A Guide to the Elizabeth G. Elliott Papers, 1755-1871 Elliott, Elizabeth G., Papers, 1755-1871 MS 89.25

A Guide to the Elizabeth G. Elliott Papers, 1755-1871

A Collection in
the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library
Manuscript Number MS 89.25


John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

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© 2002 By the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. All rights reserved.

Funding: Web version of the finding aid funded in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Processed by: Special Collections staff

John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
Manuscript number
MS 89.25
Elizabeth G. Elliott Papers, 1755-1871.
12 v. and 173 items.
Elizabeth G. Elliott, d. 1856. Thomas Hogg, Jr. Thomas Moss. Sydney Smith.

Administrative Information


There are no restrictions.

Publication Rights/ Restrictions on Use

Before publishing quotations or excerpts from any materials, permission must be obtained from the Special Collections Librarian/ Associate Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts, and the holder of the copyright, if not the Rockefeller Library at Colonial Williamsburg.

Preferred Citation

Elizabeth G. Elliott Papers, Manuscript MS 89.25, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Acquisition Information

Purchase, 1989.

Alternative Form

Also available on microfilm M-1819.

Biographical/Historical Information

Elizabeth Elliott was a resident of Warwick and York counties. She was the widow of Kemp P. Elliott (d. ca. 1836).

Scope and Content Information

Collection includes papers Elizabeth G. Eland memoranda books of Warwick County sheriff Thomas Moss, woodcutter Thomas Hogg, and Williamsburg attorney Sydney Smith.

Papers of Elizabeth G. Elliott include accounts, receipts, decrees, bonds, letters, and other material. Included are receipts for taxes from York and Warwick counties; accounts for building and repairing carriages or "gigs"; several accounts of doctors for treatment of slaves and Mrs. Elliott; receipts from carpenters for building coffins for slaves; many bonds for the annual rental of slaves; legal material concerning the estate of Kemp P. Elliott; a Robert Anderson letter (1848); accounts for hauling wood for Thomas Hogg, Jr.; receipts for board at the Eastern Lunatic Asylum for a slave; and Mrs. Elliott's estate matters administered by Daniel P. Curtis.

Several memoranda books apparently of Thomas Moss list taxpayers and amounts in Warwick County (1852-1856) and list hours worked by various individuals and many other accounts (1849- 1860). One memorandum book (1850-1853) lists execution of bond payments, carriage repairs, and writs in the circuit court of Warwick County. Account book (1788-1793) of lawyer J. Wickham lists personal and business expenses and expenditures with various individuals, ferriage expenses to the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and a satiric prose poem (1755) entitled: "On Sundry Inhabitants of Yorkto[wn] by Doctor Porterfield." Account book and loose papers (1853-1871) of Williamsburg attorney Sydney Smith concern debt cases; litigation; bond accounts; administration of rental, clothing, and medical needs of a slave for the slave owner; and medical account of the R. W. Bucktrout family with Leonard Henley.


Chronologically arranged.

Index Terms


  • Elliott, Elizabeth G., d. 1856.

Significant Persons Associated With the Collection

  • Elizabeth G. Elliott, d. 1856.
  • Elliott, Elizabeth G., d. 1856.
  • Sydney Smith.
  • Thomas Hogg, Jr.
  • Thomas Moss.

