Guide to the Stanley Legum experimental linguistics collection, 1960s-1970s
A Collection in
Special Collections and Archives
Accession Number C0125
George Mason University Libraries
2006 By George Mason University Libraries. All rights reserved.
Processed by: Special Collections and Archives Staff
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
There are no access restrictions.
Use Restrictions
There are no restrictions on personal use. Permission to publish material from the Stanley Legum experimental linguistics collection must be obtained from Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
Preferred Citation
Stanley Legum experimental linguistics collection, C0125, Special Collections and Archives, George Mason University Libraries.
Acquisition Information
Collection donated by Stanley Legum in 1982.
Processing Information
Processed by Special Collections and Archives staff. EAD markup completed by Eron Ackerman and Jordan Patty in April 2009.
Biographical Information
Stanley Legum studied linguistics and lived in Fairfax, Virginia.
Scope and Content
This collection contains research materials on linguistics in the areas of generative-transformational syntax, phonolgy, reading, psycholinguistics, and sociolinguistics. It includes work by LaBov, Bach Peters, Karttunen, G. Lakoff, R. Lakoff, Chomsky, Ross, Berdan, McCawley, and many others.
This collection is arranged by subject.
Index Terms
- Linguistics.
Contents List
- Box: 1
Folder: 1
LSA Handouts,1980
- Box: 1
Folder: 2
Mallory, Evonne G., Sequential features in Early Black Child Language
Master Thesis
- Box: 1
Folder: 3
Toronto Semiotic Circle,1978
Victoria University, Toronto No.3
- Box: 1
Folder: 4
Papers In Language Use and Language Function No. 7,February 1979
- Box: 1
Folder: 5
Papers In Language Use and Language Function No. 8,March 1979
- Box: 1
Folder: 6
Papers In Language Use and Language Function No. 9,May 1979
- Box: 1
Folder: 7
Papers In Language Use and Language Function No. 10,May 1979
- Box: 1
Folder: 8
Papers In Language Use and Language Function No. 11,May 1979
- Box: 1
Folder: 9
Working Papers In Sociolinguistics-Darnell No. 57,April 1979
- Box: 1
Folder: 10
Working Papers in Sociolinguistics-Kochman No. 58,April 1979
- Box: 1
Folder: 11
Working Papers in Sociolinguistics-Scollon + Scollan No. 59,April 1979
- Box: 1
Folder: 12
Working Papers in Sociolinguistics No. 88-92,November 1981
- Box: 1
Folder: 13
Partee and Sabsay, Bibliography: Logic and Language,June 1970
- Box: 1
Folder: 14
Working Papers in Sociolinguistics No. 81-87,June 1981
- Box: 1
Folder: 15
Working Papers in Sociolinguistics No. 67-73,May 1980
- Box: 1
Folder: 16
Coker, Pamela, On the Acquisition of Temporal Terms,1975
- Box: 1
Folder: 17
Geis, M Adverbial Subordinate Clauses In English,February 1970
- Box: 1
Folder: 18
Natalicio and Williams, Repetition As An oral Language Assessment Technique,March 1971
- Box: 1
Folder: 19
Working Papers In Linguistics No. 11,February 1972
- Box: 1
Folder: 20
Technical Report No. 119,March 1970
- Box: 1
Folder: 21
Models for the Reading Process
Working Paper No. 38
- Box: 1
Folder: 22
Linguistics and Spelling
Working Paper No. 15
- Box: 1
Folder: 23
Working Papers In Linguistics No. 8,June 1971
- Box: 1
Folder: 24
How A Child Needs To Think to Read,July 1970
Technical Report No. 131
- Box: 1
Folder: 25
A Preliminary Bibliography of American English Dialects,November 1979
- Box: 1
Folder: 26
Coker, Pam
Papers and Resume
- Box: 1
Folder: 27
Melmed, Black English Phonology: The Question of Reading Interference,1970
- Box: 1
Folder: 28
Munro, et. Al. Memory for Three Types of Texts,mailed January 4, 1979
- Box: 1
Folder: 29
Papers In Language Use and Language Function No. 12,May 1979
- Box: 1
Folder: 30
Lakoff, Deep and Surface Grammar,1968
- Box: 1
Folder: 31
Cremer and Teplitzky, An Investigation of a Multi-Stage Characterization of Electronics Troubleshooting,July 1969
- Box: 1
Folder: 32
Papers In Language Use and Language Function No.1,February 1978
- Box: 1
Folder: 33
Papers In Language Use and Language Function No.2,February 1978
- Box: 1
Folder: 34
Gass, A Semantic for Relative Clause Formation,Winter 1977
- Box: 1
Folder: 35
Kincaid Granddaddy and the Bees,February 1975
- Box: 1
Folder: 36
Passow, Secondary Education Reform: Retrospect and Prospect,April 7-8, 1976
- Box: 2
Folder: 1
Lakoff, If's, And's and But's About Conjunction,April 1970
- Box: 2
Folder: 2
Labov, On The Adequacy of Natural Languages,February 20, 1971
- Box: 2
Folder: 3
Chomsky, Conditions On Transformations,November 1971
- Box: 2
Folder: 4
Kuno, Report No. NSF-20 Mathematical Linguistics and Automatic Translation,May 1968
- Box: 2
Folder: 5
Working Papers In Sociolinguistics Nos. 74-80,November 1980
- Box: 2
Folder: 6
Goodluck, Papers In the Structure and Development of Child Language Volume 4
- Box: 2
Folder: 7
Lakoff, Report No. NSF-20 Pronominalization and the Analysis of Adverbs,May 1968
- Box: 2
Folder: 8
Explorations In Sociolinguistics,Spring 1966
- Box: 2
Folder: 9
Lakoff, Linguistics and Natural Logic,April 1970
- Box: 2
Folder: 10
Natalicio and Williams, Repetition as a Oral Language Assessment Technique,1971
- Box: 2
Folder: 11
Mitchell-Kernan, Language Behavior In A Black Urban Community,October 1969
- Box: 2
Folder: 12
McNeill, The Development of Language
- Box: 2
Folder: 13
Labov, Learning The Syntax of Questions,June 19-26, 1976
- Box: 2
Folder: 14
Descriptive and Applied Linguistics Vol. X,April 1977
- Box: 2
Folder: 15
Kamei, On the Syntactic Structure in Aphasic Hemisphere-damaged Patients,1977
- Box: 2
Folder: 16
Hart, Reading Is Languaging In Print,August 1976
- Box: 2
Folder: 17
Bickerton, Pidgin and Creole Studies
- Box: 2
Folder: 18
Greenbaum, Acceptability Experiment: Compliance and Evaluation Test,June 1976
- Box: 2
Folder: 19
Baily, The State of Non-State Linguistics
- Box: 2
Folder: 20
Salus, The Phonology of 'Three'
- Box: 2
Folder: 21
Arderson, et. Al., Early Sign Communication and Skilled Use of English among Deaf Students
- Box: 2
Folder: 22
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress of Linguists,August 28 - September 1972
- Box: 2
Folder: 23
Spatial Networks As A Site For the Study of Language and Thought,Rec'd October 21, 1976
- Box: 2
Folder: 24
Stotsky, Sentence Combining as a Curricular Activity,1975
- Box: 2
Folder: 25
Shih, Unobtrusive Data Collection: An Evaluation of the Appropriate Methodology,1978
- Box: 2
Folder: 26
Heller, "Bonjour, Hello": Negotiations of Language Choice in Montreal,July 1978
- Box: 2
Folder: 27
Weller, Measurement of the Degree of Bilingualism and Biculturalism of American Teenagers Living in Mexico,1977 - July 1978
- Box: 2
Folder: 28
Deuchar, Diglossia And British Sign Language,July 1878
- Box: 2
Folder: 29
Brady, Peer Group Evaluation of Narrative Competence: A Navajo Example,July 1978
- Box: 2
Folder: 30
"Development of a Theory of Language",1976
- Box: 2
Folder: 31
Chomsky, Write First Read Later,1971
Second Language Acquisition and Language Universals Delaware Symposium
- Box: 2
Folder: 32
Felker and Rose, The case of FCC's Marine Radio Rules for Recreational Boaters,February 1981
- Box: 2
Folder: 33
Employment Status of Ph.D. Scientists and Engineers ,1973 and 1975
- Box: 2
Folder: 34
Legum, The Acquisition of Adverbial Noun Complements,1976
- Box: 2
Folder: 35
Legum, Strategies In the Acquisition of Relative Clauses,December 1976
Draft: 10
- Box: 2
Folder: 36
Close, An Analysis and Arrangement of Verb Patterns,1977
- Box: 2
Folder: 37
How Sister Got Into the Grog,November 1975
- Box: 2
Folder: 38
Doctoral Scientists and Engineers On the United States Profile,1975
- Box: 2
Folder: 39
Kiparsky, Phonological Change,1961-1962
- Box: 2
Folder: 40
Language Ability Grades, Seven, Eight, and Nine
- Box: 2
Folder: 41
Metcalf, Riverside English Preface,1971
- Box: 3
Folder: 1
Papers In Language Use and Language Function No. 4,1978
- Box: 3
Folder: 2
Driver, The Accomplishment of Inquiry Sequences by Children in informal Classroom setting,August 1977
- Box: 3
Folder: 3
Complex Sentences
- Box: 3
Folder: 4
- Box: 3
Folder: 5
- Box: 3
Folder: 6
Relative Clauses
- Box: 3
Folder: 7
The Acquisition of Comparatives
- Box: 3
Folder: 8
- Box: 3
Folder: 9
- Box: 3
Folder: 10
- Box: 3
Folder: 11
Semantic: Organization
- Box: 3
Folder: 12
Temporal Terms
- Box: 3
Folder: 13
- Box: 3
Folder: 14
- Box: 3
Folder: 15
- Box: 3
Folder: 16
Particles and Dative Constructions
- Box: 3
Folder: 17
- Box: 4
Folder: 1
Ajay, Glossary of Style-Related Terms
- Box: 4
Folder: 2
