Alexandria Black Family Reunion Digital Collection ABFR

Alexandria Black Family Reunion Digital Collection ABFR


Local History and Special Collections Branch, Alexandria Library

717 Queen Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Business Number: 703-746-1791

Katherine Crowe, Special Collections Librarian

Local History and Special Collections Branch, Alexandria Library
Alexandria Black Family Reunion Digital Collection Digital surrogates created in 2023 1937-2005, and undated
173 Gigabytes
English .

Administrative Information

Use Restrictions

Access Restrictions

This collection is open for research.

Preferred Citation

[Item description], Alexandria Black Family Reunion Digital Collection, Alexandria Library, Local History / Special Collections, Alexandria, Virginia.

Abbreviated Citation

[Item description], ABFR Digital Collection, Alexandria Library, LH/SC.

Historical Note

On April 29, 2023 Alexandria Library hosted the first Black Family Reunion at the Kate Waller Barrett Branch Library in Old Town Alexandria. The event aimed to bring neighborhoods together and help fill gaps in the documented history of Alexandria's African American community. As part of the event, families were invited to bring documents and images to be scanned by Library staff and added to the collections at the Local History / Special Collections Branch to be preserved as part of the city's historical record and made available to the public online.

Content Description

This collection contains digital donations collected from members of the Alexandria African American community during the 2023 Alexandria Black Family Reunion event. This is a completely digital collection consisting of digital surrogates of the materials; the original items have been retained by their owners. Included are photographs, documents, and ephemera.

Please note that processed donations will be added to this collection on an ongoing basis. Check this collection guide for regular updates.

Subjects and Indexing Terms

  • African American neighborhoods -- Virginia -- Alexandria.
  • African Americans -- Virginia -- Alexandria.
  • Alexandria (Va.) -- Social life and customs
  • Parker-Gray Schools (Alexandria, Va.)

Digital Materials

Click to view digital materials in this collection

Significant Places Associated With the Collection

  • African American neighborhoods -- Virginia -- Alexandria.
  • Alexandria (Va.) -- Social life and customs

Container List

William D. Euille family photographs
Content Description

Digital surrogates of photographs from the family of William D. "Bill" Euille, former Mayor of the City of Alexandria (2003-2016). Euille served as Honorary Co-Chair of the first Alexandria Black Family Reunion in 2023.


Digital surrogates created in 2023

  • ABFR-23-001-001
    Portrait photograph of Robert and Tammi Drinkard
    Content Description

    Color photograph, portrait of Robert Drinkard and Tammi Drinkard. Both are dressed in formal wear and are standing in front of a colorful backdrop. Photograph appears to have been captured at a formal event or gala. Photograph is undated.

  • ABFR-23-001-002
    Photograph of ribbon cutting ceremony
    Content Description

    Color photograph of seven people posed in the midst of a ribbon cutting ceremony. From left to right: (unidentified), Ludwig Gaines, Bill Euille, Dal Repper, Rob Krupika, Jim Moran, Paul Smedburg. Photograph is undated.

  • ABFR-23-001-003
    Photograph of Alexandria Scottish Christmas Walk Parade
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the annual Alexandria Scottish Christmas Walk Parade depicting several people on a snowy street in Alexandria, Virginia. Featured in the foreground of the photo, from left to right: Bill Euille and Rob Krupika. Over the image is text that reads, "The Three Musketeers." Photograph is undated.

  • ABFR-23-001-004
    Portrait of Bill Euille
    Content Description

    Color photograph, portrait of Bill Euille, dressed in a suit and standing in front of a curtained window with his hands folded in front of him. Photograph is undated.

  • ABFR-23-001-005
    Portrait of Bill Euille
    Content Description

    Color photograph, portrait of Bill Euille. This appears to be a candid photo taken of Euille, dressed in a casual outfit, standing in front of a blank, white wall. Photograph is undated.

Char McCargo Bah Alexandria African American community photographs
Bah, Char McCargo
Content Description

Digital surrogates of photographs of the African American community in Alexandria, Virginia that were collected by Char McCargo Bah. Bah is a celebrated genealogist, author, and native Alexandrian who has been researching and writing about the Alexandria African American community since 1981. Bah served as Honorary Co-Chair of the first Alexandria Black Family Reunion in 2023


Digital surrogates created in 2023

  • ABFR-23-002-001
    Parker-Gray School early class photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, early class portrait from the Parker-Gray School in Alexandria, Virginia. Children are posed standing in three rows with a fourth row seated in front with a man posed standing to the right side, their teacher Rozier D. Lyles. The group is posed in front of what appears to be the entrance to the school; a brick wall and wooden door are visible in the background of the image. Photograph is undated, c.1920s

  • ABFR-23-002-002
    Photograph of Parker-Gray School first faculty
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Principal Henry T. White and the first faculty at the Parker-Gray School in Alexandria, Virginia when it opened in 1920. White was the first principal of the Parker-Gray School and served from 1920 through 1928. Eleven men and women are posed in two rows; the back row is standing behind the seated front row. Front row, from left to right: Reverend A.W. Adkins; Henry T. White, teacher and first principal; Laura M. Dorsey; Rozier D. Lyles; and James E. Howard. Back row, from left to right: Mamie E. Anderson; Margaret T. Young; Florence Murray; Harriet E. Thornton; Susie P. Madden; and Sarah D. Gray. Photograph is undated, c.1920

  • ABFR-23-002-003
    Photograph of Parker-Gray School second principal and faculty
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Principal Wesley D. Elam with the faculty of the Parker-Gray School in Alexandria, Virginia. Elam was the second principal of Parker-Gray and served from 1927 through 1938. Eight men and women are posed in two rows, standing on the steps in front of the main entrance to the school. Elam is the first man on the left in the back row. Photograph is undated, c.1930s

  • ABFR-23-002-004
    Photograph of Parker-Gray School second principal and faculty
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Principal Wesley D. Elam with the faculty of the Parker-Gray School in Alexandria, Virginia. Elam was the second principal of Parker-Gray and served from 1927 through 1938. Sixteen men and women are posed in three or four uneven rows, standing on the steps in front of the main entrance to the school. Elam is last man on the right. The man in the center of the front row is Rozier D. Lyles, a teacher at the school. Photograph is undated, c.1930s

  • ABFR-23-002-005
    Photograph of Parker-Gray School first building
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of the Parker-Gray School's first building at 901 Wythe Street in Alexandria, Virginia. Photograph is undated, c.1920

  • ABFR-23-002-006
    Parker-Gray School fifth grade class portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, class portrait of the Parker-Gray School fifth grade class taught by Mamie E. Anderson in 1920. Three rows of children are posed on the steps in front of the entrance to the Parker-Gray School. Anderson is on the end of the front row, on the right side of the image. Photograph is undated, c.1920

  • ABFR-23-002-007
    Parker-Gray School building and class portrait
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, two images together in one photo print with one image on top of the other. The top image is the same as that of the Parker-Gray School fifth grade class portrait photograph photo print (ABFR-23-002-006). The bottom image is the same as that of the Photograph of Parker-Gray School first building photo print (ABFR-23-002-005). Both images are undated, c.1920

  • ABFR-23-002-008
    Photograph of Parker-Gray School first principal and students
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Principal Henry T. White with students of the Parker-Gray School. White was the first principal of the Parker-Gray School and served from 1920 through 1928. Twenty-eight children are posed standing in two rows on the steps in front of the entrance to the school. White is posed standing in front of the students. Photograph is undated, c.1920s

  • ABFR-23-002-009
    Photograph of Parker-Gray School second principal and faculty
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Principal Wesley D. Elam with the faculty of the Parker-Gray School in Alexandria, Virginia. Elam was the second principal of Parker-Gray and served from 1927 through 1938. Sixteen men and women are posed in three rows, standing on the steps in front of the main entrance to the school. Elam is the first man on the left in the back row. Photograph is undated, c.1930s

  • ABFR-23-002-010
    Parker-Gray School class portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, class portrait of Parker-Gray School students with their teacher Ms. Day. Forty-two students are posed in four rows in front of a brick wall which appears to be an exterior wall of the school. Photograph is undated, c.1930s

  • ABFR-23-002-011
    Parker-Gray School class portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, class portrait of Parker-Gray School students. Thirty-five students are posed in four rows in front of a brick wall which appears to be an exterior wall of the school. Photograph is undated, c.1930s

  • ABFR-23-002-012
    Photograph of Parker-Gray School first building
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of the Parker-Gray School's first building at 901 Wythe Street in Alexandria, Virginia. Photograph is undated, c.1930s

  • ABFR-23-002-013
    Parker-Gray School class portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, class portrait of Parker-Gray School students in 1931. Thirty students of varying ages are posed standing in three rows in front of a brick wall which appears to be an exterior wall of the school. Photograph is dated 1931

  • ABFR-23-002-014
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School graduates
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of the 1936 graduates of Parker-Gray School. They are posed standing in two rows with some of the school faculty. Photograph is dated 1936

  • ABFR-23-002-015
    Parker-Gray School class portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, class portrait of Parker-Gray School students in 1939. Fifteen students are posed standing in two or three rows on the front steps of the school. Photograph is dated 1939

  • ABFR-23-002-016
    Parker-Gray School class portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, class portrait of Parker-Gray School students in 1939. Eighteen students are posed standing in three rows on the front steps of the school. Photograph is dated 1939

  • ABFR-23-002-017
    Parker-Gray School class portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, class portrait of Parker-Gray School students in 1939. Approximately thirty-five students of varying ages are posed standing in four rows on the front steps of the school. Photograph is dated 1939

  • ABFR-23-002-018
    Parker-Gray School student group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of Parker-Gray School students in 1939. Eleven teenaged students are posed standing casually, with arms around each other's shoulders, etc., on the front steps of the school. Photograph is dated 1939

  • ABFR-23-002-019
    Photograph of Parker-Gray School cheerleaders
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of four Parker-Gray School cheerleaders in 1941. Four young women in cheerleading uniforms are posed together in a field, all in a row with their bodies turned towards the right of the image and faces toward the camera. They are kneeling in the grass with one arm in the air and bent at the elbow. In front of them on the grass are two megaphones and pom-poms. Photograph is dated 1941

  • ABFR-23-002-020
    Parker-Gray School class portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, class portrait of Parker-Gray School students in 1941. Approximately forty children are posed standing in four rows on the front steps of the school. Photograph is dated 1941

  • ABFR-23-002-021
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1942
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1942 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Approximately thirty teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed standing in three rows on the pulpit of the Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia. A handwritten signature in the bottom, right corner of the image reads "Murphy." Photograph is dated 1942

  • ABFR-23-002-022
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1943
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1943 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Twenty-four teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed in two rows on the stage of what appears to be a school auditorium. A handwritten note across the photo print reads, "Parker Gray High School Class of 1943." Photograph is dated 1943

  • ABFR-23-002-023
    Photograph of Parker-Gray homecoming
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of group of students and others posed in a row on the Parker-Gray football field at the 1945 homecoming game. Two students are dressed in football uniforms and standing next to young women holding bouquets, presumably the homecoming court. Photograph dated 1945

  • ABFR-23-002-024
    Photograph of Parker-Gray homecoming
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of the 1945 Parker-Gray homecoming queen being crowned by Oliver Ellis, captain of the football team. A young man wearing a football uniform, identified as "Captain of Douglas," and a young woman, identified as "Miss Douglas," look on as Captain of the Parker-Gray football team Oliver Ellis crowns the new Miss Parker-Gray. The two young women and two young men in the photograph are identified this way by handwritten notes on the bottom edge of the photo print. Photograph is dated 1945

  • ABFR-23-002-025
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1945
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1945 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Thirty-five teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed in three rows on the stage of what appears to be a school auditorium. Photograph is dated 1945

