A Guide to the Fairfax County Road Petitions,1844-1908

A Guide to the Fairfax County Road Petitions,1844-1908

A Collection in the
Fairfax Circuit Court Historic Records Center


Fairfax Circuit Court Historic Records Center

© 2018 By Fairfax Circuit Court Historic Records Center

Processed by: Fairfax Circuit Court Historic Records Center

Fairfax Circuit Court Historic Records Center
Fairfax County Road Petitions, 1844-1908 , 1844-1854, 1856-1858, 1866-1908, non-inclusive
5 linear feet .
Fairfax Circuit Court
Shelf Location
Unit 40, Shelf 5

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions

The Collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions

There are no restrictions.

Preferred Citation

Fairfax County Road Petitions, 1844-1908, Fairfax Circuit Court Historic Records Center

Acquisition Information

Permanent Records of Fairfax Circuit Court.

Biographical Information

Fairfax County was founded in 1742 from the northern part of Prince William County. Public transportation was, and continues to be, vital to Fairfax County's economy. Using the Code of Virginia, one can better understand how roads were authorized and developed.

Prior to the Byrd Road Act of 1932, roads were authorized by the court, and in the early 20th century, the Board of Supervisors. According to Chapter LII of the 1860 Virginia Code, once a person applied for a county road to be opened or changed, the court proceeded by appointing road commissioners and otherwise ascertaining the practicality and usefulness of the proposed road, the benefit to the community and individual, and any damages to surrounding property. To establish any one road, no more than one acre could be taken from a single individual. The road proposed is usually identified as being the road from "Point A" to "Point B," the points being known areas of interest, i.e. mills, churches, stores, dams, turnpikes, and so on.

First, the circuit court received an application for a county road, usually from an individual with anywhere between one and upwards of 30 fellow petitioners. The court then directed one or more of the county's road commissioners to view the proposed land for the road and its surroundings and then report on the conveniences and inconveniences to both individuals and the public - especially if any yard, garden, or orchard needed to be taken for the proposed road. The commissioner's job was to report facts and circumstances that would help the court determine the expediency of establishing or altering the county road. The commissioner(s) could also offer their opinion either in favor of or against the proposed road and suggest alternate routes. A map, plat, or diagram had to accompany the road commissioner(s) report, and if the commissioner was not a surveyor, one had to be procured.

Citizens could also apply to discontinue a road, though it was far rarer. To do so, the person had to publish a notice of the intended application on the first day of the county court's term at the county courthouse door and in two public places in the neighborhood.

After it received all the reports and other evidence, the court then determined whether the road would be established or altered as proposed and who would maintain it.

Once the court received the commissioner's report, provided it was favorable to the proposed road, the court summoned the proprietors and tenants of the lands affected by the proposed road. Once the sheriff executed the summons, the court determined the matter of the road without a writ of ad quod damnum if the court had enough funds for a just compensation and if the proprietors and tenants accepted the compensation. (A writ of ad quod damnum is a law term from the English chancery ordering the sheriff to determine what damages a certain act will incur). But if any proprietor or tenant wished for a writ or the court saw good cause for it, the court awarded it. The writ of ad quod damnum commanded the sheriff to summon a jury of twelve freeholders to meet on the proprietors' and tenants' lands, view them, and ascertain a just compensation for the land damages. The jury also ascertained if the proposed road was one of more private convenience and, accordingly, if a lesser compensation was appropriate.

Once the court received the commissioner's report, provided it was favorable to the proposed road, the court summoned the proprietors and tenants of the lands affected by the proposed road. Once the sheriff executed the summons, the court determined the matter of the road without a writ of ad quod damnum if the court had enough funds for a just compensation and if the proprietors and tenants accepted the compensation. (A writ of ad quod damnum is a law term from the English chancery ordering the sheriff to determine what damages a certain act will incur). But if any proprietor or tenant wished for a writ or the court saw good cause for it, the court awarded it. The writ of ad quod damnum commanded the sheriff to summon a jury of twelve freeholders to meet on the proprietors' and tenants' lands, view them, and ascertain a just compensation for the land damages. The jury also ascertained if the proposed road was one of more private convenience and, accordingly, if a lesser compensation was appropriate.

Scope and Content

This collection starts in 1844 and ends in 1908. The bulk of the collection is concentrated from 1867 through 1890, with a particularly prominent concentration from 1886 through 1890. No records from 1859 through 1865 exist. Likewise, no road petition records exist prior to 1844 - both gaps in chronology are likely due to military activity during the Civil War. The Library of Virginia identifies Fairfax County as a "Lost Records Locality," meaning this locality suffered significant losses of early records due to military action. Our records end in 1908 because the law changed in 1909, shifting responsibility for road petitions to the county's Board of Supervisors.

Most road petition folders include court summons and/or the original petition. These petitions usually include original signatures. Many also include reports from district road commissioners, plats, and letters of correspondence to the court. The reports from the road commissioners and the court summons are the most common documents, while the plats and letters are slightly rarer.

In addition to the main petitioner, month and year of the petition, and the road in question, each folder notes any additional petitioners if applicable and neighbors around the proposed road. The neighbors are particularly useful to see who lived near who, and how that changed over time. Some neighbor listings note someone's heirs, which indicates the property owner is deceased and their heirs owned the property. If a plat is included, it is noted on the folder and in the index.

One person of note from this collection is Margaret Hetzel. Her name appears in eight road petitions either as a main petitioner, an additional petitioner, or a neighbor. She appears to have been very active in the Fairfax community, even into her old age as her health declined and kept her from appearing in court. Her main concern in these road petitions was road safety. In several of the cases, she wrote directly to the judge urging him to grant the road petition because the existing road or route was unsafe. She expressed concern over a very high hill, decaying bridges, and deeply rutted roads. And in road cases in 1892, 1893 and 1897, she freely gave her land and did not claim any damages. She seems to have been a woman committed to improving her community and far more involved in doing so than we might expect for the average 19th century woman.


The collection is arranged chronologically by the year the petition was made, and then alphabetically by the main petitioner within each year.

Index Terms

  • Clerk of Circuit Court
  • Fairfax Circuit Court
  • Fairfax County, Virginia
  • Paper, iron gall ink, graphite pencil, watercolor
  • Richardson, F. D. (1808-1880)
  • Roads, transportation, railroads, road repairs, road safety

Contents List

Box-folder 1: RP-001
Beach, Samuel . July, 1844

Road leading from Old Pohick Church to the Stage Road at Occoquan .

Box-folder 1: RP-002
Mason, E.A.C. . June, 1844

Change: Road leading by Gunston House (Tea Table) to Hallowing Point. .

Box-folder 1: RP-003
Thompson, Lawson T. . August, 1844

Change: Hunter's Mill Road beginning at Old Courthouse Road .

Box-folder 1: RP-004
Thompson, Nathan . October, 1844

Change: Middle Turnpike to the Falls Church .