Amidon and Carey, Why Five-Year old cannot Understand Before and After
- Box: 4
Folder: 3
Anderson, "Subordinate Highest Clauses",1970
- Box: 4
Folder: 4
Annear, Relative Clauses and Conjunctions
- Box: 4
Folder: 5
Anshen-Brikerton, Labov, and Inherent Variability
- Box: 4
Folder: 6
Anshen, Varied Objections to Various Rules
- Box: 4
Folder: 7
Anshen, Some Date Which Don't Fit Some Models
- Box: 4
Folder: 8
Anshen, speech Variation Among Negroes in a Small Southern Community
- Box: 4
Folder: 9
Bach, Nouns and Noun phrases
- Box: 4
Folder: 10
Bach, A Note On Problominatlization
- Box: 4
Folder: 11
Bach, Have and Be In English Syntax
- Box: 4
Folder: 12
Bach, On Some Recurrent Types of Transformations
- Box: 4
Folder: 13
Bach, Anti-Pronominalization
- Box: 4
Folder: 14
Back, Pseudo-cleft Sentences
- Box: 4
Folder: 15
Bailey, The Patterning of Language Variation
- Box: 4
Folder: 16
Bailey, Contributions of the study of variation to the framework of the New Linguistics
- Box: 4
Folder: 17
Barclay, The Role of Comprehension in Remembering Sentences
- Box: 4
Folder: 18
Berdan, The Potential of Language Bias In and Spelling Achievement Tests For Speakers of
- Box: 4
Folder: 19
Berdan, Disambiguation With Tag Question As A Measure or Dialect Comprehension
- Box: 4
Folder: 20
Berdan, The Use of Z Morphology By Anglo and Black Children
- Box: 4
Folder: 21
Berdan, The Ideal Speech Community In Empirical Linguistic Research
- Box: 4
Folder: 22
Berdan, The Use of Convergent Communication for Linguistic Data Collection
- Box: 4
Folder: 23
Berdan, Methodological Problems In Assessing Nonstandard Dialect -- A Review of 4 Papers
- Box: 4
Folder: 24
Berdan, The Use of Linguistically Determined Groups in Sociolinguistic Research
- Box: 4
Folder: 25
Berdan, Probability VS. Obligatory and Optional
- Box: 4
Folder: 26
Berdan, Dialect Differences Among Anglo and Black Children
- Box: 4
Folder: 27
Berdan, Description of Computer Programming and Processing Needs For Child Language Survey
- Box: 4
Folder: 28
Berdan, Tryout of the Annotated Reading Program of Black English
- Box: 4
Folder: 29
Berdan, Trip Report on Southeastern Conference on Linguistics,1973
(Secol IX)
- Box: 4
Folder: 30
Berdan, An Annotated Bibliography of Structured Elicitation Techniques
- Box: 4
Folder: 31
Berdan, Black English for Educators
- Box: 4
Folder: 32
Berdan, Development of a Framework for a Theory of Bi-Lingualism
- Box: 4
Folder: 33
Berdan, Development of a dialect Differentiation Measure for Black English: A Pilot Study
- Box: 4
Folder: 34
Berdan, Have/Got in the Speech of Children (TN)
- Box: 4
Folder: 35
Berdan, Development of a Framework for a Theory of Bi-Lingualism
- Box: 4
Folder: 36
Berdan, The Necessity of Variable Rules
- Box: 4
Folder: 37
Berdan, Probability and Variable Rules: A Formal Interpretation
- Box: 4
Folder: 38
Berdan, Sociolinguistic Variation in the Speech of Young Children
- Box: 4
Folder: 39
Berdan, A Prototype Diagnostic test For Identifying Speakers of Black English
- Box: 4
Folder: 40
Bessemer, Performance of Equivalence Discrimination Tasks By Kindergarten and Pre-School Children
- Box: 4
Folder: 41
Bickerton, Quantitative Versus Dynamic Paradigms: The Case of Montreal "Que"
- Box: 4
Folder: 42
Bickerton, Inherent, Variability and Variable Rules
- Box: 4
Folder: 43
Bickerton, Palenquero: A Spanish-based Creole of Northern Columbia
- Box: 4
Folder: 44
Bierwisch, Reviews,1970
- Box: 4
Folder: 45
Blaubergs, short-term Memory Limitations of Decoding Self-Embedded Sentences
- Box: 4
Folder: 46
Briggs, Visual Confusions With Aural Presentation -- Auditory Confusions with Visual Presentation
- Box: 4
Folder: 47
Bransford, Sentence Memory: A Constructive VS Interp Approach
- Box: 4
Folder: 48
Brown, Children's Comprehension of Relativized English Sentences
- Box: 4
Folder: 49
Carden, Dialect Variation and Abstract Syntax
- Box: 4
Folder: 50
Carden, A Problem With Primacy,1970
- Box: 4
Folder: 51
Carden, Appositive Relatives and Singular Quantifiers,December 30, 1975
- Box: 4
Folder: 52
Carden, A Note on Conflicting Idiolects
- Box: 4
Folder: 53
Carden, Disambiguation, favored readings, and Variable Rules
- Box: 4
Folder: 54
Carden, Double Negatives and Guttman Scales
- Box: 4
Folder: 55
Carden, Dialect Variations an Abstract Syntax
- Box: 4
Folder: 56
Cedargren, On the Nature of Variable Constraints
- Box: 4
Folder: 57
Clark, Some Aspects of the Conception Basis for First Language Acquisition
- Box: 4
Folder: 58
Clark, Linguistic Processes In Deductive Reasoning
- Box: 4
Folder: 59
Clark, Role of Semantics in Remembering comparative Sentences
- Box: 4
Folder: 60
Coker, An Empirical Test of Semantic hypotheses Relevant to Language of Young Children
- Box: 4
Folder: 61
Coker, The Development of Before and After,November 30, 1974
- Box: 4
Folder: 62
Cokman, Why the Only Interesting Syntactic Dialects Are the Uninteresting Ones
- Box: 4
Folder: 63
Coots, Teaching Spatial Adjective Comparative Concepts
- Box: 4
Folder: 64
Coots, Training and Transfer of Polar Spatial Adjective Knowledge
- Box: 4
Folder: 65
Coots, Relational Concepts Knowledge and General Classroom Performance
- Box: 4
Folder: 66
Coots, Free Recall of Color Names by Kindergarten Children
- Box: 4
Folder: 67
Coots, Relationship Between Equivalence Discrimination and Knowledge of Spatial
- Box: 4
Folder: 68
Cromer, The Development of Temporal Reference during the Acquisition of Language
- Box: 4
Folder: 69
Current Child Language Resumes, Abstracts from Papers and Reports On Child Language Development
- Box: 4
Folder: 70
DeCamp, What do Implication Scales Imply
- Box: 5
Folder: 1
Bailey, Notes on Syntax used by tougaloo students
- Box: 5
Folder: 2
Baratz, Beginning Readers for Speakers of Divergent Dialects
- Box: 5
Folder: 3
Baratz, A bi-dialectal Task For Determining Language Proficiency in Economically Disadvantaged Negro
2 copies
- Box: 5
Folder: 4
Baratz, Language Abilities of Black American Review of Research,1969-1970
- Box: 5
Folder: 5
Baratz, Early Childhood Intervention The Social Science Base Institutional Racism
- Box: 5
Folder: 6
Baratz, Grammatical Constructions in the Language of the Negro Preschool Child
- Box: 5
Folder: 7
Baratz, Early Childhood Intervention
- Box: 5
Folder: 8
Baratz, Effect of Race of Experimenter Instructions, and Comparison Population
- Box: 5
Folder: 9
Bates, Pragmatic Factors In the Acquisition of Word Order
- Box: 5
Folder: 10
Bemer, The Economics of Program Production
- Box: 5
Folder: 11
Benjamin, Psychopathology and Semantic Interpretation of Ambiguous Words
- Box: 5
Folder: 12
Bennett, A Negro Patois Part 1
- Box: 5
Folder: 13
Bennett, A Negro Patois Part 2
- Box: 5
Folder: 14
Berdiansky, Spelling-Sound Relations
- Box: 5
Folder: 15
Berdiansky, An analysis of the Stimulus-response
- Box: 5
Folder: 16
Bernstein, Their Social Origins and Some Consequences
- Box: 5
Folder: 17
Bernstein, Language and Social Class
- Box: 5
Folder: 18
Bernstein, Hesitation, phenomena and Intelligence
- Box: 5
Folder: 19
Bernstein, Social Class, Linguistic codes and Grammatical Elements
- Box: 5
Folder: 20
Bernstein, A Socio-linguistic Approach to Social Learning
- Box: 5
Folder: 21
Bernstein, A Sociolinguist Approach to Socialization With Some Reference to Educability
- Box: 5
Folder: 22
Bessemer, Discrimination of Lifted Weights By Young Children
- Box: 5
Folder: 23
Bessemer, An Exploratory Analysis Based on Technical Vocabulary
- Box: 5
Folder: 24
Bessemer, Priorities for Research on Concepts Related to Function
- Box: 5
Folder: 25
Bessemer, Comprehension Considerations in SWRL Reading Instruction
- Box: 5
Folder: 26
Bessemer, The Role of Skills Analysis In Instruction Design
- Box: 5
Folder: 27
Bessemer, Retention of Discriminations and an Analysis of Learning Set
- Box: 5
Folder: 28
Bever, On the Acquisition Syntax: A Critique of "contextual Generalization"
- Box: 5
Folder: 29
Bibliography - ERIC
- Box: 5
Folder: 30
Bibliographies -- Scholarly
- Box: 5
Folder: 31
Blout, Bibliography On Language Acquisition and Cognition
- Box: 5
Folder: 32
Acquisition and Cognition
- Box: 5
Folder: 33
Bock, Contributions of Multivariate Experimental Designs to Education Research
- Box: 5
Folder: 34
Bloom, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
- Box: 5
Folder: 35
Blumenthal, Multinomial Sampling With Partially Categorized Data
Board of Education of the City of N.Y. Nonstandard Dialect
- Box: 5
Folder: 36
Bouton, Identity Constraints On the Do-So Rule
- Box: 5
Folder: 37
Bowerman, Structural Relationships In Children's Utterances: Syntactic or Semantic?