  • ABFR-23-002-026
    Parker-Gray P club group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of the P Club student organization at Parker-Gray High School. Twenty students are posed in two rows in what appears to be a classroom or the school library. Several of the students are wearing letterman sweaters with a big "P" patch on the front. Photograph is dated 1947

  • ABFR-23-002-027
    Photograph of Parker-Gray faculty
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of faculty and staff of Parker-Gray. The fifteen men and women are posed in two rows in what appears to be a school cafeteria or auditorium. Several of them are holding a rolled up document. Photograph is dated 1946

  • ABFR-23-002-028
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1946
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1946 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Thirty-seven teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed in three rows on the stage of what appears to be a school auditorium. Photograph is dated 1946

  • ABFR-23-002-029
    Photograph of the class of Mrs. Chase
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of seven young women seated at desks in a Parker-Gray classroom while their teacher, Mrs. Chase, looks on. The students each have their own large, black typewriter on their desk and appear to be working on an assignment. A large, wall-mounted chalkboard is visible in the background of the image. Photograph is dated 1946

  • ABFR-23-002-030
    Parker-Gray girls basketball group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of four young women from the Parker-Gray girls basketball team. They are posed together in the school gym with two students standing in the back row, while the other two kneel in front of them and pose with a basketball. All four are dressed in basketball team uniforms and one also wears a sweater over the uniform which reads, "PARKER GRAY." Photograph is dated 1946

  • ABFR-23-002-031
    Parker-Gray girls basketball team group portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of the Parker-Gray High School girls basketball team. Fourteen young women wearing the basketball team uniforms are posed in two rows in front of a curtain backdrop, with a basketball placed on the ground in front of them. Also in the photograph is a woman wearing a skirt suit, presumably the team coach; as well as another young woman not dressed in the basketball uniform. Photograph is dated 1946

  • ABFR-23-002-032
    Photograph of Parker-Gray homemaking class
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of the homemaking class at Parker-Gray High School. Four young women are standing at a workstation table, engaged in a cooking or baking project. Two students appear to be stirring something in saucepans, one student appears to be kneading or rolling dough, and another is sprinkling something onto a dish. Another student is seated at a desk working on a written assignment. And the teacher, Ruby Fields Smith, looks on from the front of the classroom.

  • ABFR-23-002-033
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1950
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1950 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Forty-one teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed in three rows in front of the stage of what appears to be a school auditorium. Photograph is dated 1950

  • ABFR-23-002-034
    Photograph of Parker-Gray School second building
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of the Parker-Gray School's second building. In 1950 a new high school was built to accommodate the growing student population at Parker-Gray. The new building at 1207 Madison Street, Alexandria, Virginia took with it the name Parker-Gray High School and the previously occupied building on Wythe Street was renamed the Charles Houston Elementary School. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-002-035
    Photograph from dedication of the new Parker-Gray High School building
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of eight men posed standing in a row in front of a curtain. This photograph was taken at the dedication event for the new Parker-Gray High School and the group includes Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. and Reverend Adkins. In 1950 a new high school was built to accommodate the growing student population at Parker-Gray. The new building at 1207 Madison Street, Alexandria, Virginia took with it the name Parker-Gray High School and the previously occupied building on Wythe Street was renamed the Charles Houston Elementary School. Photograph is dated 1950

  • ABFR-23-002-036
    Photograph from dedication of the new Parker-Gray High School building
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of five men posed standing in a row in front of a curtain; one man appears to be handing a small item to Parker-Gray Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. This photograph was taken at the dedication event for the new Parker-Gray High School. In 1950 a new high school was built to accommodate the growing student population at Parker-Gray. The new building at 1207 Madison Street, Alexandria, Virginia took with it the name Parker-Gray High School and the previously occupied building on Wythe Street was renamed the Charles Houston Elementary School. Photograph is dated 1950

  • ABFR-23-002-037
    Photograph from dedication of the new Parker-Gray High School building
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of five men posed standing in a row in front of a curtain, including Parker-Gray Principal William H. Pitts, Sr on the far left. This photograph was taken at the dedication event for the new Parker-Gray High School. In 1950 a new high school was built to accommodate the growing student population at Parker-Gray. The new building at 1207 Madison Street, Alexandria, Virginia took with it the name Parker-Gray High School and the previously occupied building on Wythe Street was renamed the Charles Houston Elementary School. Photograph is dated 1950

  • ABFR-23-002-038
    Photograph of Parker-Gray queen crowning
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of the crowning of a Parker-Gray High School student. A young woman, identified as [Annt] Lightfoot, wearing a white, lace dress and white gloves is standing next to a young man in a suit while he places a crown on her head. They are both standing in front of a dark-colored curtain, presumably on a stage. She is presumably being crowned as a pageant winner, homecoming queen, or prom queen. Photo is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-002-039
    Photograph of Parker-Gray queen
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of three Parker-Gray High School students on a platform or stage, seated in front of a decorative backdrop and arch with a dark-colored curtain visible in the background. From left to right: a young women wearing a polka dot dress and cat-eye glasses with a white, floral corsage pinned to her dress; a young woman, identified as [Annt] Lightfoot, wearing a white dress, white gloves, and crown and holding a bouquet; a young woman wearing a white dress with a white, floral corsage pinned to her dress. Lightfoot is seated on a platform that is raised slightly higher than the other two young women. They are presumably the winner and runners-up of a pageant, homecoming queen, or prom queen contest. Photo is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-002-040
    Photograph of Parker-Gray homecoming queen
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, studio portrait of a Parker-Gray High School homecoming queen. A young woman is posed, seated in front of a light-colored backdrop. She is wearing a white dress, silver necklace, silver earrings, and silver tiara while holding a large bouquet. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-002-041
    Photograph of Parker-Gray homecoming
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of a group of Parker-Gray High School students standing in a football field with the Parker-Gray marching band. Three young women are standing in a row together; the young woman in the middle is holding a bouquet and the other two are both wearing white, floral corsages pinned to their lapels. Behind the young women are several members of the Parker-Gray High School marching band who appear to be in the midst or in a moment right before a performance. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-002-042
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1951
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1951 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Sixty-three teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed seated in five rows on the bleachers in the school gym. Also in the photo are Principal William H. Pitts Sr., seated in the back row, and an unidentified woman seated on the right side of the image. Photograph is dated 1951

  • ABFR-23-002-043
    Parker-Gray graduation group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of a group of Parker-Gray High School students and faculty posed standing in a row. The students are all dressed in graduation caps and gowns. From left to right: Principal William H. Pitts, Sr.; Herman T. Newman, salutatorian; Shirly A. Stokes; Naomie E. Lewis; Lloyd Harris; Kirk R. Carter; William H. Pitts, Jr., valedictorian; the Reverend F. D. Williams, and Theodore R. Sinclair, assistant superintendent of Alexandria schools. Photograph is dated 1951

  • ABFR-23-002-044
    Parker-Gray graduation group photograph, verso
    Content Description

    Reverse of Parker-Gray graduation group photograph photo print (ABFR-23-002-038). A handwritten note identifies the people in the photo as well as noting that this picture was used in the newspaper. Stamped typescript notes read, "Alexandria City Public Schools Record Center," "Parker-Gray Middle School, 1207 Madison Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314," and "Columbus George, Jr., Photographer, 518 North Columbus Street, Overlook 3963, Alexandria, Virginia"

  • ABFR-23-002-045
    Photograph of valedictorian speech at Parker-Gray graduation
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of the valedictorian and son of the principal, William H. Pitts, Jr., giving a speech during Parker-Gray High School graduation. A young man dressed in a graduation cap and gown and glasses stands at a lectern on a stage. Several students and faculty in graduation gowns and stoles are seated in rows behind him on the stage. Photograph is dated 1951

  • ABFR-23-002-046
    Photograph of valedictorian speech at Parker-Gray graduation
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of the valedictorian and son of the principal, William H. Pitts, Jr., giving a speech during Parker-Gray High School graduation. A young man dressed in a graduation cap and gown and glasses stands at a lectern on a stage. Seated behind him on the stage are several students and faculty in graduation gowns, including Principal William H. Pitts, Reverend F. D. Williams, and Assistant Superintendent Theodore R. Sinclair. The school band is seated in front of the stage. Photograph is dated 1951

  • ABFR-23-002-047
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School graduation
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of a moment during the Parker-Gray High School graduation ceremonies. Standing on the stage, Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. shakes the hand of his son and the valedictorian, William H. Pitts, Jr. Pitts, Jr. is wearing a graduation cap and gown and holding what appears to be his diploma. Pitts, senior is dressed in a white blazer and black bowtie. Photograph is dated 1951

  • ABFR-23-002-048
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School graduation
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. making remarks during the Parker-Gray High School graduation. A man wearing a white blazer, black suit pants, black double pocket square, and black bowtie stands at a lectern and appears to be in the middle of speaking. Seated behind him on the stage are several students and faculty wearing graduation gowns and stoles. Photograph is dated 1951

  • ABFR-23-002-049
    Parker-Gray High School team photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of Parker-Gray High School students who are likely all members of a school sports team or club. Approximately forty young men are posed standing in two rows with a third row seated in front. Photograph is dated 1951

  • ABFR-23-002-050
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1952
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1952 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Thirty-six teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed standing in six rows on the bleachers in the school gym. Photograph is dated 1952

  • ABFR-23-002-051
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1953
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1953 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Twenty-six teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed in three rows in front of the stage of what appears to be a school auditorium. Photograph is dated 1953

  • ABFR-23-002-052
    Parker-Gray High School National Honor Society members group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of the members of the National Honor Society from the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1953. Three students, dressed in graduation caps and gowns, are posed standing together in front of the stage of what appears to be a school auditorium. From left to right: Hazel Jones, Fred Mathers, Jr., and Delores Hooks. Photograph is dated 1953

  • ABFR-23-002-053
    Parker-Gray High School National Honor Society members group photograph, verso
    Content Description

    Reverse of Parker-Gray High School National Honor Society members group photograph (ABFR-23-002-052). Stamped typescript notes read, "Alexandria City Public Schools Record Center," "Parker Gray Middle School, 1207 Madison Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314." A handwritten note reads, "Members of the First National Honor Society at Parker-Gray H.S. 1953 Chapter 4950 Fred Mathers Jr. [rank] 1; Delores Hooks [rank] 2; Hazel Jones [rank] 3"

  • ABFR-23-002-054
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1954
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1954 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Approximately fifty teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed in several rows standing on the steps in front of the entrance to the school. Photograph is dated 1954

  • ABFR-23-002-055
    Group photograph of women graduates of Parker-Gray High School
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of young women of the Parker-Gray School graduating class of 1954. Approximately thirty young women are posed in three rows standing around a sign that reads, "Congratulations Parker Gray Graduates!" In the middle of the group, directly behind the sign, is an older man in a suit. Photograph is dated 1954

  • ABFR-23-002-056
    Parker-Gray High School homecoming group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of what appears to be the winner and runners-up of Parker-Gray homecoming queen. Four young women are posed standing in a row; two of them are wearing floral corsages pinned to their lapels and the other two young women are holding bouquets. Photograph is dated 1955

  • ABFR-23-002-057
    Parker-Gray High School homecoming group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of what appears to be the Parker-Gray homecoming court. Three young men and four young women are posed in a row, standing on a football field. One of the young men is identified as Roland Norton. Two of the young men are dressed in football uniforms (number 80 and number 35). Two of the young women are wearing floral corsages pinned to their lapels and the other two young women are holding bouquets. Photograph is dated 1955