Contents List

Box-folder 1:1
Will of Kemp P. Elliott, 18 September 1832.
Box-folder 1:1
Account and receipt for household furnishings. F.B. Power to Mrs. Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1 December 1838-31 January 1839.
Receipt for attorney fees in case of Elliott vs. Hansford. George W. Southall, atty. to Frederick B. Power for Mrs. Elizabeth G. Elliott, 21 January 1839.
Box-folder 1:1
Box-folder 1:1
Receipt for attorney fees for case of Elliott vs. Hansford. Richard Coke to Elizabeth Elliott, 21 January 1839.
Box-folder 1:1
Court summons for case of Elliott vs. Minson concerning the estate of Kemp P. Elliott, 27 March 1839.
Box-folder 1:1
Receipt for Warwick County taxes on slaves and for county and parish levies. Thomas C. Curtis to Elizabeth Elliott, 1839.
Box-folder 1:1
Receipt for attendance on [a] negro man. G. Lane Corbin to Elizabeth Elliott, 15 May 1840.
Box-folder 1:1
Receipt for Warwick County taxes on slaves and for county and parish levies. Thomas Curtis to Elizabeth Elliott, 1840.
Box-folder 1:1
Receipt for silver spoons F.B. Powers, executor of Kemp P. Elliott to Mrs. Elizabeth G. Elliott, January 1841.
Box-folder 1:1
Receipt for Warwick County taxes on slaves and for county and parish levies. T. C. Curtis to Elizabeth Elliott, 1841.
Box-folder 1:1
Receipt for sale of a white horse. A.H. Perkins from John P. Manson for Elizabeth Elliott, 15 January 1842.
Box-folder 1:1
Receipt for sale of a gig sold as part of rent for "Goosbys." William B. Gray to Elizabeth Elliott. "Aloud" by Frederick B. Power, 1842.
Box-folder 1:1
Receipt for Warwick County taxes on slaves and for county and parish levies. T.C. Curtis to Elizabeth Elliott, 1842.
Box-folder 1:1
Receipt for Warwick County taxes on slaves, a horse, and a gig and for county and parish levies. T.C. Curtis to Elizabeth Elliott, 1843.
Box-folder 1:1
Receipt for Warwick County taxes on a slave, a horse, and a gig and for county and parish levies. T.C. Curtis to Elizabeth Elliott, 1844.
Box-folder 1:1
Clerk's ticket for copying court documents, 1845-1846.
Box-folder 1:1
Receipt for Warwick County taxes on a slave, a horse, and a gig and for county and parish levies. T.C. Curtis to Elizabeth Elliott, 1845.
Box-folder 1:2
Account and receipt for repairs to John H. Anderson to Elizabeth Elliott, 1849-19 September 1950.
Box-folder 1:2
Receipt for Warwick County taxes on a slave, a horse, and a gig and for county and parish levies. T.C. Curtis to Elizasbeth G. Elliott, 1846.
Box-folder 1:2
Decree of Alexander Garrett, Commissioner in case of Minson et al vs. Elliott et al., 9 January 1847.
Box-folder 1:2
Account for medical services for Elizabeth Elliott and slaves. William H. Shield to Elizabeth Elliott, 28 March 1847-30 October 1847.
Box-folder 1:2
Receipt for a brick wall around a graveyard. Samuel. B. Wright to Elizabeth Elliott, 3 November 1847.
Box-folder 1:2
Court Decree. York County. Minson et al vs. Elliott et al., 4 November 1847.
Box-folder 1:2
Copy of the above with additional material, 4 November 1847-6 December 1847.
Box-folder 1:2
Account and receipt for medical services for slaves. R. H. Power to Elizabeth Elliott, 17 November 1847-3 December 1848.
Box-folder 1:2
Account of County clerk for copying documents, 1847-May 1848.
Box-folder 1:3
Promissory note for hire of a slave. John P. Manson to Elizabeth Elliott, 1 January 1848.
Box-folder 1:3
Account for rings, staples, and hooks. James Belvin to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 27 January 1848.
Box-folder 1:3
Letter copies of court documents. Robert Anderson to E. G. Elliott. See CWF Anderson papers for Elliott's request (MS 72.2), 10 January 1848.
Box-folder 1:3
Receipt for York County taxes on slaves, a horse, and a gig, and for parish and county levies. William B. Gray to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1848.
Box-folder 1:3
Account of Mrs. Elliott with William H. Herld (?), January 1849.
Box-folder 1:3
Account of William Howard with Elizabeth Elliott, January 1849.
Box-folder 1:3
Medical account of Elizabeth Elliott with Robert H. Power, 2 February 1849-9 October 1850.
Box-folder 1:3
Medical account of Elizabeth Elliott with F.W. Power, 4 February 1849-2 July 1849.
Box-folder 1:3
Medical account of Elizabeth Elliot with F.W. Power, 25 September-19 December 1849.
Account of Elizabeth Elliott with county clerk, May 1849.
Box-folder 1:3
Box-folder 1:3
Receipt for York County taxes on slaves, a horse, a gig and for parish and county taxes, 1849.
Box-folder 1:4
