |
Burton, William, Charles City | 120 | |
Burwell, Lewis, Col., James City | 141 | |
Burwell, Robert, Col. | 46 | |
Burwell, Robert, Col., Isle West | 219 | |
Byrd, William, Esq., Charles City | 45, 147 | |
Camish, Thomas, Alresford | 18 | |
Campbell, Mrs., Williamsburg | 130 | |
Carden, John | 14 | |
Carnegy, Patrick, Capt. | 99 | |
Carrington, Paul, Atty. | 206 | |
Carter, Charles, Cleeve | 109 | |
Carter, James, Dr., Williamsburg | 212 | |
Carter, Robert, Esq. | 50 | |
Chamberlayne, Messrs. Richard & Thomas | 144 | |
Chappel, James, Sheriff of Sussex County | 126 | |
Charles City County | 140 | |
Charleton, Lydia, Williamsburg | 135 | |
Chatt, Sarah, Yorktown | 154 | |
Cheyney, Philip, Charles City | 179 | |
Chitty, Chrus, Farnham | 21 | |
Christian, Turner Hunt | 203 | |
Churchill, Armistead, Col., Middlesex | 176 | |
Churchill, William, Nansemond | 93 | |
Clare, Joseph, London | 17 | |
Clark, Mary, widow of William in Charles City | 89 | |
Clark, Rachell, Devizes | 11 | |
Clarke, Sarah, nurse | 222 | |
Clarke, William, Canterbury | 27 | |
Cocke, Benhamin, merchant of Sussex | 197 | |
Cocke, Edward, Charles City County | 94, 217 | |
Cocke, Jane, Charles City | 149 | |
Cocke, John, Surry county | 128, 205 | |
Cocke, Littlebury, Charles City County | 94, 160 | |
Cocke, Thomas, Capt., Surry County | 84, 102 | |
Cocke, William, Surry County | 121 | |
Collier, Thomas, Surry, County | 143 | |
Colthread, John, Williamsburg | 118 | |
Cooper, Messrs. Shepherd and, Barbados | 161 | |
Corbett, Richard, Charles City | 151 | |
Coutant, Capt. | 82 | |
Cowles, Thomas, Charles City | 90 | |
Cox, Henry, Newburg | 20 | |
Cox, Samuel, Thame | 38 | |
Crews, Andrew, Charles City | 204 | |
Crews, Ellyson, Charles City | 158 | |
Crews, John, Jr., Charles City County | 178 | |
Cross, John, William Acrills overseer | 127 | |
Currie, James, Williamsburg | 175 | |
Dancie, Benjamin | 53 | |
Dancy, Benjamin | 196, 214 | |
Dancy, Edwrd, Charles City County | 44 | |
Dancy, Francis, Black Swamp | 51 | |
Dancy, Francis, Jr., son of Edward | 156 | |
Dancy, John, Charles City | 113 | |
Dandridge, Nathaniel West, King William County | 122 | |
Dansie, Thomas, Capt., King William | 103 | |
Danzie, John J. C. | 56 | |
Davis, William, Rev., Charles City | 188, 222 | |
Dickson, Nicholson, York | 103 | |
Digges, Dudley, Col., York | 183 | |
Dinwiddie, Robert, Esq. | 174 | |
Dobree, Thomas, Guernsey | 80 | |
Draper, John, Farnham | 35 | |
Drummond, John, James City | 205 | |
Dudley, William, King and Queen County | 129 | |
Duncastle, John, Williamsburg | 83 | |
Dunlop, Archibald, merchant, Surry | 211 | |
Eason, James, merchant, Kennons | 211 | |
Edloe, John, Jr., of the Roe | 164, 194 | |
Edloe, John, Major, Charles City | 44, 105, 142, 173, 185, 213 | |
Edloe, John, Major, as sheriff of Charles City County | 150 | |
Edloe, William, Capt., Charles City | 47, 108, 133, 142, 157, 170, 224 | |
Edwards, Nathaniel, Col., Brunswick | 150 | |
Eeles, Thomas, Thame | 16 | |
Egmon, Lawrence, carpenter of Tedington | 97, 136, 171 | |
Eppes, Lewellen, Major, Clerk, Charles City Court | 116 | |
Eyre, Littleton, Col., E. Shore | 93 | |
Falla, James, Capt. | 52 | |
Farmer, Samuel, Norfolk | 87 | |
Finnie, Alexander, Williamsburg | 86 | |
Fleming, John | 74 | |
Fountain, Peter, Rev. | 53 | |
Freeman, Joseph, Alresford | 5 | |
Freeman, William, Nottoway | 82 | |
Fugler, John, Charles City | 171, 188 | |
Fugler, Richard, Surry County | 182 | |
Gee, James | 126 | |