- Box: 5
Folder: 38
Bowers, Adjectives and Adverbs In English
- Box: 5
Folder: 39
Boyle, Computer-Scored, Programmed Test Monitors Student Progress
- Box: 5
Folder: 40
Braine, The Acquisition of Language In Infant and Child
- Box: 5
Folder: 41
Bresnan, In Complementizers: Toward A Syntactic Theory of Complement Types
- Box: 5
Folder: 42
Bridgeman, More Classes of Verbs in English
- Box: 5
Folder: 43
Brink, Rasch's Logistical Model VS The Guttman Model
- Box: 5
Folder: 44
Brooks, A Framework for Science and Technology Policy
- Box: 5
Folder: 45
Brown, The First Sentences of Child And Chimpanzee
- Box: 5
Folder: 46
Brown, Derivational Complexity and Order of Acquisition In Child Speech
- Box: 5
Folder: 47
Bruner, Eleven Hypotheses In Search of a Method
- Box: 5
Folder: 48
Butters, What is 'data' In the Expanding Domain
- Box: 5
Folder: 49
Campbell, R and D Funding Policies of the National Institute of Education: Review and Recommendations
- Box: 5
Folder: 50
Chafe, Foundations of Language
- Box: 5
Folder: 51
Chilton, Comparison of Simple Statistical Test for Scalogram Analysis
- Box: 5
Folder: 52
Champman, The Interpretation of Deviant Sentences
- Box: 5
Folder: 53
Chomsky, Remarks on Nominalization
- Box: 5
Folder: 54
Chotlos, A Statistical and Comparative Analysis of Individual Written Language Samples
- Box: 5
Folder: 55
Cintas, Southeastern Conference On Linguistics Scecol IX,1973-
- Box: 5
Folder: 56
Clark, Linguistic Processes In Deductive Reasoning
- Box: 5
Folder: 57
Clark, Semantics in Language Acquisition
- Box: 5
Folder: 58
Clark, Deictic Constracts In Language Acquisition
- Box: 5
Folder: 59
Clark, General Bibliography In Psycholinguisitics
- Box: 5
Folder: 60
Clark, Space, Time, Semantics and The Child
- Box: 5
Folder: 61
Cliff, On the Relation Between Unidimensional Judgments and Multidimensional Judgments and Multidimensional Scaling
- Box: 5
Folder: 62
Cofer, Adverbial-ly
- Box: 5
Folder: 63
Coffman, Essay Examinations
- Box: 5
Folder: 64
Coker, Design of the Kindergarten Program Entry Survey
- Box: 5
Folder: 65
Coleman, The Simplest Experimental Design That Permits Multiple Generalization
- Box: 6
Folder: 1
Collier, Estimates of Test Size For Several Test Procedures Based On Conventional Variance Ratios In the Repeated Measures Design
- Box: 6
Folder: 2
Coots, Development of The Language of Comparison: A Literature Review
- Box: 6
Folder: 3
Culicover, The Freezing Principle
- Box: 6
Folder: 4
Dansereau, Dallas Independent School District Final Report For Targeted Achievement In Reading Program
- Box: 6
Folder: 5
Dalby, La Place de L'indice de reference
- Box: 6
Folder: 6
Davison, The Indigenous Scripts of West Africa and Surinam: Their Inspiration and Design
- Box: 6
Folder: 7
DeCamp, Clause Connections and Reasons Adverbids
- Box: 6
Folder: 8
Decamp, Implicational Scales and Sociolinguistic Linearity
- Box: 6
Folder: 9
DeCamp, African Day-Names in Jamaica
- Box: 6
Folder: 10
DeCamp, Continuities and Discontinuities in Afro-American Societies and Cultures
- Box: 6
Folder: 11
DeCamp, Creole language Areas Considered As Multilingual Communities
- Box: 6
Folder: 12
DeCamp, Dimensions of English Usage,1966
- Box: 6
Folder: 13
DeCamp, The Field of Creole Language Studies
- Box: 6
Folder: 14
DeCamp, Is A Sociolinguistic Theory Possible
- Box: 6
Folder: 15
DeCamp, Mock Bidding In Jamaica
- Box: 6
Folder: 16
DeCamp, Studies In Language, Literature, and Culture of the Middle ages and Later
- Box: 6
Folder: 17
DeCamp, Toward A Formal Theory of sociolinguistics
- Box: 6
Folder: 18
DeCamp, Toward A Generative Analysis of A Post-Creole Speech
- Box: 6
Folder: 19
Dillard, Optional Ordering Rules and Genetic relationships In Pidgin-Derived Languages
- Box: 6
Folder: 20
Donaldson and Balfour, Less Is More: A Study Of Language Comprehension In Children
- Box: 6
Folder: 21
Dong, English Sentences Without Overt Grammatical Subject
- Box: 6
Folder: 22
Dratt, The Loss of the Prefix GE-In The Modern English Verb and Some of Its Consequences
- Box: 6
Folder: 23
Elliott and Needleman, Hyperlexia and The Relationship Between Spech and Writing
- Box: 6
Folder: 24
Duncan, Dominguez Hills Dialect Studies
- Box: 6
Folder: 25
Elliott, Exclamations: Conjunctive Questions
- Box: 6
Folder: 26
Elliott, Noun Phrases Extraposition In Sentences With Exclamatory Predicates
- Box: 6
Folder: 27
Elliott, Toward a Grammar of Exclamations
- Box: 6
Folder: 28
Elliott, Legum, and Thompson, Syntactic Variation as Linguistic Data
- Box: 6
Folder: 29
Emonds, How Abstract Is Word Order? English as an SVO Language
- Box: 6
Folder: 30
Esou, Transition Markers and Paragraph Coherence
- Box: 6
Folder: 31
Fasold, Three Models for Dealing with Socially Significant Linguistic Variation
- Box: 6
Folder: 32
Feldman, The Role of Underdeterminancy and Reference In The Sentence Recall of Young Children
- Box: 6
Folder: 33
Feldman, The Interaction of Sentence Characteristics and Mode of Presentation in Recall
- Box: 6
Folder: 34
Fiege-Koilman, Definition and Concept Formation
- Box: 6
Folder: 35
Fillmore, The Case for Chase
- Box: 6
Folder: 36
Fischer, The Acquisition of Verb-particle and Dative Construction
- Box: 6
Folder: 37
Follettie, Number of Measures (n) Required to Evaluate How A Linguistic Will Be Represented
- Box: 6
Folder: 38
Follettie, Training Research and Development: lessons from Its Past
- Box: 6
Folder: 39
Fonagy, Double Coding In Speech
- Box: 6
Folder: 40
Francis, A Teacher's Manual For a Special Program In Freshman English
- Box: 6
Folder: 41
Fraser, A Note On The Spray Paint Case
- Box: 6
Folder: 42
Fraser, Some Remarks On the Action nominalization in English
- Box: 6
Folder: 43
Frasar, Some Remarks About The Indirect Object in English
- Box: 6
Folder: 44
Frishberg, Time On Our Hands
- Box: 6
Folder: 45
Gaer, Children's Understand and production of Sentences
- Box: 6
Folder: 46
Givon, Some Noun-to-Noun Derivation Affixes
- Box: 6
Folder: 47
Goals of Linguistic Theory Conference Texas,October 1969
- Box: 6
Folder: 48
Gold, Tests Auxiliary To X2 Tests In A Markov Chain
- Box: 6
Folder: 49
Goodman, Simultaneous Confidence Intervals For Contrast Among Multinomial Populations
- Box: 6
Folder: 50
Goodman, On Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Multinomial Populations
- Box: 6
Folder: 51
Goodman, Simple Statistical Methods For Scalogram Analysis
- Box: 6
Folder: 52
Goodman, the Gospel According to Marc(ellus) Snow
- Box: 6
Folder: 53
Green, A Method of Scalogram Analysis Using Summary Statistics
- Box: 6
Folder: 54
Greenbaum, Contextual Influence On Acceptability Judgments
- Box: 6
Folder: 55
Greenbaum, Positional Norms Adverbs
- Box: 6
Folder: 56
Greenbaum, Studies In English Adverbial Usage
- Box: 6
Folder: 57
Greenbaum and Quirck, Use and Attitude: The Relation Between Test Results
- Box: 6
Folder: 58
Greenbaum, Frequency and Acceptability
- Box: 6
Folder: 59
Griffin, Extending a Corpus: Language Games for Analyzing Pragmatics
- Box: 6
Folder: 60
Grubar, Studies In Lexical Relations
- Box: 6
Folder: 61
Gruber, Correlations Between the Syntactic Constructions of the Child and of the Adult
- Box: 6
Folder: 62
Guttman, A Basis For Scaling Qualitative Data
- Box: 6
Folder: 63
Guttman, Order Analysis of Correlation Matrices
- Box: 6
Folder: 64
Huttenlocher, The Origins of Language Comprehension
- Box: 7
Folder: 1
Hafner, Strong Inference and Weak Interactions
- Box: 7
Folder: 2
Hakes, Sentence Comprehension and Relative Pronouns
- Box: 7
Folder: 3
Halle, Stress Rules In English
- Box: 7
Folder: 4
Hamburger, Mathematical Theory of Learning Transformational Grammar
- Box: 7
Folder: 5
Harms, The ABC's of Generative Phonology,1967
- Box: 7
Folder: 6
Harms, Split Shift and Merger In the Permic Vowels
- Box: 7
Folder: 7
Hatch, Annual Supplement to Literature Survey On Child Language
- Box: 7
Folder: 8
Hatch, First Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning
- Box: 7
Folder: 9
Hatch, Sequencing Language Structures for Model 2 Communication Skills Program
- Box: 7
Folder: 10
Hatch, The Young Child's Comprehension of Relative Clauses
- Box: 7
Folder: 11
Hatch, The Five Year Old's Comprehension of Expanded and Transformed
- Box: 7
Folder: 12
Heise, Separating Reliability and Stability In test Retest Correlation
- Box: 7