Box-folder 1: RP-005
Fairfax, Henry . April, 1845

Road from Fairfax Court House to McIlhaney's Toll Gate

Box-folder 1: RP-006
Fox, Jane . May, 1845

Road from Fox's Upper Mill to German Town

Box-folder 1: RP-007
Griffin, John July, 1845

From Hunter's Mill Road to the Little River Turnpike Road

Box-folder 1 RP-008
Poyer, Benjamin March, 1845

Change: road leading to Fairfax County Courthouse near N. Cornell's blacksmith shop

Box-folder 1: RP-009
Sutton, Charles June, 1845

Road beginning at Ellzey's Church Road...to the road leading from Fairfax Courthouse to the Old Courthouse

Box-folder 1: RP-010
Walters, George November, 1845

Between difficult bridge on the Middle Turnpike Road and Mateers Tavern

Box-folder 1: RP-011
Swink, William August, 1846

Road beginning at a point on the Falls Church Road to the Falls Bridge Turnpike Road

Box-folder 1: RP-012
Smith, Temple February, 1847

Change: road from Middle Turnpike to the Union Meeting House

Box-folder 1: RP-013
Ball, William March, 1848

Road leading from Ball's Neighborhood to Middle Turnpike

Box-folder 1: RP-014
Devaughn, Peyton July, 1848

Road from lands of Devaughn to the Rolling Road

Box-folder 1: RP-015
Dickey, John August, 1848

Change: the Falls Road

Box-folder 1: RP-016
Mayhugh, Silas January, 1848

Change: to the Wolf Run Shoals Road

Box-folder 1: RP-017
Newman, Robert M. February, 1848

Road from Newman on Horsepan Run...to road at Frying Pan Church

Box-folder 1: RP-018
Williams, A.B. April, 1848

Change: part of Hunter's Mill Road

Box-folder 1: RP-019
Broaders, John H. January, 1849

Change: Backlick Road to the Rolling Road

Box-folder 1: RP-020
Green, Ann R. July, 1849

Change: Conn's Ferry Road

Box-folder 1: RP-021
Disney, John March, 1850

Change: Pohick Church to Mason's Neck

Box-folder 1: RP-022
Windsor, Richard March, 1850

Road from intersection of road leading from Accotink Mills...to the Backlit Road

Box-folder 1: RP-023
Brook, Margaret October, 1851

Survey of boundary line between Brook and Williams

Box-folder 1: RP-024
Caywood, Benjamin September, 1851

Road from Frying Pan Church to Liberty Church

Box-folder 1: RP-025
Darne, Robert January, 1851

Road from Backlick Road to the Middle Turnpike Road

Box-folder 1: RP-026
Lloyd, Spencer January, 1851

Road from Dranesville to Potomac at/or near where J.R.M. Lowe's sawmill formerly stood (Lowe's Island)

Box-folder 1: RP-027
Mills, Peter July, 1851

Change: Road leading to Shirley Gate

Box-folder 1: RP-028
Windsor, Richard November, 1851

Road from Stage Road near foot of Potter's Hill...to Backlick Road

Box-folder 1: RP-029
Wren, William H. June, 1851

Road from Little River Turnpike to intersect the road leading from the Frying Pan Road

Box-folder 1: RP-030
Bixler, Henry March, 1852

Road from point on Frying Pan Road at Gunnells School House to Liberty Church at Dranesville

Box-folder 1: RP-031
Hunter, James July, 1852

Road from Falls Church Road...to the old Backlit Road

Box-folder 1: RP-032
Nutt, William D. July, 1853

Change: Road leading from Alexandria County Line to the Middle Turnpike

Box-folder 1: RP-033
Fox, John March, 1854

Road at the new cut road near house of John Fox...to Fox's Mill Road

Box-folder 1: RP-034
Chase, J. Edward April, 1856

Road from land of J. Edward Chase...to the Telegraph Road

Box-folder 1: RP-035
Chase, J. Edward October, 1856

Road through lands of F.F. Triplett...to Rolling Road; Referred in Appeal of Bond vs. Green et. al. Supreme Court of Virginia Appeals - 7 March 1949 (189 va. 23)

Box-folder 1: RP-036
Magee, James March, 1856

Change: road leading from Falls Church Road to the Little River Turnpike

Box-folder 1: RP-037
Triplett, F.F. April, 1856

Road from F.F. Triplett's to the Rolling Road

Box-folder 1: RP-038
Stryker, Peter A. May, 1857

Road from Stryker's Land...to road leading to Fairfax Courthouse

Box-folder 1: RP-039
Western, Lewis May, 1858

Town of Colchester from lot #15 to lot #8 - following a street as laid down

Box-folder 1: RP-040
Arundle, Charles A. February, 1866

Road from the Ox Road to Fairfax Court House

Box-folder 1: RP-041
Bowman, J.B. April, 1866

Change: road from Follin's Corner to the Old Court House

Box-folder 1: RP-042
Detwiler, Luis August, 1866

Change: County Road near Union Mills

Box-folder 1: RP-043
Gillingham, W. May, 1866

Road from the Friends Meeting House to the Telegraph Road through Warrington Gillingham's farm

Box-folder 1: RP-044
Howard, Philip November, 1866

Close road leading from the Little River Turnpike to the Old Church

Box-folder 1: RP-045
Skinner, Burditt November, 1866

Road from Harrison's Crossing on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad to some point near Fairfax Station

Box-folder 1: RP-046
Ward, Berkley March, 1866

Road from Nancy Kidwell's farm on Guinea Road to the Railroad at London's Mill

Box-folder 2: RP-047
Bramhall, John T. May, 1967

Petition to assess condition of First and Second section of Middle Turnpike Road

Box-folder 2: RP-048
Buckley, James F. October, 1867

Road from Centreville to Orange and Alexandria Railroad at Union Mills

Box-folder 2: RP-049
Cash, Elijah May, 1867

Change: The Telegraph Road where it crosses Accotink Run

Box-folder 2: RP-050
Fowle, R. R. April, 1867

Change: "Windsor Road" - leading from Alexandria Road to the Telegraph Road

Box-folder 2: RP-051
Fox, John April, 1867

Road leading from New Cut Road to west side of Fox's Mill Dam

Box-folder 2: RP-052
Goram, James May, 1867

Road from Springfield Road to the Little River Turnpike

Box-folder 2: RP-053
Hawxhurst, John January, 1867

Change: "Lawyer's Road" near Hawxhurst Mill

Box-folder 2: RP-054
Hunter, William July, 1867

Road leading from Neck County Road to the Alexandria, Accotink, and Mount Vernon Turnpike

Box-folder 2: RP-055
Machen, James P. October, 1867

Change: Route leading from Centreville and Frying Pan Road to the Little River Turnpike