Bond for rental of a slave. John J. Moreland and Edward Bell to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1 January 1850.
Box-folder 1:4
Medical account for self and slaves of Elizabeth G. Elliott with F. W. Power, 11 January-31 December 1850.
Box-folder 1:4
Bond for rental of a slave. John P. Manson to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 11 January 1850.
Box-folder 1:4
Account for repairing buggy of Elizabeth G. Elliott with James Belvin, 1 February-15 November 1850.
Box-folder 1:4
Account for making coffin and other items of Elizabeth Elliott with James F. Power, 17 April 1850-15 January 1851.
Box-folder 1:4
Account of Elizabeth Elliott with James City County clerk, May 1850.
Box-folder 1:4
Receipt for York County taxes on slaves, a horse, a carriage, poor tax and the county levy, July 1850.
Box-folder 1:4
Receipt for payment for farm labor. William Wood to Mrs. E.G. Elliott, 27 December 1850.
Box-folder 1:4
Receipt for taxes on the Goosely land. Robert Shields to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1850.
Box-folder 1:4
Medical account for self and slaves of Elizabeth G. Elliott with F. W. Power, 1 January 1851-11 November 1852.
Box-folder 1:4
Bond for rental of slave. John P. Manson to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 18 June 1851.
Box-folder 1:4
Receipt for purchase of a horse. H.B. Gray to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 22 June 1851.
Box-folder 1:4
Medical account of Elizabeth Elliott with Robert H. Power, 24 June-27 October 1851.
Box-folder 1:4
Tax receipt for York County land. Kemp P. Elliott's estate to Robert Shields, 1851.
Box-folder 1:4
Receipt for York County taxes on slaves, a carriage and for parish and county levies, 1851.
Box-folder 1:4
Bond for rental of a slave. John P. Manson to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1 January 1852.
Box-folder 1:4
Bond for rental of a slave. R.W. and Thomas J. Clark to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1 January 1852.
Box-folder 1:4
Receipt for making a coffin for a servant. Alfred H. Rockwell, Yorktown, to Elizabeth Elliott, 28 June 1852.
Box-folder 1:4
Letter re payment of money with greeting from Ella and Betty. William B. Gray to Elizabeth G. Elliott, Goosley's, 31 January 1852.
Box-folder 1:4
Account of Elizabeth G. Elliott with Robert H. Armistead, 23 April 1852.
Box-folder 1:4
Receipt for York County taxes on slaves and for parish and county levies, 1852.
Box-folder 1:5
Assignment of title to a suit in York County Circuit Court to Thomas Hogg Jr. Concerns suit of Thomas Hansford vs. James Belvin and Charles Shield, executor of Col. Robert Shields relating to the will of Willougby Indan, 17 January 1853.
Box-folder 1:5
Receipt for pork. E. Tabb to E.G. Elliott, 18 January 1853.
Box-folder 1:5
Medical account for slaves of E.G. Elliott with Frederick W. Powers. Includes receipt, 21 January 1853-29 August 1855.
Box-folder 1:5
Account for plough of Mrs. Elliott with S. Newman, 22 February 1853.
Box-folder 1:5
Medical account for slaves of Mrs. E.G. Elliott with Dr. Edward Camm, 26 February-20 December 1853.
Box-folder 1:5
Medical account for slaves of Elizabeth Elliott with Dr. Wm. H. Shield, 27 February-6 March 1853.
Box-folder 1:5
Account for "making a coffin for [a] negro woman." Elizabeth Elliott to John R. Chandler, 7 March 1853.
Box-folder 1:5
Medical account for slaves of Elizabeth Elliott with John King, 1 March 1853.
Box-folder 1:5
Receipt for making a coffin for [a] negro man. Jamie H. Finly to Elizabeth Elliott, 28 March 1853.
Box-folder 1:5
Medical account of Elizabeth Elliott to William H. Sheild, 12 July 1853.
Box-folder 1:5
Account for repairing buggy of Elizabeth Elliott with John R. Chandler, 23 August 1855.
Box-folder 1:5
Account for buggy maintenance. Elizabeth G. Elliott with James Belvin, 11 October 1853-2 February 1854.
Box-folder 1:5
Account of Mrs. Elliott with J.L. Walker, 1-8 November 1853.
Box-folder 1:5
Account of Elizabeth Elliott with H.W. Moreland, 29 November 1853.
Box-folder 1:5
Tax receipt for York County taxes on slaves, land and for parish and county levies. Elizabeth G. Elliott to Robert Shields, 1853.
Box-folder 1:6
Bond for rental of slave of Elizabeth Elliott to Daniel P. Curtis, 1 January 1854.
Box-folder 1:6
Bond. John P. Manson to Elizabeth Elliott, 6 January 1854.
Box-folder 1:6
Notes on bonds due for rental of slaves, 10 January 1854.
Box-folder 1:6
Receipt for board of Peter at the Eastern Lunatic Asylum. Talbot Sweeney to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 31 January 1854.
Box-folder 1:6