Folder: 13
Hempel, Deductive Nomological vs. Statistical Explanation, Scientific Explanation, Space, and Time
- Box: 7
Folder: 14
Hendricks, Current Trends In Discourse Analysis
- Box: 7
Folder: 15
Hendricks, Methodology of Narrative Structural Analysis
- Box: 7
Folder: 16
Hendricks, The structural Study of Narrative: Sample Analysis
- Box: 7
Folder: 17
Hendricks, Style and the Structure of Literary Discourse
- Box: 7
Folder: 18
Hill, The Sequence of Tenses With "If" Clauses
- Box: 7
Folder: 19
Hiller, Review of the Literature on the Concept of Vagueness and its Defin. As a psychol. Construct
- Box: 7
Folder: 20
Hinds, Optional Pronominalization In Discourse
- Box: 7
Folder: 21
Hochster, Subordinate Clause Raising and Lexical Gap
- Box: 7
Folder: 22
Holmquist, Selected Bibliography on Performative Theory
- Box: 7
Folder: 23
Holzman, Ellipsis in Discourse: Implications - Computer ling. Analysis, child language acq. And semantic theory
- Box: 7
Folder: 24
Hopkins, The Analysis of Repeated Measures Designs
- Box: 7
Folder: 25
Howes, A Word Count of Spoken English
- Box: 7
Folder: 26
Hymes, The Ethnography of Speaking
- Box: 7
Folder: 27
Ikegami, The Semological Structure of the English Verbs of Motion
- Box: 7
Folder: 28
Jencks, What color is IQ? Intelligence and race
- Box: 7
Folder: 29
Jemkins, The Comprehensive of Ambiguities
- Box: 7
Folder: 30
Jenkins, On the relevance of psycho linguistic data
- Box: 7
Folder: 31
Jenkins, On the relevance of psycho linguistic data
- Box: 7
Folder: 32
Jenkins, Some surface linguistic classes with conceptual relevance
- Box: 7
Folder: 33
Jenkins, Some surface linguistic classes with conceptual relevance
- Box: 7
Folder: 34
Jenkins, Syntax Considerations in Stories for Beginning Readers
- Box: 7
Folder: 35
Jensen, Discussion of
- Box: 7
Folder: 36
Jensen, An embattled hypothesis
- Box: 7
Folder: 37
Karni, The use of smallest space analysis in studying
- Box: 7
Folder: 38
Karrer, A Chomsky Bibliography
- Box: 7
Folder: 39
Karttunen, Conference and discourse
- Box: 7
Folder: 40
Karttunen, Definite Description with Crossing Conference
- Box: 7
Folder: 41
Karttunen, The Identity of Noun Phrases
- Box: 7
Folder: 42
Karttunen, The Logic of English Predicate Complement Construction
- Box: 7
Folder: 43
Karttunen, Presupposition and Ling. Context, Theoretical Linguistics
- Box: 7
Folder: 44
Karttunen, Remarks on presuppositions
- Box: 7
Folder: 45
Karttunen, What do Referential Indices Refer To?
- Box: 7
Folder: 46
Karttunen, Syntax and Semantics of Questions
- Box: 7
Folder: 47
Kasher, Mood Implicatures: A Logical Way of Doing Generative Pragmatics, Theoretical Ling
- Box: 7
Folder: 48
Keats, Test Theory
- Box: 7
Folder: 49
Keenan, The Logical Diversity of Natural Language
- Box: 7
Folder: 50
Kimura, The Asymmetry of the Human Brain
- Box: 7
Folder: 51
Kimura, Cerebral Dominance and the perception of Verbal Stimuli
- Box: 7
Folder: 52
Kimura, Dual function asymmetry of the brain in visual perception
- Box: 7
Folder: 53
Kimura, Left-right differences in the perception of melodies
- Box: 7
Folder: 54
Kimura, Some Effect of Temporal Damage on Auditory Perception
- Box: 7
Folder: 55
Kimura, Speech lateralization in young children as determined by an auditory test
- Box: 7
Folder: 56
Kiparsky, FACT
- Box: 7
Folder: 57
Kirsner, Natural focus and agentive interpretation: on the semantics of Dutch expletive
- Box: 7
Folder: 58
Kirsner, On Pragmatic Inference and Communicative Strategies
- Box: 7
Folder: 59
Kirsner, The role of Zullen in the grammar of modern standard Dutch
- Box: 7
Folder: 60
Kirsner, Less is More: the Semantics of Sensory Verb Complements in English
- Box: 7
Folder: 61
Klingsporn, The Significance of Variability
- Box: 7
Folder: 62
Kochman, Orality and Literacy As Factors of "Black" and White communicative behavior
- Box: 7
Folder: 63
Kochman, Cross-Cultural Communication: Contrasting Perspectives Conflicting Sensibilities
- Box: 7
Folder: 64
Kochman, Language behavior in the negro Ghetto
- Box: 7
Folder: 65
Kochman, Rapping in the black ghetto
- Box: 7
Folder: 66
Kochman, The Power Axis: A Cognitive Residue of Inter-Racial Encounters
- Box: 7
Folder: 67
Kochman, Social factors in the consideration of teaching standard English
- Box: 7
Folder: 68
Koutsoudas, The A Over A convention
- Box: 7
Folder: 69
Koutsoudas, Gapping, conjunction reduction, and coordinate deletion
- Box: 7
Folder: 70
Koutsoudas, On the Non-Sufficiency of Extrinsic Order
- Box: 7
Folder: 71
Krashen, On the Pseudo-cleft
- Box: 7
Folder: 72
Koutsoudas, On WH-Words in English
- Box: 7
Folder: 73
Koutsoudas, The Strike Order Fallacy
- Box: 7
Folder: 74
Koutsoudas, Unordered Rule Hypotheses
- Box: 7
Folder: 75
Koutsoudas, On the Application of Phonological Rules
- Box: 7
Folder: 76
Krashen, Language and the left hemisphere,February 16, 1972 and October 1972
- Box: 7
Folder: 77
Krashen, A Model of Adult Second language Performance,December 1975
(2 copies)
- Box: 7
Folder: 78
Krashen, Presupposition in Syntax and Semantics
- Box: 7
Folder: 79
Krashen, Semantic Correlates of syntactic structure
- Box: 7
Folder: 80
Krashen, The Sentence and Structure of English: A Reference Manual
- Box: 7
Folder: 81
Krashen, Temporal Order
- Box: 7
Folder: 82
Kurylowicz, Ergativeness and the stadial theory of linguistic develop
- Box: 8
Folder: 1
Lance, Chapter 1 - Constituents of the noun phrase
- Box: 8
Folder: 2
Langacker, On Pronominalization and the Chain of Command
- Box: 8
Folder: 3
Langenbruch, Local Adverbials in English
- Box: 8
Folder: 4
Larson, The verbal response of groups to the absence of presence of leadership
- Box: 8
Folder: 5
Larson, Forms of analysis and small group problems-solving
- Box: 8
Folder: 6
Leathers, Testing for determinant interactions in the small group communication process
- Box: 8
Folder: 7
Legum, The Acquisition of adverbial Noun Complements
- Box: 8
Folder: 8
Legum, AERA Trip Report,1973
- Box: 8
Folder: 9
Legum, Trip Report, La Jolla
- Box: 8
Folder: 10
Legum, Report on Speech delivered to the 5th regional meeting
- Box: 8
Folder: 11
Legum, Sketch of English adverbs
- Box: 8
Folder: 12
Legum, On the node Label "adv"
- Box: 8
Folder: 13
Legum, Analysis of child language survey data
- Box: 8
Folder: 14
Legum, The verb particle const. In English basic or derived
- Box: 8
Folder: 15
Legum, On the Acquisition of Subjoined Clauses
- Box: 8
Folder: 16
Legum, Some Child language and Socio-linguistic constraints on linguistic Method theory
- Box: 8
Folder: 17
Legum, Comments on Politzer an Bartley "Standard English and Nonstandard dialects"
- Box: 8
Folder: 18
Legum, An Overview of linguistic Domains for Individualized Diagnostic
- Box: 8
Folder: 19
Legum, Coordinate Structure in Japanese
- Box: 8
Folder: 20
Legum, Comments on Politzer an Bartley "Standard English and Nonstandard dialects"
- Box: 8
Folder: 21
Legum, Preliminary views on black English characteristics
- Box: 8
Folder: 22
Legum, On rule ordering
- Box: 8
Folder: 23
Legum, Texas conference on the goals of linguistic theory
- Box: 8
Folder: 24
Legum, Social dialects and reading
- Box: 8
Folder: 25
Legum, Address label program: instructions to users
- Box: 8
Folder: 26
Legum, Papers, University 113
- Box: 8
Folder: 27
Legum, Interaction of theoretical analyses with development of instruct. Systems
- Box: 8
Folder: 28
Legum, Conceptual framework for the design of a composition program
- Box: 8
Folder: 29
Legum, A basic study of English homographs - A problem in highspeed
- Box: 8
Folder: 30
Legum, The Acquisition of Adverbial Noun Complements
- Box: 8
Folder: 31
Legum, Art Analysis program: The offering of Cain and Abel
- Box: 8
Folder: 32
Legum, Social Dialects and Their Implications for Beg. Rdg. Instruction
- Box: 8
Folder: 33
Lehrer, Verbs, and deletable objects
- Box: 8
Folder: 34
Levin, Leoard Type IV Errors and Interactions
- Box: 8
Folder: 35
Lingoes, A Set-theoretic model for analyzing dichotomous items
Linguistic Society of American Program
- Box: 8
Folder: 36
McCawley, How to find Semantic University in the Event that there Are Any
- Box: 8
Folder: 37
McCawley, English as a VSO language
- Box: 8
Folder: 38
McCawley, Meaning and the description of Language
- Box: 8
Folder: 39
McCawley, Where do noun phrases come from?