Gilker, John, Milton | 15 | |
Goodenough, John, Waeminster | 26 | |
Goore, Charles, Liverpoole | 104 | |
Gosden, Richard | 9 | |
Goss, Edmund, Denton | 8 | |
Green, Edmund, Wooburn | 6, 13 | |
Gregory, John, Charles City County | 102 | |
Griffen, Nathaniel | 12 | |
Gyles, Samuel, Winslow | 22 | |
Gyles, William, Tocester | 28 | |
Halcot, Mary, London | 126 | |
Hamilton, Messr. | 51 | |
Hancock, Clement, Nottoway | 101 | |
Hancock, Robert | 72 | |
Hardyman, Messrs. John and Littlebury | 110 | |
Harrison, Benjamin, Col., Wakefield | 41, 55, 80, 141, 195, 235 | |
Harrison, Carter Henry, Esq. | 199 | |
Harrison, Henry, Sussex County | 207 | |
Harrison, Nathaniel, Col., Stafford County | 47 | |
Harrison, Robert | 202 | |
Harrison, William, Rev., Henry | 198 | |
Harvey, Henry, Charles City County | 111 | |
Hatton, Rev., William and Mary College | 199 | |
Havens | 31 | |
Hawksbey, John, Devize | 36 | |
Hay, Anthony, Williamsburg | 130 | |
Hay, Peter, Dr., Williamsburg | 57 | |
Hill, Messrs. Lamar and | 46 | |
Hill, Thomas, Hempshead | 10 | |
Hoddart, John, Gardiner | 65 | |
Hodgkinson, Elizabeth, Woodstock | 16 | |
Hollyer, Roger, Newport Isle | 14 | |
Holman, William, Sudbury | 32 | |
Hopper, Cary, Dr., Charles City | 132 | |
Horn, Richard, Eversham | 23 | |
Hornblower, John, Kidderminster | 19 | |
Hotchkis, Rev., London | 177 | |
Hunt, John, London | 57 | |
Hunter, William, Williamsburg | 128 | |
Hurt, James, taylor, Charles City | 189 | |
Inspection of tobacco | 133 | |
Inspector of Cabbin Point | 127 | |
Jacskon, William, Barkway | 34 | |
Jameson, David, York | 85 | |
Jarvis, Samuel, Stratford | 25 | |
Johnson, Waddell, overseer, Nottoway | 167 | |
Jones | 25 | |
Jones, Matthew, York County | 201 | |
Jones, Messrs. Farwell and, Bristol | 236 | |
Jones, Phil Edward, Gloucester County | 129 | |
Jones, Richard, Sussex County | 194 | |
Kennon, Richard, Col., Charles City | 86 | |
Kennon, William | 238 | |
Kingstone, James, Chesham | 35 | |
Knox, Thomas, Bristol | 54 | |
Lamar, Messrs. Hill and | 46 | |
Lane | 9 | |
Lane, Isaac, Capt. | 112 | |
Lawrence | 5 | |
LeMesurier, Nicholas, Capt., Guernsey | 158 | |
Leaver, Francis, Dr., Charles City | 100 | |
Lee, Philip Ludwell, Westmoreland County | 169 | |
Lewis, John, Tounton | 28 | |
Lewis, Warner, Gloucester | 43 | |
Lightfoot, Armistead, London | 58, 226-227 | |
Lightfoot, John | 193 | |
Lightfoot, Mary, York | 39-40, 146, 223 | |
Lister, Dionissius, Charles City | 59 | |
Lister, John, York County | 172 | |
Lister, William, James City County | 119 | |
Littlepage, James, Hanover | 153 | |
Lorton, Robert, Charles City Court House | 145 | |
Loyd, Francis, Charles City County | 134 | |
Ludwell, Philip, Col. | 52 | |
Lyde, Lyonel, London | 99 | |
Lyne, Charles, Yorktown | 56 | |
Major, Edward, Charles City County | 107 | |
Malin, William, Elmden | 37 | |
Malone, James, shoemaker of Surry County | 135 | |
Marrable, George, Charles City | 60 | |
Marsom, Samuel, Luton | 22 | |
Marston, John, Charles City | 145 | |
Mason, John, Capt. | 126 | |
Massenburg, Nicholas, Sussex | 92 | |
Maynard, Nathaniel, Sheriff of Charles City | 78, 187 | |
Mayow, Ann, Oxon | 19 | |
Meridith, Mary | 186 | |
Messenger, Richard | 125, 180, 193, 207, 234 | |
Miggs, Thomas, Abington | 7 | |
Miller, Messrs. Perkins and | 156 | |
Minge, Edward, Charles City County | 108 | |
Minge, George, Charles City | 88 | |
Minge, John, Capt. | 60 | |
Mitchell, Sarah, Basingstoke | 9 | |