Account of Elizabeth Elliott with J.L. Walker, 27 February 1854.
Box-folder 1:6
Medical account for slaves and self. Elizabeth G. Elliott with F.W. Power, 30 June-26 December 1854.
Box-folder 1:6
Account of Elizabeth Elliott with James L. Walker, June-12 July 1854.
Box-folder 1:6
Receipt for bacon. James L. Walker, Yorktown to Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, 12 July 1854.
Box-folder 1:6
Medical account. William H. Shield to Elizabeth Elliott, 12 October 1854-12 January 1855.
Box-folder 1:6
Receipt for Warwick County levy. John R. Hawkins to Richard C. Lee, 13 November 1854.
Box-folder 1:6
Receipt for shoes. H.S. Kendall to Elizabeth Elliott, 17 November 1854.
Box-folder 1:6
Receipt for Warwick County levy. William Barnwell to Richard C. Lee, 7 December 1854.
Box-folder 1:6
Tax receipt for York County for slaves, property and county and poor levy. Elizabeth G. Elliott to the Sheriff of York County, 1854.
Box-folder 1:7
Account for "making coffin for man Anthony." N.B. Smith to Elizabeth Elliott, 1 January 1855.
Box-folder 1:7
Bond for rental of slaves. D.P. Curtis to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1 January 1855.
Box-folder 1:7
Bond for rental of a slave. William. B. Wynne and Daniel P. Curtis to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1 January 1855.
Box-folder 1:7
Account for slave blankets. H.S. Kendall to Mrs. Elliott, 1 February 1855.
Box-folder 1:7
Receipt for carriage repairs. John R. Chandler to Elizabeth Elliott, 18 April 1855.
Box-folder 1:7
Receipt for a secondhand carriage and harness. William B. Gray to Elizabeth Elliott, 7 April 1855.
Box-folder 1:7
Medical account of Elizabeth Elliott with Virginius Bilisely, 11-22 May 1855.
Box-folder 1:7
Receipt for carriage repairs. John R. Chandler to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 29 June 1855.
Box-folder 1:7
Account with Eastern Lunatic Asylum to board Peter. Talbot Sweeney to Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, 16 July 1855.
Box-folder 1:7
Account of Henry L. Philips with L.C. Davies, 10 July 1855.
Box-folder 1:8
Bond for rental of slave. Daniel P. Curtis to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1 January 1856.
Box-folder 1:8
Bond for rental of slaves. Daniel P. Curtis to Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1 January 1856.
Box-folder 1:8
"Inventory, appraisement" and accounts of "sales of the estate of Elizabeth G. Elliot deceased, made 24th day of February 1856 by Daniel P. Curtis, the admor.:" Lists property items sold and names of purchasers, 24 February 1856.
Box-folder 1:8
Bond. William H. Curtis and H. Harwood to Daniel Curtis, adm. of Elizabeth G. Elliott, 27 February 1856.
Box-folder 1:8
Bond for rental of slave. John Manson to Daniel P. Curtis, 27 February 1856.
Box-folder 1:8
Bond. John P. Manson to Daniel P. Curtis, adm. of Elizabeth G. Elliott, 27 February 1856.
Box-folder 1:8
Bond. Lewis S. Charles and John C. Hubbard to Daniel Parke, adm. for Elizabeth G. Elliott, February 1856.
Box-folder 1:8
Bond for rental of a slave. John P. Manson to Daniel Parke, adm. of Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1 July 1856.
Box-folder 1:8
Bond for rental of a slave. William B. Wynne to Daniel P. Curtis, admin. of Elizabeth G. Elliott, [1 January] 1857.
Box-folder 1:8
Receipt. Bohoan Shield to Daniel P. Curtis, admin. of Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1 December 1857.
Box-folder 1:9
Bond for rental of a slave. John P. Manson to Daniel P. Curtis, admin. of Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1 January 1858.
Box-folder 1:9
Bond for rental of a slave. William B. Wynne and Wm. H. Curtis Sr. to Mrs. Elizabeth R. Curtis, administratrix of Daniel P. Curtis, deceased, 1 January 1858.
Box-folder 1:9
Account for lodging and ferriage. Thomas Moss with Thomas Ash, 5 January 1858-4 August 1859.
Folder Box-folder: 1:9
Bond for rental of slave. William B. Wynne and William. H. Curtis Sr. to Mrs. Elizabeth R. Curtis, administratrix, Daniel P. Curtis, 1 January 1859.
Box-folder 1:9
Bond for rental of a slave (belonging to the estate of Elizabeth G. Elliott). John P. Manson and Martha A. Manson to Elizabeth R. Curtis, 1 January 1859.
Box-folder 1:9
Bond for rental of a slave. John P. Manson to Mrs. E.R. Curtis, administratrix of Daniel P. Curtis, 1 January 1859.
Box-folder 1:9
Contract with addenda for hauling timber. Noah K. Eagle and Thomas Hogg, York County, 29 March 1859-6 March 1860.
Box-folder 1:9
Statement of bonds belonging to the estate of Mrs. Elizabeth G. Elliott, 1 January 1860.