  • ABFR-23-002-058
    Parker-Gray High School homecoming photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of the spectators at the 1955 Parker-Gray High School homecoming football game. The bleachers of a football field are filled with Parker-Gray students, faculty, and other community members watching the homecoming football game. Several people stand on the sidelines in front of the bleachers. Photograph is dated 1955

  • ABFR-23-002-059
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School class of 1957
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of the Parker-Gray High School class of 1957 taken in their junior year. Approximately sixty students are posed in five rows, standing on the steps in front of the entrance to the school. Photograph is dated 1955

  • ABFR-23-002-060
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1956
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1956 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Fifty-eight teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed in five rows on the bleachers in the school gym. Also in the photo is Principal William H. Pitts Sr. Photograph is dated 1956

  • ABFR-23-002-061
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School May Queen
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of May Queen Joyce A. Drayton. A young woman, Joyce A. Drayton, wearing a light-colored satin dress is posed standing in the grass in front of the exterior of the school building. The front entrance of the school is visible in the background of the image. Photograph is dated 1956

  • ABFR-23-002-062
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1957
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1957 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Forty-eight teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed in four rows on the bleachers in the school gym. Photograph is dated 1957

  • ABFR-23-002-063
    Parker-Gray High School homecoming group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of the 1957 Parker-Gray High School homecoming court, including Homecoming Queen Phyllis Tate. Three young women and three young men are posed standing in a row in front of what appears to be a "throne" for the homecoming queen. From left to right: a young woman dressed in a plaid skirt set, white gloves, white hat, small round handbag, and corsage pinned to her lapel; a young man in dark-colored pants and a light-colored jacket posed in the act of placing a crown atop the head of the young woman in the center of the group; a young woman (being crowned), Phyllis Tate, wearing a light-colored skirt set and holding a large bouquet; a young man wearing dark-colored pants and a wool jacket; a young woman wearing a dark-colored skirt set, white gloves, white hat, small handbag, and corsage pinned to her lapel. Photograph is dated 1957

  • ABFR-23-002-064
    Parker-Gray High School homecoming group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of the 1957 Parker-Gray High School homecoming queen and runners-up. Three young women are posed standing in a row, with the young woman in the center on a raised platform. From left to right: a young woman dressed in a plaid skirt set, white gloves, white hat, small round handbag, and corsage pinned to her lapel; a young woman, Phyllis Tate, wearing a light-colored skirt set, white gloves, glittery crown, and holding a large bouquet; a young woman wearing a dark-colored skirt set, white gloves, white hat, small handbag, and corsage pinned to her lapel. Photograph is dated 1957

  • ABFR-23-002-065
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School homecoming queen
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Phyllis Tate, the 1957 Parker-Gray High School homecoming queen. A young woman, Phyllis Tate, is posed seated in a chair atop a platform with a backdrop of crepe paper streamers. The backdrop and platform appear to have been decorated by students to serve as a "throne" for the homecoming queen. Tate is dressed in a light-colored skirt set, white gloves, sparkling crown, and is holding a large bouquet. Photograph is dated 1957

  • ABFR-23-002-066
    Photograph of Miss Parker-Gray
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph that appears to depict the crowning of the 1957 Miss Parker-Gray. A young woman, LaJeune Hundley, is posed standing in what appears to be the school gymnasium while a man appears to place a tiara atop her head. Hundley is wearing a dress, short fur coat, white gloves, and small handbag. Posed standing next to her in the photograph is another young woman, dressed in a light-colored coat over a dress, white gloves, and white fascinator hat. The man crowning Hundley, is turned away from the camera, but might be Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. He is dressed in a long black coat, dark-colored pants, a fedora hat and is holding a piece of paper and a microphone. Visible in the background of the image are several people standing on the gym bleachers. Photograph is dated 1957

  • ABFR-23-002-067
    Photograph of Miss Parker-Gray, verso
    Content Description

    Reverse of Photograph of Miss Parker-Gray photo print (ABFR-23-002-066). Handwritten note reads, "Miss Parker-Gray 1957-58 La Jeune Hundley, Attendants - Teyanna Williams, Jesurena Smith." Stamped typescript notes read, "Alexandria City Public Schools Record Center," and "Parker-Gray Middle School, 1207 Madison Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314"

  • ABFR-23-002-068
    Photograph of Miss Parker-Gray
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of Miss Parker-Gray La Jeune Hundley and her two attendants, Teyanna Williams and Jesurena Smith. Three elegantly dressed young women are posed standing in a row in front of what appears to be the bleachers in the school gymnasium. From left to right: a young woman wearing a light-colored coat over a dress, white gloves, white fascinator hat, and small handbag; a young woman, La Jeune Hundley, wearing a dress, short dark-colored fur coat, white gloves, tiara, and small handbag; a young woman wearing a long, light-colored fur coat over a dress and white gloves. Visible in the background of the image are several people standing on the gym bleachers. Photograph is dated 1957

  • ABFR-23-002-069
    Photograph of Miss Parker-Gray
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of Miss Parker-Gray La Jeune Hundley and her two attendants, Teyanna Williams and Jesurena Smith. Three elegantly dressed young women are posed standing in a row in front of what appears to be the bleachers in the school gymnasium. Hundley is stood in the center of the trio and is turned around to shake the hand of a young woman standing behind her wearing a long, dark-colored coat with a corsage pinned to the lapel.

  • ABFR-23-002-070
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1958
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1958 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Twenty-three teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed in three rows on the bleachers in the school gym. Also pictured is Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. Photograph is dated 1958

  • ABFR-23-002-071
    Parker-Gray High School group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of seven young women posed in front of a small platform and backdrop that have been decorated with crepe paper and streamers. It appears to be the "throne" for the homecoming queen depicted in other photographs from this series. Photograph is dated 1958

  • ABFR-23-002-072
    Parker-Gray High School homecoming group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of the 1959 Parker-Gray High School homecoming court. Four young women are posed standing in a row, the two in the center are one step up on a small podium. All four young women are holding bouquets. Photograph is dated 1959

  • ABFR-23-002-073
    Parker-Gray High School homecoming group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of the 1959 Parker-Gray High School homecoming court. Three young women and three young men are posed in a row standing on a football field. Two of the young men are wearing football uniforms (number 54 and number 72); all three young women are holding bouquets. Photograph is dated 1959

  • ABFR-23-002-074
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1960
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1960 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Thirty-five teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed in four rows on the bleachers in the school gym. Also pictured is Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. in the middle of the back row. Photograph is dated 1960

  • ABFR-23-002-075
    Parker-Gray High School class of 1961 portrait composite
    Content Description

    Black and white photographs, composite class portrait of the Parker-Gray High School class of 1961. Headshot studio portraits of students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are arranged in rows with each student's name listed underneath their photo. Also included are studio portrait photographs of Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. and school advisors Mary T. Adams and Jacqueline Green. Item is dated 1961

  • ABFR-23-002-076
    Photograph of Ms. Parker-Gray winner
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1961 Ms. Parker-Gray, Doris Surratte, being crowned. A young woman, Doris Surratte, dressed in a white dress with sheer white shoulder wrap is posed standing next to a young man wearing a suit who is posed in the moment of placing a crown atop her head. Photograph is dated 1961

  • ABFR-23-002-077
    Parker-Gray High School class of 1962 portrait composite
    Content Description

    Black and white photographs, composite class portrait of the Parker-Gray High School class of 1962. Headshot studio portraits of students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are arranged in rows with each student's name listed underneath their photo. Also included are studio portrait photographs of Principal William H. Pitts, Sr.; Elizabeth Qualls, Sponsor; Robert H. Adkins, Sponsor; Richard Clayton, Sponsor. Item is dated 1962

  • ABFR-23-002-078
    Photograph from Parker-Gray High School Drivers Ed class
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo from the Parker-Gray School Drivers Ed class. A car is parked in a small parking pad next to what appears to be the side or back of the school building. Affixed to the passenger side door of the car is a sign that reads, "Driver Education Car, Courtesy Aero Chevrolet" with the AAA logo above it. Four people are seated in the car, who appear to be three students and their instructor in the front passenger seat. Photograph is dated 1963

  • ABFR-23-002-079
    Photograph from Parker-Gray High School Drivers Ed class
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo from the Parker-Gray School Drivers Ed class. Five people are seated in a parked car. Affixed to the passenger side door of the car is a sign that reads, "Driver Education Car, Courtesy Aero Chevrolet" with the AAA logo above it. Photograph is dated 1963

  • ABFR-23-002-080
    Parker-Gray High School class of 1965
    Content Description

    Page from the program of the Parker-Gray High School Class of 1965 50th Reunion, held June 12th and 13th, 2015. An illustrated image of a scroll frames a list of the names of the members of the class of 1965, listed in two columns. Item is dated 2015

  • ABFR-23-002-081
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School graduating class of 1965
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the 1965 graduating class of Parker-Gray School. Forty-seven teenaged students dressed in graduation caps and gowns are posed in four rows on the bleachers in the school gym. Also pictured is Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. Photograph is dated 1965

