Local History and Special Collections Branch, Alexandria Library
717 Queen StreetAlexandria, VA 22314
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George K. Combs, ed.
Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
[Item identification], Eleanor Lee Templeman Collection, MS061, Alexandria Library, Local History and Special Collections, Alexandria, Virginia.
Biographical / Historical
Eleanor Lee Reading Templeman (1906-1990) was a local historian, author, preservationist and photographer. From 1947 until her death, Mrs. Templeman served the Society of the Lees of Virginia as Secretary, Genealogist and Historian. She wrote four books and numerous journal articles, primarily on the Lee family and also local history. Mrs. Templeman was a driving force behind legislation to preserve Sully Plantation (1958) and the creation of Leesylvania State Park (1978). Throughout her life Mrs. Templeman collected clippings and notes on subjects related to the Lee family as well as items of local interest.
Content Description
The collection consists of articles, notes correspondence, clippings, and printed matter written and collected by Mrs. Templeman. A full set (1921- 1994), mostly bound, of the annual reports of the Society of the Lees of Virginia is included. Duplicate copies found in the collection were retained for their value as Mrs. Templeman's working copies and feature marginalia and corrections. Thirty-five positive prints, four negatives and one transparency have been transferred to the Photographic Collection. Most correspondence was retained in the subject areas it was found in rather than being organized separately.
Series I: Articles, 1928-1990; Series II: Autobiography and Biographical Information; Series III: Society of the Lees of Virginia, 1921-1994; Series IV: Lee Family, 1810-1990 (Bulk dates from 1970-1990); Series V: Family Histories; Series VI: Printed Matter, 1909-1979; Series VII: People and Places, 1919-1990; Series VIII: Book Publishing Records, 1972-1990; Series IX: Donations; Series X: Card File of Article Titles; Series XI: Scrapbooks; Series XII: Photographs
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Leesylvania State Park
- Society of the Lees of Virginia
- Sully Plantation
- Templeman, Eleanor Lee ((Reading)), 1906-1990
- Virginia -- Genealogy.
Significant Persons Associated With the Collection
- Templeman, Eleanor Lee ((Reading)), 1906-1990
Container List
Series is arranged chronologically
- Text box: 1 folder: 1
"Shasta's Scenic Mosaic" CA Highways and Public Works1928-09-1928-10
- Text box: 1 folder: 2
"Pioneer Trail New State Highway." CA Highways and Public Works.1928
- Text box: 1 folder: 3
"A Scout of Empire." American Motorist Magazine1930-12
- Text box: 1 folder: 4
"Bear Hunting in Crag Country." American Motorist Magazine1930-12
- Text box: 1 folder: 5
"Arlington's Local and National Heritage." Arlington Historical Magazine1957
- Text box: 1 folder: 6
"Not by Bread Aloneā¦" Arlington Historical Magazine1958
- Text box: 1 folder: 7
"Elisha Dick Home will be on Tour." Northern Virginia Sun.1959-04-04
- Text box: 1 folder: 8
"A Northern Virginia Mystery Stranger than Fiction Fiction." Arlington Heritage.1959
- Text box: 1 folder: 9
Ballston's Beginnings." Arlington Historical Magazine1959-05-1959-06
- Text box: 1 folder: 10
"In the Beginningā¦" Arlington Historical Magazine.1960-05-1960-06
- Text box: 1 folder: 11
"Let us Commemorate, not Celebrate." Northern Virginia Sun.1960-11
- Text box: 1 folder: 12
"Ravensworth", "Ossian Hall". Magazine of the Fairfax County Historical Society.1961
- Text box: 1 folder: 13
"Alexandria Lees of the Federal Period." Arlington Historical Magazine.1961
- Text box: 1 folder: 14
"Benjamin Hallowell, Dedicated Educator." Arlington Historical Magazine.1963
- Text box: 1 folder: 15
"Arlington House. "Magazine of the UDC.1964-06
- Text box: 1 folder: 16
