Guide to the George Mason University Institute on the Federal Theatre Project and New Deal Culture records R0021
A Collection in the Special Collections Research Center
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections Research Center
Fenwick Library, MS2FL4400 University Dr.
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Business Number: 703-993-2220
Fax Number: 703-993-8911
Maegan Jankowski and Robert Vay
Administrative Information
Access Restrictions
Historical Information
The Federal Theatre Project (FTP) began in 1935 as part of the New Deal's Works Progress Administration, employing several thousand actors, directors, playwrights, producers and others in the performing arts industry during the Great Depression. During its four-year run the FTP produced plays, musicals, dance and radio programs, circuses, and marionette shows. It featured the early works of actors and producers such as Orson Welles, Arthur Miller, and Elia Kazan. The federal government discontinued the program in 1939, and thousands of scripts, photographs, posters, and other FTP records were dispersed between the National Archives, the Library of Congress, public libraries, and educational institutions. For over twenty-five years the main body of these records sat forgotten in a government-owned storage facility at Middle River, near Baltimore, Maryland until they were located by George Mason University English professors, Lorraine Brown and John O'Connor.
After Brown and O'Connor's discovery, and realizing the historical significance of these records, George Mason University entered into negotiations with the Library of Congress for permission to house and care for the collection and provide access to the materials to scholars. Many of the materials were physically deteriorating after so many years in less-than-ideal storage conditions. An agreement was reached, and the collection was placed on loan to George Mason University Libraries, with the aim that the collection would be processed, cared for, and used by scholars of the FTP and WPA. A center named The Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project was established at Mason, and a staff of archives and library professionals was hired to process, describe, and provide access to the records in Mason's Fenwick Library.
While initially, the center was focused on unpacking, sorting, processing, and inventorying the collection, it soon concentrated on disseminating the materials and facilitating scholarship regarding the FTP. It participated in grants to preserve the materials and produce programming and exhibitions to expose the materials to a larger audience. It continued to build on the collection by conducting oral history interviews of former FTP personnel, acquisition their personal papers, and photographic duplication of deteriorating records inside the collection, such as original posters, set, and costume design drawings. George Mason University Libraries established its Special Collections & Archives (SC&A) department in 1979, and the Federal Theatre Project Materials became a collection under the custody of that entity.
In 1980 the Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project was renamed the Institute on the Federal Theatre Project (IFTP), part of the newly established Center for Government, Society, and the Arts (CGSA).
In 1993, the Library of Congress began the process of recalling collections that it had loaned to libraries across the country over the years, including the rich archives of the FTP housed at George Mason University. LC administrators suggested that the collection would be more accessible at the Library's Music Division in Washington, D.C. rather than in Fairfax. While the bulk of the original loaned collection was eventually returned to the Library in August of 1994, George Mason University Libraries was allowed to retain duplicates of many of the records to complement the additional materials it had independently acquired between 1975 and 1994. After the replevin of the FTP materials back to the Library of Congress, the IFTP focused more of its attention on the study of the American National Theater and Academy (ANTA's) work in the Coldwar era, promoting the papers of Robert Breen, Director of ANTA, which are also held by George Mason University's Special Collections Research Center (formerly Special Collections & Archives). The CGSA and IFTP ceased operation during the summer of 1998.
Scope and Contents
Collection contains records pertaining to the operation of the the Institute on the Federal Theatre Project (IFTP) and its prior iteration, the Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project (RCFTP). These records include operational, research and correspondence files, materials related to the Institute's outreach, programming, audiovisual and photographic materials and publications.
The collection is organized within the following series:
Series 1: Administrative Records: These records consist of materials which document the day to day operation of the IFTP, its projects, initiatives, and development.
Series 2: Correspondence: This series contains manuscript and typewritten correspondence between IFTP personel and their colleagues and outside individuals and groups.
Series 3: Outreach Activities Records: These materials document the IFTP's efforts to provide external programming to promote and disseminate scholarship pertaining to and public awareness of the FTP throuugh exhibits, talks, and other programming.
Series 4: IFTP Publications: This series contains pamphlets detailing IFTP programs, organizational brochures and other publications created by IFTP to assist scholars in researching the FTP, Federal One, the newsletter of the RCFTP and IFTP, Free Adult and Uncensored, which details the history of the FTP, and other publications which promote and facilitate understanding of the FTP collection housed at George Mason University.
Series 5: Photographs: This series contains photographs created or procured by the IFTP. Featured are its personel, events, and programs, copy photographs of original FTP photos, posters, and other graphic items.
Series 6: Indexes, Inventories, and Collection Control Records: These records document the IFTP and RCFTP's fifteen-year effort to inventory, process, index, and describe the FTP collection.
Series 7: Research Materials: These consist of original FTP records descrbing plays and play types, newspaper and magazine articles and clippings, hearing transcripts, and other publications from scholars and government entities pertaining to FTP and WPA used to study FTP personel and the plays, dance, and music that it produced.
Series 8: Audiovisual materials include audio and videotapes of documentaries pertaining to the FTP, programs presented by the IFTP, such as panel discussions, lectures, and symposia, and productions of original FTP plays staged during the 1980s and 1990s. SCRC staff must be consulted for information regarding access to these records.
Related Material
Please see "External Documents" heading below to browse materials related to this collection.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Ballet
- Dance
- Federal Theatre Project (U.S.)