Box-folder 2: RP-056
Moore, William E. June, 1867

The point on Falls Bridge Road...to New Cut Road

Box-folder 2: RP-057
Pierson, John October, 1967

Road from John Pierson's Corner to Hunter's Mill Road

Box-folder 2: RP-058
Roberts, Richard August, 1867

The Corner of Woodlawn Road to point near Mount Vernon Gate

Box-folder 2: RP-059
Watkins, N.B. November, 1867

Change: Road leading from Old Braddock Road to Payne's Church

Box-folder 2: RP-060
Young, Adam September, 1867

Road through William Hunter's Property

Box-folder 2: RP-061
Burke, Jane Ann May, 1868

Discontinue use of section of road leading from Guinea Road to Keene's Mill Road

Box-folder 2: RP-062
Cock, Ambrose January, 1868

Change: road leading from Annandale to Upton's Hill

Box-folder 2: RP-063
Gillingham, C. October, 1868

Continuation of the Pole Road to Mount Vernon Road (Alexandria/Accotink Turnpike)

Box-folder 2: RP-064
Lynn, James April, 1868

Discontinue section of New Market Road to Ball's Ford

Box-folder 2: RP-065
Magruder, Fielder January, 1868

Discontinue Road beginning at Colchester Road to the Neck Road

Box-folder 2: RP-066
Pugh, John R. June, 1868

Road from Centreville to Devereau Station on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad

Box-folder 2: RP-067
Roberts, Jonathan September, 1868

Change: Road leading from Colchester to Accotink Valley

Box-folder 2: RP-068
Troth, John B. May, 1868

Discontinue section of road leading from Old Mill Landing on Dogue Creek over lands to Troth, Wright and Mason

Box-folder 2: RP-069
Williams, Ira June, 1868

Point on Hunter's Mill Road to Johnson's Crossing on the A. L. & H. Railroad

Box-folder 2: RP-070
Brush, Truman M. April, 1869

Commencing on Brush's Land to the road leading from Falls Church to Fairfax Courthouse

Box-folder 2: RP-071
Dulin, William S. June, 1869

Continuation of Road near Benjamin Shreve's house to the Gallow's Road

Box-folder 2: RP-072
Fairfax, Frank February, 1869

Braddock Road near intersection with Washburn's Land to Little River Turnpike (Old Alexandria Road)

Box-folder 2: RP-073
Flagg, Edmund April, 1869

Old Courthouse Road to Hunter's Mill

Box-folder 2: RP-074
Gillingham, Chalkley May, 1869

Landing on Dogue Creek at Old Washington Mill to public road leading to Alexandria

Box-folder 2: RP-075
Hurst, John H. June, 1869

Road from the Old Leesburg Road to Herndon at the A. L. and H. Railroad

Box-folder 2: RP-076
McDaniel, Samuel July, 1869

Intersection of Vienna Road with the Old Court House Road and Hunter's Mill Road to Middle Turnpike Road

Box-folder 2: RP-077
Otis, H. G. February, 1869

Road beginning at Yate's Ford Road to the Colchester Road

Box-folder 2: RP-078
Shreve, William October, 1869

Middle Turnpike Road to Backlit Road

Box-folder 2: RP-079
Simpson, E. F. March, 1869

Clifton Station to Yates Road

Box-folder 2: RP-080
Talbot, James M. June, 1869

Commencing at the gate of James M. Talbot to some point on the County Road to Alexandria

Box-folder 2: RP-081
Borden, Daniel January, 1870

Garner's Mill Road to the Georgetown Pike

Box-folder 2: RP-082
Bowman, J. B. May, 1870

Flint Hill Road to intersection of Fairfax Courthouse and Georgetown Road

Box-folder 2: RP-083
Cranford, James H. December, 1870

Telegraph Road to Colchester Road

Box-folder 2: RP-084
Falls Church and Mount Vernon Road Commissioners 1870

Point on Backlick Road to Braddock Road

Box-folder 2: RP-085
Hetzel, Margaret August, 1870

Change: Road from Clifton to Wolf Runs Shoals Road

Box-folder 2: RP-086
Brush, T. M. May, 1871

From point on the road leading from Fall's Church to Fairfax Courthouse to a point on the Middle Turnpike

Box-folder 2: RP-087
Cockrelle, William April, 1871

From Ox Road in Herndon to the Herndon Station - W. & O Railroad

Box-folder 2: RP-088
Fairfax, Thomas M. September, 1871

Wolf Run Shoals Road to Thomas Fairfax's Land

Box-folder 2: RP-089
Fairfax and Georgetown Turnpike Co. May, 1871

Petition to take Little Falls Road from Falls Church to Alexandria County Line of Toll Road

Box-folder 2: RP-090
Huntt, W. T. March, 1871

Change: New Cut Road

Box-folder 2: RP-091
Newman, Robert C. April, 1871

Horsepen Run near Hight's Mill to Loudon County Line

Box-folder 2: RP-092
Otis, William B. June, 1871

Road from Clifton and Centreville Road to Little River Turnpike near Chantilly

Box-folder 2: RP-093
Otis, Williams B. November, 1871

Road from Clifton to the Union Mills Road

Box-folder 2: RP-094
Reynolds, Jared T. May, 1871

Change: Road leading from Fairfax Courthouse to Hawxhurst and Hunter's Mill

Box-folder 2: RP-095
Stringfellow, Frank March, 1871

Road from Little River Turnpike at Ayers to the Old Braddock Road

Box-folder 3: RP-096
Follin, James S. January, 1872

Road from the Great Falls to Tenley S. Swink

Box-folder 3: RP--097
Kirby, J. Owen December, 1872

Point on the Rolling Road to Little River Turnpike near Lebanon Church

Box-folder 3: RP-098
Millan, W. R. April, 1872

Road leading from Buckleys School House to Little River Turnpike

Box-folder 3: RP-099
Nevitt, Richard L. February, 1872

Road from Accotink Mill Road to Railroad Station on Long Branch

Box-folder 3: RP-100
Smith, D. P. 1872

Beginning on Neck (Sheridan's Point) Road to the Alexandria, Mount Vernon and Accotink Turnpike Roads

Box-folder 3: RP-101
Unnamed November, 1872

Road from J. Wells on Warrenton and Alexandria Turnpike to Sudley Mills

Box-folder 3: RP-102
Ball, M. D. June, 1873

Road from Lewinsville to the Great Falls

Box-folder 3: RP-103
Ball 1873

Request by Talbot

Box-folder 3: RP-104
Downing, A. J. December, 1873

Vandeusen Road to Fairfax/Loudon Line

Box-folder 3: RP-105
Pierson, N. W. June, 1873

Change: County Road running over Hardbowers Hill

Box-folder 3: RP-106
Bayliss, Alfred August, 1874

Road from Accotink Run to the Keen's Mill Road

Box-folder 3: RP-107
Fowler, T. T. March, 1874

Point on Middle Turnpike near Falls Church Station to Four Mile Run

Box-folder 3: RP-108
Howard, George L. June, 1874

Change: Portion of Ox Road near Henderson Road

Box-folder 3: RP-109
Kenyon, George L. December, 1874

Change: Road arount Gantts Hill from Tyson's Corner to Lewinsville

Box-folder 3: RP-110
Lukens, C. August, 1874

Road from the Old Fredericksburg Road (Accotink Turnpike) to the Road leading from the Gum Spring to the Ferry Landing