"Arlington House. "Magazine of the UDC.1968-11
- Text box: 1 folder: 17
"Lee Highway, King of the Roads." Washington Post.1929-01
- Text box: 1 folder: 18
Custis-Lee Mansion Really is the Arlington House." Washington Post.1969-07
- Text box: 1 folder: 19
"Jackson City."1969-11
- Text box: 1 folder: 20
"Old Indian Legend Gave the Three Sisters Islands a name." Washington Post1969-06
- Text box: 1 folder: 21
"Lee Highway and The Zero Milestone." Society of the Less of Virginia Annual Report.1969
- Text box: 1 folder: 22
"Lee Spent Last Birthday in Lexington a Century Ago." Washington Post1970-01
- Text box: 1 folder: 23
"Leesburg Named aster Thomas Lee." Loudon Times-Mirror1970-01
- Text box: 1 folder: 24
"Wild Days of 'Monte Carlo' on the Potomac are Recalled." Washington Post.1970-02
- Text box: 1 folder: 25
"Leesylvania May have future as Northern Virginia resort." Washington Post.1970-03
- Text box: 1 folder: 26
"Maplewood." Globe1970-03
- Text box: 1 folder: 27
"President's Escape from the Potomac Disaster of 1844." Washington Post.1970-03
- Text box: 1 folder: 28
"Sully Plantation House Many of Lees." Washington Post.1970-05
- Text box: 1 folder: 29
"Sully, the Home of Richard Bland Lee." Virginia CavalcadeAutumn 1970
- Text box: 1 folder: 30
"Belhaven-Alexandria Co.-Arlington Co." Pioneer America Society Newsletter.1971
- Text box: 1 folder: 31
"Richard Lee." World Tribune.1975-11
- Text box: 1 folder: 32
"Richard Henry Lee, Vignettes of Valor." World Tribune.1975-11
- Text box: 1 folder: 33
"Francis Lightfoot Lee." World Tribune1975-11
- Text box: 1 folder: 34
"Arthur Lee." World Tribune.1975-11
- Text box: 1 folder: 35
"Arlington", "Towns and Villages." Northern Virginia Country.1976
- Text box: 1 folder: 36
"Memories of Baird." Covered Wagon1976
- Text box: 1 folder: 37
"The Little Tea House." Arlington Historical Magazine.1976
- Text box: 1 folder: 38
"Following Lee Highway." Northern Virginian.1976-01
- Text box: 1 folder: 39
"The Lees of the Revolution: Brothers and Patriots." Northern Virginian.1976-06
- Text box: 1 folder: 40
Marker Placed on Cobbs Hall1976-07
- Text box: 1 folder: 41
"Thomas Lee and Two of His Sons: The only Brothers to Sign the Declaration of Independence." DAR Mag.1976-07
- Text box: 1 folder: 42
"Biography of the Arlington Historical Society." Arlington Historical Magazine.1976-10
- Text box: 1 folder: 43
"Life Cycles at Sully." Northern Virginia.
- Text box: 1 folder: 44
"Arthur Lee", "William Lee." Northern Neck of Virginia Historical Magazine.1976-12
- Text box: 1 folder: 45
Dedication of Light-Horse Harry Lee Monument.1977-05
- Text box: 1 folder: 46
"The Heritage of Northern Virginia." 23rd Washington Antiques Show Magazine.1978
- Text box: 1 folder: 47
"Alexandria, Where the Lees Played Musical Chairs with Houses." Alexandrian.Spring 1978
- Text box: 1 folder: 48
"Leesylvania State Park." Alexandrian.Fall 1978
- Text box: 1 folder: 49
"Michael Nachtrieb", Wooster Artist Painted Lincoln, Lee." Daily Record. (Wooster, OH.)1970-06
- Text box: 1 folder: 50
"The House of Lee." Alexandrian.Winters 1979
- Text box: 1 folder: 51
"Blair (Lee) House, The President's Guest House." 24th Washington Antiques Show, Magazine.1979
- Text box: 1 folder: 52
"History of Your Town." Northern Virginian.1979-05-1979-06
- Text box: 1 folder: 53
"The Lee Service of Cincinnati Porcelain" Antiques Magazine1980-10
- Text box: 1 folder: 54
"The Heritage of Northern Virginia." Heritage and Horizons Legislative Tour.1981-01
- Text box: 1 folder: 55
"Heritage of Northern Virginia." Arlington Historical Magazine.1981-01
- Text box: 1 folder: 56
"Cincinnati Export Porcelain: The Washington and Lee Services." Art & Antiques1982-01-1982-02
- Text box: 1 folder: 57
"Descendants of Major Pearson Barton Reading." Covered Wagon.1983
- Text box: 1 folder: 58
"Light-Horse Harry Lee, Defender of Our Cherished Freedoms." Includes related Correspondence.