  • ABFR-23-002-082
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School band
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of the Parker-Gray High School band dressed in their uniforms. They are posed seated in curved rows and appear to be in the school gymnasium. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-083
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School band
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of the Parker-Gray High School band dressed in their uniforms. They are posed seated in curved rows and appear to be in the school gymnasium. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-084
    Photograph of the Parker-Gray High School majorettes
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of the Parker-Gray High School majorettes. Dressed in their uniforms and holding batons, seven young women are posed standing on the bleachers in the school gymnasium. They are standing in a row, each on a different step, ascending up the risers. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-085
    Photograph of Parker-Gray Assistant Principal Edward L. Patterson
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School Assistant Principal Edward L. Patterson. He is dressed in a dark-colored plaid suit, white shirt, dark-colored tie, and wire-rimmed glasses. Patterson is posed seated at his desk as if in the midst of working. Papers and books are strewn across his desk, while he flips through an open book with one hand and a pencil poised to write something in the other hand. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-086
    Photograph of Parker-Gray Assistant Principal Edward L. Patterson
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School Assistant Principal Edward L. Patterson. He is dressed in a dark-colored suit, white shirt, checkered tie, and wire-rimmed glasses. He is posed standing behind his desk while he does something with a large metal box atop the desk. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-087
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School cafeteria staff
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the cafeteria staff at Parker-Gray High School. Seven women, all dressed in white uniform dresses, are posed standing in a row in what appears to be the school cafeteria. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-088
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School teacher and students
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of Ferris Holland, math and science teacher at Parker-Gray High School, and two unidentified students. Holland is standing behind the workstation at the front of his classroom, in the midst of demonstrating a chemistry experiment. To the left of Holland is a young man dressed in a checkered blazer; and to the left of Holland is a young woman wearing a white blouse. Visible behind them in the image is a blank chalkboard. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-089
    Photograph of Parker-Gray faculty and staff
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of several members of what appear to be faculty and staff of Parker-Gray High School. Ferris Holland, math and science teacher at Parker-Gray, is posed seated at a desk while pointing to something in a book. Seven other men and women are posed standing around him and looking at the book on his desk. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-090
    Photograph of Hollis Williams
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, studio portrait of Hollis Williams, a member of the Parker-Gray High School faculty. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-091
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School guidance counselor
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Mabel L. Smith, Parker-Gray High School guidance counselor, and two unidentified students. Smith is posed standing behind a table where two young women are seated; all three have papers in their hands and appear to be in the midst of a conversation. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-092
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School guidance counselor
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Mabel L. Smith, Parker-Gray High School guidance counselor, and an unidentified student. Smith is posed seated behind her desk with a young woman seated in a chair at the side of the desk. They are posed as if in the midst of a counseling session. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-093
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School guidance counselor
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Mabel L. Smith, Parker-Gray High School guidance counselor, and an unidentified student. Smith is posed seated at a desk with a young man seated in a chair at the side of the desk. They are posed as if in the midst of a counseling session; both looking down at a set of papers on the desk. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-094
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School guidance counselor
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Mary T. Adams, Parker-Gray High School guidance counselor. She is posed standing in front of a filing cabinet in the school administration offices with her hands resting on an open drawer. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-095
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School guidance counselor
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Mary T. Adams, Parker-Gray High School guidance counselor. She is posed standing in front of a filing cabinet in the school administration offices with her hands resting on an open drawer. Photograph is very similar to ABFR-23-002-094 but Adams facial expression is slightly different. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-096
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School guidance counselor
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Mary T. Adams, Parker-Gray High School guidance counselor. She is posed seated at her desk as if in the middle of a phone conversation. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-097
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School nurse
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School nurse. A woman dressed in a white nurse's uniform dress and cap is posed seated at a desk with a pen poised as if writing on a set of papers on the desk. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-098
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School nurse
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School nurse. A woman dressed in a white nurse's uniform dress and cap is posed seated at a desk with a pen poised as if writing on a set of papers on the desk. Photograph is very similar to ABFR-23-002-097 but her facial expression is slightly different and the photo was taken at a slightly different angle. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-099
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School physical and driving education faculty
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the physical and driving education faculty at Parker-Gray High School. Three men and a woman are posed standing in a row in front of the bleachers in the school gymnasium. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-100
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School Principal William H. Pitts, Sr.
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. Pitts is posed seated at his desk with a pen poised above a set of papers on the desk. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-101
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School Principal William H. Pitts, Sr.
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, studio portrait of Parker-Gray High School Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. He is dressed in a dark-colored suit, white shirt, tie, and white pocket square and is posed seated in front of a blank backdrop. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-102
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School Principal William H. Pitts, Sr.
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. He is posed standing on the steps in front of the entrance to the school. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-103
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School Principal William H. Pitts, Sr.
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. Pitts is posed seated at his desk with a pen poised above a set of papers on the desk, as if in the midst of doing paperwork. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-104
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School Principal William H. Pitts, Sr.
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School Principal William H. Pitts, Sr. Pitts is posed seated at his desk while reaching to the intercom on his desk, as if in the midst of making an announcement. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-105
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School secretaries
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School secretaries. Three women are posed in the front office of the school. Two are seated at their desks and one is standing at the counter writing on a sheet of paper. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-106
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School secretaries
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School secretaries. Three women are posed in the front office of the school. Two are seated at their desks and one is standing at the counter writing on a sheet of paper. Photograph is similar to ABFR-23-002-105. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-107
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School secretaries
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School secretaries. Four women are posed in the front office of the school. They are all posed as if in the midst of working at different tasks: writing on a paper at the counter, looking through a filing cabinet, talking on the phone, typing on a typewriter. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-108
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School secretaries
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School secretaries. Three women are posed in the front office of the school. Two women are standing on either side of the counter and posed as if in the middle of a conversation. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-109
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School secretaries
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School secretaries. Three women are posed in the front office of the school. Two women are seated at their desks and one woman is standing behind the counter; all are posed as if in the midst of working. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-110
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School secretaries
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School secretaries. Two women are posed together behind a desk in the school administration offices. From left to right, a woman, Louise Evans, is posed standing and pointing to a piece of paper held in her other hand; a woman is seated at the desk and looking at the paper that Evans' is holding. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-111
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School vocational and fine arts faculty
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School vocational and fine arts faculty. A woman is seated at a piano with six other men and women posed standing around the piano. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-112
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School faculty
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School faculty. Twenty-eight men and women are posed in three rows in front of a light-colored curtain serving as a backdrop. They appear to be on the stage in a school auditorium. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-113
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School faculty
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of some members of the Parker-Gray High School faculty. Six men and women are seated around a table in what appears to be the school library. On the table are a few books and a typewriter. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-114
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School faculty
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of some members of the Parker-Gray High School faculty. Seven men and women are seated around a table in what appears to be the school library. On the table are a few books and a typewriter. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-115
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School faculty
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of some members of the Parker-Gray High School faculty. Seven men and women are seated around a table in what appears to be the school library. On the table are a few books and a typewriter. Photo is very similar to ABFR-23-002-114, but the people are posed in slightly different positions. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-116
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School faculty
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of some members of the Parker-Gray High School faculty. Ten men and women are posed around a desk at the front of a school classroom with a blank chalkboard behind them. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-117
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School homemaking class
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of the homemaking class at Parker-Gray High School. Eight young women are posed around a classroom kitchen at work on different cooking and baking tasks while their teacher looks on. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-118
    Parker-Gray High School baseball team photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of the Parker-Gray High School baseball team. Ten young men wearing baseball uniforms are posed together on a baseball field behind the school. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-119
    Photograph of Lawrence Veney in Parker-Gray High School baseball team uniform
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Lawrence Veney. He is wearing his Parker-Gray High School baseball team uniform and is posed as if in the midst of throwing a pitch. Photograph is dated 1963

  • ABFR-23-002-120
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School basketball game
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of the Parker-Gray High School basketball team in the midst of a game. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-121
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School basketball game
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of the Parker-Gray High School basketball team in the midst of a game. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-122
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School basketball game
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of the Parker-Gray High School basketball team in the midst of a game. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-123
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School pep squad
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of the Parker-Gray High School pep squad or cheerleading team. Seven young women in pep squad uniforms are in the midst of performing a cheer in the school gymnasium, presumably during a game or pep rally. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-124
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School pep squad
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the Parker-Gray High School pep squad or cheerleading team. Eight young women dressed in pep squad uniforms are posed in two rows in front of the bleachers in the school gymnasium. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-125
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School pep squad
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of the Parker-Gray High School pep squad or cheerleading team. Eight young women dressed in pep squad uniforms are posed standing in a row in front of the bleachers in the school gymnasium, posed as if in the midst of performing a cheer. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-126
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School pep squad
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Parker-Gray High School pep squad or cheerleading team. Thirty young women are posed in two rows in front of the bleachers in the school gymnasium. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-127
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School football players
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of four members of the Parker-Gray High School football team. Four young men dressed in football uniforms are posed standing on a football field. Three of the young men are crouched in a defensive position and the fourth young man is standing behind them as if poised to throw the football. Photograph is dated 1961

  • ABFR-23-002-128
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School football team captain Raymond Williams
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of Raymond Williams, captain of the Parker-Gray High School football team. A young man, Raymond Williams, wearing a football uniform number 80, is posed crouched in a defensive position on a football field. Photograph is dated 1961

  • ABFR-23-002-129
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School football game
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of the Parker-Gray High School football team in the midst of playing a game. The photo is a wide shot of players on the field. Unfortunately the image is slightly blurred. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-130
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School football game
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of the Parker-Gray High School football team in the midst of playing a game. The photo is a wide shot of players on the field. Unfortunately the image is slightly blurred. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-131
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School football game
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of the Parker-Gray High School football team in the midst of playing a game. The photo is a wide shot of players on the field. Unfortunately the image is slightly blurred. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-132
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School football game
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of the Parker-Gray High School football team in the midst of playing a game. The photo is a shot of players and two referees on the field. Unfortunately the image is slightly blurred. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-133
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School volleyball game
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of several young women playing a game of volleyball in the Parker-Gray High School gymnasium. Based on their matching outfits, this is likely a candid photograph from a Physical Education class. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-134
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School Girls' Athletic Association
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of what is likely the Parker-Gray High School Girls' Athletic Association. Nineteen young women are posed standing in two rows on the bleachers in the school gymnasium. They are all dressed in matching outfits: white blouses paired with dark-colored skirts. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-135
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School pep club
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of members of the Parker-Gray High School pep club. Fourteen young women are posed standing in two rows on the bleachers in the school gymnasium. They are standing angled sideways with their outer arm reaching out toward the middle of the gym. All of the young women are wearing vests with sashes that read, "Go Team Go." Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-136
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School wrestling match
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of two young men in the midst of a wrestling match. A referee dressed in all white is also visible on the side of the mat. Visible in the background of the image are the officials or scorekeepers seated at a table, an announcer seated on a stool with a microphone, and several other members of the Parker-Gray High School wrestling team wearing their uniform sweat suits. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-137
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School wrestling match
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of two young men in the midst of a wrestling match. A referee dressed in all white is also visible on the side of the mat. Visible in the background of the image are the officials or scorekeepers seated at a table, an announcer seated on a stool with a microphone, and several other members of the Parker-Gray High School wrestling team wearing their uniform sweat suits. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-138
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School wrestling team
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, team portrait of the Parker-Gray High School wrestling team. Twelve young men and their two coaches are posed in two rows atop a wrestling mat in the school gymnasium. They are all dressed in matching light-colored sweat suits that say Parker-Gray on the front. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-139
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School wrestling team
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, team portrait of the Parker-Gray High School wrestling team. Twelve young men and their two coaches are posed in two rows atop a wrestling mat in the school gymnasium. They are all dressed in matching light-colored sweat suits that say Parker-Gray on the front. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-140
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School basketball team
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of a Parker-Gray High School team for an unidentified sport, presumably basketball based on their outfits. Twelve young men are posed seated on the bleachers in the school gymnasium. They are dressed in matching shiny jackets with PG on the front. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-141
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School basketball team
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of a Parker-Gray High School team for an unidentified sport, presumably basketball based on their outfits. Twelve young men are posed seated on the bleachers in the school gymnasium. They are dressed in matching shiny jackets with PG on the front. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-142
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School track and field team
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of a Parker-Gray High School team for an unidentified sport, presumably track and field based on their outfits. Nine young men are posed standing on the bleachers in the school gymnasium. They are dressed in matching dark-colored sweat suits that say Parker-Gray on the front. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-143
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School track and field team
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of a Parker-Gray High School team for an unidentified sport, presumably track and field based on their outfits. Nine young men are posed seated on the bleachers in the school gymnasium. They are dressed in matching dark-colored sweat suits that say Parker-Gray on the front. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-144
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School junior class
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of a junior class at Parker-Gray High School. Approximately sixty students are posed in three rows on the grass in front of the school building. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-145
    Photograph of Parker-Gray High School students in a car
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of five Parker-Gray High School students in a car. A young man is posed in the driver's seat, in the passenger seat is a young woman wearing a headscarf, and in the backseat are three other young women. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-146
    Photograph of three Parker-Gray High School students
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of three Parker-Gray High School students. Three young women are posed standing in a row on a field. Two of the young women are wearing floral corsages pinned to their lapels and the young woman in the center of the group is holding a bouquet. Presumably they are a homecoming court, but the context of the image is not identified anywhere. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-002-147
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. A man dressed in a brown polo shirt and khaki pants is seated next to a woman dressed in white pants and a blouse with a blue paisley pattern. They are both seated in front of tables and blue and white painted cement brick walls - the type of cement brick that is frequently found in American public school buildings. Photograph is dated 22 August 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-148
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a red collared dress, Norma J. Turner, is seated in front of a blue cement brick wall - the type of cement brick that is frequently found in American public school buildings. Photograph is dated 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-149
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. Several men and women, including Norma J. Turner in the foreground of the image, are seated at a dinner table in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. Visible in the background of the image are three other people who appear to be about to take their seats at another table, as well as, a bartender behind a bar. Photograph is dated 22 August 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-150
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. Several men and women are seated at a dinner table in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. Visible in the background of the image are other people seated at another table, as well as, a man ordering a drink from the bar. Photograph is dated 22 August 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-151
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. Several men and women are seated at dinner tables in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. In the foreground of the image is a man dressed in black pants, a white shirt, patterned tie, black suspenders, and glasses with a rose-colored tint. Photograph is dated 22 August 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-152
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. Several men and women are seated at dinner tables in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. In the foreground of the image is a man dressed in a grey suit, white shirt, and checkered tie; and a woman dressed in a pink, orange, and yellow dress with a sheer yellow jacket. Photograph is dated 22 August 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-153
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman is seated at a dinner table in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. She is wearing a black dress with a floral print and a black blazer jacket. Photograph is dated 22 August 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-154
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman is seated at a dinner table in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. She is wearing a purple dress and matching purple jacket. Photograph is dated 22 August 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-155
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman is seated at a dinner table in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. She is wearing a pink dress and matching pink jacket. Photograph is dated 22 August 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-156
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a white, lace blouse is seated in what appears to be a red booth. Photograph is dated 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-157
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman is standing up from a dinner table with a red booth seat and looks as if about to give a speech. She is dressed in a sky blue jacket and matching sky blue pants, white blouse, and sky blue hat. Photograph is dated 22 August 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-158
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. A man dressed in a grey suit, blue shirt, and blue tie is posed seated at a table. Photograph is dated 22 August 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-159
    Photograph from 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion
    22 August 2010
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during the 2010 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman and man are standing up from a dinner table with a red booth seat and are posed in the midst of presenting a certificate. The woman is dressed in a sky blue jacket and matching sky blue pants, white blouse, and sky blue hat. The man is dressed in a tan suit, light-gray shirt, and patterned tie. Photograph is dated 22 August 2010