- Theater programs
- United States. Works Progress Administration
Container List
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 1
Acquisitions: Theatre-related publications1979
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 2
Administrative CorrespondenceApril - June 1978
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 3
Adubato, Robert A.1979-08-03T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 4
Agreement of Deposit, Federal Theatre Project Collection1978-07-11T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 5
At George Mason University, Humanities Make a Difference1985
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 6
Archives of American Art Board1985
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 7
Federal Theatre Project Collection (Doyle, M.)1984
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 8
Barnow, Eric1977-03-31T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 9
Blake, Eubie1977
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 10
Bolton, Horold1977
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 11
Bolton, Rhoda Rammelkamp, gifts1978
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 13
Brocco, Peter, gifts1905-05-29T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 14
Bromley, Robert1979
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 15
Browne, Theodore, gifts1975
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 16
Budget, Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 17
Burckhardt, Rudy, gift1977
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 18
Burman, Harold, gift1977
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 19
Burris Meyer, Harold, gift1977
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 20
Butitta, Tony, gift1980
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 21
Carroll, Thomas, gift1980
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 22
Center for Government, Society, and the Arts, Chronology1980-1982
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 23
Center for Government, Society, and the Arts, Advisory Board1982-1983
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 24
Center for the Federal Theatre Project Collection, Summary1975
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 25
Chavkin, Samuel1978-06-01T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 26
Chesse, Ralph (via Bruce Chesse), gifts1977-1981
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 27
Cohelan, Evelyn, gift1977
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 28
Cohen, Elizabeth Elson, gift1977
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 29
Cohen, Gail, gift1977
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 30
Conference on New Deal Culture, Project SummaryCirca 1980
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 31
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 32
Cook, Alan, gift1977
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 33
Cook, Lola, gift1976
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 34
Daly, Frank, gift1977-06-11T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 36
Del Bourgo, Fanya Geltman, gifts1977, 1979
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 37
[List of Donors]1980-1981
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 38
Ebsen, Nancy, gifts1979, 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 39
Edson, Eda, gifts1976-05-30T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 40
Elliott, Michelle (Cunningham), gifts1976-05-28T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 41
Ely, Roberta; Gerwing, George; gifts1979
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 42
Exhibit Grant, computer printouts re: budget1979-1980
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 43
Exhibit Grant, operating expenses1979-1980
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 44
Exhibit Grant, payroll expenses1979-1980
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 45
Exhibition Catalog correspondence1978-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 46
Exhibition Planning Workshop, catering1979
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 47
Exhibition Planning Workshop, correspondence1979
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 48
Farran, Don, gifts1976, 1979
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 49
Federal Theatre Project Collection, acquisition and grant information1974-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 50
Federal Theatre Festival and Symposium on the Americas1994
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 51
Federal Theatre Tribute Luncheon, contracts and payments1990
- Mixed Materials box: 1 folder: 52
Federal Theatre Tribute Luncheon, RSVPs [ck this out]1990
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 1
Film, slide, and printing projects1970s
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 2
Fisher, Granville, gfts1977-03-19T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 3
Fishel, H.L. (Bud), gift1976
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 4
Forbes, Leon, gifts1977, 1979
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 5
France Richard1976
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 6
Free, Adult, and Uncensored, publishing contract1976
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 7
Friends of the Federal Theatre1979
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 8
FTP Checkout form1979
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 9
FTP Collection appraisal1979
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 10
FTP Collection, grants information1974-1981
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 11
FTP Music Collection1980-1981
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 12
FTP Collection processing statistics1979
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 13
FTP Photography preservation project1980-1984
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 14
FTP Playlists File1980-07-22T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 15
FTP Playreader Reports, processing1981
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 16
FTP Playscript Register1982
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 17
FTP Posters Skidmore College (Nisbet, Steve)1987
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 18
"Processing (FTP) Research Files" [Manual]circa 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 19
FTP- related publications/proposals1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 20
FTP Research Topics1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 21
Galea, Manuel and Kinch, Myra, gift1982
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 22
Gallery Committee (George Mason University)1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 23
Gerwing, George, gifts1978-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 24
Gifts from FTP personnel1970s
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 25
Gifts of FTP materials to IFTP1970s-1982
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 26
Gilder, Rosamond, gift1977-04-22T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 27
Gilman, Harold and Ida, gift1978
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 28
Glyer, Richard, gift1977-07-19T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 29
"GMU Wordprocessing Center Guidelines"1983
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 30
Goldman, Arnold1980-05-07T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 31
Goldman, Harry1978-1983
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 32
Graham, Hedley1977-08-11T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 33
Greenwood Press, Cataog Calendar of Productions1979
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 34
Griffin, Scott1979
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 35
Guestbook, Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project1976-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 36
Harms, Carl [check these 2]1981
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 1
Harris, Julian1978-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 2
Hatch Billops, New York1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 3
Hauser, Ethel Aaron1976
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 4
Holland, Bert1976
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 5
International Theatre Institute [Burdick, Elizabeth]1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 6
Institute on the Federal Theatre Project and New Deal Culture, chronology1974-1982
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 7
Items missing from inventory1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 8