- Text box: 1 folder: 59
"Dedication Speech for New Arlington Co. Courthouse, 1961." Arlington Historical Magazine.1985-10
- Text box: 1 folder: 60
"The Lees of Leesylvania." Northern Virginia Heritage.1985-10
- Text box: 1 folder: 61
"Redding, My Home Town-Now a City. Memories through 1928." Covered Wagon.1986
- Text box: 1 folder: 62
"Oregon Trail Memorial." Covered Wagon.1986
- Text box: 1 folder: 63
"Lee Homes of Northern Virginia." Virginia Country.1986-06
- Text box: 1 folder: 64
"Spiritual Fortitude of Local Residents 75 Years Ago." Arlington Historical Society Magazine.1986-10
- Text box: 1 folder: 65
"The Lees and Their Summer Spas." Virginia Country.summer 1987
- Text box: 1 folder: 66
"Name of Sully Plantation." Northern Virginia Heritage.1987-10
- Text box: 1 folder: 67
"The Music Box." Magazine of the Jefferson County Historical Society.1988-01
- Text box: 1 folder: 68
"Wounding and Death of Stonewall Jackson." Confederate Veteran.1988-03-1988-04
- Text box: 1 folder: 69
"Gentleman Justice George Johnston." Fireside Sentinel.1988-01
- Text box: 1 folder: 70
"Alexandria in 1907." Fireside Sentinel.1988-04
- Text box: 2 folder: 71
"Black-Horse Harry Lee." Northern Neck of Virginia History Magazine.1988-01
- Text box: 2 folder: 72
"Eye-witness Account of the Hanging of John Brown." Magazine of the Jefferson County Historical Society.1988-12
- Text box: 2 folder: 73
"Sully Manuscript." Excerpts appeared in Fairfax County Historical Society Magazine.1989
- Text box: 2 folder: 74
"A Lee Lady's Likeness at the Lloyd House." Fireside Sentinel.1989-12
- Text box: 2 folder: 75
"A Portrait of Courage and Small Mysteries." Virginia Country.Spring 1989
- Text box: 2 folder: 76
"Influence of Harry Lee on the Character of His Son, R. E. Lee." DAR Magazine.1989-05
- Text box: 2 folder: 77
"The Fate of the Constitution's Masts." Naval History.Fall 1989
- Text box: 2 folder: 78
"Leesylvania State Park." Virginia Country.1990-01
- Text box: 2 folder: 79
"Portrait of Henry Lee II, the Mysterious Midnight Message."
- Text box: 2 folder: 80
"Children of Sully." Alexandria Historical Magazine.
- Text box: 2 folder: 81
"Remembering the Leesylvania Lee." Potomac News.
- Text box: 2 folder: 82
Text of Plaque placed at St. Mark's Haymarket By E. L. Templeman in honor of her parents.
This series includes both volumes of Mrs. Templeman's autobiography and several biographical sketches with notes.
- Text box: 2 folder: 83
Family Vignettes. (Autobiography)
- Text box: 2 folder: 84
Excerpts from Family Vignettes and Correspondence related to attempted publication.
- Text box: 2 folder: 85
Meanwhile, I was Busy. (Autobiography)
- Text box: 2 folder: 86
Biography File. Includes correspondence.
- Text box: 2 folder: 87
Awards and Honors. 1986 and earlier. (bound)1986
- Text box: 2 folder: 88
Articles about Eleanor Lee Templeman.
- Text box: 2 folder: 89
"Manuscript Tips"
- Text box: 2 folder: 90
"I Wonder Why?" Notes for an unfinished article.
- Text box: 2 folder: 91
"Old Shasta, 1915" Notes for an unfinished article1915
- Text box: 2 folder: 92
Letters to the Editor, various journalsEnglish.
This series is organized into the following sub-series: Templeman/Shively papers, 1975-1979. Leesylvania State Park, 1987-1989. Annual and Board Meeting Reports, 1957-1981. Annual and Board Meeting Reports, 1981-1994. Bound Reports, 1921-1967. Bound Reports, 1968-1990
- Templeman/Shively papers1975-1979
- Text box: 3 folder: 93
Dividing Creek(s)
- Text box: 3 folder: 94
Membership Controversy1975-11-1976-07
- Text box: 3 folder: 95
Armistead Lee Correspondence1978-05-1979-02
- Text box: 3 folder: 96
- Text box: 3 folder: 93
- Leesylvania State Park1987-1989
- Text box: 3 folder: 97
Text of memorial plaque at Leesylvania graveyard
- Text box: 3 folder: 98
List of slides for slide program.