  • ABFR-23-002-160
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman dressed in a pink sweater is seated in front of a white cement brick wall. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-161
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman dressed in a pink sweater is seated in front of a white cement brick wall. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-162
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman dressed in a grey jacket and floral patterned blouse is seated in front of a window that looks out onto the street. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-163
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman dressed in a green blouse with a patterned scarf tied around her neck is seated in front of a window that looks out onto the street. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-164
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A man and a woman are seated in front of a window that looks out onto the street. The woman is wearing a white and grey striped jacket and blouse; the man is wearing a checkered suit jacket, white shirt, and striped tie. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-165
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A man wearing a checkered suit jacket, white shirt, and striped tie is seated in front of a window that looks out onto the street. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-166
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A man wearing a white shirt and white baseball cap is seated in front of a white cement brick wall. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-167
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a pink and white blouse, black suit jacket, and backwards black baseball cap is seated in front of a white cement brick wall. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-168
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A man wearing a tan shirt is standing in front of a window that looks out onto the street. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-169
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A laughing man wearing a patterned shirt is seated in front of a window that looks out onto the street. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-170
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a black and white patterned blouse and white pants is seated in front of a white cement brick wall. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-171
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A man wearing a black shirt is seated in front of blank whiteboard mounted on a white cement brick wall. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-172
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a yellow shirt, black patterned cardigan, and black headwrap is seated in front of blank whiteboard mounted on a white cement brick wall. A cane is leaning against the wall behind her. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-173
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a black and white blouse over a black t-shirt is seated in front of blank whiteboard mounted on a white cement brick wall. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-174
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a blue and white patterned blouse and white baseball cap with a logo on it that reads, "Parker-Gray 1920-1965" is posed standing in what appears to be a classroom. Several other people are visible behind her in the background of the image. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-175
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a black blouse is seated in front of blank whiteboard mounted on a white cement brick wall. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-176
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a grey t-shirt is seated in front of blank whiteboard mounted on a white cement brick wall. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-177
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a red blouse is seated in front of blank whiteboard mounted on a white cement brick wall. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-178
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a black and white patterned blouse is seated in front of a white cement brick wall. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-179
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    18 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a white t-shirt, blue sweater, and holding a notebook is seated in front of blank whiteboard mounted on a white cement brick wall. Photograph is dated 18 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-180
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    19 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a purple, black, and white patterned blouse is seated at a dinner table in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. Several other guests seated at other tables are visible in the background of the image. Photograph is dated 19 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-181
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    19 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a pale green blouse is seated at a dinner table in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. Several other guests seated at other tables are visible in the background of the image. Photograph is dated 19 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-182
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    19 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A man wearing a striped brown suit jacket and pink shirt is seated at a dinner table in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. Several other guests seated at other tables are visible in the background of the image. Photograph is dated 19 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-183
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    19 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a purple blouse and white lace shrug is seated at a dinner table in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. Several other guests seated at other tables are visible in the background of the image. Photograph is dated 19 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-184
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    19 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman is seated at a dinner table in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. Several other guests seated at other tables are visible in the background of the image. Unfortunately the image file appears to be corrupted and the bottom half of the image is missing. Photograph is dated 19 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-185
    Photograph from 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion
    19 August 2012
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2012 Parker-Gray School reunion. A woman wearing a purple, black, and white patterned blouse is seated at a dinner table in what appears to be a restaurant or banquet hall. Several other guests seated at other tables are visible in the background of the image. Photograph is dated 19 August 2012

  • ABFR-23-002-186
    Photograph from 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion event of Linwood Moses Smith and Sharon Jones Frazier. From left to right: a woman dressed in a purple turtleneck and purple cardigan; a man, Linwood Moses Smith, dressed in khaki pants, a grey zipped jacket under a denim jacket, a grey hat; a woman, Sharon Jones Frazier, dressed in a blue collared top under a tan trench coat. Photograph is dated 2015

  • ABFR-23-002-187
    Photograph from 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion event of McArthur and Nellie Quander. A man, identified as McArthur, dressed in denim pants, a checkered shirt, black windbreaker with the Free Masons logo on the front, and a brown hat walks with a woman using a mobility aid, Nellie Quander, dressed in a black top, black pants, and bright, red coat. Photograph is dated 2015

  • ABFR-23-002-188
    Photograph from 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion event. A candid photograph of three women and a man standing in the street, presumably outside the former Parker-Gray High School building, in the midst of conversation. Included in the group are Sharon Jones Frazier and Audrey P. Davis, Director of the Alexandria Black History Museum. Photograph is dated 2015

  • ABFR-23-002-189
    Photograph from 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion event. A portrait photograph of Audrey P. Davis, Director of the Alexandria Black History Museum, posed standing in the street in front of the former Parker-Gray High School building. Photograph is dated 2015

  • ABFR-23-002-190
    Photograph from 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion event. A candid photograph of five men standing in the street, presumably outside the former Parker-Gray High School building, in the midst of conversation. Photograph is dated 2015

  • ABFR-23-002-191
    Photograph from 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion event. Seven men and women are posed next to the historic landmark sign noting the adjacent building as the former building of Parker-Gray High School. Photograph is dated 2015

  • ABFR-23-002-192
    Photograph from 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion event. A man and woman are seated in the middle of the audience during the celebration event. The man is wearing a blue and white striped shirt and tan suit jacket; the woman is wearing a brown quilted coat. Photograph is dated 2015

  • ABFR-23-002-193
    Photograph from 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion
    Content Description

    Color photograph taken during a 2015 Parker-Gray School reunion event. A man dressed in a grey suit, off-white shirt, patterned tie, and white baseball cap is walking down the street while utilizing a mobility aid. Photograph is dated 2015

  • ABFR-23-002-194
    Charles Houston Elementary School class portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, class portrait of a group of Charles Houston Elementary School students. Approximately fifty children, along with two teachers, are posed standing in four rows on the steps in front of the entrance to the school. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-002-195
    Charles Houston Elementary School class portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, class portrait of the Room 6, Second Grade class at Charles Houston Elementary School in 1964. Twenty-eight children are posed in three rows with their teacher in what appears to be the school library. Two children in the center of the front row are holding a sign that reads, "Charles Houston Alexandria, VA Grade 2 Room 6 1964." Photograph is dated 1964

  • ABFR-23-002-196
    Charles Houston Elementary School class portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, class portrait of the Room 16, Fourth Grade class at Charles Houston Elementary School in 1964. Twenty-seven children are posed in three rows with their teacher in what appears to be the school library. Two children in the center of the front row are holding a sign that reads, "Charles Houston Alexandria, VA Grade 4 Room 16 1964." Photograph is dated 1964

Linwood Moses Smith family photographs
Content Description

Digital surrogates of photographs from the family of Linwood Moses Smith. Related to the Jesurena Smith family photographs (ABFR-23-006)


Digital surrogates created in 2023

  • ABFR-23-004-001
    Portrait photograph of a young girl
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of a young girl standing posed outside in the grass. She is wearing a white top, white pants, and black sandals with white socks. It appears that the girl is in the yard next to a house; behind her are a brick wall and a large bush or shrubbery. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-004-002
    Photograph of children outside
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of a group of four young children. The children (a young girl, a young boy, and two toddlers) are outside in the grass, in what appears to be the yard next to a house. One of the toddlers is sitting in the grass while the two older children are each holding a hand of the second toddler while they attempt to stand on their own. It appears that the children are attempting to pose for the photograph, but have been captured in motion. Behind the children is a brick wall with two visible windows and the shadow of a large bush or shrubbery. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-004-003
    Photograph of women and two young children
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of a young woman and two very young children. The woman, dressed in black capri pants and a striped tank top, is posed standing outside in the grass in what appears to be the yard next to a house. She is holding a baby in her right arm while with her left holds the hand of a toddler standing next to her. The baby and toddler are both dressed in all white outfits. Behind the group is a brick wall with three visible windows and a large bush or shrubbery. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-004-004
    Photograph of three young children
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of three young children standing outside in the grass, in front of a short shrub. From left to right, a young boy dressed in a white short sleeved shirt, dark-colored shorts, and black sandals with white socks; a young girl wearing a tank top and shorts with matching printed pattern and tennis shoes; a young girl wearing a white top, white pants, and black sandals with white socks. The three children appear to be attempting to pose for the photograph but were captured either distracted or in motion. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-004-005
    Photograph of woman sitting on a couch
    Content Description

    Color photograph of a woman seated on a couch which appears to be in the living room of a home. The woman is wearing a dark-colored coat and dark-colored dress. She is seated on a blue couch in front of a window with blue, patterned curtains. Unfortunately, the photograph is blurry and some details are hard to see. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-004-006
    Group portrait at a party
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of a group of five people posed standing in front of a striped tent. Unfortunately, the photograph was damaged and a large portion is missing from the right side of the image. From left to right, a woman wearing a light colored dress with a small, dotted pattern; a man wearing black pants, a white short-sleeved button-down shirt, and a light-colored hat; a woman wearing a striped dress; a young girl wearing a white dress and holding a doll; a man wearing a white shirt, but otherwise obscured by the missing piece. On the bottom edge of the photograph is a handwritten note that reads, "Feeling might f--" with the remainder of the note missing. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-004-007
    Group portrait at confirmation ceremony
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-008
    Portrait photograph of U.S. Army soldier on military ship
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-009
    Portrait photograph of a young woman
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-010
    Photograph of adults and young child at a family gathering
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-011
    Photograph of a woman
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-012
    Photograph of four young children playing in a yard
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-013
    Portrait photograph of Vicky
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-014
    Portrait photograph of a man
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-015
    Photograph of a man at a formal event
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-016
    Photograph of a man in dress uniform
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-017
    Photograph of a woman and two teenagers, a young man and a young woman
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-018
    Photograph of a man and woman sitting on a porch
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-019
    Photograph of a man seated at a home bar
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-020
    Photograph of a man
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-021
    Photograph of two men having a conversation
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-022
    Group portrait of a confirmation class
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-023
    Group portrait of a confirmation class
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-024
    Photograph of a young woman leaning against a car
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-025
    Group photograph of Maria, Jootsie, Wootchie, Jesurena [Smith], and Linwood [Moses Smith]
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-026
    Group photograph of Maria, Jootsie, Wootchie, Jesurena [Smith], and Linwood [Moses Smith], verso
    Content Description

    Reverse of Group photograph of Maria, Jootsie, Wootchie, Jesurena [Smith], and Linwood [Moses Smith] (ABFR-23-004-025). Handwritten note which identifies the people in the photograph reads, "Maria, Jootsie 13, Wootchie 10, Jesurena 8, Linwood 4"

  • ABFR-23-004-027
    Photograph of two young women
    June 1959
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-028
    Portrait photograph of an elderly woman
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-029
    Photograph of Arnold J. Thammond as a baby
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-030
    Photograph of Arnold J. Thammond as a baby, verso
    Content Description

    Reverse of Photograph of Arnold J. Thammond as a baby (ABFR-23-004-029). Handwritten note which identifies the baby in the photograph reads, "Arnold J. Thammond, age 4 months"

  • ABFR-23-004-031
    Portrait photograph of Boonie
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-032
    Portrait photograph of a man
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-033
    Portrait photograph of a baby
    June 1959
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-034
    Portrait photograph of a man and a woman
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-035
    Photograph of a home bar
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-036
    Close-up photograph of a woman
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-037
    Photograph of a man with a baby in his lap
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-038
    Photograph of a woman
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-039
    Photograph of family gathering
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-040
    Photograph of a man (John?)
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-041
    Photograph of a man (John?), verso
    Content Description

    Reverse of Photograph of a man (John?) (ABFR-23-004-040). Handwritten note reads, "Dear Jesus, please have mercy on John."