- Box: 8
Folder: 40
Macaully, Specifically speaking.,May 7, 1972
Paper hand-out
- Box: 8
Folder: 41
Mackay, Phoneme repetition in the structure of language
- Box: 8
Folder: 42
Macaulay, Agency, stativity and the character of the English verb
- Box: 8
Folder: 43
Macaulay, Negative Prestige, Linguistic Insecurity and Linguistic Self-Hatred
- Box: 8
Folder: 44
Macaullary, "I don't really Believe in That Middle Class you know, Myself, to be honest"
- Box: 8
Folder: 45
Marascuilo, Appropriate Post Joc Comparisons for Interaction and
- Box: 8
Folder: 46
Martinet, Function, structure, and sound change
- Box: 8
Folder: 47
Mavrogenes, Concise Guide/Standard/Secondary and College read test
- Box: 8
Folder: 48
Menzel, Complementation and Historical Syntax
- Box: 8
Folder: 49
Meredith, Statistics and Data Analysis,1974
Annual Review
- Box: 8
Folder: 50
Michell, The interpretation of ambiguously implicative verbs
- Box: 8
Folder: 51
Milholland, Theory and Techniques of Assessment
- Box: 8
Folder: 52
Milner, Comparative et relatives
- Box: 8
Folder: 53
Milner, Les exclamative et le complementizer
- Box: 8
Folder: 54
Montague, Pragmatics and intentional logic
- Box: 8
Folder: 55
Moore, Evaluation of Five discrimination Procedures for Binary Variables
- Box: 8
Folder: 56
Moore, Nonparametric Statistical methods
- Box: 8
Folder: 57
Moore, Connected discourse - a methodological note
- Box: 8
Folder: 58
Murray, New Statistical Techniques For Evaluating Longitudinal Models
- Box: 8
Folder: 59
Oetinger, Mathematical linguistics and automatic translation
- Box: 8
Folder: 60
Olney, An Analysis of English Discourse Structure
- Box: 8
Folder: 61
Palermo, Language acquisition from age 5 onward
- Box: 8
Folder: 62
Papcun, Is the left Hemisphere Specialized for speech, Language or Something Else
- Box: 8
Folder: 63
Papers in linguistics in Honor of Leon Dostert
- Box: 8
Folder: 64
Partee, Reference, conference and opacity
- Box: 8
Folder: 65
Peper, Development of a scaling technique for sociometric data
- Box: 8
Folder: 66
Peters, Recursiveness of language Generated by grammars
- Box: 8
Folder: 67
Peters, Pseudo-Cleft Sentences
- Box: 8
Folder: 68
Peters, On the generative power of transformational grammars
- Box: 8
Folder: 69
Peters, English Rules
- Box: 9
Folder: 1
Labeaune and Sullivan, Classroom Tryout of the SWRL Second Year Communication Skills,1968-1969
- Box: 9
Folder: 2
Labov, [CU] Negative attraction and negative concord in various English dialects
- Box: 9
Folder: 3
Labov, (UP) Negative attraction and negative concord in English grammar.,March 31, 1971
- Box: 9
Folder: 4
Labov, Publications reporting research on non-standard Negro English
- Box: 9
Folder: 5
Labov and Labov, Learning the Syntax of Questions
- Box: 9
Folder: 6
Labov, The study of Non-Standard English,1969
- Box: 9
Folder: 7
Labov, Academic Ignorance and Black Intelligence
- Box: 9
Folder: 8
Labov, Memorandum: To All Georgetown Partic,December 17, 1969
- Box: 9
Folder: 9
Labov, A.S.R.,1964
- Box: 9
Folder: 10
Labov, The Linguistic Variable as a Structural Unit,1966
- Box: 9
Folder: 11
Labov, The Logic of Non-Standard English
- Box: 9
Folder: 12
Labov, Some Sources of reading Problems for Negro Speakers of Non-Standard English,1967
- Box: 9
Folder: 13
Labov, The Reading of the Edsuffix
- Box: 9
Folder: 14
Labov, Handout diagram
(notes by S.E. Legum)
- Box: 9
Folder: 15
Labov, Contraction, Deletion, and inherent Variability of the English Copula,May 1968
- Box: 9
Folder: 16
Labov, The Social Motivation of Sound Change
- Box: 9
Folder: 17
Labov, Stages in the Acquisition of Standard English
- Box: 9
Folder: 18
Labov and Cohen, Some Suggestions for teaching standard Eng.
- Box: 9
Folder: 19
Labov and Robins, A note on the relation of reading failure
- Box: 9
Folder: 20
Labov and Linde, Charlotte Spatial Networks as a site for the Study of Language and Thought
- Box: 9
Folder: 21
Labov and Waletzky, Oral version of personal experience,1966
- Box: 9
Folder: 22
Lakoff, Counterparts, or the problem of reference in transformational grammar
- Box: 9
Folder: 23
Lakoff, Deep and surface grammar
- Box: 9
Folder: 24
Lakoff, on generative semantics
- Box: 9
Folder: 25
Lakoff, Pragmatics in natural logic
- Box: 9
Folder: 26
Lakoff, Some thoughts on transderivational constraints
- Box: 9
Folder: 27
Lakoff and Peters, Phrasal conjunction and symmetric predicates
- Box: 9
Folder: 28
Lakoff and Ross, Criterion for verb phrase constituency
- Box: 9
Folder: 29
Lakoff and Ross, Is deep structure necessary?
- Box: 9
Folder: 30
Lakoff and Ross, Ordering of Transformational Rules
- Box: 9
Folder: 31
Lakoff and George and Thompson, Introducing Cognitive Grammar
- Box: 9
Folder: 32
Lakoff, Politeness, pragmatics and performance
- Box: 9
Folder: 33
Lakoff, Some reasons why there can't be any some-any rule
- Box: 10
Folder: 1
Peter and Ritchie, On Restricting the Base Component of Transformational Grammars
- Box: 10
Folder: 2
Peterson, A Case for the Declarative Performative Verbs
- Box: 10
Folder: 3
Peterson, Imperatives and Purpose and Reason Adverbials as Complements of Abstract Verbs in Moore
- Box: 10
Folder: 4
Pfaff, Analysis and Tabulation of Linguistic Variables for the Child Language Survey
- Box: 10
Folder: 5
Pfaff, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting
- Box: 10
Folder: 6
Pfaff, Linguistic Factors in the Realization of the Copila: Suggestion for Investigation in Black English
- Box: 10
Folder: 7
Pfaff, Naturalistic Observational Dialect Studies: Processing and Output Format Requirements
- Box: 10
Folder: 8
Pfaff, New and Revised Variables for Black Dialect Survey and Elicitation Techniques
- Box: 10
Folder: 9
Pfaff, The Process of Decreolization in Black Eng.
Abstract, Conference on Pidgin and Creole Lang.