Kennedy, Donald Scott, giftAugust 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 9
Koch, Howard, gift1976
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 10
Lane, Esther Porter, gifts1978-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 11
Larsen, Agnete Johansen1978
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 12
Laub, Lili Mann1978-05-24T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 13
Lavery Emmet1976
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 14
Lawson, Kate Drain1977
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 15
Lehac, Ned1977-08-01T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 16
Lenz, Josef1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 17
Leve, Sam1976-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 18
Levin, Bertha1981
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 19
Lewis, Elaine, gift1976-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 20
Lint, Katherine1979-06-01T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 21
Lloyd, Norman1976
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 22
Lockwood, Patton1978-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 23
Lynch, Dorothea Thomas1979-03-14T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 24
Lynch, Larry1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 25
Mahlman, Louis Roy1980
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 26
Manisoff, Manuel1981
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 27
McCulloh, Judith1977
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 28
McLean, Scott1978-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 29
McNamara, Brooks1981-07-24T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 30
Medovoy, George1976-06-29T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 31
Meredith, Betty1977-08-01T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 32
Miller, J. Howard, gifts1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 33
Mesa, Fernando, gift1977-03-15T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 34
Morcom, James, gift1977-05-10T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 35
Morehead, Martha and Hubert1985, 1986
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 36
Museum contacts and information1980
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 37
Nadel, Sue Ramos, gift1977-10-23T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 38
NEH exhibit grant proposal and correspondence1978-1980
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 39
NEH grant award1976-05-25T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 40
NEH grant proposal1975
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 41
New Deal culture research collections1970s
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 42
Norvelle, Lee, gift1980
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 43
Oral History Program procedure1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 44
Oral History trip to New York City1976
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 45
Page, Ruth, gift1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 46
Potential funding sources1977-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 47
Pierson Mrs. Elly1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 48
Position descriptions, Research Center for the Federal Theatre Projec1976
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 49
Rather, Lois, gift1976-07-28T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 50
Rella Ettore, gift1975
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 51
Report and Recommendations for the Disposition of the Photographic Collection of the Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project1976-06-30T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 52
Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project, conferences, conventions, and contributions1975-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 53
Research Center for / Institute on the Federal Theatre Project, internal correspondence1976-1991
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 54
Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project, Final Report on Grant #RC-23973-76-510 [collection statistics]1979-04-01T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 55
Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project, meeting minutes1975-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 1
Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project, operations [1 of 2]1974-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 2
Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project, operations [2 of 2]1974-1976
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 3
Researcher check-out forms1979-1981
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 4
Rhodes, Irwin, gifts1977, 1978
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 5
Reich, Molka, marionettes1980-1981
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 6
Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project, Special Collections & Archives floor plancirca 1979
Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project, graduate student position1976
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 8
Rice, Adams1978-1982
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 9
Robson, William, gift1979
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 10
Rockefeller Foundation, grant1977-1978
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 11
Romano, Amelia, gift1977-03-04T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 12
Russak, Ben and Rabson, Carolyn1979, 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 13
Savage, George, gifts1976, 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 14
Schnitzer, Robert and Cisney, Marcella, gift1979-1980
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 15
Schulman, Sol [gifts]1976
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 16
"Setting the Stage and Beyond" A Conference of the Rsearch Center for the Federal Theatre Project1979
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 17
Shaw, John Bennett, gift1976
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 18
Shohet, Max, gift1978
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 19
Shresberry, Robert, gift1977
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 20
Silvera, John D., gift1977
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 21
Simon, Lewis, gift1976
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 22
Skalski, Anne1980
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 23
Slide project notes1979
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 24
Slide project1982
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 25
Stearns, Mark1970s
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 26
Stone, Gene, gift1977-07-21T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 27
Stover, Francis and Abramson, Doris, gift1977
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 28
Suib, Leonard, gift1978
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 29
Sungard, Arnold1978
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 30
Sungard Arnold1979, 1989
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 31
Trip to California, Lorraine Brown1976
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 32
Tyler (Converse) Memorial Fund1978
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 33
Velie, Jay, gift1978-05-24T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 34
Vitas, Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project staff1979
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 35
Vondersmith, Elizabeth R., gift1970s
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 36
Wagner, Irene, gift1979-05-01T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 37
Wallace, Lee, gift1980
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 38
Walsh, Elizabeth D.1979
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 39
Warde, Francis, gift1976
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 40
Wasserman, Dale, gift1978
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 41
Williams, Jay, gifts1976
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 42
WPA films1976-06-22T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 43
Zimmerman, L.L.1979-06-04T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 1
Abbe, Champ1979
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 2
Actors' Alley Repretory Theatre1987
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 3
American Film Institute1976
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 4
Anderson, Thomas1992-05-06T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 5