Box-folder 3: RP-111
Newman, R. C. December, 1874

Point one mile west from the village at Herndon to Loudon County Line

Box-folder 3: RP-112
Providence District Road Commisioners May, 1874

Change: Road known as Doctor Hunter's New Road

Box-folder 3: RP-113
Scott, Artemesia July, 1874

Road from Scott Farm on Potomac to Garner's Mill Road

Box-folder 3: RP-114
Van Slyck, Edgar February, 1874

Road in Vienna from the Foundry to the Georgetown Road

Box-folder 3: RP-115
Citizens of Fairfax County April, 1874

Road from Colchester Road to Braddock Road

Box-folder 3: RP-116
Citizens of Prince William County October, 1875

Road from Dyer's Ford along Bull Run to Road leading to Fairfax Courthouse

Box-folder 3: RP-117
Georgetown Pike Stockholders April, 1875

Turn road over to Fairfax County

Box-folder 3: RP-118
Makeley, L. December, 1875

Road from Mrs. Evan's Ford on the Bull Run to the Yate's Ford Road

Box-folder 3: RP-119
Moore, John L. May, 1875

Beginning at Lawyer's Road and running to the New Cut Road

Box-folder 3: RP-120
Ashford, James W. December, 1876

Road between the Occoquan Run and the Ox Road

Box-folder 3: RP-121
Bayliss, Alfred May, 1876

Discontinue road from Keene's Mill Road to the Rolling Road

Box-folder 3: RP-122
Citizens of Fairfax County June, 1876

Road leading from Peter Pulman's on Telegraph Road to Hunting Creek Bridge Road

Box-folder 3: RP-123
Clair, David S. August, 1877

Road from Neck Road to Alexandria and Accotink Road

Box-folder 3: RP-124
Dear, George W. February, 1876

Change: Road from Centreville to Little River Turnpike to avoid heavy grade

Box-folder 3: RP-125
Gheen, James W. March, 1876

Road from Dyers Ford through lands of Lewis Woodyard

Box-folder 3: RP-126
Howard, George L. 1876

Road beginning at Fitzhugh's gate on Ox Road to New County Road

Box-folder 3: RP-127
Pettitt, John T. September, 1876

Road from Pohick to Farr's Cross Roads

Box-folder 3: RP-128
Citizens of Fairfax County May, 1877

Little River Turnpike and County Road leading from Springfield Station on Virginia Midland Railroad

Box-folder 3: RP-129
Dewey, Albert A. "> May, 1877

Ashford's corner at School House to Old Cherry Tree at Braddock Road

Box-folder 3: RP-130
Graham, Thomas September, 1877

Road from Union Mill Road to Colchester Road

Box-folder 3: RP-131
Hendrick, W. C. May, 1877

Colored schoolhouse on Lewinsville Road to Alexandria and Leesburg Turnpike

Box-folder 3: RP-132
Kidwell, William April, 1873

Road from Little River Turnpike to Old Warrenton Turnpike

Box-folder 4: RP-133
Marshall, John A. February, 1877

Gate near Burke's Mill Road to point where Virginia Midland Railroad crosses the Rolling Road

Box-folder 4: RP-134
Moore, W. G. June, 1877

Change: Rolling Road at Frobel's Hill

Box-folder 4: RP-135
Smyth August, 1877

Beginning at the corner of Land of Smyth and James Hunter and running...to the county road.

Box-folder 4: RP-136
W & O Railroad February, 1877

Road from Johnson's Crossing on the W & O Railroad to the Lawyers Road

Box-folder 4: RP-137
Walker, Samuel T. September, 1877

From point on Hunters Mill Road to William Walter's Mill

Box-folder 4: RP-138
Unnamed December, 1877

Road from Bull Run to Fox Mill

Box-folder 4: RP-139
Burke, T. T. January, 1878

Road from the Colchester Road to the Newman Road

Box-folder 4: RP-140
Farnham, David H. January, 1878

Road from the Falls Road to the Georgetown Pike

Box-folder 4: RP-141
Seaman, C. H. October, 1878

Little River Turnpike to county road at land of B. F. Shreve

Box-folder 4: RP-142
Wooster, Frank March, 1878

Little River Turnpike to Orange & Alexandria Railroad at Skinner's Crossing

Box-folder 4: RP-143
Downing, A. J. March, 1879

Courthouse road to the Ridge Road

Box-folder 4: RP-144
Ellis, J. R. 1879

Road from county road near Lewis Chapel to Telegraph Station on the Alexandria and Fredericksburg Railroad

Box-folder 4: RP-145
Freeman, A. April, 1879

Point of Road leading from Court House and Hunters Mill Road to Vienna near Murnanes's Gate