- Text box: 3 folder: 99
Articles: "Leesylvania State Park", and "The Leesylvania Family." (non published)
- Text box: 3 folder: 100
"Leesylvania could get Private Help." Potomac News1987-06-30
- Text box: 3 folder: 101
"Park Plan Beset by Delays." Washington Post1988-01
- Text box: 3 folder: 102
- Text box: 3 folder: 103
Correspondence between Eleanor Lee Templeman and various state officials1989-02-1989-08General
(Includes Northern Virginia Sun article of June 17, 1989.)
- Text box: 3 folder: 104
Correspondence between Eleanor Lee Templeman And Richard and John Lee1989-07-1989-08
- Text box: 3 folder: 105
Correspondence relating to Leesylvania article in In New Dominion Magazine.1987-08-1989-08
- Text box: 3 folder: 97
- Annual and Board Meeting Reports1957-1981
- Text box: 3 folder: 106
Annual Report (with corrections)1957
- Text box: 3 folder: 107
Annual Report (with corrections)1961
- Text box: 3 folder: 108
Annual Report (with corrections)1962
- Text box: 3 folder: 109
Annual Report (with corrections) Includes text of lecture, "The Lees of the Upper Potomac"1964
- Text box: 3 folder: 110
Annual Report (with corrections)1965
- Text box: 3 folder: 111
Annual Report (with corrections)1966
- Text box: 3 folder: 113
Annual Report (with corrections)1967
- Text box: 3 folder: 112
Annual Report (with corrections) Includes lecture, "Thomas Lee at the Spout of the Potomac"1969
- Text box: 3 folder: 114
Annual Report (with corrections)1970
- Text box: 3 folder: 115
Annual Report (with corrections)1971
- Text box: 3 folder: 116
Annual Report (with corrections)1972
- Text box: 3 folder: 117
Correspondence relating to Thomas "King" Carter1972-1990
- Text box: 3 folder: 118
Contributions to the Lee-Fendall House1973-1985
- Text box: 3 folder: 119
Letter from Eleanor L. Templeman to Edith Healy Regarding the correct spelling of "Machodoc."1978-07-10
- Text box: 3 folder: 120
Annual & Board Reports (with corrections)1979
- Text box: 3 folder: 121
List of annual report topics through 19801980
- Text box: 3 folder: 122
Report on Charles Lee1980
- Text box: 3 folder: 123
"The Lees as Landholders in Old TOwn Alexandria" A tour by T. Michael Miller1980
- Text box: 3 folder: 124
Annual and Board Reports1981
- Text box: 3 folder: 125
Society of the Lees of Virginia: Constitution and By-Laws (revised Jan. 1981)1953-12
- Text box: 3 folder: 126
Corrections to Tidewater Dynasty1981
- Text box: 3 folder: 127
Index of place names in Lee of Virginia
- Text box: 3 folder: 106
- Annual and Board Meeting Reports1981-1994
- Text box: 4 folder: 128
Report of the Historian to the Board, 1982. Includes biography of Major P. B. Reading1982
- Text box: 4 folder: 129
"Lee Ancestry." Lecture notes of Katherine Cook.1983-03-26
- Text box: 4 folder: 130
Society correspondence1984
- Text box: 4 folder: 131
Correspondence and note on the arrival of Richard Lee, the Emigrant, in America1984-03-1985-06
- Text box: 4 folder: 132
List of Society Officers, 1921-1986. Sample Treasurer's Report.1921-1986
- Text box: 4 folder: 133
Corrections to The Lee Girls1987
- Text box: 4 folder: 134
List of Annual Meeting locations1946-1987
- Text box: 4 folder: 135
Annual Report and correspondence (with corrections)1988
- Text box: 4 folder: 136
Correspondence relating to Sully1988
- Text box: 4 folder: 137
Annual Report and correspondence1989