Lists names of bond holders.

Box-folder 1:9
Bond for rental of a slave. Thomas Moss to Peter T. Powell, 26 June 1860.
Box-folder 1:9
Account of Thomas Moss with Charles Lively, 31 October 1860.
Box-folder 1:10
Account of Thomas Moss with Vest & Hansford, 1 July 1861.
Box-folder 1:10
Account of Thomas Moss, 1 January 1861.
Box-folder 1:10
Bond for the rental of a slave. Thomas Moss and Jno. A. Jones to Peter T. Powell, 1 January 1862.
Box-folder 1:10
Promissory note of Thomas Moss with Vest & Hansford, 11 September 1861.
Box-folder 1:10
Letter re rental of slave, Jack. Edmond C. Patrick to Mr. William Martin, n.d.
Box-folder 1:10
Statement of monies for Mrs Elizabeth G. Elliott, n.d.
Box-folder 1:10
Inventory of articles, n.d

List of household furniture and other items.

Box-folder 1:10
Account and receipt for wool. Elizabeth G. Elliott to Edward Tabb, n.d.
Box-folder 1:10
Promissory note. W.W. Wilson to Thomas Moss, n.d.
Box-folder 1:10
Account of Phillip Levy & Company with C.F. Hamilton, 8 November 1918.
Box-folder 2:1
Lawyer's account book of J. Wickham, 1755-1793.
1 volume.

Lists personal and business expenses and expenditures (1788-1793) with various individuals and ferriage expenses to the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and a satiric prose poem dated 1755 "On Sundry Inhabitants of York[town] by Doctor Porterfield."

Box-folder 2:2
Account Memorandum Book, 1847-1849.
1 volume.

Miscellaneous accounts, bill for timber, and a list of pay with H.H. Wynne and J.A. Jones.

Box-folder 2:2
Work Memorandum Book, 1849.
1 volume.

Includes hours and pay of work done for various individuals including Thomas Moss and Daniel P. Curtis. Scattered lists of hardware needed and miscellaneous accounts.

Box-folder 2:2
Grafton Church (York County) Memorandum Book, 1849-1853.
1 volume.

Includes collections, monies for a bible cause (?), list of contributors for a stove, list of contributors for Sunday School books, and C. Goodall account.

Box-folder 2:3
Account Memorandum Book, 1850-1851.
1 volume.

Includes memoranda of wood hauled and accounts for fodder.

Box-folder 2:3
Tax Received Memorandum Book, 1852.
1 volume.

Includes name of taxpayer, amount paid, and type of tax.

Box-folder 2:3
Tax Memorandum Book, 1852- 1853.
1 volume.

Includes list of tax bills for Warwick County. Includes names and amount owed. Also includes miscellaneous notes and "A List of Pay -- persons For Escemtion from Muster this Year 1853."

Box-folder 2:4
Thomas Hogg Account Book, 1852-1859.
1 volume.

Accounts and copies of letters concerning wood cutting and hauling, clothing for slaves, church, property, rental of slaves, clothing, and food.

Box-folder 2:4
Tax Memorandum Book, 1854.
1 volume.

Includes lists of tax bills for Warwick County. Includes names and amount owed. Also includes receipts for levies received of Thomas Moss, sheriff.

Box-folder 2:5
Execution, tax, carriage repair accounts, and Writ Memorandum Book, 1855-1859.
1 volume.

Includes listings of execution of bonds and levies, listings of writs for the Circuit Court of Warwick County, work accounts, accounts for carriage repairs (1859), and receipts of Thomas Moss concerning levies.

Box-folder 2:5
Tax Memorandum Book, 1856.
1 volume.

Includes list of tax bills probably for Warwick County. Includes names and amount owed. Also money received of Thomas Moss, sheriff, Warwick County, for court levies. Accounts of sale of mules.

