Local History and Special Collections Branch, Alexandria Library
717 Queen StreetAlexandria, VA 22314
Business Number: 703-746-1791
URL: http://alexlibraryva.org/lhsc
Michele Lee, Reference Librarian and Adrian Vaagenes
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
[Item identification], Helen Norris Cummings Papers, Ms. 72, Alexandria Library, Local History/Special Collections, Alexandria, Va.
Biographical / Historical
Helen Norris Cummings, daughter of Norris Cummings (1834-1904) and Emma Ricketts Cummings (d. 1930), resided in Alexandria from about 1894 until 1949, the time of her death. The family came from Philadelphia, where Norris had been involved in "William Cummings and Son," his family's international shipping business. Helen was active in community affairs. In 1894 she founded the Cameron Club, a member of the Federation of Women's Clubs. (See Cameron Club Collection). She also held various positions in the Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs. Much of her activity within the clubs, particularly starting around 1920, was devoted to tracking communist, socialist, and jewish groups and dispersing anti-radical literature within her womens groups.
Content Description
This collection consists of the research materials of Helen Norris Cummings, founder of the Cameron Club, member of the Federation of Women's Club, and local historian.
The correspondence spans the period from 1870 to 1943. Most of the pre-1905 letters deal with genealogy, and the majority of these are addressed to Emma, Helen's mother. Approximately half of the 1905 to 1920 letters are also Emma's. Many of Helen's letters deal with political issues, such as immigration and radicalism. Box 72E Folder 4 contains numerous letters from congressmen. These appear to be responses to her comments on immigration. Among the agencies from which she received letters are the National Republic, The Movement Against Socialism in the Church, and the Industrial Defense Association. The subject files contain mostly printed matter and a few pieces of correspondence and appear to largely center aroound communist and socialist activity. They served to keep track of supposed subversive activity by groups and people that were either openly or suspected socialists, or communists. This material was not only for personal reference, but was shared amongst the many womens groups she was a part of. These files are divided into two subseries: "Subject-Who's Who" and "Subject." Handwritten notes on many documents indicate that Helen kept files on (at least) people, legislation, nations, and organizations. She wrote "Who's Who" on materials relating to particular individuals. Only part of the index to her files remains. It appears that she divided the subjects into broad topics and then alphabetized them within each topic. According to the surviving index (Box 72N Folder 15), File #5 was "Patriotism and History," and File #3 was "Radicalism." Because it is impossible to reconstruct the entire filing system, the folder titles reflect either folders that remained from her file cabinets, or were created because Cummings labelled papers. For example, when Lloyd House received this collection there was not a folder labelled "Labor." One was created, however, because Helen wrote "Labor" at the top of a pamphlet. The miscellaneous sections at the end of each subseries are a catch-all, not created by Helen. Because of the overlap of people with subjects, and subjects with other subjects, information in folders are not exclusive. For example, there is a "Who's Who" folder on Earl Browder, the Communist Party's candidate for president in 1936 and 1940. These is also a "Subject" folder on the Communist Party. Necessarily, these two overlap. The folders "Trials," "Citizenship," "Immigration," and "Constitution-U.S." contain articles about, or letters to newspaper editors, written by Helen. Several folders, particularly "Immigration," and "Subsidiary Movements," contain issues of "The Daily Data Sheet of the Key Men in America." The purpose of these appears to provide information about Communist and Socialist activities in the U.S. At least one clipping in the subject files was printed after Helen's death. This may have occurred because Esther Green continued to maintain these files. The Personal/Family series contains genealogical information, as well as obituaries of Helen, Norris, William Cummings (Helen's grandfather), and various other relatives. The oversize materials include a clip sheet from the National Patriotic Council and approximately a dozen posters in Russian. There are also a few anti-Communism and anti- Socialism posters. The bound volumes include Helen's diaries from 1894 to 1929 (not a complete set), an account book, a letter book, a prayer book, and an autograph book.
This collection is organized into five series: Correspondence, Subject Files, Personal/Family, Oversize, and Bound Volumes. Also, at the end of the collection (Boxes 72V and 72W) are two boxes of unidentified photo plates.
Separated Material
Photos were transferred to the photograph collection. The photos from this collection and the Esther Green Collection are mixed. Also, papers relating to the Ricketts family are now in the Ricketts Collection.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- American Defense Society.
- Americanization.
- Anti-communist movements -- United States.
- Antisemitism -- United States.