Moeier, William, Jamestown | 106 | |
Montford, Edward, Dinwiddie | 169 | |
Moore, Bernard, Col., King William County | 98 | |
Moore, Thomas, Col. & Bernerd, King William | 176 | |
Morecock, Thomas | 81, 88 | |
Morton, Joseph, Capt., James City County | 98 | |
Moss, William | 224 | |
Mossome, David, Rev., New Kent | 204 | |
Murphey, Thomas, Charles City County | 91 | |
Mustain, Thomas, Banister | 61 | |
Nelson, Thomas, Esq. | 131 | |
Nelson, William, Esq. | 190 | |
Newman, Paul, Milksham | 17 | |
Nicholson, Josiah | 20 | |
Norton, John, Yorktown | 83 | |
Noss, Elizabeth, Alresford | 21 | |
Nottoway Plantation | 71, | |
Orr, Hugh, Williamsburg | 117 | |
Page, John, Esq., Gloucester County | 143 | |
Page, Manre, Esq. | 125 | |
Pascal, Michael H., Capt. | 78 | |
Peacock, Josiah, Tounton | 25 | |
Perkins, Messrs. Miller and, Norfolk | 156 | |
Perry, William Peleg, ship carpenter | 138 | |
Peter, John and Company, Surry | 123 | |
Petto, John, Guilford | 36 | |
Pierce, Jonathan | 68, 154 | |
Pierce, Peter, Beeve | 27 | |
Plantation in the Neck | 69 | |
Pond, Thomas, Clipson | 33 | |
Poole, William, Chertsey | 18 | |
Portopotank Plantation | 73 | |
Potter, John, Chesham | 6 | |
Powell, Nicholas, York | 87 | |
Powell, Seymour, Yorktown | 146 | |
Purbeck, Richard | 4 | |
Puxty, Alexander | 29 | |
Randolph, Edward, Capt. | 79 | |
Randolph, Elizabeth | 96 | |
Randolph, Isham, Capt. | 61 | |
Randolph, John, Esq., Williamsburg | 120 | |
Randolph, Peter, Col. | 107 | |
Randolph, Richard | 50 | |
Randolph, Ryland | 216 | |
Read, Gwyn, Capt., Gloucester County | 110 | |
Reynolds, Thomas, Capt., York | 118 | |
Riddlehurst, John | 216 | |
Ridlehurst, John | 95, 184 | |
Robinson, John, Esq. | 122 | |
Rogers, Matthew, Charles City | 201 | |
Royster, Peter, Charles City | 76 | |
Ruffin, Robert | 62, 208 | |
Rumball, Messrs. Walker and, Liverpool | 225 | |
Rusley, Francis, Axmister | 30 | |
Rutty, Samuel, Milksham | 18 | |
Sackett, Stephen, Margate | 31 | |
Saunders, Henry, Exon | 11 | |
Scot | 15 | |
Scott, James, Axbridge | 34 | |
Scott, Messrs., Burket and, taylors in London | 178 | |
Seward, Samuel, Nottoway | 221 | |
Shell, Charles City County | 91 | |
Shepherd, Messrs. Cooper and, Barbados | 161 | |
Sheriff of Brunswick | 220 | |
Sheriff of Sussex County | 202, 220 | |
Sheriff of York County | 153 | |
Sheriffs of Halifax County | 192 | |
Skipwith, William, Sir | 159 | |
Smith, Isaac, Charles City | 148, 219 | |
Smith, John, Richmond County | 190 | |
Smith, Peter, Nottoway | 63, 162 | |
Southall, John, Richmond County | 121 | |
Spiers, James, Williamsburg | 116 | |
Spotswood, John, Col. | 114 | |
Sprowle, Andrew, merchant, Norfolk | 195 | |
Stagg, Charles, Capt., Berkley | 200 | |
Stanbridge, James, St. Albans | 4 | |
Stanley, Dancy | 77 | |
Stevenson, William, York | 167 | |
Stith, Anderson, Charles City County | 85 | |
Stone, Elias, King and Queen | 123 | |
Strachan, Peter, Dr., King William County | 175 | |
Stuart, Charles, Norfolk | 111 | |
Stuart, Malcolm, Charles City County | 125 | |
Stubblefield, Edward, overseer, Bannister | 170 | |
Stubblefield, Simon, Charles City | 112 | |
Stubbs, John, Gloucester County | 177 | |
Symonds, Joseph, Slandford | 12 | |
Tabb, Edmund, York | 104 | |
Taliaferro, Richard, James City | 165 | |
Tayloe, John, Col. | 64 | |
Taylor, William, Tedington | 114 | |
Tedington Estate | 166 | |
Terry, James, Sheriff of Halifax County | 131 | |
Terry, Thomas, overseer, Halifax | 163 | |
Thompson, John, Greenwich | 36 | |