- Box: 10
Folder: 10
Pfaff, Realization of Intervocalic R in Be
- Box: 10
Folder: 11
Pfaff, Social Factors in Linguistic Change
- Box: 10
Folder: 12
Pfaff, Socio-Linguistic Variation - Summary of Labov Chapter III
- Box: 10
Folder: 13
Pfaff, Some General Data Processing Requirements of Black Dialect and Spanish Speakers Sociolin
- Box: 10
Folder: 14
Pfaff, Tense and Aspect in English
- Box: 10
Folder: 15
Pfaff, Development of a Dialect Differentiation Measure for Black English: a Study of Black
- Box: 10
Folder: 16
Pfaff, Spelling-to Sound Correspondences in Black English
- Box: 10
Folder: 17
Pope, Questions and Answers in English
Unpublished doctoral Dissertation
- Box: 10
Folder: 18
Porch, Comparative Code Chart (Interim Version)
- Box: 10
Folder: 19
Postovsky, The Priority of Aural Comprehension in the Language Acquisition Process
- Box: 10
Folder: 20
Project Literacy
- Box: 10
Folder: 21
Quesenberry, Large Sample Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Multinomial Proportions
- Box: 10
Folder: 22
Reed, A Statistical Approach to Quantitative Linguistic Analysis
- Box: 10
Folder: 23
Reed and Spicer, U of Minn. Correlation Methods of Comparative Idiolects in a Transition
- Box: 10
Folder: 24
Reiersol, Linear and Non-Linear Multiple Comparisons in Logit Analysis
- Box: 10
Folder: 25
Riles, Selection of schools for Elementary and Secondary Education Act Programs
- Box: 10
Folder: 26
Ringen, On Evaluating Data Concerning Linguistic Intuition
- Box: 10
Folder: 27
Ringen, Explanation, teleology, and Operant Behaviorism: A Study/Experimental Analysis of Purposive Behavior
- Box: 10
Folder: 28
Ringen, Linguistic Institution and Introspective "Observation"
- Box: 10
Folder: 29
Ringen, A Study of the Empirical Scientific Status of Transformational Generative Grammars
- Box: 10
Folder: 30
Ringen, Transformational Generative Grammars as Descriptions of Idiolects
- Box: 10
Folder: 31
Roeper, Rhomas and McNeill, Review of Child Language
- Box: 10
Folder: 32
Rosenbaum, Identical Verb Deletion and Language Universals
- Box: 10
Folder: 33
Rosenbaum, Prerequisites for Developing a Theory of Children's Comprehension of Language,February 28, 1973
- Box: 10
Folder: 34
Rosenbaum, Semantics Pragmatics and Semantic Primes: Toward an Understanding of Meaning
- Box: 10
Folder: 35
Rosenbaum, Semantics and Pragmatics in Language Communication
- Box: 10
Folder: 36
Rosenbaum, Sentence Comprehension and Experimental Psycholinguistics: An Evaluation
- Box: 10
Folder: 37
Rosenbaum, Some General Principals involved in the Child's Language Comprehension
- Box: 10
Folder: 38
Rosenbaum, Zapotec Gapping as Counterevidence to Some Universal Proposals
- Box: 10
Folder: 39
Rosenbaum and Kim, Some Limits on Processing,December 1975
- Box: 10
Folder: 40
Rosenbaum, The Grammar of English Predicate Complement Construction
- Box: 10
Folder: 41
Ross, Alphabet Soups and Name Calling
- Box: 10
Folder: 42
Ross, Auxiliaries As Main Verbs
- Box: 10
Folder: 43
Ross, Adjectives As Noun Phrases
- Box: 10
Folder: 44
Ross, Cyclic Nature of English Pronominalization
- Box: 10
Folder: 45
Ross, Embedded Force Rules
- Box: 10
Folder: 46
Ross, Gapping and The Order of Constituents
- Box: 10
Folder: 47
Ross, Primacy
- Box: 10
Folder: 48
Ross, The Coefficient of Concordance: A Mathematical Tool For Comparing Literary Texts
- Box: 10
Folder: 49
Ross, On the Syntax of Written Black English
- Box: 10
Folder: 50
Rossmiller, Stmt. Subcommittee of Education and Labor U.S. House of Representatives
- Box: 10
Folder: 51
Russell, Intelligibility and Embedded Sentences
- Box: 10
Folder: 52
Russell, Early English Acquisition by Young Spanish Speakers
- Box: 10
Folder: 53
Russell and Snow, Acquisition of the English Auxiliary by Spanish Speaking Children
- Box: 10
Folder: 54
Russell and Snow, Production of the Can/Can't Distinct
- Box: 10
Folder: 55
Ruwet, Adverbs. A Note on the Question: Where do they come from?
- Box: 10
Folder: 56
Sadock, Aspects of Linguistic Pragmatics
- Box: 10
Folder: 57
Sankoff, dialectology
- Box: 10
Folder: 58
Sasanuma, et. Al., Impairment of the Kanji and Kana Processings in Aphasic Patients
- Box: 10
Folder: 59
Schanks, Conceptual Dependency: A theory of Natural Lang. Understand, Computer Sci. Dept. and Comm. On Ling.
- Box: 10
Folder: 60
Scank, 'Semantics' in Conceptual Analysis, Lingua 30,1972
- Box: 10
Folder: 61
Scheffe, A method For Judging All Contrast In the Analysis of Variance
- Box: 10
Folder: 62
Schegloff, Sequencing in Conversational Openings
- Box: 10
Folder: 63
Schiefelbusch and Lloyd, Contents, Language Perspectives-Acquisitions, Retardation and Intervention
- Box: 10
Folder: 64
Schotta, Toward Standard English Through Writing - An Experiment in Prince Edward County, Virginia
- Box: 10
Folder: 65
Schrauzer and Rhead, Ascorbic Acid Abuse: Effects of Long Term Ingestion of Excess Amounts on Blood Levels
- Box: 10
Folder: 66
Scott, Attitude Measurement
- Box: 10
Folder: 67
Scriven, Evaluation Perspectives and Procedures in Popham
- Box: 10
Folder: 68
Scriven, Explanations, Predictions, and Laws, Scientific Explanation Space and Time,1962
University of Minnesota
- Box: 10
Folder: 69
Searle, Classification of Illocutionary Acts
- Box: 10
Folder: 70
Shamis, et. Al., Artificial Intelligence: Bibliog. Compiled/ Schizaphenologists Perspective
- Box: 10
Folder: 71
Sheldon, The Acquisition of Relative Clauses In English: the Role of the Anti-Interruption Principle
- Box: 10
Folder: 72
Sheldon, On Strategies for Processing Relative Clauses: A Comparison of Children and Adults
- Box: 10
Folder: 73
Sheldon, Recognition/Relative Clauses in French and English: Implication for Lang. Learning Universals
- Box: 10
Folder: 74
Sheldon, The Role of Parallel Function in the Acquisition of Relative Clauses in English
- Box: 10
Folder: 75
Sherman, Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling: A Monte Carlo Study
- Box: 10
Folder: 76
Shoemaker, A Fortran IV Program for the ANOVA by the Method of unweighted means
- Box: 10
Folder: 77
Shuy, A Selective Bibliography on Social Dialects
- Box: 10
Folder: 78
Shuy, Psycholinguistic Attitude Study: Detroit Michigan
- Box: 10
Folder: 79
Shuy, A Selective Bibliography on Social Dialects
- Box: 10
Folder: 80
Sixth Annual Child Language Research Forum
- Box: 10
Folder: 81
Sledd, Bi-dialectalism: The Linguistic of White Supremacy
- Box: 10
Folder: 82
Slobin, Early Grammatical Development in Several Language with Special Attention to Soviet Research
- Box: 10
Folder: 83
Smith and Duncan, Advanced Sampling Problems, Sampling Statistics and Applications: Fund./Theory States,1945
- Box: 10
Folder: 84
Smith, Alfred Binet's Remarkable Question: Analysis of Cultural Biases
- Box: 10
Folder: 85
Snow and Legum, Syntactic Correlates of Composition Quality
- Box: 11
Folder: 1
Wolfram, On What basis Variable Rules
- Box: 11
Folder: 2
Winograd, Five Lectures on Artificial Intelligence
- Box: 11
Folder: 3
Wolfram and Whiteman, The Role of Dialect Interference in Composition
- Box: 11
Folder: 4
Williams, The Bitch Test: Black Intelligence Test of Cultural homogeneity
- Box: 11
Folder: 5
Williams, Tell Martha Not to Moan
- Box: 11
Folder: 6
Williams, Polyanova: A General Purpose Fortran IV Prog./Trend Analysis w/Equal-Unequal Space Levels-Variables
- Box: 11
Folder: 7
Wilcox, A Note on the Length and Passing Score of a Mastery test
- Box: 11
Folder: 8
Where Failure Make the Grade: Two Schools for Dropouts
- Box: 11
Folder: 9
Western. Aug. Some Remarks on the Use of English Adverbs,1906
Englischen Stuien 36
- Box: 11
Folder: 10
Weinreich, et. Al.
- Box: 11
Folder: 11
Watson, The Discovery of X-Rays
- Box: 11
Folder: 12
Soulfood Chitlings test
- Box: 11
Folder: 13
Wason, the Contexts of Plausible Denial
- Box: 11
Folder: 14
Washington Dialect Study Questionnaire, Part I Elicitation of Narrative
- Box: 11
Folder: 15
Wall and Rosembaum, The Auxiliary As A Muddy Turtle of If One Verb Won't Do it, Will three more
- Box: 11
Folder: 16
Wall, Selectional Restrictions on Subjects and Transitive Verbs
- Box: 11
Folder: 17
Thompson, On Subjectless Gerunds in English
- Box: 11
Folder: 18
Thompson, The Underlying Structure of Relative Clauses
- Box: 11
Folder: 19
Thompson, On the Notion 'Subjoined Clause'
- Box: 11
Folder: 20
Thompson, Instead of and Rather Than Clause in English
- Box: 11
Folder: 21
Thompson, Relative Clause Structures and Constraint on type of complex sentences
- Box: 11
Folder: 22
Thompson, Handout for Seminar
- Box: 11
Folder: 23
Thompson, Instructions
- Box: 11
Folder: 24
Thompson, Semantic Theory of adverbs
- Box: 11
Folder: 25
Thompson, et. Al., Who is 'Daddy'? (Revisited). The Status of Two-Year-Old's over-Extended
- Box: 11
Folder: 26
Thomason and Stalnaker, A Semantic Theory of Adverbs
- Box: 11
Folder: 27
Thomason, Species, Determinate and Natural Kinds
- Box: 11
Folder: 28
Thomason, Some extension of Montague Grammar
- Box: 11
Folder: 29
Stolz and Bills, Investigation of Standard-Nonstandard
- Box: 11
Folder: 30
Stanford University Child Language Research From
- Box: 11
Folder: 31
Stalnaker, Pragmatics
- Box: 11
Folder: 32
Stalnakers, Pragmatic pre-suppositions
- Box: 11
Folder: 33
Solan and Roeper, Children's Use of Syntactic Structure in Interpreting Relative Clause
- Box: 11
Folder: 34
Wirth, Derivation of Cleft Sentences in English
- Box: 11
Folder: 35
Wisdom, et. Al., Symposium: Other Minds
- Box: 11
Folder: 36
Wise, The Taming of NIE; A Personal View
- Box: 11
Folder: 37
Wolck and Matthews, A preliminary classification of adverbs in English (IU),August 1965
- Box: 11
Folder: 38
Wolfram, Black-White Speech Differences Revisited
- Box: 11
Folder: 39
Wolfram, Ibid.