- Auxiliary National Patriotic Council
- Cameron Club
- Churchwoman's Patriotic League
- Colonial Dames of America
- Council of the Original Thirteen States
- Daughters of the American Revolution -- Alexandria (Va.)
- Industrial Defense Association
- Movement Against Socialism in the Church
- National Patriotic Council
- Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs
Container List
- Text box: 1 folder: 1
- Text box: 1 folder: 2
- Text box: 1 folder: 3
- Text box: 1 folder: 4
- Text box: 1 folder: 5
- Text box: 1 folder: 6
- Text box: 1 folder: 7
- Text box: 1 folder: 8
- Text box: 1 folder: 9
- Text box: 1 folder: 10
- Text box: 1 folder: 11
- Text box: 1 folder: 12
- Text box: 1 folder: 13
- Text box: 1 folder: 14
- Text box: 1 folder: 15
- Text box: 1 folder: 16
- Text box: 1 folder: 17
- Text box: 1 folder: 18
- Text box: 2 folder: 1
- Text box: 2 folder: 2
- Text box: 2 folder: 3
- Text box: 2 folder: 4
- Text box: 2 folder: 5
- Text box: 2 folder: 6
- Text box: 2 folder: 7
- Text box: 2 folder: 8
- Text box: 2 folder: 9
- Text box: 2 folder: 10
- Text box: 2 folder: 11
- Text box: 2 folder: 12
- Text box: 2 folder: 13
- Text box: 2 folder: 14
- Text box: 3 folder: 1
- Text box: 3 folder: 2
- Text box: 3 folder: 3
- Text box: 3 folder: 4
- Text box: 3 folder: 5
- Text box: 3 folder: 6
- Text box: 3 folder: 7
- Text box: 3 folder: 8
- Text box: 3 folder: 9
- Text box: 3 folder: 10
- Text box: 3 folder: 11
- Text box: 3 folder: 12
- Text box: 4 folder: 1
- Text box: 4 folder: 2
- Text box: 4 folder: 3
- Text box: 4 folder: 4
- Text box: 4 folder: 5
- Text box: 4 folder: 6
- Text box: 4 folder: 7
- Text box: 4 folder: 8
- Text box: 4 folder: 9
- Text box: 4 folder: 10
- Text box: 4 folder: 11
- Text box: 4 folder: 12
- Text box: 4 folder: 13
- Text box: 4 folder: 14
- Text box: 4 folder: 15
- Text box: 5 folder: 1
- Text box: 5 folder: 2
- Text box: 5 folder: 3
- Text box: 5 folder: 4
- Text box: 5 folder: 5
- Text box: 5 folder: 6
- Text box: 5 folder: 7
- Text box: 5 folder: 8
- Text box: 5 folder: 9
- Text box: 5 folder: 10
- Text box: 5 folder: 11
- Text box: 5 folder: 12
- Text box: 5 folder: 13
- Text box: 6 folder: 1
- Text box: 6 folder: 2
- Text box: 6 folder: 3
- Text box: 6 folder: 4
- Text box: 6 folder: 5
- Text box: 6 folder: 6
- Text box: 6 folder: 7
- Text box: 6 folder: 8
- Text box: 6 folder: 9
- Text box: 6 folder: 10
- Text box: 6 folder: 11
- Text box: 6 folder: 12
- Text box: 6 folder: 13
- Text box: 6 folder: 14
- Text box: 6 folder: 15
- Text box: 6 folder: 16
- Text box: 6 folder: 17
- Text box: 6 folder: 18
- Text box: 6 folder: 19
- Text box: 6 folder: 20
- Text box: 7 folder: 1
- Text box: 7 folder: 2
- Text box: 7 folder: 3
- Text box: 7 folder: 4
- Text box: 7 folder: 5
- Text box: 7 folder: 6
- Text box: 7 folder: 7
- Text box: 7 folder: 8
- Text box: 7 folder: 9
- Text box: 7 folder: 10
- Text box: 7 folder: 11
- Text box: 7 folder: 12
- Text box: 7 folder: 13
- Text box: 7 folder: 14
- Text box: 7 folder: 15
- Text box: 7 folder: 16
- Text box: 7 folder: 17
Correspondence - undated
- Text box: 7 folder: 18
Correspondence - undated
- Text box: 8 folder: 1
Who's Who Jane Addams
- Text box: 8 folder: 2
Who's Who Roger N. Baldwin