- Text box: 4 folder: 138
Guidebook and correspondence relating to Leesburg (VA).1989 and earlier
- Text box: 4 folder: 139
Correspondence related to Dr. Nagel1989
- Text box: 4 folder: 140
Correspondence related to Dr. Thorndale1989
- Text box: 4 folder: 141
Correspondence with Carl MacIntyre1989
- Text box: 4 folder: 142
"Francis Lightfoot Lee, The Gentle Persuader." Includes letter.1989
- Text box: 4 folder: 143
Annual Report of the Historian1990
- Text box: 4 folder: 144
Correspondence between Armistead Lee/John Washington & Mrs. Willa MacCoulter.1991-05
- Text box: 4 folder: 145
Annual Report1991
- Text box: 4 folder: 146
Annual and Board Reports1992
- Text box: 4 folder: 147
"The Lee Family and Their attitude toward Slavery." Address given at Annual Meeting1992
- Text box: 4 folder: 148
Annual and Board reports1993
- Text box: 4 folder: 149
Annual Report1994
- Text box: 4 folder: 128
- Bound Reports1921-1967
- Text box: 5 folder: 150
Bound Annual Reports I1921-1950
- Text box: 5 folder: 151
Bound Annual Reports II1951-1960
- Text box: 5 folder: 152
Bound Annual Reports III1961-1967
- Text box: 5 folder: 150
- Bound Reports1968-1990
- Text box: 5 folder: 153
Bound Annual Reports IV1968-1972
- Text box: 5 folder: 154
Bound Annual Reports V1973-1979
- Text box: 6 folder: 155
Bound Annual Reports VI1980-1984
- Text box: 6 folder: 156
Bound Annual Reports VII1985-1990
- Text box: 5 folder: 153
Notes, clippings and correspondence relating to the various branches of the family. Three original nineteenth century letters are featured. Series is arranged by name or place.
- Text box: 6 folder: 157
Elizabeth Lee Pollock/Rev. A. D. Pollock. Letter from Rev. to his child,1870-04-30
- Text box: 6 folder: 158
Letter of William Taliaferro to George Brown1840
- Text box: 6 folder: 159
Letter of John Taliaferro to William Taliaferro1810
- Text box: 6 folder: 160
"Arthur Lee" by Armistead M. Lee.1990
- Text box: 6 folder: 161
Letter of Cazenove G. Lee to the editor of the Evening Post
- Text box: 6 folder: 162
"Some Circumstances of Robert E. Lee's Boyhood at Stratford and in Alexandria." By Ludwell Lee Montague,1910
- Text box: 6 folder: 163
Lee Horses/Traveller.1971-1988
- Text box: 6 folder: 164
"Straford Hall: Virginia Home of the Lees." By Mary Tyler Cheek1981
- Text box: 6 folder: 165
Lee Houses
- Text box: 6 folder: 166
Ludwell Lee/Shuter's Hill
- Text box: 6 folder: 167
Richard Evers Lee
- Text box: 6 folder: 168
Index of family lines coded to Lee of Virginia.
- Text box: 6 folder: 169
Unrelated Lees
- Text box: 6 folder: 170
Stephen Lee of Kentucky
- Text box: 6 folder: 171
John James Speed Lee
- Text box: 6 folder: 172
Lee graves at Woodbridge. Notes and Correspondence
- Text box: 6 folder: 173
Myth of the Premature burial of Anne Carter Lee. Correspondence and clippings.
- Text box: 6 folder: 174
Correspondence of E. L. Templeman with Ophia E. Smith,1980-1981
- Text box: 6 folder: 175
General Correspondence1931-1978
- Text box: 6 folder: 176
General Correspondence1980-1983
- Text box: 6 folder: 177
General Correspondence1984-1990
Families, related and unrelated to Mrs. Templeman. Notes, clippings and correspondence. Arranged alphabetically by family name. Interested researchers should check all families carefully as there is much overlapping of information.