- Box: 11
Folder: 40
Wolfram, Sociolinguistic alternatives in teaching reading to non-standard speaker (2 files)
- Box: 11
Folder: 41
Wolfram and Fasold, A Black English Translation of John 3: 1-21 With Grammatical Annotations,1969
- Box: 11
Folder: 42
V. Wolfram, A Sociolinguistic Description of Detroit Negro Speech,November 1969
- Box: 11
Folder: 43
Yeager and Benjamin, A List of Noun Homographs in English
- Box: 11
Folder: 44
Young and Cliff, Interactive Scaling with Individual Subjects
- Box: 11
Folder: 45
Young, Conjoint Scaling
- Box: 11
Folder: 46
Young, A Fortran IV Program for Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling
- Box: 11
Folder: 47
Young, Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling: Recovery of Metric Information
- Box: 11
Folder: 48
Young, Nonmetric Scaling of Line lengths using Latencies, Similarity, and Same-Different judgments
- Box: 11
Folder: 49
Young, Polynomial Conjoint Analysis: Some Second-Order Partial Derivatives
- Box: 11
Folder: 50
Zubin, Experimental Validation of a Linguistic Analysis
- Box: 11
Folder: 51
Zwicky, Auxiliary Reduction in English
- Box: 12
Folder: 1
Henrie, A study of Verb Phrases Used by Five Year Old Nonstandard Negro English Speaking Children,June 1960
- Box: 12
Folder: 2
Redden, Department of Linguistics, Occasional Papers on Linguistics, Number 1: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Frontiers in Language proficiency and Dominance Testing, Held at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,April 21-23, 1977
- Box: 12
Folder: 3
Horn, On the Semantic Properties of Logical Operators in English,1972
A Dissertation, University of California
- Box: 13
Folder: 1
Foundation of Language, Volume 5, No. 2,May 1969
- Box: 13
Folder: 2
Houston, Child Black English in Northern Florida: A sociolinguistic Examination,September 1969
Monograph No. 3
- Box: 13
Folder: 3
Jackendoff, Some Rules of Semantic Interpretation For English,June 1969
Chapters 1, 2, 3, Massachusetts
- Box: 13
Folder: 4
Partee, Negation, Conjunction, And Quantifiers: Syntax VS. Semantics,1970
Foundation of Language 6, 153 - 165
- Box: 13
Folder: 5
Hart, et. Al. Your Children's Language: A Key to Child Literacy
- Box: 13
Folder: 6
Finm, Multivariance, Univariate and Multivariate Analysis of Variance, Covariance, and Regress,June 1968
New York, Version 4
- Box: 13
Folder: 7
A Preliminary Bibliography of American English Dialects,November 1969
- Box: 13
Folder: 8
Emonds, Root and Structure-Preserving Transformations,June 1970
Indiana University
- Box: 13
Folder: 9
Gleitman, Compound Nouns and English Speakers,November 10, 1967
- Box: 13
Folder: 10
Duncan, Report: Dominguez Hills Dialect Studies,October 1970
California State College
- Box: 13
Folder: 11
Confer, Linguistic Variability in a Philadelphia Speech Community,1972
- Box: 13
Folder: 12
Carroll, Development of Native Language Skills Beyond the Early Years,June 1968
- Box: 13
Folder: 13
Carden, Logical Predicates and Idiolect Variation in English,1970
- Box: 13
Folder: 14
Bills, On Case in Quechua,May 1969
Dissertation, Texas
- Box: 13
Folder: 15
Becker, Generative Phonology and Dialect Study: An Investigation of Three Modern German Dialects,August 1967
- Box: 13
Folder: 16
Brown and Hanlon, Derivational Complexity and Order of Acquisition in Child Speech,1968
Harvard University
- Box: 13
Folder: 17
Berdiansky, et. Al., Design for Sequencing Spelling-to-Sound Correspondences in Mod 2 Reading Program,June 4, 1971
Volume II
- Box: 13
Folder: 18
Berdiansky, Ibid
Volume I
- Box: 13
Folder: 19
Aarons, et. Al. Linguistic-Cultural Differences and American Education,Spring/Summer 1969
The Florida FL Reporter: A Language Education Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1
- Box: 13
Folder: 20
Ferguson, Baby Talk in Sin Language
- Box: 13
Folder: 21
Fischer, Syntax and Social Structure: Truk and Ponape
- Box: 13
Folder: 22
Gumperz, On the Ethnology of Linguistic Change
- Box: 13
Folder: 23
Hymes, two Types of Linguistic Relativity: Some Examples from American Ethnology
- Box: 13
Folder: 24
Malkiel, Some Diachronic Implications of Fluid Speech Communities
- Box: 13
Folder: 25
Samarin, Self-Annulling Prestige Factors Among Speakers of a Creole Language
- Box: 14
Folder: 1
Labov, et. Al., A study of the Non-Standard English of Negro and Puerto Rican Speakers of New York City,1968
Columbia University, Volume 1
- Box: 14
Folder: 2
Browning, Contrastive Collacational Analysis: Examples from Hindi and English,1967
Dissertation, Austin
- Box: 14
Folder: 3
Huang, A study of Adverbs,1970
Dissertation, Ohio
- Box: 14
Folder: 4
Jonas, Translation of programming Languages,June 1968
Dissertation, Texas
- Box: 14
Folder: 5
Joos, Readings in Linguistics: The Development of descriptive Linguistics in America since 1925,1963
New York
- Box: 14
Folder: 6
Kennedy, Children's Comprehension of Natural Language,November 1970
- Box: 14
Folder: 7
Labov, et. Al. Vol.1, pp. 95-245,1968
- Box: 14
Folder: 8
Labov, Ibid, Vol. 1, pp. 246-375
- Box: 14
Folder: 9
Labov, Ibid, Vol. 2, pp. 196-end
- Box: 14
Folder: 10
Labov, Ibid, Vol. 2, p. 195
- Box: 14
Folder: 11
Lakoff, On the Nature of Syntactic Irregularity,1965
- Box: 14
Folder: 12
McCoard, The Methods of Dialectology,March 27, 1972
- Box: 14
Folder: 13
Penn, Linguistic Relativity Versus Innate Ideas: the Origins of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis in German Though of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries,June 1966
- Box: 14
Folder: 14
Nida, Morphology: The Descriptive Analysis of Words,1965
- Box: 14
Folder: 15
Pike, Phonemics: A Technique for Reducing Languages to Writing,1961
- Box: 14
Folder: 16
Pittman and Kerr, Papers on the Language of the Australian Aborigines,1964
- Box: 14
Folder: 17
Rand, The Syntax of Chinese Interrogative Structures,April 16, 1966
- Box: 14
Folder: 18
Ross, Constraints on Variables in Syntax,September 1967
- Box: 14
Folder: 19
Stolz and Bills, Child Development Evaluation and Research Center,August 1968
- Box: 15
Folder: 1
UCLA Conference, On Historical Linguistics,1969
- Box: 15
Folder: 2
UCLA Conference, On Historical Linguistics
- Box: 15
Folder: 3
LSA Meeting,Winter 1970
- Box: 15
Folder: 4
L.S.A. Meeting,Summer meeting
- Box: 15
Folder: 5
LSA Meeting,December 1969
- Box: 15
Folder: 6
American Education Research: Association Conference,1969
- Box: 15
Folder: 7
Performadilla Conference
Program and Notes by S. Legum
- Box: 15
Folder: 8
Rudegeair, technical Report No. 146: The Effect of Contextual Influence on Children's Discrimination of initial Consonants,September 1970
- Box: 15
Folder: 9
Rudegeair and Kamil, Technical Report No. 118: Assessment of Phonological Discrimination in Children,1970
- Box: 15
Folder: 10
Stechnow, Linguistische Berichte 13,1971
- Box: 15
Folder: 11
Lehiste, et. Al. Working Papers in Linguistics No. 12,June 1972
- Box: 15
Folder: 12
Research Foundation: Project on Linguistic Analysis Report No. II,June 1965
Ohio State University
- Box: 15
Folder: 13
Research Foundation: Working Papers in Linguistics,December 1976
Ohio State University
- Box: 15
Folder: 14
Herbert, Proceedings of the Sixth Conference On African Linguistics,April 12-13, 1975
Ohio State University
- Box: 15
Folder: 15
Herbert, Patterns in Language, Culture, And Sub-Saharan Africa,April 11, 1975
Ohio State University
- Box: 15
Folder: 16
Garvey and Baldwin, Studies in Convergent Communication: III Comparisons of Child and Adult Performance,February 1971
The John Hopkins University, Report No. 94
- Box: 15
Folder: 17
Garvey and Baldwin, Studies in Convergent Communication: I Analysis of Verbal Interaction,February 1970
The John Hopkins University, Report No. 88
- Box: 15
Folder: 18
Garvey and Baldwin, Studies in Convergent Communication: II A measure of Communication Accuracy,February 1970
The John Hopkins University, Report No. 71