- Text box: 8 folder: 3
Who's Who William H. Borah
- Text box: 8 folder: 4
Who's Who Earl Browder
- Text box: 8 folder: 5
Who's Who S. Parkes Cadman
- Text box: 8 folder: 8
Who's Who Carrie Chapman Catt
- Text box: 8 folder: 7
Who's Who Clarence Darrow
- Text box: 8 folder: 8
Who's Who Jesse Dell
- Text box: 8 folder: 9
Who's Who John Dewey
- Text box: 8 folder: 10
Who's Who Sherwood Eddy
- Text box: 8 folder: 11
Who's Who Albert Einstein
- Text box: 8 folder: 12
Who's Who Harry E. Fosdick
- Text box: 8 folder: 13
Who's Who Felix Frankfurter
- Text box: 8 folder: 14
Who's Who Elizabeth Gilman
- Text box: 8 folder: 15
Who's Who Carter Glass
- Text box: 8 folder: 16
Who's Who Emma Goldman
- Text box: 8 folder: 17
Who's Who William Green
- Text box: 8 folder: 18
Who's Who E. Julius Haldeman
- Text box: 8 folder: 19
Who's Who Norman Hapgood
- Text box: 8 folder: 20
Who's Who Carlton J.H. Hayes
- Text box: 8 folder: 21
Who's Who Carlton J.H. Hayes
- Text box: 8 folder: 22
Who's Who William R. Hearst
- Text box: 8 folder: 23
Who's Who Patrick Henry
- Text box: 8 folder: 24
Who's Who Stanley High
- Text box: 8 folder: 25
Who's Who Adolf Hitler
- Text box: 8 folder: 26
Who's Who John Haynes Holmes
- Text box: 8 folder: 27
Who's Who Leta S. Hollingsworth
- Text box: 8 folder: 28
Who's Who Herbert Hoover
- Text box: 8 folder: 29
Who's Who Rupert Hughes
- Text box: 8 folder: 30
Who's Who Cordell/William Hull
- Text box: 8 folder: 31
Who's Who Inez Haynes Irwin
- Text box: 8 folder: 32
Who's Who Rufus M. Jones
- Text box: 8 folder: 33
Who's Who Michael Karolyi
- Text box: 8 folder: 34
Who's Who Paul F. Kassay
- Text box: 8 folder: 35
Who's Who Florence Kelley
- Text box: 8 folder: 36
Who's Who Alexander Kollentay
- Text box: 8 folder: 37
Who's Who Vladimir Lenin
- Text box: 8 folder: 38
Who's Who Frederick J. Libby
- Text box: 8 folder: 39
Who's Who Maxim Litinov
- Text box: 9 folder: 1
Who's Who Broadus Mitchell
- Text box: 9 folder: 2
Who's Who Tom Mooney
- Text box: 9 folder: 3
Who's Who Scott Nearing
- Text box: 9 folder: 4
Who's Who Ben Newman
- Text box: 9 folder: 5
Who's Who George W. Norris
- Text box: 9 folder: 6
Who's Who Eugene O'Neill
- Text box: 9 folder: 7
Who's Who Kirby Page
- Text box: 9 folder: 8
Who's Who Maude Wood Park
- Text box: 9 folder: 9
Who's Who Frances Perkins
- Text box: 9 folder: 10
Who's Who John Reed
- Text box: 9 folder: 11
Who's Who Maude Royden
- Text box: 9 folder: 12
Who's Who Eleanor Roosevelt
- Text box: 9 folder: 13
Who's Who Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Text box: 9 folder: 14
Who's Who Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Text box: 9 folder: 15
Who's Who Bertrand Russell
- Text box: 9 folder: 16
Who's Who Charles E. Ruthenberg
- Text box: 9 folder: 17
Who's Who John Sayre
- Text box: 9 folder: 18
Who's Who Rose Schneidermann
- Text box: 9 folder: 19
Who's Who Rosika Schwimmer
- Text box: 9 folder: 20
Who's Who Al Smith
- Text box: 9 folder: 21
Who's Who Charles H. Smith
- Text box: 9 folder: 22
Who's Who Anna Louise Strong
- Text box: 9 folder: 23
Who's Who Norman Thomas
- Text box: 9 folder: 24
Who's Who William Allen White
- Text box: 9 folder: 25
Who's Who Charles A. Whitney
- Text box: 9 folder: 26
Who's Who A-B misc.