Aronson, Arnold1979
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 6
Baird, Bil1979
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 7
Bakker, Jan1992
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 8
Barlin, Anne Lief1990
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 9
Bay, Howard1979
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 10
Berman, Greta1979
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 11
Bowman, Ruth1979-1980
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 12
Brant, Carl1990-05-23T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 13
Chamberlain Leona1987
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 14
Cocuzza Ginnie, and Kreizanbach, Alan [exhibitions]1980
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 15
CorrespondenceDecember 1975-May 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 16
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 17
CorrespondenceJune 1976-October 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 18
CorrespondenceNovember 1976-December 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 19
De Koven, Lenore1990-04-28T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 20
Dunn, Thomas G.1990-05-14T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 21
Elson, Charles1990-06-08T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 22
Exhibit of FTP materials1978-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 23
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 24
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 25
Exhibitions, New York1980
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 26
Ezell, John1976
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 27
Federal Theatre Benefit correspondence [1 of 2]1989-1990
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 28
Federal Theatre Benefit correspondence [2 of 2]1990
- Mixed Materials box: 5 folder: 29
Federal Theatre Festival correspondence1992
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 1
Flanagan, Betty1991-04-25T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 2
Goldstein, Malcolm1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 3
Goodman, Frank1991-04-29T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 4
Hatch, James V.1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 5
Hurley, John1990
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 6
Froome, Charles1978-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 7
Geller, Robert and Skaggs, Calvin1976-1980
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 8
Hagan, Lyle1990-05-23T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 9
Hauser, Ethel1990-05-31T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 10
Henderson, Mary1980
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 11
Kassel, Virginia1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 12
Kennedy, Roger1980
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 13
King, Woody1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 14
Lane, Esther1991-05-24T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 15
Leve, Samuel1990-06-27T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 16
Matthews, Jane De Hart1990
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 17
Mc Coy, Garnett1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 18
Mc Dermott, Tom1991-04-28T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 19
Mesa, Fernando1990-06-15T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 20
Mitchell, Loften1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 21
Morehead, Hugh and Martha1988
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 22
Nadel, Sue Ramos1990
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 23
New York Public Library (Myers, Paul)1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 24
O' Connor, Francis1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 25
O' Tremba, Geraldine1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 26
Pressman, David1990-1991
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 27
Publication of Arena and FTP materials1975-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 28
Public television1975-1980
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 29
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 30
Randolph, John1990-07-07T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 31
Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project, correspondenceJanuary 1977-November 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 32
Research Center for the Federal Theatre Project, correspondence1980-1993
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 33
Reynolds, Patricia1987-1988
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 34
Saul, Oscarcirca 1990
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 35
Sittig, William1979-1980
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 36
Stone, Genecirca 1991
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 37
Sungaard, Arnold1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 38
Sussman, Warren1979-1980
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 39
Television documentary on the Federal Theatre Project1976-1980
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 40
Wallace, LeoMay 15, 1991
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 41
Wikre, Karen1979
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 42
Wyrick Charles, 1983 Spoletto Festival exhibitFebruary 22, 1982
- Mixed Materials box: 6 folder: 43
Zengrando, Joanna S.1979
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 1
Adding Machine1991, 1992
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 2
A View from the Stage, Planning Phase1979
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 3
Capturing the Experience: Art and Writing on the Great DepressionApril 5-6, 1990
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 4
Conference on New Deal CultureOctober 15-17, 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 5
Exhibit Coordination, Library of Congress Policies1981
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 6
Exhibit Labels1983
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 7
Exhiibit, National Portrait Gallery1982
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 8
Exhibit North Carolina State Univesity1983
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 9
Exhibition of Library of Congress Materials1982
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 10
Exhibition Planning1979
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 11
Exhibit, Los Angeles [missing items]May 24. 1982
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 12
Federal Theatre Festival, 1991 [1 of 2]May 1-5, 1991
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 13
Federal Theatre Festival, 1991 [2 of 2]May 1-5, 1991
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 14
Federal Theatre Festival1992
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 15
Federal Theatre Festival, 1993 [1 of 2]1993
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 16
Federal Theatre Festival, 1993 [2 of 2 ]1993
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 18
Federal Theatre Festival1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 19
Federal Theatre Festival Mailing lists1994
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 20
Federal Theatre Festival, publicity1992
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 21
Federal Theatre Festival, publicity1993
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 22
Harris Theatre Lobby Exhibit1982
- Mixed Materials box: 7 folder: 23
Federal Theatre Project Festival Photo Exhibit1994
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 1
Federal Theatre Tribute Luncheon, planning and participants1989-1990
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 2
Fire and Ice1983
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 3
FTP Conference on New Deal CultureOctober 15-17, 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 4
FTP Poster Exhibit, Fenwick Library1983
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 5
High School Faculty Workshop1979-06-13T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 6
New Deal Culture and the FTP exhibitJanuary 21, 1983 - September 1, 1983
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 7
New Federal Theatre1977 - 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 8
Notes and background information for tours of the Federal Theatre Project Collection1975, 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 9
Oral history videorecoding1977
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 10
Planning grant for exhibition1979
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 11