Thornton, Presley, Col., Northumberland County | 109 | |
Timberlake, Francis, Charles City | 165 | |
Tobacco | 101 | |
Tobacco, Inspection of | 133 | |
Toloervey, William, Cleobury | 30 | |
Tournay, Thomas, Ashford | 8 | |
Travis, Edward Champion, James City | 65 | |
Trebell, William, Williamsburg | 203 | |
Tronmonger, Scot | 19 | |
Tucker, Lawrence, Woolverhamp | 23 | |
Tucker, Robert, Col. | 238 | |
Turbitt, Henry, Stratsford | 29 | |
Turner, Arthur, Charles City County | 183 | |
Turss, John, at Col. Randolphs in Henrico County | 181 | |
Tyree, Francis, Charles City | 66 | |
Tyree, Mary, widow of Francis | 66 | |
Upholder, North | 13 | |
Vaughan, Rabley, Charles City | 155 | |
Walke, Anthony, Major, Princess Ann. | 115 | |
Walker, George, Capt., Hampton | 179 | |
Walker, Henry, Charles City | 70 | |
Walker, Joseph, Prince George | 162 | |
Walker, Messrs. Rumball and, Liverpool | 225 | |
Walker, Richardson | 100 | |
Waller, Benjamin, Williamsburg | 54 | |
Walls, Charles, Cheapside | 37 | |
Wansil, Mary Ann | 181 | |
Warburton, Mary | 206 | |
Warburton, Thomas, overseer of Huk Plantation | 89, 148, 206 | |
Warne, Roger, Chippenhim | 10 | |
Waterman, Samuel, merchant, London | 186 | |
Watkins, Jenkin | 182, 220 | |
Watson, Alexander, Charles City | 137 | |
Watson, James, Charles City | 134 | |
Wayles, John, Atty., Charles City | 139 | |
Weatherbone, Henry, Williamsburg | 172 | |
West, John, Charles City County | 70 | |
West, John, Jr., overseer | 174, 215 | |
West, Thomas, merchant, Yorktown | 168, 180 | |
Westover Parish | 97, 200 | |
Wheeler, Benjamin, overseer, Brunswick | 191 | |
Whitehead, Richard, Maningtree | 33 | |
Whitten | 23 | |
Whitwell, Matthew, Capt. | 188 | |
Williams | 21 | |
Williams, Ann | 77 | |
Williams, Brazure, Tedington | 68, 124, 152, 197 | |
Williams, John, taylor of Tedington | 41 | |
Williams, William, overseer, Bannister | 75 | |
Willis, Francis, Jr., Gloucester County | 168, 198 | |
Wills, Katherine, musick mystress | 84 | |
Windley, Thomas | 11 | |
Wise, Henry, Sandwich | 38 | |
Wood, Bowrey, Charles City County | 136 | |
Woodcock, Robert | 106, 155 | |
Wormley, John, York County | 173 | |
Wormley, Ralph | 189, 237 | |
Wright, Benjamin, Capt., merchant | 132 | |
Yattington | 7 | |
Young, Edward, Charles City | 79 | |
Young, James, Tring | 5 | |
Young, John, Charles City | 64 | |
clark, James, Blacksmith at Tedington | 93 |
Index |
Acrill, William, Charles City | 42, 160, 218 | |
Adams, Patrick, Dr., Surry | 41 | |
Allen, John, Farhnam | 24 | |
Allen, William, Esq., Surry | 117, 184, 233 | |
Amson, John, Dr., Williamsburg | 94 | |
Anson, John J., Dr., Surry Couunty | 151 | |
Apperson, Samuel, James City | 159 | |
Armistead, William, Charles City | 66 | |
Athawes, Edward, London | 115 | |
Austin, Francis | 196 | |
Badger, Joseph, Aulcester | 15 | |
Badnam, Evan, Tedington | 152 | |
Baker, Elizabeth, Alton | 32 | |
Baldiston, Robert, Dover | 24 | |
Ballard, Thomas, Charles City | 55 | |
Banister River Plantation | 75 | |
Barret, Charles, Louisa County | 149 | |
Barrot, Martha, at the ferry | 92 | |
Barrott, William, Capt., James City County | 105 | |
Barrow, Peter, Charles City | 81 | |
Belchus, James | 225 | |
Belck, Henry, Chesham | 26 | |
Bell, James, Charles City | 113 | |
Bendall, John, Sr., Charles City County | 161 | |
Bender, James, Charles City | 76 | |
Bennett, Henry, Charles City | 157 | |
Biddel | 17 | |
Bowcock, Edward, Williamsburg | 119 | |