- Box: 15
Folder: 19
Garvey and Baldwin, A Self-Instructional Program in Standard English: development and Evaluation,September 1969
- Box: 15
Folder: 20
Guthrie, Feedback and Sentence Learning,June 1970
The John Hopkins University, Report No. 71
- Box: 15
Folder: 21
Grosu, The Strategic Content of Island Constraints: Working Papers in Linguistics No. 13,December 1972
- Box: 15
Folder: 22
Geis, et. Al., Mostly Syntax and Semantics: Working Papers in Linguistics No. 16,December 1973
- Box: 15
Folder: 23
Gendel, et. Al., Working Papers in Linguistics No. 18,June 1975
- Box: 15
Folder: 24
Fillmoe, Working Papers in Linguistics No. 10,August 1971
- Box: 15
Folder: 25
Garnica, Papers in Psycholinguistics, Working Papers in Linguistics No. 22,February 1977
- Box: 15
Folder: 26
Garnes et. Al. Working Papers in Linguistics No. 17,May 1974
- Box: 15
Folder: 27
Drachman, et. Al. Working Papers in Linguistics No. 15,April 1873
- Box: 15
Folder: 28
Fillmore, Indirect Object Constructions in English and the Ordering of Transformation,February 1962
- Box: 15
Folder: 29
Fillmore, et. Al., The Position of Embedding Transformations in a Grammar,March 1963
- Box: 15
Folder: 30
Fillmore, et. Al., Project On Linguistic Analysis Report no. 13,August 1966
- Box: 15
Folder: 31
Schachter and Bedell, Critiques of Syntactic Studies II,March 1973
- Box: 15
Folder: 32
Bedell, Studies In East Asian Syntax,October 1972
- Box: 15
Folder: 33
Bedell, Exploration in Syntactic Theory,July 1972
- Box: 16
Folder: 1
Niedermeyer, Prototype Testing in Instructional Development,1972
SWRL Working Papers, California
- Box: 16
Folder: 2
McManus, Design of an Instructional Management System,1972
SWRL Working Papers, California
- Box: 16
Folder: 3
Follettie and Teplitzky, Computer-Based Systems to Facilitate Instructional Development,1973
SWRL Working Papers, California
- Box: 16
Folder: 4
Bessemer and Smith, The Integration of Content, Task and Skills Analysis Techniques in Instructional Design,1974
SWRL Working Papers, California
- Box: 16
Folder: 5
Jensen, How Much can We Boost IQ and Scholastic Achievement,Winter 1969
Harvard Educational Review Vol. 39 No. 1
- Box: 16
Folder: 6
Follettie, Achievement Information Monitoring in Schools (AIM)
- Box: 16
Folder: 7
Larger Straws, SWRL Educational Research and Development,May 1, 1976
Professional Papers 36
- Box: 16
Folder: 8
Garcia, et. Al., Research in the Black Community: A Need For Self-Determination,October 1969
SWRL, SR10 30
- Box: 16
Folder: 9
Follettie, Semiautomation of Instructional Status Information (ISI): Characteristics of a School-Sited Electronic System (SSE),April 21, 1976
- Box: 16
Folder: 10
Tosti, Domestic Crisis Intervention: A Text for Law Enforcement Officers
NCED, San Franciso
- Box: 16
Folder: 11
Thompson, On Relative Clause Structures in Relation to the Nature of Sentence Complexity,Fall, 1969
- Box: 16
Folder: 12
Shuy, et. Al., Sociolinguistic Theory, Materials and Training Programs: Three Related Studies,1970
Washington D.C.
- Box: 16
Folder: 13
Shuy, et. Al., Linguistic Correlates of Social Stratification in Detroit,1967
Cooperative Research Project No. 6-1347, Michigan
- Box: 16
Folder: 14
Sheldon, The Acquisition of Relative Clauses in English,1972
- Box: 16
Folder: 15
Symposium on Multilingualism: Second Meeting of the Inter-African Committee On Linguistic,1962
- Box: 16
Folder: 16
Rosenbaum, Language Universals and Zapotec Syntax,1974
- Box: 16
Folder: 17
Robson, On the Generation of Passive Constructions in English,1972
- Box: 16
Folder: 18
Pfaff, A Sociolinguistic Study of Black Children in Los Angeles,1973
- Box: 17
Folder: 1
Perlmutter, deep and Surface Structure Constraints in Syntax,1968
- Box: 17
Folder: 2
West, Bilingualism
Ch. 7 - end (pp. 202-354)
- Box: 17
Folder: 3
West, Bilingualism
Through - Ch. VI (pp. 1-201)
- Box: 17
Folder: 4
Pope, Questions and Answers In English,1972
- Box: 17
Folder: 5
Torrey, The Language of Black Children in the Early Grades,February 1972
- Box: 17
Folder: 6
Williams, et. Al. Attitudinal Correlates of Children's Speech Characteristics,March 1971
- Box: 17
Folder: 7
Williams, Quechua Phonology,1968
- Box: 17
Folder: 8
Wolfram, Social Dialects From a Linguistic Perspective: Assumptions, Current Research, and Future Directions,1969
- Box: 17
Folder: 9
Wolfram and Fasold, Overlapping Influence in the English of Second Generation Puerto Rican Teenagers in Harlem,1971
Washington D.C. pp. 1-178
- Box: 17
Folder: 10
Wolfram and Fasold, Ibid
pp. 179-355
- Box: 17
Folder: 11
Wolfram and Fasol, Ibid
pp. 356-452
- Box: 17
Folder: 12
Wolfram and Christian, Sociolinguistic Variables in Appalachian Dialects,1975
- Box: 18
Folder: 1
Linguistic Analysis,1975
New York, Volume 1. No. 1
- Box: 18
Folder: 2
AERA Annual meeting Program,April 13-17, 1981
Los Angeles
- Box: 18
Folder: 3
Meeting Handbook, Linguistic Society of America, Forty Second Annual meeting,December 28-30, 1967
Chicago, Illinois
- Box: 18
Folder: 4
Newsletter of the American Dialect Society,February and June 1974
Volume 6 No. 1 and No. 2
- Box: 18
Folder: 5
Newsletter of the American Dialect Society,November 1974
Volume 6 No. 3
- Box: 18
Folder: 6
Newsletter of the American Dialect Society,June 1976
Volume 8 No. 2
- Box: 18
Folder: 7
Passow, Secondary Reform: Retrospect and Prospect,1976
Columbia University
- Box: 18
Folder: 8
Meeting Handbook, Linguistic Society of America: Forty Eighth Annual Meeting,December 28-30, 1973
San Diego, California
- Box: 18
Folder: 9
Meeting Handbook, Linguistic Society of America: Fifty First Annual Meeting,December 28-30, 1976
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Box: 18
Folder: 10
Clark, Marietta, Ohio: The Continuing Erosion of a Speech Island,26390
Publication of the American Dialect Society, Number 57
- Box: 18
Folder: 11
Foley, A Phonological and Lexical Study of the Speech of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama,November 1972
Publication of the American Dialect Society, Number 56
- Box: 18
Folder: 12
Preston, Bituminous Coal Mining Vocabulary of the Eastern United States,April 1973
Publication of the American Dialect Society, Number 59
- Box: 18
Folder: 13
Newsletter of the International Computer Archie of Modern English (ICAME),November 1981
Oslo, No. 5
- Box: 18
Folder: 14
Regional Language Studies,January 15, 1971
Newfoundland, No. 3
- Box: 18
Folder: 15
Dijik and Petofi, Text: an Interdisciplinary Journal for the study of Discourse,1981
Volume 1-1
- Box: 18
Folder: 16
Meeting Handbook, Linguistic Society of America, Fortieth Annual Meeting,December 28-30, 1965
Chicago, Illinois
- Box: 18
Folder: 17
Meeting Handbook, Linguistic Society of America, Forty Third Annual Meeting,December 28-30, 1968
New York, New York
- Box: 18
Folder: 18
Meeting Handbook, Linguistic Society of America, Forty Fourth Annual Meeting,December 28-30, 1969
San Francisco, California
- Box: 18
Folder: 19
Meeting Handbook, Linguistic Society of America, Forty Fifth Annual Meeting,December 28-30, 1970
Washington D.C.
- Box: 18
Folder: 20
Meeting Handbook, Linguistic Society of America, Forty Sixth Annual Meeting,December 28-30, 1971
St. Louis, Missouri
- Box: 18
Folder: 21
Meeting Handbook, Linguistic Society of America, Forty Ninth Annual Meeting,December 28-30, 1974
New York, New York
- Box: 18
Folder: 22
Meeting Handbook, Linguistic Society of America, Fiftieth Annual Meeting,December 28-30, 1975
San Francisco, California
- Box: 18
Folder: 23
Meeting Handbook, Linguistic Society of America, Fifty Second Annual Meeting,December 28-30, 1977
Chicago, Illinois
- Box: 18
Folder: 24
Program of the 69th Annual Meeting: American Anthropological Association,November 19-22, 1970
San Diego, California
- Box: 18
Folder: 25
Annual Meeting Program, American Educational Research Association,February 25 - March 1, 1973
New Orleans, Louisiana