- Text box: 9 folder: 27
Who's Who D-H misc.
- Text box: 9 folder: 28
Who's Who I-M misc.
- Text box: 9 folder: 29
Who's Who N-W misc.
- Text box: 9 folder: 30
American Alliance of the U.S.
- Text box: 9 folder: 31
American Arbitration Association
- Text box: 9 folder: 32
American Defense Society
- Text box: 9 folder: 33
American Federation of Teachers
- Text box: 9 folder: 34
American League Against War and Fascism
- Text box: 9 folder: 35
American Legion
- Text box: 9 folder: 36
American Negro Labor Congress
- Text box: 10 folder: 1
Subject Files-American Political Prisoners League
- Text box: 10 folder: 2
Subject Files-American Vigilant Intelligence Federation
- Text box: 10 folder: 3
Subject Files-Americanization
- Text box: 10 folder: 4
Subject Files-Anti-Patriotic Activities
- Text box: 10 folder: 5
Subject Files-Arabia
- Text box: 10 folder: 6
Subject Files-Archaeology
- Text box: 10 folder: 7
Subject Files-Armistice
- Text box: 10 folder: 8
Subject Files-Army
- Text box: 10 folder: 9
Subject Files-Art and Literature
- Text box: 10 folder: 10
Subject Files-Atheism
- Text box: 10 folder: 11
Subject Files-Atheism
- Text box: 10 folder: 12
Subject Files-Atheism
- Text box: 10 folder: 13
Subject Files-Aviation
- Text box: 10 folder: 14
Subject Files-Banks and Banking, radicalism in
- Text box: 10 folder: 15
Subject Files-Battles
- Text box: 10 folder: 16
Subject Files-Belgium
- Text box: 10 folder: 17
Subject Files-Better American Federation
- Text box: 10 folder: 18
Subject Files-Bible Historical Places
- Text box: 10 folder: 19
Subject Files-Birth Control
- Text box: 10 folder: 20
Subject Files-Bolshevism
- Text box: 10 folder: 21
Subject Files-Bonus
- Text box: 10 folder: 22
Subject Files-Book Reviews
- Text box: 10 folder: 23
Subject Files-Books
- Text box: 10 folder: 24
Subject Files-British Policies
- Text box: 10 folder: 25
Subject Files-Business and Women's Professional Clubs
- Text box: 10 folder: 26
Subject Files-Bureaucracy
- Text box: 10 folder: 27
Subject Files-Calendar Simplification
- Text box: 10 folder: 28
Subject Files-Campaign Literature
- Text box: 10 folder: 29
Subject Files-Celebrations and Anniversaries, including 100th Anniversary of George Washington's Death
- Text box: 10 folder: 30
Subject Files-Celebrations and Anniversaries-Philadelphia Sesquicentennial International Exposition
- Text box: 10 folder: 31
Subject Files-China
- Text box: 11 folder: 1
Subject Files-Christ Church
- Text box: 11 folder: 2
Subject Files-Christ Church
- Text box: 11 folder: 3
Subject Files-Citizenship, American
- Text box: 11 folder: 4
Subject Files-Colonial Dames
- Text box: 11 folder: 5
Subject Files-Communist Party
- Text box: 11 folder: 6
Subject Files-Congress
- Text box: 11 folder: 7
Subject Files-Conservation
- Text box: 11 folder: 8
Subject Files-Constitution, U.S.
- Text box: 11 folder: 9
Subject Files-Constitution, U.S.
- Text box: 11 folder: 10
Subject Files-Creed, America's
- Text box: 11 folder: 11
Subject Files-Crime
- Text box: 11 folder: 12
Subject Files-D.A.R.[Daughters of the American Revolution]
- Text box: 11 folder: 13
Subject Files-D.A.R.[Daughters of the American Revolution]
- Text box: 11 folder: 14
Subject Files-D.A.R.[Daughters of the American Revolution]
- Text box: 11 folder: 15
Subject Files-Declaration of Independence
- Text box: 11 folder: 16
Subject Files-England
- Text box: 11 folder: 17
Subject Files-Expeditions of National Importance
- Text box: 11 folder: 18
Subject Files-Federal Council of the Churches
- Text box: 12 folder: 1
Subject Files-Flag, U.S.
- Text box: 12 folder: 2
Subject Files-Flag, U.S.