  • ABFR-23-004-042
    Photograph of a young man
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-043
    Clipped photograph of a woman
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-044
    Group portrait of confirmation class
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-045
    Group portrait at a wedding
    April 1959
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-046
    Photograph of man and woman in a park
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-047
    Photograph of a man standing outside
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-048
    Portrait photograph of nuns and priest
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-049
    Photograph of two young girls
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-050
    Group photo of a family outdoors
    29 May 1983
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-051
    Group photo of a family outdoors, verso
    29 May 1983
    Content Description

    Reverse of Group photo of a family outdoors (ABFR-23-004-050). Handwritten note reads, "Gen et al 5-29-83"

  • ABFR-23-004-052
    Photograph of a young boy
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-053
    Group photo of five young children
    Content Description

    Same image as ABFR-23-006-022. Want to help us describe this image? Use the Digital Materials link below to view this image on the Digital Special Collections portal and share information about it using our Community Description form at:

  • ABFR-23-004-054
    Photograph of a framed portrait drawing
    July 1992
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-055
    Photograph of a framed portrait drawing, verso
    July 1992
    Content Description

    Reverse of Photograph of a framed portrait drawing (ABFR-23-004-054). Typescript date stamp reads, "JUL 92"

  • ABFR-23-004-056
    Portrait photograph of a bride
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-057
    Group photograph taken at Bachelorette party
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-058
    Photograph of two young children in costume
    May 1993
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-059
    Photograph of two young children in costume, verso
    May 1993
    Content Description

    Reverse of Photograph of two young children in costume (ABFR-23-004-058). Typescript date stamp reads, "MAY 93 9"

  • ABFR-23-004-060
    Group photograph of outdoor family gathering
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-061
    Photograph of two men at a birthday party
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-062
    Photograph of a young man
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-063
    Photograph of a man holding a baby
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-064
    Photograph of Linwood Smith and unidentified woman
    July 2005
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-065
    Photograph of Linwood Smith and unidentified woman, verso
    July 2005
    Content Description

    Reverse of Photograph of Linwood Smith and unidentified woman (ABFR-23-004-064). Typescript date stamp reads, "07/06/05"

  • ABFR-23-004-066
    Portrait photograph of a young man in graduation cap and gown
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-067
    Photograph of wedding procession
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-068
    Group photograph of confirmation class
    Content Description

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  • ABFR-23-004-069
    Photograph of two children with a dog
    Content Description

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Coleman and Butler family photographs
Content Description

Digital surrogates of photographs from the Coleman and Butler families.


Digital surrogates created in 2023

  • ABFR-23-005-001
    Portrait of Lucy
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of a young woman, Lucy, standing posed in a doorway. She is dressed in a light-colored dress worn over a white shirt, a white collar, and a wide brimmed hat. The photo print is mounted in grey board and gold letters spelling "LUCY" are affixed to the board underneath the photograph. There is also printed typescript which reads, "G.G. Donaldson, Washington, DC." Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-002
    Parade photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of an oncoming parade headed down a residential street. Men are lined up on either side of the street, and five men are parading down the street toward the photographer. The man out front is wearing white gloves and carrying what appears to be a book. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-003
    Wartime radio photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of a group of people posed seated around a table with a microphone mounted on the ceiling and suspended over the middle of the table. They appear to be in a recording booth for radio or audio announcements. The man seated at the table in the middle of the group is dressed in United States military uniform and on the table in front of him are a stack of papers. Photograph is undated, c.1940s

  • ABFR-23-005-004
    Wedding portrait
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of a man and woman dressed for their wedding day. The bride is wearing a white wedding gown, veil, and pendant necklace and holding a bouquet. The groom is dressed in a dark-colored suit, white shirt, and dark-colored bowtie. A handwritten note in the bottom, right corner of the photo print reads, "Murphy." Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-005
    Portrait of a young woman
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of a young woman who appears to be seated in front of a window. It is not clear whether she is actually seated in front of a window, or if this is a studio backdrop. She is dressed in a light-colored top with large buttons and a collar with a pleated trim. Photo print appears to have suffered some damage and wear. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-006
    Studio portrait of a young man
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, studio portrait of a young man. He is dressed in a dark-colored suit, striped tie, striped socks, dark-colored leather shoes, and a dark-colored fedora hat. He is posed seated on a bench with one knee tucked up onto the bench beside him. The background behind him is a painting of a bridge over a pond with ducks and swans swimming in it. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-007
    Oliver Coleman, State Champion Side Horse 1967-68
    Content Description

    A card with a printed calligraphy text which reads, "Oliver Coleman, State Champion, Side Horse, 1967-68." It is unclear if this is related to the Studio portrait of a young man (ABFR-23-005-006)

  • ABFR-23-005-008
    Candid portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Color photograph, candid portrait of a man and a woman. The woman is wearing a light-colored dress with an embroidered collar and cat-eye glasses. The man is dressed in a dark-colored suit, white shirt, striped tie, and glasses. They appear to be in someone's home and visible in the background of the image are the bottom of a staircase and an ornately carved wooden table with a book, cups, and an ashtray on top. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-009
    Family portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Color photograph, studio portrait of a family posed in front of a navy blue backdrop. From left to right: a woman wearing a black dress; an older woman dressed in a red dress, pearl necklace, and glasses; an older man dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black tie, and glasses; a young woman wearing a white dress with a off-the-shoulder neckline and a pearl necklace; and a boy dressed in a black suit, white shirt, and purple satin bowtie. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-010
    Photograph of three men
    Content Description

    Color photograph of three men posed standing with their arms around each other. From left to right: a man dressed in khaki pants and a plaid shirt; a man dressed in khaki pants, bright blue shirt, and a black tie; a man dressed in khaki pants and a dark-colored shirt. Photograph is undated, c.2000s

  • ABFR-23-005-011
    Group portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Color photograph, group photo taken in a church sanctuary with the pulpit visible in the background of the image. From left to right: a young man dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black bowtie, and white floral boutonniere; a young man dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black bowtie, and white floral boutonniere; an older woman wearing a white dress and white floral corsage; an older man dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black bowtie, and white floral boutonniere; a young woman wearing a white dress and white floral corsage; a young man dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black bowtie, and white floral boutonniere. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-012
    Group wedding portrait
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of bride and groom surrounded by several friends and/or family. Centered at the front of the photo: the bride is wearing a white dress, white gloves, a white fascinator, and holding a bouquet in one hand and the hand of the groom with the other; the groom is dressed in a dark-colored suit, white shirt, dark-colored tie, and white boutonniere. Next to and behind the couple, from left to right: a man dressed in a dark suit, white shirt, and patterned tie; a young man whose outfit is obscured; a young woman whose outfit is obscured; a young man wearing a dark-colored suit, white shirt, and dark-colored tie; a woman whose outfit is obscured; a young woman wearing a dark-colored dress with buttons and a bow in her hair; an older woman in a light colored dress and corsage pinned to her lapel. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-013
    Office group portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of a man and two women sitting at a desk in an office. A man is seated to the left of the desk and is dressed in a dark-colored suit, white shirt, and patterned tie. One of the women is seated behind the desk with her hands folded on top of the desk; she is dressed in a dark-colored top and jacket. The other woman is seated to the right of the desk and is dressed in a dark-colored skirt suit and white blouse. On the desk are a black telephone, two baskets with papers in them, a bound report or portfolio, and a pen holder. There is a filing cabinet visible in the background of the image. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-014
    Portrait photograph of a woman
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, studio portrait of a woman posed in front of a blank, light-colored backdrop. She is dressed in a dark-colored dress or jacket over a white blouse. The image only depicts from her shoulders up. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-015
    Portrait photograph of a woman, verso
    Content Description

    Reverse of Portrait photograph of a woman (ABFR-23-005-014). Handwritten notes read, "6489" and "[illegible]." A stamped typescript note reads, "For your convenience the negative of this photograph will be kept on file. When reordering be sure you mentio the letters and numbers that follow 2-[blank], Murphy PO Trait Studio, Alexandria, Virginia."

  • ABFR-23-005-016
    Family wedding portrait
    Content Description

    Color photograph, portrait of a bride posed standing in a church sanctuary with three family members. From left to right: an older man dressed in a dark-colored suit, white shirt, burgondy tie, glasses, and white boutonniere; an older woman wearing a pastel blue dress, matching shoes, pearl necklace and bracelet, and white corsage pinned to her lapel; the bride dressed in a white wedding gown, pearl necklace and headband, and holding a bouquet of blue and white flowers; a man dressed in a dark-colored suit, white shirt, navy blue tie, and white boutonniere. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-017
    Portrait photograph of a woman
    Content Description

    Color photograph, portrait of a woman standing posed in front of a sage green curtain with a floral pattern. She is dressed in a tan dress, white glvoes, pearl necklace and earrings, white fascinator hat, and white floral corsage pinned to her collar and is holding a white handbag. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-005-018
    Portrait photograph of a man
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of a man seated in front of what appears to be a canvas tent. He is dressed in a light-colored shirt that is likely part of a military uniform, though no identifying insignia is visible in the image. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-019
    Group portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Color photograph, group photo taken in a church sanctuary with the pulpit visible in the background of the image. From left to right: a man dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black bowtie, and white floral boutonniere; a woman dresed in a sparkly, dark-colored dress and white floral wrist-corsage; an older woman wearing a white dress with a white floral wrist-corsage; an older man dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black bowtie, and white floral boutonniere; a woman in a black skirt set with a white blouse and a white floral wrist-corsage; and a man dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black bowtie, and white floral boutonniere. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-020
    Group portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Color photograph, group photo taken in a church sanctuary with the pulpit visible in the background of the image. From left to right; a man dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black bowtie, and white floral boutonniere; a woman wearing a white dress with a white floral wrist-corsage; a man dressed in a black suit, white shirt, black bowtie, and white floral boutonniere; a woman dressed in a blue dress with a black and gold stoll draped over her shoulders, and a man in a dark-colored suit, white shirt, and grey tie. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-005-021
    Wedding portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of what appears to be a bride and groom standing posed in front of a decorative white backdrop and two potted plants. The woman is dressed in a white wedding gown, white gloves, and is holding a small bouquet. The man is dressed in a black tuxedo with a white shirt and white bowtie. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-005-022
    Wedding portrait photograph, verso
    Content Description

