A Guide to the Peter H. Smith Manuscript Papers on “Mayfield and Ivy Chimney: Country Homes of Country Doctors”, 1969-1972
A Collection in The Fairfax County Public Library
Record Group Number MSS 08-04
City of Fairfax Regional Library
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Preferred Citation
Virginia Room, Fairfax County Public Library. Peter H. Smith Manuscript Papers on “Mayfield and Ivy Chimney: Country Homes of Country Doctors”. Box #, Folder #.
Acquisition Information
Donated by the Fairfax County Planning Division
Processing Information
Carol Abrams, 2015
EAD generated by Ross Landis, 2024
Historical and Biographical Information
In 1969, Peter H. Smith was commissioned by the Fairfax County Director of Planning to conduct research and write a report about the architecture and history of Mayfield and Ivy Chimney, two centuries-old houses on adjacent properties in the Dranesville area of Fairfax County. Correspondence in this collection between Peter H. Smith, Fairfax County officials and Fairfax County History Commission members reflects disagreement as to certain historical facts, areas of emphasis, and editing decisions regarding the research report. In 1972, a limited number of the manuscripts were produced and distributed to county officials and the county library system.
The focus of Smith’s book is on the Civil War in the Dranesville area and the families who owned Mayfield and Ivy Chimney at that point in time. During the Civil War, both homes were owned by doctors who were imprisoned for their support for Secession. Architecturally, Mayfield had at least three phases of construction and is thought to date back to 1755. Ivy Chimney is newer and dates back to the mid-19th century. Smith covers the homes’ architectural styles, elements, and renovations.
Smith earned a Ph.D. in American Studies from The George Washington University. He held positions at the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation, and the National Endowment for the Arts. In addition, he was a founder of the D.C. Preservation League (circa 1971). In the 1990s, Peter H. Smith worked for the city of Alexandria, Virginia, where he administered both the Old and Historic Alexandria District and the Parker-Gray District Boards for the Department of Planning and Zoning. He served on the board of the Alexandria (Virginia) Historical Society and wrote articles for its publication The Alexandria Chronicle. His articles include “The Beginnings of Historic Preservation in Alexandria-Moving Toward the Creation of the Old and Historic District (1996)” and “The Saga of Saving and Reconstructing Ramsay House (1998/99).” Smith also co-authored with Peter Smeallie New Construction for Older Buildings: A Design Sourcebook for Archivists and Preservationists (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990).
Separated Material
Index Terms
- Braddock’s March in the French and Indian Wars
- Civil War - Field Medicine
- Day, John Thomas
- Day, William Benjamin
- Dranesville, Battle of
- Dranesville, Virginia
- Fairfax County - Architectural History
- Fairfax County- Doctors
- Ivy Chimney
- Mayfield
- Northern Virginia Country Homes - 19th century
- Northern Virginia Country Homes -18th century
Significant Places Associated With the Collection
- Dranesville, Virginia
- Ivy Chimney
- Mayfield