Posters exhibit1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 12
Talks, Research Center on the Federal Theatre Project1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 13
Theater for the People - Then and Now1970s
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 14
Theater of the First Amendment1990-1991
- Mixed Materials box: 8 folder: 15
"The People's Theatre: A Drama of the Thirties", draft proposal1980
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 1
America's National Theatre in the Thirties1976
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 2
Federal One1975 - 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 3
Federal One1978 - 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 4
Federal One1982 - 1984
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 5
Federal One1985 - 1987
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 6
Federal One1988 - 1992
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 7
Federal One1993 - 1996
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 8
Cultural Diversity in the Federal Theatre Project (1935 - 1939)1992
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 9
Federal Theare Project: 50th Anniversary Celebration1985
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 10
Free, Adult, Uncensored [annotated]1978
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 11
Institute for the Federal Theatre Project stationery1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 12
Making America's Theatrical Heritage Live [pamphlet]circa 1978
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 13
Posters from the Federal Theatre Project [pamphlet]1991
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 14
Puppetry Festival [post cards]1986
- Mixed Materials box: 9 folder: 15
Swinging the MikadoJune 25-27, 1992
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 1
Administrative Records and Research Records1930s-1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 2
Aladdin Costume Design [1/2]1930s - 1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 3
Aladdin Costumes Designs [2/2]1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 4
Awake and Sky [Marionettes]1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 5
Barber, Philip: Visit to the Institute of the Federal Theatre Project, November 19751975
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 6
Battle Hymn Poster from Free, Adult, Uncensored, November 19781978
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 7
Bay, Howard [set designer], Elson, Charles [set designer], and Brown Lorraine1978
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 8
Bread and Circuses Poster, "America on Stage," Exhibit Poster1976-1977
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 9
Brown, Lorraine and McCandless, Michael1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 10
Caesar and Cleopatra Set and Costume Designs1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 11
Cornelius Costume Design From Free, Adult, and Uncensored1978
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 12
Costume Design Slides [1/2]1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 13
Costume Design Slides [2/2]1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 14
Costume Design Slides, Supplemental Slides1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 15
Costume Design, Set Design, and Production Photos1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 16
Demons From Dr. Faustus and Other Marionette Productions1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 17
Dr. Faustus, Costume Design1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 18
Eleanor Roosevelt Reception1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 19
Emperor's New Clothes Poster1978
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 20
Everyman, Costume Design1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 21
Exhibition of the Skills of the Unemployed on Non-Manual Projects1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 22
Exhibition Planning WorkshipAugust 22-23, 1979
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 23
Free, Adult, and Uncensored: Contact Sheets for Images1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 24
Flanagan, Hallie: Portrait1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 25
Flight Poster, Heckscher Theatre1930s
- Mixed Material box: 10 folder: 26
Follow the Parade1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 1
Checked-out FTP materials1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 2
Federal Theatre Magazine indexes1970s
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 3
FTP- 1930's theatre published review card file1980-08-03T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 4
FTP- 1930's theatre published review card file1984-06-27T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 5
FTP Calendar cards1980-05-01T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 6
FTP Calendar project1992
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 7
FTP Costume designs1980
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 8
FTP Living Newspaper Morgue (Research Series)1979-07-30T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 9
FTP - Music materials inventory1980
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 10
FTP - Music parts1986
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 12
FTP Negatives finding aid1976
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 13
FTP Original Music at George Mason Universitycirca 1980
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 14
FTP - Personnel1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 15
FTP Photograph collectioncirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 16
FTP Photograph Negatives1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 17
FTP Photgraph prints1976-06-30T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 18
FTP Photograph slides1982
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 19
FTP Playbills index (programs, playbills, heralds)circa 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 20
FTP Playlist1992-03-12T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 17 folder: 21
FTP Playlist Working Copy "B"1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 18 folder: 1
FTP Playreader Reports list A to "Brothers All"circa 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 18 folder: 2
FTP Playreader Reports early handlist "B"1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 18 folder: 3
FTP Playreader Reports early handlist "D"1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 18 folder: 4
FTP Playscript Inventories and checkouts1976-1979
- Mixed Materials box: 18 folder: 5
FTP Playscript library1980-05-12T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 18 folder: 6
FTP playscript register project1982
- Mixed Materials box: 18 folder: 7
FTP playscript register1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 18 folder: 8
FTP posterscirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 18 folder: 9
FTP preservation slide project/FTP materials inventory1981-07-22T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 18 folder: 10
FTP production playlist, Intro to "A"1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 19 folder: 1
FTP Production Bulleten listscirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 19 folder: 2
FTP Production Title Files early hand lists1978-08-01T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 19 folder: 3
FTP Production Titles lists1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 19 folder: 4
FTP Radio Script InventoryMay 15, 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 19 folder: 5
FTP Raidio Script Program1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 19 folder: 6
FTP Regional Production information1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 19 folder: 7
FTP Register1982-03-15T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 19 folder: 8
FTP Register1982-05-24T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 19 folder: 9
FTP Register, costume designs1978
- Mixed Materials box: 19 folder: 10
FTP Register, costume and set designscirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 19 folder: 11
FTP Register of photographscirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 1
FTP Register. production notebooks1978-08-01T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 2
FTP Register, programs, playbills, and heraldscirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 3
FTP Register, set designscirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 4
FTP Register work/info1977
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 5