    Reverse of Wedding portrait photograph (ABFR-23-005-021). Handwritten note reads, "1-4"

  • ABFR-23-005-023
    Photograph of group of children
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of a group of children of varying ages stood posed in what appears to be a church or banquet hall. From left to right; a young girl wearing a light-colored, striped dress; a young girl wearing a white dress; a young girl wearing a light-colored dress with a white celebretory sash across her shoulder; a young girl wearing a white dress; a young boy dressed in a dark-colored suit, white shirt, and striped bowtie; a young girl wearing a white dress; a young girl wearing a white dress with dark-colored polka dots; a young girl wearing a white dress. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-005-024
    Photograph of group of children, verso
    Content Description

    Reverse of Photograph of group of children (ABFR-23-005-023). Stamped typescript reads, "Photo by Jackson, 528 N. Payne Street, Alexandria, Va. KI 9-8019"

  • ABFR-23-005-025
    Group portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of three women seated in chairs with three men standing behind them. Back row, from left to right: man wearing a light-colored suit, white shirt, and patterned tie; man wearing a dark-colored suit, white shirt, dark-colored tie, and white pocket square; man in a light-colored suit, white shirt, and patterned tie. Front row, from left to right: woman wearing a white dress; woman wearing a white dress, white arm wraps, and a floral corsage pinned to her collar; woman wearing a light-colored dress. They appear to be in a church recreation or banquet hall. Visible in the background of the image are a man eating seated at a long table with a white table cloth, a raised platform stage with chairs on it, a curtain behind the stage with what seems to be a large cross mounted as a backdrop. photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-005-026
    Concession stand portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of a dozen men posed standing staggered in a line in front of what appears to be a concessions stand. All of the men are wearing suits and several also have white floral boutonnieres pinned to their lapels. Visible in the background of the image are a couple of women. Photograph is undated, c.1940s

  • ABFR-23-005-027
    Newspaper clipping
    Content Description

    Clipping from a newspaper featuring a black and white photograph of a group of people posed in an office with a caption underneath. Pictured in the photo are a young woman, a young man, and a man seated at a desk and posed looking at brochures. The man seated on the right is also holding the telephone as if in the middle of a call. Standing behind the seated trio and looking over their shoulders are two men and two women. All are dressed in business casual outfits c.1960s. According to the caption, the image depicts two college students, Marilyn Klug and Jim Rogers, who are starting positions with the Alexandria Office of the Virginia Employment Commission under a summer employment project of the Northern Virginia Board of Realtors' "Make America Better" Program. Also pictured in the image are G. Lewis Layne, Joanna M. Tanner, Ralph A. Wells, Oliver Coleman, and Eileen K. Levington. Clipping is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-005-028
    Home-coming group photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of twenty-one men, women, and children posed standing in a church sanctuary in front of the pulpit. Visible in the background of the image are the choir loft, a staircase, and a banner hung behind the pulpit that reads, "Home-coming, United We Stand, Divided We Fall." Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-005-029
    Group portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of twenty-four men and women, posed in three rows. The men are all wearing dark-colored suits, white shirts, and dark-colored ties, with badges or medals pinned to their lapels. The women are all wearing matching white collared dresses, white gloves, and the same badges or medals pinned to their lapels. They appear to be in a church recreation hall and there is a wooden cross visible in the background of the image. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

Jesurena Smith family photographs
Content Description

Digital surrogates of photographs from the family of Jesurena Smith. The Newman family lived at 510 and 512 Pendleton Street in Alexandria, Virginia from 1928 until the 1970s. John Henry Newman moved from Burke, Virginia to Alexandria in the 1920s. Newman had two wives: Nannie Pounds Newman and Elizabeth Pounds Newman. Related to the Linwood Moses Smith family photographs (ABFR-23-004)


Digital surrogates created in 2023

Carrie Jones Stevens family photographs
Scope and Contents

Digital surrogates of photographs and ephemera from the family of Sharon Jones Frazier and her paternal grandmother, Carrie Jones Stevens. Carrie Jones Stevens originally lived in Palmyra, Virginia with her first husband, Albert Jones. Together they had three children - Shedrick (father of Sharon Jones Frazier), Ellen, and Annie. After Albert's death, she re-married Moses Stevens and the family moved to Alexandria, Virginia and lived at 1325 Cameron Street; this home remains in the family as of 2023. Ellen married Lawrence Butler and moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Annie and Shedrick both attended Parker-Gray School. Annie worked at the Carver Theater and Shedrick had a career as a plasterer


Digital surrogates created in 2023

  • ABFR-23-007-001
    The Other Alexandria clipping
    Content Description

    Clipping of an article and two black and white photographs from The Other Alexandria, "Betty Garrett Scott: 'Memories of My Grandfather' by Char McCargo Bah

  • ABFR-23-007-002
    Candid photograph of a man
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, candid photo of a man walking on a cement patio in front of a brick wall and white door. He is dressed in a light-colored suit, white shirt, and glasses. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-007-003
    Backyard portrait photograph of Sharon Jones Frazier
    Content Description

    Color photograph, portrait of a young woman, Sharon Jones Frazier, standing posed in a backyard. She is dressed in a light-colored blouse and skirt set. A brick building and a white stone fence are visible in the background of the image. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-007-004
    Backyard portrait photograph of a woman
    Content Description

    Color photograph, portrait of a woman standing posed in a backyard. She is wearing a white collared dress with a pink and green floral pattern. A brick building, white stone fence, and green lawn furniture are visible in the background of the image. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-007-005
    Portrait photograph of a man
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, studio portrait of a man seated in front of a light-colored backdrop. He is dressed in a suit and tie. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-007-006
    Photograph of a child in the backyard
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of a young girl sitting on the grass in what appears to be a backyard or park. She is dressed in a light-colored Native American costume dress and band around her forehead with a single dark-colored feather sticking up in the back. Her hair is worn in pigtails. Lawn furniture is visible in the side of the image. The photo print has suffered some wear and damage and there is a vertical crease down the middle of the print which obscures some of the image. Photograph is dated "February -8" with a typescript stamp on the top edge of the print, the decade is obscured by the damage to the print but is mostly likely 1958

  • ABFR-23-007-007
    Portrait photograph of Sharon Jones Frazier as a young girl
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of a young girl, Sharon Jones Frazier, posed standing in front of a brick wall. She is wearing a light-colored dress with a Peter Pan collar and a light-colored bow in her hair. A handwritten note on the photo print over the image identifies the little girl as "Sharon." Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-007-008
    Portrait photograph of Sharon Jones Frazier
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, studio portrait of a young woman, Sharon Jones Frazier, seated in front of a blank backdrop. She is dressed in a white and light-colored collared shirt. A handwritten note on the photo print reads, "To Mom, Love Sharon, 1972"

  • ABFR-23-007-009
    Portrait photograph of Sharon Jones Frazier in a nurse uniform
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, studio portrait of a young woman, Sharon Jones Frazier, seated in front of a blank backdrop. She is dressed in a white nurse's uniform: white collared top and small white hat. Photograph is undated, c.1970s

  • ABFR-23-007-010
    Portrait photograph of Sharon Jones Frazier and family
    Content Description

    Color photograh, studio portrait of two women and a small dog. Sharon Jones Frazier is dressed in a red collared dress and is standing posed with her hand on the shoulder of an older woman. The other woman is dressed in a black and white houndstooth dress, pearl necklace, and wire-rimmed glasses. She is holding an buff-colored Cocker Spaniel with a red collar. Photograph is undated, c.1990s

  • ABFR-23-007-011
    Photograph of Sharon Jones Frazier and man
    Content Description

    Color photograph of a young woman, Sharon Jones Frazier, and a man posed standing together in front of a dark, red wall and a potted plant. She is dressed in a white dress, white jacket, and red brooch pinned to her dress; she is carrying a black handbag. The man is dressed in a dark-colored suit, white shirt, patterned tie, glasses, silver cross necklace, and red brooch pinned to his lapel. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-007-012
    Photograph of a young girl
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, portrait of a young girl posed standing in front of a dark-colored couch with white curtains behind it. She is dressed in a light-colored coat with a double-layered rounded flat collar, white gloves, white beret hat, and white cross-body handbag. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-007-013
    Portrait photograph of a woman
    Content Description

    Color photograph, studio portrait of a woman posed seated in front of a cream-colored backdrop. She is dressed in a cream-colored top and gold jewelry. Photograph is undated, c.1970s

  • ABFR-23-007-014
    Portrait photograph of a man
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, studio portrait of a man posed seated in front of a light-colored backdrop with his hands folded in front of him. He is dressed in a houndstooth suit, white shirt, black tie, and badge-shaped lapel pin. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-007-015
    Portrait photograph of a woman
    Content Description

    Black and white photogrpah, studio portrait of a young woman posed sitting in front of a blank backdrop. She is dressed in a light-colored blouse. Photograph is undated, c.1940s

  • ABFR-23-007-016
    Portrait photograph of a woman, verso
    Content Description

    Reverse of Portrait photograph of a woman (ABFR-23-007-015). Stamped typescript reads, "Stephen's Photographers, 1202 You St., N.W., Washington, D.C." Handwritten note reads, "10336 R GT"

  • ABFR-23-007-017
    Portrait photograph of a baby
    Content Description

    Black and white photogrpah, portrait of a baby seated propped up against pillows on what appears to be a couch or armchair upholstered in a floral print. The baby is dressed in a white dress and white socks. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-007-018
    Portrait photograph of a baby, verso
    Content Description

    Reverse of Portrait photograph of a baby (ABFR-23-007-017). Stamped typescript reads, "Pease Photograph Washington, DC Ludlow 2517 Credit Please Photographers"

  • ABFR-23-007-019
    Portrait photograph of Sharon Jones Frazier
    Content Description

    Color photograph, studio portrait of a woman, Sharon Jones Frazier, posed seated in front of a dark-colored backdrop. She is dressed in a white blouse with a light blue satin notched collar and light blue satin trim on the breast pockets. Photograph is undated, c.1970s

  • ABFR-23-007-020
    Portrait photograph of a woman
    Content Description

    Color photograph, studio portrait of a woman posed seated in front of a blue backdrop. She is dressed in a red blouse with floral applique, a gold necklace, and glasses. Photograph is undated, c.1980s

  • ABFR-23-007-021
    Portrait photograph of Sharon Jones Frazier
    Content Description

    Color photograph, studio portrait of a woman, Sharon Jones Frazier, posed seated in front of a blue backdrop with a hand tucked loosely under her chin. She is dressed in a bright, red collared blouse, gold jewelry, and wire-rimmed glasses. Photograph is undated, c.2000s

  • ABFR-23-007-022
    Portrait photograph of a young woman
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, studio portrait of a young woman posed seated in front of a light-colored backdrop. She is dressed in a patterned blouse with a bowtie collar and a pearl necklace. Photograph is undated, c.1940s

  • ABFR-23-007-023
    Portrait photograph of Sharon Jones Frazier
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, studio portrait of a young woman, Sharon Jones Frazier, posed seated in front of a light -colored backdrop. She is dressed in denim pants, a plaid shirt, and sweater vest. Photo print has suffered some wear and damage and there are sepia toned streaks across the image. Photograph is undated, c.1970s

  • ABFR-23-007-024
    Group photograph at a restaurant
    Content Description

    Color photograph of four women seated in a corner booth at a restaurant. From left to right: a woman dressed in a blue striped skirt, blue blouse, and blue cardigan; a woman wearing a purple blouse; a woman, Sharon Jones Frazier, dressed in a blue and green patterned blouse; a woman dressed in a black top. Photograph is undated, c.2000s