Box-folder 4: RP-146
Hine, O. E. December, 1879

Change: Orcutt Road to point where it intersects with Maple Avenue

Box-folder 4: RP-147
Hirst, John E. November, 1879

Road leading from Falkner's Shop on Leesburg Turnpike to Fall's Church

Box-folder 4: RP-148
Machen, James P. January, 1879

Change: Old Road over Holmes Run known as Barcroft Bridge

Box-folder 4: RP-149
Miller, Willard N. July, 1879

Road leading from Little River Turnpike to Backlick Road by Lebanon school house

Box-folder 4: RP-150
Taylor, A. J. April, 1879

Great Falls and Lewinsville Road to the Middle Turnpike

Box-folder 4: RP-151
Unnamed July, 1880

Ridge Road

Box-folder 4: RP-152
Burke, T. T. May, 1880

Yates Ford Road from Clifton Station to Union Mills

Box-folder 4: RP-153
Dorsey, R. B. October, 1880

Beginning at corner of the land of Smyth

Box-folder 4: RP-154
Gillingham, W. April, 1880

Road from Gum Spring to the intersection with the Mount Vernon Lane

Box-folder 4: RP-155
Lee, E. W. April, 1880

Road leading from Annandale to Springfield to the Little River Turnpike

Box-folder 4: RP-156
Moore, W. E. October, 1880

Change: Orcutt Road

Box-folder 4: RP-157
Powell, John 1880

Change: Ridge Road from Alexandria Turnpike to Herndon Station

Box-folder 4: RP-158
Smith, Francis M. September, 1880

Road from the Old Union school house to the Alexandria Pike

Box-folder 4: RP-159
Stalcup, Samuel S. 1880

Road from Lincolnville to the Chain Bridge Road

Box-folder 4: RP-160
Taylor, A. J. August, 1880

Road beginning at the Alexandria Turnpike to the Falls Road

Box-folder 4: RP-161
Thompson, Joseph 1880

Public Highway from Andrew Chapel to Jackson Mill

Box-folder 4: RP-162
Bennett, Hudson March, 1881

Road from Hasbrook corner to Waples Mill Road

Box-folder 4: RP-163
Dey, Charles W. February, 1881

Point on the Newman Road to County Road to Herndon

Box-folder 4: RP-164
Harrison, George F. August, 1881

Road from Little River Turnpike to Centreville and Frying Pan Road

Box-folder 4: RP-165
Skinner, Burdett December, 1881

Road from Braddock Road to Pohick Road

Box-folder 5: RP-166
Burke, Hannah 1882

Road from Pohick Road through Lee Chapel to Road leading from Burke's Station

Box-folder 5: RP-167
Chambliss, C. W. August, 1882

Road from Ridge Road to the Turnpike leading to the city

Box-folder 5: RP-168
Chapman, Thomas F. November, 1882

Continue county road to outside gate of Sycamore Farm

Box-folder 5: RP-169
Collins, B. M. May, 1882

Change: Road bed of Germantown Road

Box-folder 5: RP-170
Follin, Richard October, 1882

Road through land of Thomas Carper and the Rocky Run to Old Union Church

Box-folder 5: RP-171
Fox, W. H. November, 1882

Change: Fox's Mill Road from Difficult Bridge to Waple's Mill

Box-folder 5: RP-172
Taylor, A. J. June, 1882


Box-folder 5: RP-173
Tebbs, A. Sidney May, 1882

Intersection of Herndon and Dranesville Roads to Leesburg Turnpike

Box-folder 5: RP-174
Woodbury, Levi June, 1882

Change: road leading from Union Mills Road to Clifton

Box-folder 5: RP-175
Carter, Rose July, 1883

Change: Hunter's Mill Road at the hickory tree corner to Thorton's land

Box-folder 5: RP-176
McPherson, John May, 1883

Road from McPherson's farm to the Waples Mill Road

Box-folder 5: RP-177
Poole, Joseph L. " May, 1883

Road to take the place of Garner's Mill Road

Box-folder 5: RP-178
Salsbury, H. L. June, 1883

Road through Salsbury's land

Box-folder 5: RP-179
Woodyard, J. P. July, 1883

Road from Wolf Run Shoals Road to Ox Road, opposite of Arundel's Tavern

Box-folder 5: RP-180
Coleman, John B. May, 1884

Road connecting the Old Leesburg Road to the Leesburg Turnpike

Box-folder 5: RP-181
Davis, F. C. May, 1884

Road from the Occoquan Bridge to Elk Horn Branch

Box-folder 5: RP-182
Evans, P. L. July, 1884

Road from Telegraph Road to a point on Hooes Road

Box-folder 5: RP-183
Keene, James O. March, 1884

Change: Keene Mill Road

Box-folder 5: RP-184
Kincheloe, N. June, 1884

Road leading from Centreville to Manassas to Clifton Station

Box-folder 5: RP-185
Mills, L. F. September, 1884

Change: "Lemon Road" running from Middle Turnpike to Falls Church and Lewinsville Roads

Box-folder 5: RP-186
Providence District Road Commissioners 1884

Vienna & Andrew Chapel Road

Box-folder 5: RP-187
Roby, Edgar W. April, 1884

Road beginning at Little River Turnpike to the Falls Church Road

Box-folder 5: RP-188
Sewall, W. H. November, 1884

Road from the Blacksmith Shop of Horace Gibson on the Little River Turnpike to Falls Church Road at Mills Crossing Road

Box-folder 5: RP-189
Adams, Ira W. September, 1885

Stone's Old Mill Road

Box-folder 5: RP-190
Bennett, Hudson October, 1885

Road commencing at Vale...from Fairfax Court House to Dranesville

Box-folder 5: RP-191
Centreville District Road Commissioners April, 1885

Change: Road leading from Old Braddock Road to Clifton

Box-folder 5: RP-192
Dey, Charles W. July, 1885

Road from C.W. Dey road to Ox Road

Box-folder 5: RP-193
Ford, C. F. June, 1885

Change: Road leading from Old Colchester Road to Fairfax Station

Box-folder 5: RP-194
Stuart, William May, 1885

Road near the house of John and Thomas Clarke to the Lawyers Road

Box-folder 5: RP-195
Trueax, John B. July, 1885

Location of Pole Road running from Pool Run to James Hunter's Gate

Box-folder 5: RP-196
Butler, F. L. November, 1886

Open portion of New Market Road

Box-folder 5: RP-197
Canfield, B. December, 1886

Change: Hunter's Mill Road leading to Lawyers Road

Box-folder 5: RP-198
Dunlop, G. T. February, 1886

Road from Herndon Chantilly Road the the Valley Road

Box-folder 5: RP-199
Fisher, Alexander February, 1886

Point on Hampton Road at Sandy Run to Hampton Road

Box-folder 5: RP-200
Flagg, Edmund December, 1886

Road passing through the Middle Turnpike

Box-folder 5: RP-201
Ford, C. J. November, 1886

Change: Road on R. C. Jones' land

Box-folder 5: RP-202
Hine, O. E. October, 1886

Change: Road running from Washington, Ohio and Western Railway near Vienna

Box-folder 5: RP-203
Hutchison, M. A. April, 1886

Road from Lawyers Road to County Road to Herndon

Box-folder 5:RP-204
Jackson, John T. July, 1886

Road from John Jackson's land to the Gum Spring and Wolcott Road

Box-folder 6: RP-205
Lanham, John March, 1886

Road from Alexandria Pike to the Georgetown Pike

Box-folder 6: RP-206
Martin, Georgina 1886

Road from Braddock Road to the land of Georgine Martin

Box-folder 6: RP-207
Philips, E. D. September, 1886

County road leading from Old Union Church to Rocky Run

Box-folder 6: RP-208
Sangster, James April, 1886

Road from the new road to "Lee Chapel", to Burkes Station, passing through the land of Hannah Burke

Box-folder 6: RP-209
Simpson, E. F. April, 1886

Change: "Detwiler Road" from Clifton to Centreville Road

Box-folder 6: RP-210
Simpson, E. F. May, 1886

Change: Clifton and Yates Ford Road to avoid a heavy grade

Box-folder 6: RP-211
Simpson, E. F. June, 1886

Road through the land of William Harris

Box-folder 6: RP-212
Wooster, Frank Jr. September, 1886

Road from New Guinea Road to a point on the land of B. Skinner

Box-folder 6: RP-213
Unnamed 1887

Clifton and Centreville

Box-folder 6: RP-214
Averill, W. B. April, 1887

Change: Road leading from Old Church Road to the Herndon Road

Box-folder 6: RP-215
Dunn Loring Land & Improvement Company October, 1887

Road from point on Backlick Road (Old Gallows Road) to Backlick Road

Box-folder 6: RP-216
Harris, Richard July, 1887

Re-open west end of New Market Road

Box-folder 6: RP-217
Harris, James February, 1887

Open a road from Charles Thornton's lands to Berks Station

Box-folder 6: RP-218
Leigh, Alfred March, 1887

Change: Road leading from Dranesville to Herndon

Box-folder 6: RP-219
Lukens, C. June, 1887

Road from the Pole Road in Mount Vernon district to Long Branch Station on the A & F Railroad to Backlick Road