Box-folder 2:6
Sydney Smith Account Book, 1853-1859.
1 volume.

Account book for Williamsburg attorney services such as collections, bond matters or slave rentals. Includes name of client, date and amount due, and occasionally a description of the services. Includes name index.

Box-folder 2:7
Accounts, 1853-1857.
11 items.

Loose papers from Sydney Smith's account book.

  • Box-folder 2:7
    Account of A. Briggs with Sydney Smith, his attorney, 23 May 1853-12 October 1856.
  • Box-folder 2:7
    Sydney Smith account memoranda, 1853-1855.
  • Box-folder 2:7
    W.W. Ware's bond account, 1 January 1854.
  • Box-folder 2:7
    [Sydney Smith] to Mrs. Wilson concerning financial matters, 24 January 1855.

    Draft letter with financial notes.

  • Box-folder 2:7
    [Sydney Smith] to Mrs. Wilson concerning account and slave sales and rental, 1 March 1855.

    Draft letter with financial notes.

  • Box-folder 2:7
    Statement of Mrs. Wilson's matters, 22 March 1855.

    List of accounts regarding the sale and rental of slaves.

  • Box-folder 2:7
    Financial matters of Thomas G. Peachy Jr., 24 November 1855.
  • Box-folder 2:7
    Note on debt, 1 January 1856.
  • Box-folder 2:7
    Receipt. Sydney Smith for Ann Lawson from John A Henley, sergeant, Williamsburg, concerning the case Ann Lawson vs. Thomas G. Peachy and William S. Peachy, 29 November 1856.
  • Box-folder 2:7
    Receipt. Ann Lawson to Sydney Smith, 2 December 1856.
  • Box-folder 2:7
    Jackson's and Mrs. Wilson slave rental figures, 1856-1857.
Box-folder 2:8
Medical accounts:
Medical accounts, 1856-1871.
10 items.

Accounts of R.W. Bucktrout and family with Leonard Henley, for bleeding, virus, prescriptions, and house calls.

Box-folder 2:9
Notes on bond accounts, 1857-1860.
Box-folder 2:9
Receipt of debt payment. Ann Lawson vs Thomas G. Peachy Jr and William S. Peachy, 1 October 1857.
2 items.

Case account.

Box-folder 2:9
Receipt. Th. O. Cogbill to Ann Lawson via Sydney Smith, 1 October 1857.
Box-folder 2:9
Receipt. F.B. Minson to Sydney Smith for E.C. Harwood, 15 October 1857.
Box-folder 2:9
A.W. Emley to Mr. Smith concerning shoes for a slave, 15 January 1858.
Box-folder 2:9
Account of Sydney Smith for Miss G. Emley with Jno. Dix, 7 February 1859-6 January 1860.
Box-folder 2:9
Notes on debt. Pryor et al to Newman, 20 February 1859.
Box-folder 2:9
Debt account. Pryor, Coke and Camm to Susan M. Newman, 4 March 1859.
Box-folder 2:9
Account for shoes. Sydney Smith, agent to Mrs. Emily to J.S. Charles, 18 March 1859.
Box-folder 2:9
Account of J.H. Barlow with Sydney Smith, agent for Mrs. Emley, July 1859.
Box-folder 2:9
Account of Sydney Smith with Jno. H. Barlow, 19 July 1859-10 December 1860.
Box-folder 2:9
Account notes starting with "Jackson's hire," 27 January 1759-11 December 1860.
Box-folder 2:9
Receipt of Sydney Smith to Parkes Slater, 1 January 1860.
Box-folder 2:9
Account and receipt for attendance on a "servant" for venereal disease. Sydney Smith for G. Emley with Dr. R.S.R. Cabell, 1860-17 January 1861.
Box-folder 2:9
Account for servant woman. Sydney Smith for A. Emley to John Coke, January 1862.
Box-folder 2:9
Petition of Jones Heller, agent for E. Strauss by Sydney Smith, his counsel verses Park Jones, 29 August 1866.
Box-folder 2:9
Note concerning debts due P. Jones, 29 August 1866.
Box-folder 2:9
J. Heller, agent to Sydney Smith, 14 April 1866.
Box-folder 2:9
Draft of letter from 14 April 1866 above, n.d.
Box-folder 2:9
Draft of note to issue writ of summons, n.d.
Box-folder 2:9
"Henry B. Smith Disappears," n.d.
Newspaper clipping.
Box-folder 2:9
Photograph of a woman in a large hat near a fish net, n.d.