Bowrey, Stephen, Charles City | 137 | |
Bradley, John, Charles City | 72 | |
Brandy Quarter, Brunswick | 185 | |
Braxton, Carter, Esq. | 144 | |
Braxton, George | 96 | |
Brewer, John, Charles City | 102 | |
Brewer, William, Charles City | 140 | |
Browne, Thomas Maxwell | 221 | |
Buck, Benjamin, Charles City County | 124 | |
Burcher, Thomas, Tounton | 13 | |
Burnett, Robert, Dr. | 84 | |
Burt, Matthew | 43 | |
Burton, William, Charles City | 120 | |
Burwell, Lewis, Col., James City | 141 | |
Burwell, Robert, Col. | 46 | |
Burwell, Robert, Col., Isle West | 219 | |
Byrd, William, Esq., Charles City | 45, 147 | |
Camish, Thomas, Alresford | 18 | |
Campbell, Mrs., Williamsburg | 130 | |
Carden, John | 14 | |
Carnegy, Patrick, Capt. | 99 | |
Carrington, Paul, Atty. | 206 | |
Carter, Charles, Cleeve | 109 | |
Carter, James, Dr., Williamsburg | 212 | |
Carter, Robert, Esq. | 50 | |
Chamberlayne, Messrs. Richard & Thomas | 144 | |
Chappel, James, Sheriff of Sussex County | 126 | |
Charles City County | 140 | |
Charleton, Lydia, Williamsburg | 135 | |
Chatt, Sarah, Yorktown | 154 | |
Cheyney, Philip, Charles City | 179 | |
Chitty, Chrus, Farnham | 21 | |
Christian, Turner Hunt | 203 | |
Churchill, Armistead, Col., Middlesex | 176 | |
Churchill, William, Nansemond | 93 | |
Clare, Joseph, London | 17 | |
Clark, Mary, widow of William in Charles City | 89 | |
Clark, Rachell, Devizes | 11 | |
Clarke, Sarah, nurse | 222 | |
Clarke, William, Canterbury | 27 | |
Cocke, Benhamin, merchant of Sussex | 197 | |
Cocke, Edward, Charles City County | 94, 217 | |
Cocke, Jane, Charles City | 149 | |
Cocke, John, Surry county | 128, 205 | |
Cocke, Littlebury, Charles City County | 94, 160 | |
Cocke, Thomas, Capt., Surry County | 84, 102 | |
Cocke, William, Surry County | 121 | |
Collier, Thomas, Surry, County | 143 | |
Colthread, John, Williamsburg | 118 | |
Cooper, Messrs. Shepherd and, Barbados | 161 | |
Corbett, Richard, Charles City | 151 | |
Coutant, Capt. | 82 | |
Cowles, Thomas, Charles City | 90 | |
Cox, Henry, Newburg | 20 | |
Cox, Samuel, Thame | 38 | |
Crews, Andrew, Charles City | 204 | |
Crews, Ellyson, Charles City | 158 | |
Crews, John, Jr., Charles City County | 178 | |
Cross, John, William Acrills overseer | 127 | |
Currie, James, Williamsburg | 175 | |
Dancie, Benjamin | 53 | |
Dancy, Benjamin | 196, 214 | |
Dancy, Edwrd, Charles City County | 44 | |
Dancy, Francis, Black Swamp | 51 | |
Dancy, Francis, Jr., son of Edward | 156 | |
Dancy, John, Charles City | 113 | |
Dandridge, Nathaniel West, King William County | 122 | |
Dansie, Thomas, Capt., King William | 103 | |
Danzie, John J. C. | 56 | |
Davis, William, Rev., Charles City | 188, 222 | |
Dickson, Nicholson, York | 103 | |
Digges, Dudley, Col., York | 183 | |
Dinwiddie, Robert, Esq. | 174 | |
Dobree, Thomas, Guernsey | 80 | |
Draper, John, Farnham | 35 | |
Drummond, John, James City | 205 | |
Dudley, William, King and Queen County | 129 | |
Duncastle, John, Williamsburg | 83 | |
Dunlop, Archibald, merchant, Surry | 211 | |
Eason, James, merchant, Kennons | 211 | |
Edloe, John, Jr., of the Roe | 164, 194 | |
Edloe, John, Major, Charles City | 44, 105, 142, 173, 185, 213 | |
Edloe, John, Major, as sheriff of Charles City County | 150 | |
Edloe, William, Capt., Charles City | 47, 108, 133, 142, 157, 170, 224 | |
Edwards, Nathaniel, Col., Brunswick | 150 | |
Eeles, Thomas, Thame | 16 | |
Egmon, Lawrence, carpenter of Tedington | 97, 136, 171 | |
Eppes, Lewellen, Major, Clerk, Charles City Court | 116 | |