- Text box: 7 folder: 178
Alexander Family
- Text box: 7 folder: 179
Bland-Bennett Families
- Text box: 7 folder: 180
Clarkson Family
- Text box: 7 folder: 181
Dangerfield- Keene Families
- Text box: 7 folder: 182
Evans and Buzby Families
- Text box: 7 folder: 183
George Johnston
- Text box: 7 folder: 184
Johnston Homes
- Text box: 7 folder: 185
Keeneland and the Colonial Keenes of Virginia and Kentucky
- Text box: 7 folder: 186
Alexandra Lee Levin
- Text box: 7 folder: 187
Massey Family
- Text box: 7 folder: 188
Roberts Family
- Text box: 7 folder: 189
Sayre Family
- Text box: 7 folder: 190
Warner Family
- Text box: 7 folder: 191
Washington Family
- Text box: 7 folder: 192
Washington Graves at Woodbridge
- Text box: 7 folder: 193
Elizabeth Westwood
Series consists of eight pamphlets and booklets. Each has been filed individually
- Text box: 8 folder: 194
Addams Addenda V41974
- Text box: 8 folder: 195
Great American Achievement Program. Various Pamphlets1977
- Text box: 8 folder: 196
Bicentennial Anniversary, Historic Places and Events
- Text box: 8 folder: 197
Notes of Virginia. Nos. 15 & 161977
- Text box: 8 folder: 198
Notes on VirginiaSummer, 1978
- Text box: 8 folder: 199
The District in the XVIIIth Century1909
- Text box: 8 folder: 200
Landmark Spectator. Virginia edition1965-07
- Text box: 8 folder: 201
Medas of the U.S. Mint1972
This series consists of notes and clippings used in Mrs. Templeman's research and also outlines some of her work with the DAR. Files are organized by name of person or location.
- Text box: 8 folder: 202
- Text box: 8 folder: 203
Bridges and Routes of the Lees-Goose Creek
- Text box: 8 folder: 204
Civil War Related1928-1989
- Text box: 8 folder: 205
Countess of Carnarvon
- Text box: 8 folder: 206
"W.W. Corcoran" by the Rambler. Washington Post1919
- Text box: 8 folder: 207
Dumbarton House
- Text box: 8 folder: 208
"Is it a Fort or a Fortress?" (Ft. Monroe)
- Text box: 8 folder: 209
Benjamin Hallowell
- Text box: 8 folder: 210
Hotel Assoc. of Washington D.C. Price list and Map1933-1938
- Text box: 8 folder: 211
"John L. Lewis in Alexandria." Lecture to Alex. Historic Soc. By Marilyn S. Moll1984-04-25
- Text box: 8 folder: 212
Old Durham Parish Church. Port Tobacco.1948-1971
- Text box: 8 folder: 213
Old Stone House, Georgetown1950
- Text box: 8 folder: 214
"Only a few of the Many Fine Historic places and People on Old Capitol Hill, SE." by Elizabeth Draper.1954
- Text box: 8 folder: 215
Pierce Mill, Rock Creek Park1948-1950
- Text box: 8 folder: 216
Pimmit Run Mill1986, 1810-1823
- Text box: 8 folder: 217
Pirates of Alexandria1968
- Text box: 8 folder: 218
St. Paul's, Rock Creek.
- Text box: 8 folder: 219
Yellow Tavern1931-1968
Copyright and financial records, some correspondence. Arrangement is original
- Text box: 9 folder: 220
EPM Contracts for Blair-Lee House1979, 1987
- Text box: 9 folder: 221
Licenses, Busineses and Taxes1972, 1977, 1989
- Text box: 9 folder: 222
Publication Records/Copyright Information1959-1981
- Text box: 9 folder: 223
Photo Records1967-1985
- Text box: 9 folder: 224
Bank Accounts1987-1988
- Text box: 9 folder: 225
Virginia Homes of the Lees. Fourth printing. prices of deliveries.1985, 1987
- Text box: 9 folder: 226
George Mason University1981-1990
- Text box: 9 folder: 227
Fan Letters1959-1988
- Text box: 9 folder: 228
Accounts Receivable1989-1990
Series is arranged alphabetically by beneficiary. A number of files have multiple item donations.
