A Collection in
the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation's
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library
Manuscript Number MS 43.4
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library Colonial Williamsburg Foundation P.O. Box 1776 Williamsburg, Virginia 23187 USA Phone: (757) 565-8520 Fax: (757) 565-8528 Email: speccoll@cwf.org URL: http://www.history.org
Before publishing quotations or excerpts from any
materials, permission must be obtained from the Special
Collections Librarian/ Associate Curator of Rare Books and
Manuscripts, and the holder of the copyright, if not the
Rockefeller Library at Colonial Williamsburg.
Preferred Citation
Francis Nicholson Papers, Manuscript MS 43.4, John D.
Rockefeller, Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg
Acquisition Information
Purchase, 1943.
Alternative Form
Available on microfilm M-1554. Photocopy of "Treatise on
the Flora and Fauna of Virginia" (PH/02/11) and selected
transcripts (TR/21) also available.
Francis Nicholson (1660-1728) was one of the chief founders
and benefactors of the College of William and Mary, lieutenant
governor of Virginia, 1690-1692, and governor, 1698-1705.
Letters and papers of Francis Nicholson. The papers contain
five main subjects: the college; Nicholson's infatuation for
Lucy Burwell; Nicholson's colonial administration; addresses
to the Crown; and church affairs. The feud between Nicholson
and Commissary James Blair, president of the college, is
apparent through all five.
The collection includes "Treatise on the Flora and Fauna of
Virginia, 1680," an early partial copy of one of the first
scientific accounts of Virginia's plants, insects, and
mollusks, by the Rev. John Banister; a letter from Blair to
Nicholson reporting Robert Boyle's bequest to the College,
February 27, 1691/2; letters from John Locke to Nicholson and
Blair; Blair's 1703 "Memorial Concerning my troubles and
Conduct in Virginia with relacion to Governor Nicholson and
the Causes of my Coming for England," which he sent Dr.
Tenison, Archbishop of Canterbury; and a petition against
Nicholson from members of the Council of Virginia to Queen
Anne, May 20, 1703. Also, the draft of a letter from Nicholson
to Henry Compton, Bishop of London, requesting that his
"Accusers may be obliged to give Under their hands what they
have to lay to my Charge," July 29, 1702.
Among the correspondents are Lewis Burwell, Benjamin
Harrison, the Rev. Mungo Ingles, Richard Ingoldsby, the Rev.
Owen Jones, Philip Ludwell, Lord Nottingham, Col. Robert
Quary, Lt. John Riggs, and Lord Weymouth.
There is one collection within Special Collections, John
D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library that relates to this
collection. This is the Francis Nicholson Papers,
The Francis Nicholson Papers, 1695-1765, Special
Collections, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library; including
correspondence to Nicholson, governor of Virginia, and
papers concerning Nicholson's will.
Francis Nicholson Papers,
1695-1765. 17 items. MS 86.10
Partial copy of "1680 Treatise on the Flora
and Fauna of Virginia."
Folder 2
Letter. London, [Blair] to [Nicholson],
incomplete, pp. 1-4, An Account of the College Business
[note: rest of letter in VMHB VII (1900) pp. 160-163.]
3 December 1691
Folder 2
Letter. London, James Blair to Francis
27 February 1691/2
Folder 2
Petition of James Blair to Sir Edward
[Edmund] Andros with two accounts.
19 October 1693
Folder 2
Letter. London, Benjamin Harrison, Jr. to
[Nicholson], Gov. of Maryland.
1 September 1698
Folder 2
Virginia, James City, [Nicholson] to Bishop
of London, draft.
4 February 1698/9
Folder 2
James City, Francis Nicholson to Sheriffs,
Governor's order for birds for King William, endorsed.
1 March 1698/9
Folder 2
Letter. James City, [Francis Nicholson] to
"Your Ladyship" [Lucy Burwell], draft.
10 March 1698/9
Folder 2
5 Student Speeches (numbered separately).
[1 May 1699]
Folder 3
Proposition by James Blair for supplying
Virginia with Clergy.
6 September 1699
Folder 3
Letter. London, J[ohn] Locke to [Francis
Nicholson], endorsed.
10 October 1699
Folder 3
Letter. London, J[ohn] Locke to James Blair,
16 October 1699
Folder 3
Letter. James Town, Francis Nicholson to the
High Sheriff of New Kent County, Commands about
ministers, etc. executed.
3 March 1699/1700
Folder 3
Letter. Nicholson to [Micajah or Richard
Perry], draft incomplete, pp. 3-6.
[Winter or early spring
Folder 3
Letter. Bishop of London to Francis
Nicholson, incomplete, p. 3.
[April-Aug. 1700]
Folder 3
Letter. Middle Plantation, James Blair to
[Francis Nicholson] 2 copies of which one endorsed.
9 August 1700
Folder 3
Letter. [Francis Nicholson] to Major Burwell.
14 March 1700/1
Folder 3
Letter. Lewis Burwell to [Francis Nicholson].
15 March 1700/1
Folder 3
Letter. Francis Nicholson to Major Burwell.
Note: all on same sheet, contemporary copies.
21 March [1700/1]
Folder 3
[Francis Nicholson] to Major Lewis Burwell (2
letters), and Burwell to Nicholson, copies.
14-21 March 1700/1
Folder 3
Letter. [Francis Nicholson] to [Mrs.
24 March 1700/1
Folder 3
Letter. Williamsburg, [Nicholson] to Major
18 July 1701
Folder 3
Letter. Williamsburg, [Nicholson] to Major
Dent. Copies. Note: 2 on same sheet.