Box-folder 6: RP-220
Mason, B. R. February, 1887

Road from the Telegraph Road to Old County Road at John Henderson's Corner

Box-folder 6: RP-221
McClintock, A. August, 1887

Road from the Little River Turnpike to the Annandale and Old Tavern Road leading towards Washington

Box-folder 6: RP-222
Murphy, W. October, 1887

Change: Willow Spring Road on property of Col. E. White

Box-folder 6: RP-223
Sewall, W.H. November, 1887


Box-folder 6: RP-224
Snowden, W. H. October, 1887

From the farm of W.H. Snowden to the "County road" leading from "Little Hunting Creek" to Accotink and Alexandria Highway

Box-folder 6: RP-225
Thompson, J. C. June, 1887

Road from Little River Turnpike to the Braddock Road

Box-folder 6: RP-226
Van Devanter, M. G. November, 1887

Road on a point near bridge on Falls Church Road to the Little River Turnpike

Box-folder 6: RP-227
Wright, Robert September, 1887

Widen the road leading from Jenkin's Corner to Andrew Chapel

Box-folder 6: RP-228
Birch, F. July, 1888

County Road from the middle of Alexandria Pike to Alexandria Line

Box-folder 6: RP-229
Collins, W. G. April, 1888

Point on River Road to the Potomac River

Box-folder 6: RP-230
Hall, John R. October, 1888

Change: Part of County Road known as Colchester Road near Doddridge Lee

Box-folder 6" RP-231
Kincheloe, E. W. 1888

Road from Braddock Road to Warrenton Pike

Box-folder 6: RP-232
Kirby, Joshua 1888

Road from Lincolnville County Road to East Falls Church Depot

Box-folder 6: RP-233
Lash, James L. 1888

Road from Occoquan to Colchester

Box-folder 7: RP-234
Little River Turnpike Company June, 1888

Road report on the Little River Turnpike

Box-folder 6: RP-235
Mt. Vernon District Road Commissioners September, 1888

Report on road from Gum Springs to Mt. Vernon

Box-folder 6: RP-236
Pearson, F. W. July, 1888

Road from Vienna to Hunter's Mill, County Road

Box-folder 6: RP-237
Thompson, Daniel 1888

Road from Money's Corner on the Lawyer's Road to Thorton (Wheile) Station

Box-folder 6: RP-238
Wall, James A. 1888

Road from Herndon and Detwiler Road to Dunlop's Gate

Box-folder 6: RP-239
Wells, John T. 1888

Road from Bull Run to the Turnpike at J. Well's Corner

Box-folder 7: RP-240
Birch, William R. November, 1889

Road from Leesburg Pike to Carlin Springs

Box-folder 7: RP-241
Carlin, Edwin 1889

Road extension of Mutersbaugh Road

Box-folder 7: RP-242
Dennison, C. A. October, 1889

Road from the Georgetown Road to the road leading from the turnpike to Dunn Loring

Box-folder 7: RP-243
Dewey, Albert A. 1889

Road leading from the Braddock Road to the Guinea Road near Long Branch

Box-folder 7: RP-244
Harris, Joseph 1889

Road from Ball's Ford on Bull Run to Newmarket Road

Box-folder 7: RP-245
Harrison, George F. December, 1889

Road from Little River Pike to Ox Road

Box-folder 7: RP-246
Mutersbaugh, John January, 1889

Road from the land of John Mutersbaugh to the public road leading from Chain Bridge to Falls Church

Box-folder 7: RP-247
Otis, Mary A. 1889

Change: Road leading from Clifton to the Colchester Road

Box-folder 7: RP-248
Starin, Ahab October, 1889

Road from the corner of Ely and Sarner, ending near the Newton Estate

Box-folder 7: RP-249
Terrett, J. W. November, 1889

Road leading from Episcopal Theological Seminary to Bailey's Crossroads to a post in the line of Terrett

Box-folder 7: RP-250
Ayres, Jonas April, 1890

Road from the Braddock Road to the Little River Turnpike

Box-folder 7: RP-251
Evans, P. L. February, 1890

Change: the new road from Hooes Road to Telegraph Road to the Telegraph Road

Box-folder 7: RP-252
Fox, William H. November, 1890

Change: county road from Waples Mill across the land of A. B. Millard

Box-folder 7: RP-253
Hampton, W. H. October, 1890

Road from Elgin's school house to the Yates Ford Road

Box-folder 7: RP-254
Harris, W. H. August, 1890

Road commencing at Bull Run...to the Centreville and Manassas Road

Box-folder 7: RP-255
Lee, Philip D. C. August, 1890

Widen road near Horse Pen Bridge on the Chantilly and Herndon Road

Box-folder 7: RP-256
Leigh, Alfred, Jr. November, 1890

Widen county road where it crosses Difficult Run, near Leigh and Beal's (formerly Jackson's) Mill

Box-folder 7: RP-257
Mount Vernon District Road Commissioners March, 1890

Road survey of Accotink Pike

Box-folder 7: RP-258
Pitman, E. M. April, 1890

Change: Road at Pitman's Mill for the erection of a bridge over Great Rock Cedar Run

Box-folder 7: RP-259
Staats, P. V. April, 1890

Change: road leading from Walter's Mill to Freedom Hill

Box-folder 7: RP-260
Steele, William H. April-May, 1890

Change: county road known as the Falls Church Road - from Fairfax Court House to Falls Church

Box-folder 7: RP-261
Stuart, William T. July, 1890

Change: road from bridge over Difficult Run at Hunter's Mill to Hunter's Mill Store

Box-folder 7: RP-262
Cummings, Moses A. March, 1891

Extend Maple Avenue in Vienna to Flint Hill Cemetery

Box-folder 7: RP-263
Dodson, W. W. September, 1891

Change: Sawmill Road

Box-folder 7: RP-264
Howard, George T. November, 1891

Discontinue portion of Ox Road from the north line of George Howard's land to intersection of county road leading from Frying Pan to Herndon

Box-folder 7: RP-265
Hutchinson, L. E. May, 1891

Change: road from Thompson's precinct enters road leading from Little River Turnpike to the Town of Herndon

Box-folder 7: RP-266
Hutchinson, M. B. April, 1891

Road commencing at Sanford Hutchinson's corner on Little River Turnpike to Braddock Road

Box-folder 7: RP-267
Rumsey, W. T. October, 1891

Road from some point on the Little River Turnpike not more than two miles from Court House Building to Falls Church