- Text box: 9 folder: 229
- Text box: 9 folder: 230
List of donations/deductions
- Text box: 9 folder: 231
Adirondacks museum
- Text box: 9 folder: 232
University of Alabama
- Text box: 9 folder: 233
Alexandria Public Library
- Text box: 9 folder: 234
American Institute of Architects-Octagon House
- Text box: 9 folder: 235
Arlington Historical Society
- Text box: 9 folder: 236
Arlington House
- Text box: 9 folder: 237
Arlington Library
- Text box: 9 folder: 238
Arts Club of Washington
- Text box: 9 folder: 239
Army Museum
- Text box: 9 folder: 240
Bancroft Library
- Text box: 9 folder: 241
Blair-Lee House
- Text box: 9 folder: 242
California Historical Society
- Text box: 9 folder: 243
California State Library
- Text box: 9 folder: 244
- Text box: 9 folder: 245
Christ Church, Alexandria
- Text box: 9 folder: 246
Chippokes Farm Foundation
- Text box: 9 folder: 247
College of the Siskiyous
- Text box: 9 folder: 248
Colonial Historical Society
- Text box: 9 folder: 249
Museum of the Confederacy
- Text box: 9 folder: 250
DAR Museum
- Text box: 9 folder: 251
Decatur Museum
- Text box: 9 folder: 252
Historic Dumfries
- Text box: 9 folder: 253
- Text box: 9 folder: 254
Falls Church Library
- Text box: 9 folder: 255
Freeman House
- Text box: 10 folder: 256
Greensboro (N.C.) Historical Society
- Text box: 10 folder: 257
George Mason University
- Text box: 10 folder: 258
Hunterdon Co. (N.J.) Historical Society
- Text box: 10 folder: 259
Lee-Fendall House
- Text box: 10 folder: 260
Lee-Jackson Foundation
- Text box: 10 folder: 261
Society of the Lees of Virginia
- Text box: 10 folder: 262
Loudon County Libraries
- Text box: 10 folder: 263
Marymount College
- Text box: 10 folder: 264
Methodist Historical Society
- Text box: 10 folder: 265
Mount Vernon
- Text box: 10 folder: 266
National Gallery of Art
- Text box: 10 folder: 267
National Genealogical Society
- Text box: 10 folder: 268
National Park Services
- Text box: 10 folder: 269
National Society of Colonial Dames
- Text box: 10 folder: 270
National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Text box: 10 folder: 271
New Jersey State Museum
- Text box: 10 folder: 272
North Carolina Museum
- Text box: 10 folder: 273
St. Paul's, Prince William County Library
- Text box: 10 folder: 274
St. Paul's Haymarket
- Text box: 10 folder: 275
Shasta College
- Text box: 10 folder: 276
Shasta Genealogical Society
- Text box: 10 folder: 277
Shasta Historical Society
- Text box: 10 folder: 278
Society of California Pioneers
- Text box: 10 folder: 279
Smithsonian Institution
- Text box: 10 folder: 280
South Carolina Historical Society
- Text box: 10 folder: 281
Stratford Hall
- Text box: 10 folder: 282
Sully/Fairfax Co. Park Authority
- Text box: 10 folder: 283
Sutters Fort
- Text box: 10 folder: 284
Tehema Historical Society
- Text box: 10 folder: 285
Virginia Historical Society
- Text box: 10 folder: 286
Virginia State Library
- Text box: 10 folder: 287
Virginia Trust for Historic Preservation
- Text box: 10 folder: 288
Virginia Military Institute
- Text box: 10 folder: 289
Willowbrook Museum
This series is arranged alphabetically by article title.
- Text box: 11
Alphabetical card index with 101 entries
Three books containing a variety of materials. Arrangement is original.
- Mixed Materials Oversize Box: 12 object: 1
Eleanor's Employments, DAR and other memberships. Also includes historical plaques she had erected
- Mixed Materials Oversize Box: 12 object: 2
Historical activities and articles
- Mixed Materials Oversize Box: 12 object: 3
Historical activities and listing in "Who's Who."
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 1
Articles: Nachtrieb, 4 photos of paintings of LincolnEnglish.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 2
Biographical: Bio info file: Dedication of New Arlington Courthouse Plaza.1988-10-15English.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 3
Society of Lees of Virginia: Temple man/Shively; Dividing Creek ControversyEnglish.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 4
Society of the Lees of Virginia: Kath. Cook "Lee Ancestry"English.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 5
Lee Family: Lee Homes, Attached to Mutual Assurance Co. LetterEnglish.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 6
Family Histories: Washington Groves at Fredericksburg (2 pos. 1 neg)English.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 7
Family Histories: George JohnstonEnglish.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 8
Family Histories: Johnston Homes "Belvale"English.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 9
People and Places: Bridges and Routes of the Lees. Goose Creek BridgeEnglish.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 10
People and Places: Countess of CarnavonEnglish.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 11
People and Places: Dumbarton HouseEnglish.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 12
Donations: Shasta Historical Society Major P.B. Reading, Painting, watch. Simson-Reading SilverEnglish.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 13
Donations: Sully, Cornelia Lee ChinaEnglish.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 14
"Lee's Greenbriar Cottage" and "White Sulphur Springs". Positives and negatives. (Does not correspond w/ any file in coll.)English.
- Graphic Materials box: 13 folder: 15
Bob Templeman Photos of Alexandria (3 pos. 3 neg.)English.