Eyre, Littleton, Col., E. Shore | 93 | |
Falla, James, Capt. | 52 | |
Farmer, Samuel, Norfolk | 87 | |
Finnie, Alexander, Williamsburg | 86 | |
Fleming, John | 74 | |
Fountain, Peter, Rev. | 53 | |
Freeman, Joseph, Alresford | 5 | |
Freeman, William, Nottoway | 82 | |
Fugler, John, Charles City | 171, 188 | |
Fugler, Richard, Surry County | 182 | |
Gee, James | 126 | |
Gilker, John, Milton | 15 | |
Goodenough, John, Waeminster | 26 | |
Goore, Charles, Liverpoole | 104 | |
Gosden, Richard | 9 | |
Goss, Edmund, Denton | 8 | |
Green, Edmund, Wooburn | 6, 13 | |
Gregory, John, Charles City County | 102 | |
Griffen, Nathaniel | 12 | |
Gyles, Samuel, Winslow | 22 | |
Gyles, William, Tocester | 28 | |
Halcot, Mary, London | 126 | |
Hamilton, Messr. | 51 | |
Hancock, Clement, Nottoway | 101 | |
Hancock, Robert | 72 | |
Hardyman, Messrs. John and Littlebury | 110 | |
Harrison, Benjamin, Col., Wakefield | 41, 55, 80, 141, 195, 235 | |
Harrison, Carter Henry, Esq. | 199 | |
Harrison, Henry, Sussex County | 207 | |
Harrison, Nathaniel, Col., Stafford County | 47 | |
Harrison, Robert | 202 | |
Harrison, William, Rev., Henry | 198 | |
Harvey, Henry, Charles City County | 111 | |
Hatton, Rev., William and Mary College | 199 | |
Havens | 31 | |
Hawksbey, John, Devize | 36 | |
Hay, Anthony, Williamsburg | 130 | |
Hay, Peter, Dr., Williamsburg | 57 | |
Hill, Messrs. Lamar and | 46 | |
Hill, Thomas, Hempshead | 10 | |
Hoddart, John, Gardiner | 65 | |
Hodgkinson, Elizabeth, Woodstock | 16 | |
Hollyer, Roger, Newport Isle | 14 | |
Holman, William, Sudbury | 32 | |
Hopper, Cary, Dr., Charles City | 132 | |
Horn, Richard, Eversham | 23 | |
Hornblower, John, Kidderminster | 19 | |
Hotchkis, Rev., London | 177 | |
Hunt, John, London | 57 | |
Hunter, William, Williamsburg | 128 | |
Hurt, James, taylor, Charles City | 189 | |
Inspection of tobacco | 133 | |
Inspector of Cabbin Point | 127 | |
Jacskon, William, Barkway | 34 | |
Jameson, David, York | 85 | |
Jarvis, Samuel, Stratford | 25 | |
Johnson, Waddell, overseer, Nottoway | 167 | |
Jones | 25 | |
Jones, Matthew, York County | 201 | |
Jones, Messrs. Farwell and, Bristol | 236 | |
Jones, Phil Edward, Gloucester County | 129 | |
Jones, Richard, Sussex County | 194 | |
Kennon, Richard, Col., Charles City | 86 | |
Kennon, William | 238 | |
Kingstone, James, Chesham | 35 | |
Knox, Thomas, Bristol | 54 | |
Lamar, Messrs. Hill and | 46 | |
Lane | 9 | |
Lane, Isaac, Capt. | 112 | |
Lawrence | 5 | |
LeMesurier, Nicholas, Capt., Guernsey | 158 | |
Leaver, Francis, Dr., Charles City | 100 | |
Lee, Philip Ludwell, Westmoreland County | 169 | |
Lewis, John, Tounton | 28 | |
Lewis, Warner, Gloucester | 43 | |
Lightfoot, Armistead, London | 58, 226-227 | |
Lightfoot, John | 193 | |
Lightfoot, Mary, York | 39-40, 146, 223 | |
Lister, Dionissius, Charles City | 59 | |
Lister, John, York County | 172 | |
Lister, William, James City County | 119 | |
Littlepage, James, Hanover | 153 | |
Lorton, Robert, Charles City Court House | 145 | |
Loyd, Francis, Charles City County | 134 | |
Ludwell, Philip, Col. | 52 | |
Lyde, Lyonel, London | 99 | |
Lyne, Charles, Yorktown | 56 | |
Major, Edward, Charles City County | 107 | |
Malin, William, Elmden | 37 | |
Malone, James, shoemaker of Surry County | 135 | |
Marrable, George, Charles City | 60 | |
Marsom, Samuel, Luton | 22 | |
Marston, John, Charles City | 145 | |
Mason, John, Capt. | 126 | |
Massenburg, Nicholas, Sussex | 92 | |