FTP- related item checkouts1970s
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 6
FTP research files list1981-08-11T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 7
FTP, Rosenthal, Jeancirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 8
FTP Set Designs1980
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 9
FTP- Scripts, Untraditionalcirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 10
Regional Plays, Region 1 and 31970s
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 11
FTP- Shelf Reorganizationcirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 12
FTP- Technical Drawings: Research Projectscirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 13
FTP- Window Posterscirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 19
Playreader Reports, list "A"1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 20 folder: 20
Playreader Reports, list "B"1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 21 folder: 1
Playreader Reports, list "C"1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 21 folder: 2
Theatre of the Thirties gift collection1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 21 folder: 3
Theatre of the Thirties gifts, FTP dissertations and papers cards B-K1970s-1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 21 folder: 4
Theatre of the Thirtiesgifts, FTP dissertations and papers cards L-Z1970s-1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 22
Federal Theatre Project Productions, A-L [index card file]1974-1990
- Mixed Materials box: 23
Federal Theatre Project Productions, M-Z [index card file]1974-1990
- Mixed Materials box: 24
Federal One newsletter [index card file]1974-1998
- Mixed Materials box: 25
Oral history interview subjects, A-F [index card file]1975-1990
- Mixed Materials box: 26
Oral history interview subjects, G-O [index card file]1975-1990
- Mixed Materials box: 27
Oral history interview subjects, P-Z [index card file]1975-1990
- Mixed Materials box: 28
Oral history interviews [index card file]1975-1990
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 1
1930s Drama from the WPA Federal Theatre Project, Walsh, Elizabeth D.Spring 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 2
Adventures of Tom Sawyer: A Play for the Marionette Theatre in Four Acts, FTP, Los Angeles1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 3
Aiwin, Nikolais: newspaper articles1980-1990
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 4
Alsberg, Henry G. HUAC testimonyDecember 6, 1938
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 5
Altars of Steel: A Play in Thirteen Scenes, Hall, Roger1936
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 6
Amassing American Stuff: New Deal Arts Collections at the Library of Congress1994
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 7
The Amazing Scheme of Algernon, Ruthenberg, Grace1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 8
American Song, Special Edition - Songs from Beggar's HolidayFebruary 2, 1992
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 9
America on Stage: 200 Years of Performing Arts1976
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 10
American Antiwar Isolationinst Sentimentof the 1930s and the Federal Theatre Project, Smith, BarbaraNovember 9, 1986
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 11
Anti-Nazi Drama in the United States, 1934-1941Novermber 1984
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 12
Art and the Community: What America is DoingOctober 1937
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 13
Arts and the People: The New Deal Quest for Cultural DiscoverySeptember 1975
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 14
Art out of HungerApril 1939
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 15
ATA Convention, New OrleansAugust 1978
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 16
Barber, Philip W., New York Times articleMay 27, 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 17
Barge Incident by Meadow, Herb, Waiting for Lefty by Odets, Clifford, GMU Presents Plays from the Federal Theatre ProjectMarch 1983
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 18
Baxter, Carol G., The Federal Theatre Project's Musical ProductionsFall 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 19
Baxter, Carol G. The Federal Theatre Project's Musical Productions1984
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 20
Beauty and the Beast, Fraser, Annabelle M.1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 21
Bennington College Bulletin, Bennington Festival of Modern Dance, Martha Graham1938
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 22
Black Journals: Periodical Reources for Afro-American and African Studies1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 23
Black Theatre: A Definition and Reassessment, Part II, History and Criticism, Hatch James, Brown, Lorraine, Taylor, Eleanor, Tom Pawley1981
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 24
Blitzstein, Marc, Washington Star articleOctober 31, 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 25
Bread and Circuses [photo copy]1937
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 26
Bread and Circuses and Power performances1976
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 27
Bread and Roses: A New Deal for the Arts1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 28
A Cast of Thousands!July 1986
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 29
City Played Part in WPA productionsAugust 21, 1988
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 30
Cleveland Fesival of the WPA, Cuyahoga Community CollegeMarch-June 1992
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 31
Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate1938
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 32
Congressional RecordApril 20, 1936
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 33
Congressional Research Material, Federal Theatre Project1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 29 folder: 34
Cross Index of Dominant Themes (FTP)1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 1
Early Scenes and Acts of the Federal Theatre, Washington PostOctober 30, 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 2
Each in His Own Way1920s-1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 3
Dumham, Katherine1930s-1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 4
The Darkness is Gone: Federal Theatre Project Histoical Plays and the Reaffirmation of Faith in the American Democratic TraditionNovember 20, 1990
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 5
Dance Project - Synopses, Reviews, and Articles1930s-1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 6
Department of Science., Art , and LiteratureFebruary 1938
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 7
Emergency Relief Appropriation1937
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 8
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act1937
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 9
Ethiopia: The First Living Newspaper1968
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 10
An Evaluation of Six Ibsen Plays Adapted for the Federal Theatre Project Radio Theatre, Mary Ann PiankaApril 1978
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 11
Examination of Protagonists in Selected Federal Theatre Project Plays as a Reflection of New Deal Society and Politics, Elwood P. WilliamsJanuary 1989
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 12
Federal TheatreOctober 1935-January 1939
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 13
The Federal Theatre: A Record, Gilder, RosamondJane 1936
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 14
Federal Theatre in Los Angeles1962
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 15
Federal Theatre Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 2December 1935
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 16
Federal Theatre Magazine, Vol. 2, Nos. 4 and 51936
- Mixed Materials box: 30 folder: 17
The Federal Theatre, article in The SpectatorJuly 10, 1936
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 1
Federal Theatre Plays Calendar of Events in the Library of CongressOctober 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 2
Federal Theatre Plays Exhibit Series, Library of CongressOctober 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 3
Federal Theatre Plays and Synopsis listMay 1975
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 4
Federal Theatre Project Celebrates 15th Anniversary, Broadside newspaperNovember 4, 1985
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 5
Federal Theatre Project Musical ProductionsFall 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 6