Box-folder 8: RP-268
Agnew, John P. November, 1892

Change: from Mero's store to Gum Spring

Box-folder 8: RP-269
Borden, Daniel L. June, 1892

Road from River Road (Garner's Mill Road) to Georgetown and Leesburg Pike

Box-folder 8: RP-270
Bradford, Webster B. May, 1892

Open portion of River Road (Garner's Mill Road) from Seneca Road to Loudoun and Fairfax Line

Box-folder 8: RP-271
Gheen, J. R. M. November, 1892

Road from at Red Hill to the Braddock Road at Salisbury Farm

Box-folder 8: RP-272
Gillingham, M. August, 1892

Colchester Road over Pohick Run

Box-folder 8: RP-273
Hollister, C. K. December, 1892

Road leading from the Colchester Road to Payne's Church Road

Box-folder 8: RP-274
Payne, M. M. February, 1892

Road entering the Court House by the Warrenton and Little River Turnpikes

Box-folder 8: RP-274
Davenport, James L. April, 1893

Road from West End Catholic Church to the Corporation Limits of the Town of Falls Church

Box-folder 8: RP-276
Elgin, John O. November, 1893

Beginning in Wolf Run Shoals Road, at the Elgin School House...to Yates Ford Road

Box-folder 8: RP-277
Hollister, C. K. January, 1893

Road leading from the Colchester Road to Braddock Road

Box-folder 8: RP-278
Kincheloe, W. S. January, 1893

Extend county road from Woodyard's Precinct...to Ford's Mill Road

Box-folder 8: RP-279
Watts, William W. July, 1893

Road from Braddock Road near Accotink Run to Little River Turnpike over the old tavern

Box-folder 8: RP-280
Ashton, S. T. August, 1894

Discontinue portion of county road leading from Centreville to the Little River Turnpike

Box-folder 8: RP-281
Dye, J. F. August, 1894

At the point on the old county road leading from Burke's Station to Lee Chapel...to a point 15 feet from Railroad land

Box-folder 8: RP-281
Dyer, J. F. April, 1894

At a point on the old county road leading from Burke's Station to Lee Chapel...to a point 15 feet from Railroad land

Box-folder 8: RP-282
Unnamed November, 1894

Road from Falls Church to Little River Turnpike

Box-folder 8: RP-283
Dyer, John April, 1895

Widen Guinea Road near Burke's Station

Box-folder 8: RP-284
Garrett, Benjamin C. March, 1895

From a point on the road leading from Herndon to the Ox Road...to a point on the road leading from Wiehle to the Lawyer's Road

Box-folder 8: RP-285
Kenyon, Benjamin June, 1895

Road leading from Freedom Hill to Middle Turnpike...to road from Freedom Hill to Walter's Mill

Box-folder 8: RP-286
Slack, S. J. October, 1895

County road between the Court House and Ridge Road, beginning at Robert Mateers Lane and ending at a convenient point on Ridge Road

Box-folder 8: RP-287
Woolen, S. J. May, 1895

Road right of way from Collingwood Beach to the County Road

Box-folder 8: RP-288
Alvord, Henry E. February, 1896

Change: Road from Old Union to Georgetown Turnpike, through the lands of Mrs. Carper and others, near Bethel Baptist Church

Box-folder 8: RP-289
Hooff, C. F. May, 1896

Road from point in the boundary line between Fairfax and the city of Alexandria...to a junction with the Middle (or Leesburg) Turnpike

Box-folder 8: RP-290
Jones, Robert W. September, 1896

Change: County Road from Clifton to Fairfax Station through the lands of R. Jones and the Poor house property (County of Fairfax land)

Box-folder 8: RP-290
Jones, Robert W. September, 1896

Change: county road from Clifton to Fairfax Station, through the lands of R. Jones and the Poor house property

Box-folder 8: RP-291
Schreve, W. H. January, 1896

Road survey of Schreaves Road leading to Falls Church

Box-folder 8: RP-292
Stone, James E. February, 1896

Change: Hampton Road, opposite the lands of Fairfax and Marshall

Box-folder 8: RP-293
Hetzel, Margaret September, 1897

Road from Clifton to Yates Ford Road, through the lands of M. Hetzel, J. T. Pettitt, D. N. Robinson, C. F. Ford, and J. A. Marshall

Box-folder 8: RP-294
Norman, Isaac F. March, 1897

Change: County road from Fairfax County Road, adjacent to land of N. F. Graham

Box-folder 8: RP-295
Thompson, B. F. November, 1897

Change: road leading from Sideburn Station to the Fairfax Station Road

Box-folder 8: RP-296
Wiley, Robert August, 1897

Road from Gunston Road...to crossroads known as Negro Head

Box-folder 8: RP-297
Anbagen, George November, 1898

Outlet road in Lee District from Anbagen's farm to the Alexandria Road

Box-folder 8: RP-298
French, W. J. May, 1898

County road from a point in the town of Wiehle on the line of the Southern Railway in the Dranesville District...to a point on the Ridge Road

Box-folder 8: RP-299
Gillingham, F. P. January, 1898

Discontinue road from A and E Railway Company to the Rolling Road in the Lee District

Box-folder 8: RP-300
Harrover, R. L. October, 1898

Road from the lands of William R. Ward to Telegraph Station, through the lands of Mrs. Lee

Box-folder 8: RP-301
Hetzel, Margaret March, 1898

Road from Clifton to Mr. Thomas Fenwick's land, intersecting with Colchester Road

Box-folder 8: RP-302
Hetzel, Margaret September, 1898

Chapel Street in Clifton Station; extension eastward to Colchester Roll-way

Box-folder 8: RP-303
Koenig, Godfrey July, 1898

Road from Pohick Road...to the Keene's Mill Road

Box-folder 9: RP-304
Porter, R. S. September, 1898

Road from the Falls Church and Court House Road to the "Hunter Road"

Box-folder 9: RP-305
Rice, H. D. October, 1898

Change: road near Bone Mill Ridge over Accotink Run, from Whose Road to the new bridge

Box-folder 9: RP-306
Roley, E. W. December, 1898

Relocate: County Road from Little River Turnpike to Edgar Scott's Residence

Box-folder 9: RP-307
Utterback, E. W. November, 1898

Point on county road near Ashton's leading from Little River Turnpike to Centreville to a point on the Warrenton Turnpike

Box-folder 9: RP-308
Bennett, John July, 1899

Road from a point on the New Cut Road near Vale Post Office to Ox Road

Box-folder 9: RP-309
Nesbit, W. W. August, 1899

Road from Braddock Road to Sagar Avenue near Fairfax Court House

Box-folder 9: RP-310
Stalcup, E. S. September, 1899

Establish boundary lines of road leading from Faulkner's shop on Leesburg Turnpike to the residence of Joshua Kirby