- Text box: 12 folder: 3
Subject Files-Foreign Policy Association
- Text box: 12 folder: 4
Subject Files-Fourth of July
- Text box: 12 folder: 5
Subject Files-France
- Text box: 12 folder: 6
Subject Files-Gadsby's Tavern
- Text box: 12 folder: 7
Subject Files-Gold
- Text box: 12 folder: 8
Subject Files-Greece
- Text box: 12 folder: 9
Subject Files-Haiti
- Text box: 12 folder: 10
Subject Files-Heller Bill
- Text box: 12 folder: 11
Subject Files-Historic Places and Events
- Text box: 12 folder: 12
Subject Files-Holland
- Text box: 12 folder: 13
Subject Files-Honduras
- Text box: 12 folder: 14
Subject Files-Immigration
- Text box: 12 folder: 15
Subject Files-Immigration
- Text box: 12 folder: 16
Subject Files-Immigration
- Text box: 12 folder: 17
Subject Files-Immigration
- Text box: 12 folder: 18
Subject Files-Immigration
- Text box: 12 folder: 19
Subject Files-Immigration
- Text box: 13 folder: 1
Subject Files-India
- Text box: 13 folder: 2
Subject Files-I.W.W. [Industrial Workers of the World]
- Text box: 13 folder: 3
Subject Files-Industry
- Text box: 13 folder: 4
Subject Files-Industry
- Text box: 13 folder: 5
Subject Files-Institute of International Education
- Text box: 13 folder: 6
Subject Files-Interlocking Directories
- Text box: 13 folder: 7
Subject Files-International Relations
- Text box: 13 folder: 8
Subject Files-Ireland
- Text box: 13 folder: 9
Subject Files-Italy
- Text box: 13 folder: 10
Subject Files-Japan, radicalism in
- Text box: 13 folder: 11
Subject Files-Jews
- Text box: 13 folder: 12
Subject Files-Jews
- Text box: 13 folder: 13
Subject Files-Jugoslavia
- Text box: 13 folder: 14
Subject Files-Kellogg Treaty or Peace Pact
- Text box: 13 folder: 15
Subject Files-Labor
- Text box: 13 folder: 16
Subject Files-League for Industrial Democracy
- Text box: 13 folder: 17
Subject Files-Marriage and Divorce
- Text box: 13 folder: 18
Subject Files-National Defense
- Text box: 13 folder: 19
Subject Files-Negroes
- Text box: 13 folder: 20
Subject Files-Peace
- Text box: 13 folder: 21
Subject Files-Sabotage, acts of
- Text box: 13 folder: 22
Subject Files-Sacco and Vanzetti
- Text box: 13 folder: 23
Subject Files-Wetha L. Sanford Alumnae Assoc.
- Text box: 13 folder: 24
Subject Files-Save Our Schools Committee
- Text box: 13 folder: 25
Subject Files-Science League of America
- Text box: 13 folder: 26
Subject Files-Sex
- Text box: 13 folder: 27
Subject Files-Siam
- Text box: 13 folder: 28
Subject Files-Slacker's Oath
- Text box: 13 folder: 29
Subject Files-Slogans
- Text box: 13 folder: 30
Subject Files-Slums
- Text box: 13 folder: 31
Subject Files-Social Security
- Text box: 14 folder: 1
Subject Files-Socialism
- Text box: 14 folder: 2
Subject Files-South America, radicalism in
- Text box: 14 folder: 3
Subject Files-Spain
- Text box: 14 folder: 4
Subject Files-Spy System
- Text box: 14 folder: 5
Subject Files-Strikes
- Text box: 14 folder: 6
Subject Files-Students International Union
- Text box: 14 folder: 7
Subject Files-Subsidiary Movements
- Text box: 14 folder: 8
Subject Files-Supreme Court
- Text box: 14 folder: 9
Subject Files-Sweden
- Text box: 14 folder: 10
Subject Files-Syndicalism
- Text box: 14 folder: 11
Subject Files-Tariff
- Text box: 14 folder: 12
Subject Files-Taxes
- Text box: 14 folder: 13
Subject Files-Theatres, radicalism in
- Text box: 14 folder: 14
Subject Files-Third Party
- Text box: 14 folder: 15
Subject Files-Tours
- Text box: 14 folder: 16
Subject Files-Townsend
- Text box: 14 folder: 17
Subject Files-Trade-foreign
- Text box: 14 folder: 18
Subject Files-Trade Union League
- Text box: 14 folder: 19
Subject Files-Trials
- Text box: 14 folder: 20
Subject Files-Trusts
- Text box: 14 folder: 21
Subject Files-Turkey
- Text box: 14 folder: 22
Subject Files-U.S. in Competition with Foreign Business
- Text box: 14 folder: 23
Subject Files-Unemployed
- Text box: 14 folder: 24
Subject Files-Unions [Company]
- Text box: 14 folder: 25
Subject Files-United Mine Workers
- Text box: 14 folder: 26
Subject Files-United States Flag Assoc.