Federal Theatre Project organization1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 7
Federal Theatre Project organizational chartSeptember 24, 1937
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 8
Federal Theatre Project poster, pg. 68July/August 1978
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 9
Federal Theatre Project Posters: 2 Studies in Design1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 10
Federal Theatre Project Radio Plays: Articles and Events1930s-1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 11
Federal Theatre Project Records at George Mason University1980
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 12
Federal Theatre Project State Records1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 13
Federal Theatre Project RadioMay 9, 1975
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 14
Fine Arts and the People: A Report on the Conferfence on the New Deal Cultural Projects1975
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 15
Flanagan, Hallie: A Theatre for the People, Magazine for the ArtsJanuary 1937
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 16
Flanagan, Hallie, Federal Summer TheatreJuly 31, 1937
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 17
Flanagan, Hallie, New York Times articleAugust 3, 1969
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 18
Flanagan, Hallie, Threatre Three, No. 7Fall 1989
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 19
Flanagan Hallie, What Was Federal Theatre1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 31 folder: 20
Federal Writers Project [1 of 2]1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 1
Federal Writers Project [2 of 2]1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 2
Frazer, Dan: newspaper articleJune 11, 1978
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 3
Free, Adult, Uncensored: The Living History of the Federal Theatre Project, newspaper articlesNovember 1978-December 1978
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 4
FTP, Administrative Papers, NARA [RG 69]August 10, 1988
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 5
FTP Bibliographies1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 6
FTP, Hallie Flanagan Papers at NARA [photocopies] [1 of 2]1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 7
FTP, Hallie Flanagan Papers at NARA [photocopies] [2 of 2]1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 8
FTP, Index to The Flexible Stage by Emmet Lavery1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 9
FTP, NARA RG 69 inventoryDecember 1948
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 10
FTP, National Archives Material1979
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 11
FTP, National Service Bureau, organizationNovember 1935-November 1936
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 12
FTP Plays at Library of CongressDecember 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 13
Forum on Public Policy and the Social Role of Art1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 14
Geddes, Virgil, Left Turn for American Drama1934
- Mixed Materials box: 32 folder: 15
George Mason Magazine [article on FTP]Spring 1986
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 1
Government Investigation of the Federal Theatre Project1935-1937, 1992
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 2
Green Christmas, Mahood, Kathleen adapted for Maionettes by Berry, Virginia1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 3
Green, Paul, Washington Post articleMay 6, 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 4
Gose, Carl New York Times [McKay, Scott]March 18, 1987
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 5
Hallie Flanaagan, The Federal Theare Project and the Yiddish Theatre in New York City, 1935-1939December 10, 1986
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 6
Historical NotesJuly 1934
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 7
History for the Times: Historical Drama of the Federal Theatre Project and Historiography of the 1930sFall 1990
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 8
History in Action radio seriesApril 16, 1980
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 9
The 1947 HUAC Hearings and the Hollywood 10June 6, 2001
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 10
History as Drama: The Constitution in the Federal Theatre Project, Melosh, BarbaraSpring 1984
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 11
Huffman, Hazel - HUAC TestimontyAugust 12, 1938
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 12
Huffman, Hazel: Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States1938
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 13
Institute for the Federal Theatre Project, newspaper articlesApril 1976-February 1982
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 14
Investigation of Un-American Activities and Propaganda1939
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 15
Investigation of Un-American Activities and Propaganda in the United States1938
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 16
Investigation of Un-American Activities and Propaganda in the United States1939
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 17
"Irish Plays" National Service Bureau Federal Theatre Project, WPA1938
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 18
A Joint Resolution Making an Additional Appropriation for Work Relief1939
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 19
Klugston, Kate, essay, Federal Theatre Projectcirca 1970s
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 20
Legacy of the Federal Theatre ProjectSummer 1965
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 21
Lewitzky, Bella1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 22
Library of Congress: FTP Admin docs2002
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 23
Life and Death of an American, poster George Mason University Archives, The Fairfax Journal1983-03-04T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 24
Life and Death of the Living Newspaper Unit, Arnold Goldman1973
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 25
Lloyd, Norman1986
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 26
Lloyd, Norman, Gambit and Parade Magazines1970s-1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 27
Los Angeles Regional Organization Chart, Federal Theatre Project1935
- Mixed Materials box: 33 folder: 28
The Lowels... Talk only to God, written by Morris, Ruth, 1936 and donated by Woolston-May, Evelyn2006-06-09T00:00:00+00:00
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 1
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 2
Macbeth, La Mama Experimental Theatre Clubcirca 1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 3
Material at the Library of Congress and the National Archives1970s-1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 4
Midsummer Night's Dream, adapted by Coomes, S.S.1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 5
Mikado: Articles, Report and Event at Goerge Mason University1980s-1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 6
Mikado, Gilbert and Sullivan, Barksville TheatreJune 1989
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 7
Me, Third, Chase, Mary Coyle1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 8
Miller, Arthur, Washington Post ArticleFebruary 19, 1984
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 9
Miller, J. Howard: Interview and Article1976
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 10
Muse, Clarence: Events, Interviewm and Newspaper Article1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 11
Music: Article, Conference, Report, and Los Angeles Music Division1930s-1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 12
National Service Bureau1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 13
Natural Man, Theodore Browne, The Show Players, Shaw UniversityMarch 7, 1986
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 14
Negro Songs of Protest1936
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 15
Negro Songs of Protest, Collected by Lawrence Gellert1936
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 16
New Deal1980S
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 17
New Federal Theater's ' Living Newspaper,' Washington PostOctober 5, 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 18
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 19
Odets, Clifford: A Playwright and His Jewish Background1972
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 20
One Third of a Nation: A Living Newspaper, by Arent, Arthur, directed by Weissman, Neilecirca 1935-1939
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 21