Maynard, Nathaniel, Sheriff of Charles City | 78, 187 | |
Mayow, Ann, Oxon | 19 | |
Meridith, Mary | 186 | |
Messenger, Richard | 125, 180, 193, 207, 234 | |
Miggs, Thomas, Abington | 7 | |
Miller, Messrs. Perkins and | 156 | |
Minge, Edward, Charles City County | 108 | |
Minge, George, Charles City | 88 | |
Minge, John, Capt. | 60 | |
Mitchell, Sarah, Basingstoke | 9 | |
Moeier, William, Jamestown | 106 | |
Montford, Edward, Dinwiddie | 169 | |
Moore, Bernard, Col., King William County | 98 | |
Moore, Thomas, Col. & Bernerd, King William | 176 | |
Morecock, Thomas | 81, 88 | |
Morton, Joseph, Capt., James City County | 98 | |
Moss, William | 224 | |
Mossome, David, Rev., New Kent | 204 | |
Murphey, Thomas, Charles City County | 91 | |
Mustain, Thomas, Banister | 61 | |
Nelson, Thomas, Esq. | 131 | |
Nelson, William, Esq. | 190 | |
Newman, Paul, Milksham | 17 | |
Nicholson, Josiah | 20 | |
Norton, John, Yorktown | 83 | |
Noss, Elizabeth, Alresford | 21 | |
Nottoway Plantation | 71, | |
Orr, Hugh, Williamsburg | 117 | |
Page, John, Esq., Gloucester County | 143 | |
Page, Manre, Esq. | 125 | |
Pascal, Michael H., Capt. | 78 | |
Peacock, Josiah, Tounton | 25 | |
Perkins, Messrs. Miller and, Norfolk | 156 | |
Perry, William Peleg, ship carpenter | 138 | |
Peter, John and Company, Surry | 123 | |
Petto, John, Guilford | 36 | |
Pierce, Jonathan | 68, 154 | |
Pierce, Peter, Beeve | 27 | |
Plantation in the Neck | 69 | |
Pond, Thomas, Clipson | 33 | |
Poole, William, Chertsey | 18 | |
Portopotank Plantation | 73 | |
Potter, John, Chesham | 6 | |
Powell, Nicholas, York | 87 | |
Powell, Seymour, Yorktown | 146 | |
Purbeck, Richard | 4 | |
Puxty, Alexander | 29 | |
Randolph, Edward, Capt. | 79 | |
Randolph, Elizabeth | 96 | |
Randolph, Isham, Capt. | 61 | |
Randolph, John, Esq., Williamsburg | 120 | |
Randolph, Peter, Col. | 107 | |
Randolph, Richard | 50 | |
Randolph, Ryland | 216 | |
Read, Gwyn, Capt., Gloucester County | 110 | |
Reynolds, Thomas, Capt., York | 118 | |
Riddlehurst, John | 216 | |
Ridlehurst, John | 95, 184 | |
Robinson, John, Esq. | 122 | |
Rogers, Matthew, Charles City | 201 | |
Royster, Peter, Charles City | 76 | |
Ruffin, Robert | 62, 208 | |
Rumball, Messrs. Walker and, Liverpool | 225 | |
Rusley, Francis, Axmister | 30 | |
Rutty, Samuel, Milksham | 18 | |
Sackett, Stephen, Margate | 31 | |
Saunders, Henry, Exon | 11 | |
Scot | 15 | |
Scott, James, Axbridge | 34 | |
Scott, Messrs., Burket and, taylors in London | 178 | |
Seward, Samuel, Nottoway | 221 | |
Shell, Charles City County | 91 | |
Shepherd, Messrs. Cooper and, Barbados | 161 | |
Sheriff of Brunswick | 220 | |
Sheriff of Sussex County | 202, 220 | |
Sheriff of York County | 153 | |
Sheriffs of Halifax County | 192 | |
Skipwith, William, Sir | 159 | |
Smith, Isaac, Charles City | 148, 219 | |
Smith, John, Richmond County | 190 | |
Smith, Peter, Nottoway | 63, 162 | |
Southall, John, Richmond County | 121 | |
Spiers, James, Williamsburg | 116 | |
Spotswood, John, Col. | 114 | |
Sprowle, Andrew, merchant, Norfolk | 195 | |
Stagg, Charles, Capt., Berkley | 200 | |
Stanbridge, James, St. Albans | 4 | |
Stanley, Dancy | 77 | |
Stevenson, William, York | 167 | |
Stith, Anderson, Charles City County | 85 | |
Stone, Elias, King and Queen | 123 | |
Strachan, Peter, Dr., King William County | 175 | |
Stuart, Charles, Norfolk | 111 | |
Stuart, Malcolm, Charles City County | 125 | |
Stubblefield, Edward, overseer, Bannister | 170 | |