  • ABFR-23-007-025
    Photograph of two young girls
    Content Description

    Color photograph of two young girls posed standing together in a home. From left to right: a young girl wearing a yellow dress with a patterned skirt and yellow satin bow in her hair; a young girl wearing a blue and white patterned dress and holding a doll. Windows with red and white curtains and an interior doorframe to another room are visible in the background of the image. Photograph is undated, c.1950s

  • ABFR-23-007-026
    Photograph of two young women
    Content Description

    Color photograph of two young women, posed as if dancing and with their arms around each other's shoulders. The image is somewhat blurred. From left to right: young woman dressed in a white blouse tucked into a red pencil skirt; young woman dressed in a red and blue checkered dress and white cardigan. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-007-027
    Group photo of teenagers at school dance
    Content Description

    Color photograph, group portrait of six teenagers posed standing in a row in front of a school trophy case. There are three young women and three young men, presumably their escorts to a school dance or prom. The young men are all dressed in suits and the young women are all wearing light-colored dresses and gloves with floral corsages pinned to their dresses. One young woman is also holding a bouquet. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-007-028
    Group photo of teenagers at school dance
    Content Description

    Color photograph, group portrait of six teenagers posed standing in a row in front of a school trophy case. There are three young women and three young men, presumably their escorts to a school dance or prom. The young men are all dressed in suits and the young women are all wearing light-colored dresses and gloves with floral corsages pinned to their dresses. One young woman is also holding a bouquet. Photograph is undated, c.1960s

  • ABFR-23-007-029
    Photograph of two young women
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of two girls standing in a backyard. One girl is posed with her arms crossed in front of her, frowning at the camera, while the other leans with her arm on the first girls' shoulder. Both are wearing light-colored dresses. Trees, an empty clothesline and part of a house are visible in the background of the image. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-007-030
    Photograph of children at a birthday party
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph of two children posed standing in a backyard in the midst of Sharon Jones Frazier's birthday party. From left to right: a young girl, Sharon Jones Frazier, dressed in a light-colored dress with a floral pattern, Berta-style collar, and bow in the front; a young boy dressed in a dark-colored suit, white shirt, and black bowtie. Another young girl wearing a dress and a young boy seated in a chair are visible in the background of the image. Photograph is undated

  • ABFR-23-007-031
    Homecoming Celebration program for Juanita Lee Grant, cover
    Content Description

    Cover of the program for the Homecoming Celebration held in April 2010 for Juanita Lee Grant (1925-2010) at Nix and Nix Funeral Home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

  • ABFR-23-007-032
    Homecoming Celebration program for Juanita Lee Grant, interior
    Content Description

    Interior page of the program for the Homecoming Celebration held in April 2010 for Juanita Lee Grant (1925-2010). This page lists the program of events

  • ABFR-23-007-033
    Homecoming Celebration program for Juanita Lee Grant, interior
    Content Description

    Interior page of the program for the Homecoming Celebration held in April 2010 for Juanita Lee Grant (1925-2010). This page features the eulogy and family photographs

  • ABFR-23-007-034
    Homecoming Celebration program for Juanita Lee Grant, back
    Content Description

    Back of the program for the Homecoming Celebration held in April 2010 for Juanita Lee Grant (1925-2010). This page features a quote from an unknown author dedicated to "Our MomMom"

  • ABFR-23-007-035
    Group photograph of Parker-Gray H.S. Class of 1965
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, group portrait of the Class of 1965 at Parker-Gray High School in Alexandria, Virginia. The students are posed on risers in 7 rows and are all dressed in their graduation caps and gowns. Photograph is dated 1965

  • ABFR-23-007-036
    Group photograph of Parker-Gray H.S. Class of 1965, verso
    Content Description

    Reverse of Group photograph of Parker-Gray H.S. Class of 1965 (ABFR-23-007-035). Handwritten note reads, "Parker-Gray H.S. Class of 1965"

  • ABFR-23-007-037
    Hand-colored portrait photograph
    Content Description

    Black and white photograph, studio portrait that was hand-colored using pastels. A portrait of an unidentified woman dressed in a white blouse or dress with a high collar that is fastened with a gold broach. Artwork is undated, c.19th century

D. Jason Wood family photographs and artwork
Content Description

Digital surrogates of historic photographs and artwork from the family of D. Jason Wood. Included are 19th century charcoal portrait drawings and hand-colored photographs, 19th century photographic prints, and photographic prints from the early 20th century


Digital surrogates created in 2023

  • ABFR-23-009-001
    Portrait drawing of a woman
    Content Description

    Charcoal portrait drawing of an unidentified woman. She is dressed in a high-collared black dress or blouse with a bow at the neck; the image depicts the woman only from the shoulders up. The drawing has suffered some deterioration over time and portions of the image are damaged and missing pigment. Portrait is undated, c. 19th century

  • ABFR-23-009-002
    Portrait drawing of a man
    Content Description

    Charcoal portrait drawing of an unidentified man. He has a mustache and is dressed in a black suit, white collared shirt, and black tie; the image depicts the man only from the shoulders up. The drawing has suffered some deterioration over time and portions of the image are damaged and missing pigment. Portrait is undated, c. 19th century

  • ABFR-23-009-003
    Portrait drawing of a man
    Content Description

    Charcoal portrait drawing of an unidentified man. He has a "salt-and-pepper" mustache and is dressed in a dark colored suit, white collared shirt, and dark tie; the image only depicts the man from the shoulders up. The drawing has a tear in the upper, left corner that does not obstruct the portrait image. Portrait is undated, c. 19th century

  • ABFR-23-009-004
    Portrait drawing of a man
    Content Description

    Charcoal portrait drawing of an unidentified man. He has a mustache and is dressed in a black suit, black buttoned vest, white shirt, and black tie; the image only depicts the man from the chest up. The drawing has suffered some environmental damage over time and the bottom, left portion of the drawing is missing, as well as some pieces from the top corners. There is also evidence of water damage and some portions of the image are missing pigment. Portrait is undated, c. 19th century

  • ABFR-23-009-005
    Portrait drawing of a man
    Content Description

    Charcoal portrait drawing of an unidentified man. He is posed standing, holding what appears to be a rifle with a bayonet. He has a beard and is dressed in pants with suspenders, a long-sleeve shirt with a collar and buttons, a round hat or helmet, and what appears to be a handkerchief or piece of cloth tucked into his waistband. The drawing has suffered some environmental damage over time and is missing pieces from three corners, but the image is not obstructed. Portrait is undated, c. 19th century

  • ABFR-23-009-006
    Portrait drawing of a woman
    Content Description

    Charcoal and ink portrait drawing of an unidentified woman. She is dressed in a high-collared black dress or blouse with a ring closure at the neck and a row of small buttons; the image depicts the woman only from the shoulders up. Portrait is undated, c. 19th century

  • ABFR-23-009-007
    Portrait drawing of a woman
    Content Description

    Pastel portrait drawing of an unidentified woman. She is posed standing in front of an abstract, colored background. She is wearing a late 19th century style dress - a black dress with a high collar, corset, and long-sleeve fitted jacket and skirt with multiple draped layers and possibly a bustle. The dress is embellished with ruffles or lace at the edge of the sleeves and top layer of the skirt. Her hair is pulled back into a low bun. Signature in the bottom, right corner reads, "N.B. Katze." Portrait is undated, c. 19th century

  • ABFR-23-009-008
    Portrait drawing of a woman
    Content Description

    Pastel portrait drawing of an unidentified woman. She is posed standing next to a stone column wrapped in flowering vines and a flowering plant in a stone planter atop a stone pedestal with a decorative relief work of cherubs. She is wearing a bright blue, long-sleeve dress with high collar and black belt at the waist. The style and silhouette of the dress appears to be c. 1900. Signature in the bottom, right corner reads, "Harris - Ewing." Portrait is undated, c. early 20th century

  • ABFR-23-009-009
    Hand-colored portrait photograph of a woman
    Content Description

    Hand-colored photographic print, portrait of an unidentified woman. She is posed seated, though the chair or stool is not visible. The woman is wearing a black and white pinstripe dress with long-sleeves, high collar, and large white jabot at the neck. Portrait is undated, c. 19th century

  • ABFR-23-009-010
    Portrait drawing of a man
    Content Description

    Pastel portrait drawing of an unidentified man. He has a mustache and long sideburns and is dressed in a black suit, black buttoned vest, white shirt, white tie, and boutonnière on his lapel. The image only depicts the man from the chest up. Portrait is undated, c. 19th century

  • ABFR-23-009-011
    Portrait drawing of a man
    Content Description

    Black and white pastel portrait drawing of an unidentified man. He has a white mustache and is dressed in a black suit, black buttoned vest, white shirt, and black tie. The image only depicts the man from the waist up. Portrait is undated, c. 19th century

  • ABFR-23-009-012
    Hand-colored portrait photograph of a man
    Content Description

    Hand-colored photographic print, portrait of an unidentified man. The coloring appears to be watercolors and ink. He is posed standing outside in front of a fence and shrubbery. The man has a mustache and is wearing a light gray suit, white shirt, white tie. He is also holding a white and gray boater hat. Portrait is undated, c. late 19th century or early 20th century

  • ABFR-23-009-013
    Portrait photograph of a man
    Content Description

    Photographic print, portrait of an unidentified man. The man is posed seated. He is wearing a suit, dark colored vest, and white shirt. The man's hair and eyes have been outlined in ink; there are also ink dots throughout the image to accentuate areas of shadow. Portrait is undated, c. 19th century

  • ABFR-23-009-014
    Portrait photograph of a man
    Content Description

    Black and white photographic print, portrait of an unidentified man. The photograph depicts the man from the waist up; he appears to be posed sitting in front of a studio backdrop. The man is wearing a dark colored suit, white shirt, and dark colored tie. On the matting around the image is a stamp of a lion holding a sword and text that reads, "Sol. Young, New York." Photograph is undated, c. 19th century

  • ABFR-23-009-015
    Portrait photograph of Douglas in U.S. Army Air Corps uniform
    Content Description

    Black and white photographic print, portrait of Douglas wearing what appears to be a U.S. Army Air Corps summer uniform from the World War 2 era. The photograph depicts the man from the chest up; he is wearing a uniform shirt with epaulets, a tie tucked into the shirt, and a pilot helmet and goggles. The prop and wings insignia is pinned to his left lapel and there appears to be another insignia pinned to the right lapel, but it is not visible in the photo. On the matting around the photo is text that reads, "Polk's Studio, Tuskegee Inst., Ala." Handwritten text on the bottom right corner of the photograph reads, "To the Family, From: Douglas." Photograph is undated, c. 1930s - 1940s

  • ABFR-23-009-016
    Portrait photograph of Doug in U.S. Army Air Corps uniform
    Content Description

    Black and white photographic print, portrait of Doug wearing what appears to be a U.S. Army Air Corps uniform from the World War 2 era. The photograph depicts the man from the chest up; he is wearing a white shirt, black tie, formal uniform jacket, and peaked service cap with prop and wings insignia. Insignia are pinned to his jacket lapels; a U.S. pin on both top lapels and a prop and wings pin on both bottom lapels. On the matting around the photo is text that reads, "Polk's Studio, Tuskegee Inst., Ala." Handwritten text on the bottom right corner of the photograph reads, "To my devoted sister - Doug." Photograph is undated, c.1940s

  • ABFR-23-009-017
    Group portrait photograph of musicians
    Content Description

    Black and white photographic print, group portrait of a group of musicians. Eleven men are posed in two rows, the back row is standing and the front row are seated in folding chairs. Several instruments are arranged on the floor in front of the men; there are a variety of string instruments in the arrangement including a cello, violin, banjo, and several mandolins. The men are all dressed in dark colored suits, white shirts, and neckties (some are bow ties, some are long ties). Photograph is undated, c. 1900s