Box-folder 9: RP-311
Stalcup, S. F. August, 1899

Repair road leading from Ballston to Langley

Box-folder 9: RP-312
Stalcup, S. F. December, 1899

County road on the boundary lines of Truitt, Payne, & McNair

Box-folder 9: RP-313
Stuart, William June, 1899

Open private road to the public; the road at V. W. Lee's to the county road near Stuart's Mill

Box-folder 9: RP-313
Copperhite, Henry January, 1900

Road from the point on the Braddock Road to a point on the Guinea Road

Box-folder 9: RP-315
Hornbeck, C. W. January, 1900

Road from Luis Corner to a point on a road from Fairfax to Vienna, opposite or near the road running to Falls Church

Box-folder 9: RP-316
Perl, Herman June, 1900

Outlet road beginning at the corner of the Wooster tract, along the Van Gorder tract to the Magner Road

Box-folder 9: RP-317
Reynolds, J. T. December, 1901

Change: public road leading from Jermantown to Oakton

Box-folder 9: RP-318
Triplett, R. C. March, 1901

Road from the Telegraph Road to Franconia Station

Box-folder 9: RP-319
Bradley, H. E. March, 1902

Change: Straighten point on Hampton Road in front of residence of H. E. Bradley through the lands of H. E. Bradley

Box-folder 9: RP-320
Cockrill, H. E. June, 1902

Change: Public road from Jermantown to Waples on Millard's Mill

Box-folder 9: RP-321
Cranford, Percy November, 1902

Road from the lands of Percy Cranford to Gunston Road, including building a bridge over Keans Creek

Box-folder 9: RP-322
Darby, Rufus H. November, 1902

Road from Leesburg Turnpike near Munson's Hill to a point on the public road from Mt. Olivet Church to the Falls Church to the Falls Church and Georgetown Turnpike

Box-folder 9: RP-323
Hill, Keary November, 1902

Discontinue a road

Box-folder 9: RP-324
Kuehling, Seth July, 1902

Road leading from Lorton Valley Post Office...to the Colchester Public Road

Box-folder 9: RP-325
Laughlin, M. J. September, 1902

Change: Road leading from Lewinsville to Chesterbrook

Box-folder 9: RP-326
Milstead, George N. April, 1902

Change: Telegraph Road along Accotink Run north of Pohick Church

Box-folder 9: RP-327
Providence District Road Commissioners September, 1902

Establish boundary lines of County road leading from Core's corner on the Alexandria Pike to Lewinsville

Box-folder RP-328
Smith, Charles H. March, 1902

Outlet road from land of Charles H. Smith to Riverside Park Road

Box-folder 9: RP-329
Thompson, B. J. November, 1902

Road leading from Sideburn Station to the new cut road where it intersects with Old Braddock Road

Box-folder 9: RP-330
Berry, Joseph November, 1903

Road across the bed of a lake or pond in the Town of Wiehle

Box-folder 9: RP-331
Hunter, R. W. May, 1903

Road from section of Ball's Hill...following the general course of the old Army Road and intersecting with Langley - Lewinsville Road

Box-folder 10: RP-332
Hurst, Mordecai April, 1903

Road from Mount Vernon Road between the City of Alexandria and Mount Vernon to Telegraph Road

Box-folder 10: RP-333
Kincheloe, W. S. January, 1903

Road leading from Yates Ford Road to a point near Lewis Woodyards

Box-folder 10: RP-334
Mason, J. P. H. May, 1903

Road from Accotink Station to Accotink Village to a point on the northwest side of Telegraph Road at or near the corner of the lands of Nevitt and Higham

Box-folder 10: RP-335
Saunders, J. F. August, 1903

Road from point on Sawyers Road to Hunter's Mill Crossing on the S. R. Way

Box-folder 10: RP-336
Southern Railway Company September, 1903

Change: road and overhead bridge at Fairfax Station

Box-folder 10: RP-337
Talbott, John T. March, 1903

Road from a point on the Rolling Road at the corner between Young and Javin's farms to the Braddock Road

Box-folder 10: RP-338
Washington Southern Railway Co. September, 1903

Change: Road at Pohick Station

Box-folder 10: RP-339
Southern Railway Company September, 1904

Change: Public Road at Herbert's Crossing

Box-folder 10: RP-340
Southern Railway Company May, 1904

Change/Establish road at Southern Railway Crossing at Burke's Station

Box-folder 10: RP-341
Staats, Peter V. January, 1904

Change: Road leading from Hunter's Mill to Freedom Hill

Box-folder 10: RP-342
Washington Southern Railway Co. January, 1904

Change/Establish: Road at Accotink Station in the Mount Vernon District

Box-folder 10: RP-343
Washington Southern Railway Co. January, 1904

Change: Road near Lorton through lands of John Plaskett

Box-folder 10: RP-344
Woodyard, R. W. September, 1904

Road from Fords Mill Road to the Yates Ford Road

Box-folder 10: RP-345
Great Falls & Old Dominion November, 1905

Change: Country Road through lands of Charles Cutts

Box-folder 10: RP-346
Pickett, R. L. September, 1905

Change:'Talbert' Road to line between Martin and Kilbourn to the Railroad Station

Box-folder 10: RP-347
Walters, U. S. December, 1905

Road from Georgetown and Leesburg Turnpike to Great Falls on the Potomac River

Box-folder 10: RP-348
Riverside Farm September, 1906

Repair River Road near Riverside and Hunter's in Alexandria

Box-folder 10: RP-349
Sanders, C. S. November, 1906

Road from Brown's Mill...to a point on Hunter Mill Road

Box-folder 10: RP-350
Terrett, J. W. May, 1906

Road across Creed's land to Bailey's Crossroads to Theological Seminary Road

Box-folder 10: RP-351
Washington Southern Railway Co. June, 1906

Change: Little River Turnpike bridge near Alexandria; over the stream on the road running from Little River Turnpike over Annandale to Falls Church, in the Falls Church District

Box-folder 10: RP-352
Wells, E. W. September, 1906

Change: County Road from the Warrenton Pike to Pleasant Valley

Box-folder 10: RP-353
Byrne, Henry M. May, 1907

Discontinue road running from Fairfax Falls Church Road near Merrifield to Little River Turnpike near Davis' Store & Horace Gibson's shop

Box-folder 10: RP-354
Elgin, D. B. May, 1907

Discontinue county road from Little River Turnpike to point on Fairfax- Falls Church Road

Box-folder 10: RP-355
Whitesell, S. S. March, 1907

Road from Oakton, VA running west to a point on Vale Road near Montgomery

Box-folder 10: RP-356
Wrenn, Sidney March, 1907

Road starting from the corner of Robert Wrenn on the Centreville and Chantilly Road...to the Braddock Road

Box-folder 10: RP-357
Donovan, J. E. January, 1908

Road from site of old Fairfax Station to the new Fairfax Station (Lee District)

Box-folder 10: RP-358
Brown, Joseph Unknown

Occoquan Road