Stubblefield, Simon, Charles City | 112 | |
Stubbs, John, Gloucester County | 177 | |
Symonds, Joseph, Slandford | 12 | |
Tabb, Edmund, York | 104 | |
Taliaferro, Richard, James City | 165 | |
Tayloe, John, Col. | 64 | |
Taylor, William, Tedington | 114 | |
Tedington Estate | 166 | |
Terry, James, Sheriff of Halifax County | 131 | |
Terry, Thomas, overseer, Halifax | 163 | |
Thompson, John, Greenwich | 36 | |
Thornton, Presley, Col., Northumberland County | 109 | |
Timberlake, Francis, Charles City | 165 | |
Tobacco | 101 | |
Tobacco, Inspection of | 133 | |
Toloervey, William, Cleobury | 30 | |
Tournay, Thomas, Ashford | 8 | |
Travis, Edward Champion, James City | 65 | |
Trebell, William, Williamsburg | 203 | |
Tronmonger, Scot | 19 | |
Tucker, Lawrence, Woolverhamp | 23 | |
Tucker, Robert, Col. | 238 | |
Turbitt, Henry, Stratsford | 29 | |
Turner, Arthur, Charles City County | 183 | |
Turss, John, at Col. Randolphs in Henrico County | 181 | |
Tyree, Francis, Charles City | 66 | |
Tyree, Mary, widow of Francis | 66 | |
Upholder, North | 13 | |
Vaughan, Rabley, Charles City | 155 | |
Walke, Anthony, Major, Princess Ann. | 115 | |
Walker, George, Capt., Hampton | 179 | |
Walker, Henry, Charles City | 70 | |
Walker, Joseph, Prince George | 162 | |
Walker, Messrs. Rumball and, Liverpool | 225 | |
Walker, Richardson | 100 | |
Waller, Benjamin, Williamsburg | 54 | |
Walls, Charles, Cheapside | 37 | |
Wansil, Mary Ann | 181 | |
Warburton, Mary | 206 | |
Warburton, Thomas, overseer of Huk Plantation | 89, 148, 206 | |
Warne, Roger, Chippenhim | 10 | |
Waterman, Samuel, merchant, London | 186 | |
Watkins, Jenkin | 182, 220 | |
Watson, Alexander, Charles City | 137 | |
Watson, James, Charles City | 134 | |
Wayles, John, Atty., Charles City | 139 | |
Weatherbone, Henry, Williamsburg | 172 | |
West, John, Charles City County | 70 | |
West, John, Jr., overseer | 174, 215 | |
West, Thomas, merchant, Yorktown | 168, 180 | |
Westover Parish | 97, 200 | |
Wheeler, Benjamin, overseer, Brunswick | 191 | |
Whitehead, Richard, Maningtree | 33 | |
Whitten | 23 | |
Whitwell, Matthew, Capt. | 188 | |
Williams | 21 | |
Williams, Ann | 77 | |
Williams, Brazure, Tedington | 68, 124, 152, 197 | |
Williams, John, taylor of Tedington | 41 | |
Williams, William, overseer, Bannister | 75 | |
Willis, Francis, Jr., Gloucester County | 168, 198 | |
Wills, Katherine, musick mystress | 84 | |
Windley, Thomas | 11 | |
Wise, Henry, Sandwich | 38 | |
Wood, Bowrey, Charles City County | 136 | |
Woodcock, Robert | 106, 155 | |
Wormley, John, York County | 173 | |
Wormley, Ralph | 189, 237 | |
Wright, Benjamin, Capt., merchant | 132 | |
Yattington | 7 | |
Young, Edward, Charles City | 79 | |
Young, James, Tring | 5 | |
Young, John, Charles City | 64 | |
clark, James, Blacksmith at Tedington | 93 |
Significant Persons Associated With the Collection
- Byrd, William, 1728-1777.
- Carter, James, d. 1794.
- Digges, Dudley, 1718-1790.
- Dinwiddie, Robert, 1693-1770.
- Freeman, Joseph.
- Goss, Edmund.
- Green, Edmund.
- Hay, Peter, Dr.
- Higgs, Thomas.
- Hill, Thomas.
- Lewis, John.
- Lightfoot, William, 1724- 1764.
- Ludwell, Philip, 1716-1767.
- Norton, John, 1719-1777.
- Orr, Hugh, d. 1764.
- Poole, William.
- Purbeck, Richard.
- Randolph, John, 1727 or 8- 1784.
- Stanbridge, James.
- Taliaferro, Richard, d. ca. 1789.
- Tournay, Thomas.
- Waller, Benjamin, 1716- 1786.
- Warne, Robert.
- William Lightfoot, 1724-1764.
- Wormeley, Ralph, 1715-1790.
- Young, James.