27 August 1701
Folder 3
Council and Burgesses to King. Date from C.
S. P. XIX.
[27 September 1701]
Folder 4
Letter. Whitehall, Lord Nottingham to
[Francis Nicholson], copy.
7 May 1702
Folder 4
Letter. J. Braine, Channel Daltmo[uth]
Dist[rict], to Nicholson.
16 July 1702
Folder 4
Letter. On board the H. M. S. Southampton,
off Capes [of Va.] [Nicholson] to [Bishop of London],
29 July 1702
Folder 4
Letter. Virginia, [Nicholson] to Lt. John
7 August 1702
Folder 4
Letter. Bishop of London to F. Nicholson,
7 October 1702
Folder 4
Letter. Chelsey [?] to F. [Nicholson].
8 December 1702
Folder 4
Letter. Lewis Burwell to F. [Nicholson],
copies 2 on one sheet.
26 December 1702 and 6
January 1702/3
Folder 4
Letter. Williamsburg, F. [Nicholson] to
[Lewis Burwell], drafts of 2 letters on same sheet.
4 January 1702/3
Folder 4
Letter. Williamsburg, F. [Nicholson] to [Lucy
Burwell], draft.
7 January 1702/3
Folder 4
Letter. Williamsburg, F. [Nicholson] to Mrs.
Burwell, draft.
7 January 1702/3
Folder 5
Letter. House of Burgesses to Queen Anne.
10 April 1703
Folder 5
Letter. Members of Council to Queen Anne,
endorsed, attested copy.
20 May 1703
Folder 5
Letter. New York, Lt. John Riggs to F.
15 July 1703
Folder 5
Letter. Nicholson to [?], incomplete.
[Summer of 1703?]
Folder 5
Letter. Col. Robert Quary to [Bishop of
15 October 1703
Folder 5
Latin Poem to Nicholson.
5 November 1703
Folder 5
Blair to [Archbishop of Canterbury], Memorial
against Nicholson, with reasons for coming to England.
[ca. October-November
Folder 5
Letter. London, Lord Weymouth to Nicholson,
9 February 1703/4
Folder 5
N. D. Copy of letter, Owen Jones to Bishop of
London, with Richard Ingoldesby to Bishop of London, on
same sheet.
11 February 1703/4
Folder 6
Copy of the Affidavit of Stephen Fouace,
clerk, relating to the Mal: Administrations of Col:
Nicholson, Governor of Virginia; Sworn the 25 of April
25 April 1704
Folder 6
Blair's Affidavit, endorsed copy.
25 April 1704
Folder 6
Further Affidavit of James Blair, 2 copies
with 1 endorsed.
1 May 1704
Folder 6
Affidavit of Capt. James Moodie, endorsed
1 May 1704
Folder 7
An abstract of the Chief Articles of Gov.
Nicholson Mal Administrations in Virginia, 3 copies.
24 May 1704
Folder 7
Affidavit of James Blair, clerk endorsed
7 June 1704
Folder 7
Letter. Williamsburg, F. [Nicholson] to Col.
Custis, draft.
12 June 1704
Folder 7
Letter. Williamsburg, F. [Nicholson] to
Madame Page, draft.
14 November 1704
Folder 7
Ballad Address to defend Gov. Nicholson, this
manuscript printed in London 1704.
Folder 7
Letter. Williamsburg, F. [Nicholson] to Rev.
Guy Smith, draft.
20 January 1704/5
Folder 7
Letter. Virginia, [?] to [Nicholson ??].
20 February 1704/5
Folder 7
Letter. Williamsburg, John Hall to Mr. Hyde
5 March 1704/5
Folder 7
Letter. Virginia, Nicholson to [?].
8 March 1704/5
Folder 7
William and Mary College, Rev. Mongo Ingles
to F. [Nicholson], 2 copies one of which is amended
attested copy sent [Gov. Nott].
8 August 1705
Folder 8
Williamsburg, Minutes of meeting of Clergy of
29 August 1705
Folder 8
Williamsburg, Minutes of meeting of Clergy of
Virginia re: Nicholson, with letter of Bishop of London,
29 April 1705.
29 August - 21 September
Folder 8
Memorandum re several faults in the Building
of William and Mary College.
[ca. 1703-1705]
Folder 8
Letter. Virginia, [Rev. Mongo Ingles ?] to
22 December 1705
Folder 8
Rev. Mongo Ingles to Nicholson, copy attested
by N., can't tell if date is when made or when attested.
7 February 1705/6 [?]
Folder 8
Virginia, Col. Philip Ludwell to F.
27 March 1717
Folder 8
Memorandum to "His Excellency" on state of
Virginia [not to Governor of Virginia].
[ca. summer-fall 1721]
Folder 9
Memorandum to go to Mr. Blair. Mentions Col.
Ludwell and Lucy Ludwell.
N. D.
Folder 9
Memorandum to Major Burwells.
N. D.
Folder 9
Memorandum to go in the morning to Major
N. D.
Memorandum to tell Major Burwell.
N. D.
Folder 9
Memo (at night) re going to Major Burwell in
the morning.
27 February
Folder 9
Memo to desire Major Burwell to send.
Folder 9
Letter. [Francis Nicholson] to my dear Soul
[lucy Burwell]. Also [Francis Nicholson] to My dear
Saint [Lucy Burwell] on same sheet.
Folder 9
Letter. Williamsburg, [Francis Nicholson] to
My dear Dove [Lucy Burwell].
30 December
Folder 9
Poem to Lucy Burwell.
Folder 9
Poem to Lucy Burwell.
Poem. "Virginia's Complaint Against the
Plantiffs," 2 copies.