- Text box: 14 folder: 27
Subject Files-Utopian Society
- Text box: 14 folder: 28
Subject Files-Veterans
- Text box: 14 folder: 29
Subject Files-Vigilante
- Text box: 14 folder: 30
Subject Files-Violence
- Text box: 14 folder: 31
Subject Files-War
- Text box: 14 folder: 32
Subject Files-War Resisters' League
- Text box: 14 folder: 33
Subject Files-Washington Club
- Text box: 14 folder: 34
Subject Files-Waterways
- Text box: 14 folder: 35
Subject Files-Workers' International Defense League
- Text box: 14 folder: 36
Subject Files-Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
- Text box: 14 folder: 37
Subject Files-Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
- Text box: 14 folder: 38
Subject Files-Women's Lobby
- Text box: 14 folder: 39
Subject Files-Women's Peace Party
- Text box: 15 folder: 1
Subject Files-World Revolution
- Text box: 15 folder: 2
Subject Files-World Revolution
- Text box: 15 folder: 3
Subject Files-YMCA
- Text box: 15 folder: 4
Subject Files-Youth
- Text box: 15 folder: 5
Subject Files-Youth
- Text box: 15 folder: 6
Subject Files-Youth Movement
- Text box: 15 folder: 7
Subject Files-Youth Movement
- Text box: 15 folder: 8
Subject Files-Young Pioneers
- Text box: 15 folder: 9
Subject Files-Young Pioneers
- Text box: 15 folder: 10
Subject Files-Misc. Communism/Socialism
- Text box: 15 folder: 11
Subject Files-Misc. Communism/Socialism
- Text box: 15 folder: 12
Subject Files-Misc. Religion
- Text box: 15 folder: 13
Subject Files-Misc. Women
- Text box: 15 folder: 14
Subject Files-Misc.
- Text box: 15 folder: 15
Folder 15: Subject Files-Subject Indexes [Incomplete]
- Text box: 16
Washington Bicentennial 1932
- Text box: 17 folder: 1
Norris Cummings1849-1875
- Text box: 17 folder: 2
Norris Cummings1877-1899
- Text box: 17 folder: 3
Norris Cummings1890-1903
- Text box: 17 folder: 4
Norris Barratt1889-1915
- Text box: 17 folder: 5
Genealogical Materials
- Text box: 17 folder: 6
Genealogical Materials
- Text box: 17 folder: 7
Genealogical Materials
- Text box: 17 folder: 8
Genealogical Materials
- Text box: 17 folder: 9
Deaths, Marriages1851-1930
- Text box: 17 folder: 10
Misc. financial1869-1930
- Text box: 17 folder: 11
Misc. memorabilia
- Text box: 17 folder: 12
Misc. memorabilia
- Text box: 17 folder: 13
Helen N. Cummings's own notes and writings
- Text box: 17 folder: 14
Helen N. Cummings's own notes and writings
- Text box: 17 folder: 14a
Helen N. Cummings's drawings and captions
- Text box: 17 folder: 15
Death/Estate of Helen N. Cummings 1949-19751949-1975
- Text box: 17 folder: 16
Diary-Clipping Book1888-1906
- Text box: 17 folder: 17
Helen N. Cummings Financial Records1920-1949
- Text box: 17 folder: 18
- Books box: 19
Bound volumes1850-1929
- Books box: 20
Bound volumes1850-1929
- Books box: 21
Bound volumes1850-1929
- Books box: 22
- Books box: 23
- Books box: 24
- Graphic Materials box: 25 folder: 1
Unidentified photo plates
- Graphic Materials box: 25 folder: 2
Unidentified photo plates
- Graphic Materials box: 25 folder: 3
Unidentified photo plates
- Graphic Materials box: 25 folder: 4
Unidentified photo plates
- Graphic Materials box: 25 folder: 5
Unidentified photo plates