Original Musicals of the Federal Theatre Project: Relief, Relevane, and Regionalism1983
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 22
"O Say Can You Sing" MusicalApril 2, 1937
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 23
Page, Ruth, New York Times ArticleApril 9, 1991
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 24
People's Theatre: The American Federal Theatre Project- A Social Experiment articleSeptember 1938
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 25
Peterson, Arthur: Mason Gazette Article and Event1970s-1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 34 folder: 26
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 1
Playreader Reports [Background]1993-1994
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 2
Poor People: A Satire for Puppets or Humans, by Bernard, Lawrence1930s-1940s
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 3
A Preliminary Investigation of the Federal Theatre Project in Los AngelesJuly 1960s
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 4
Prelude to Swing Plus Fifty1986-1987
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 5
Prelude to Swing Plus Fifty: A Modern Dance Production Based on the 1939 FTP Production, Script Including Sheet music1985
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 6
Prelude to Swing Plus Fifty, EventOctober 17, 1987
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 7
Programs To Please Everybody: The Magic of the Federal Theatre Radio Division, November 20, 1990November 20, 1990
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 8
Puppets [Marionettes]1970s-1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 9
Puppets at the National Museum of History1985
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 10
Radical Periodicals in the United States1890s-1960s
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 11
Radio Script Check Out Forms1970s
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 12
Randolph, John: American Clock, Washington StarOctober 16, 1980
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 13
Randolph, John1990
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 14
Readings of Big White Fod [Theodore ward], Little Ham [Langston Hughes], Run Little Chillun [Hall Johnson], Liberty Deferred [Aubram Hill annd John Silvera], and Absolution of Willie Mae [Joseph Walker]Spring 1989
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 15
Report on FTP Radio Script File in SPCA, GMUDecember 1991
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 16
Revolt of the Beavers, or Mother Goose Mary Under WPA Auspices, New York TimesMay 21, 1937
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 17
Review of Selected Radio PlaysMay 6, 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 18
Revue of Reviews, Playbill1982
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 19
Rhodes, Irwin (Rubenstein): The Great Depression and the Federal TheatreApril 24, 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 20
Rice, Adams Thurber: Technical Director of the Popular Price Theatre of the Federal Theatre Project1935-1939
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 21
Rice, Elmer: Publsihed Works List1970s
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 22
Rich, Buddy: Jazz Drummer Dies, Washington Post ArticleApril 3, 1987
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 23
Robert Frost Fire and Ice Starring Peterson, Arthur, Written by August, June and Peterson, Arthur1983-1984
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 24
Robinson, Earl, Ballad of An American1991
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 25
Rocky Birth of 'Cradle', Blitzstein Music, Houseman, John, and Welles, OrsonOctober 24, 1990
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 26
Run Little Chillun, Johnson Hall, The 1977 Revival, The Kentucky Players of Kentucky State UniversityNovember 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 27
R.U.R., Rossum's Universal Robots, Marionette Theatre by Capok, Karel1930S-1940S
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 28
Russian Plays: A Preliminary Catalogue, Play Bureau, Federal Theatre Project1930s
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 29
Scene Design and the Setting for Scapino!1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 30
Selected Photograph List of Federal Theatre Project PlaysMay 17, 1977
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 31
Shakespeare in the Federal Theatre: A Survey of Production of Shakespeare in the Federal Theatre ProjectDecember 13, 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 32
Sherman, Hiram, Obituary1989
- Mixed Materials box: 35 folder: 33
Showboat, Hughes, Glenn1970s-1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 1
The Slum Problem and United States Housing Authority of the 1930s as it was presented to the public through the Radio Division of the Federal Theatre ProjectApril 16, 1980
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 2
Sokolow, Anna: Newspaper Article and Presentation1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 3
Some Strings Attached: Puppetry in the WPA's Federal Theatre ProjectJune 22, 1985
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 4
Special Committee on Un-American Activities1939
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 5
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 6
Stoven, Frederick: Two A Day list1938
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 7
Subcommittee on Appropriations, House of Representatives [75th Congress]1938
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 8
Supplemental Appropriation Relief and Work Relief, Fiscal Year 19381938
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 9
Survey of Federal Theatre in Washington, D.C.circa 1979
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 10
Tamiris, Helen magazine article1934
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 11
Theatre Workshop, Power: A Living NewspaperJanuary 21-February 13, 1983
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 12
Thomson, Virgil: Selected Letters of Virgil ThomsonJuly 4, 1988
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 13
Timberline Tintypes script, Frank, YashaAugust-September 1938
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 14
Treasure Hunt, Variety articleMarch 10, 1937
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 15
Tyler, Converse [Federal One]October 1978
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 16
Voodoo Macbeth, Welles, Orson1970s-1990s
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 17
Waiting for Lefty, Odets, Clifford, Fairfax Community Theatre1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 18
Walsh, Elizabeth and Bowers, Diane, New Theatre NewsApril 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 19
Washington Project for the ArtsJuly-August 1978
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 20
Wasserman, Dale [collection at University of Wisconsin]1967
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 21
Welles, Orson, Exhibits and Manuscripts1980S
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 22
Welles, Orson, FTP collection George Mason UniversitySeptember 11, 1981
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Welles, Orson, New Deal for Artists TV specialJuly 1, 1981
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 24
Welles Orson, Project and Guide1980s
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 25
Welles, Orson, Washington Post and New York Times1981-1987
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 26
What Was Federal Theatre? Flanagan, Hallie1939
- Mixed Materials box: 36 folder: 27
Winter Festival 1981, The Gazette article, Seattle, WA1981
- Mixed Materials box: 37 folder: 1
Women for Peace, Radio Script, Ashman, JaneAugust 11, 1939
- Mixed Materials box: 37 folder: 2
Women in AgricultureJuly 14, 1939
- Mixed Materials box: 37 folder: 3
Women in Arts and Crafts, Radio play, Ashman, JaneJuly 23, 1939
- Mixed Materials box: 37 folder: 4
Women in Industry, Radio play, Ashman, JaneJuly 21, 1939
- Mixed Materials box: 37 folder: 5
Women in the Making of America, Radio playAugust 4, 1939
- Mixed Materials box: 37 folder: 6
Women in the Making of America, Radio synopses1930s (?)
- Mixed Materials box: 37 folder: 7
Workers Alliance of America (1935-1940): Communist Front or Zealous UnionNovember 3, 1990
- Mixed Materials box: 37 folder: 8
Works Progress Administration, Federal Theatre Project, A Brief HistoryJune 1939
- Mixed Materials box: 37 folder: 9
Work Relief and Public Works Act of 19391939
- Mixed Materials box: 37 folder: 10
World Center for Women's Archives: A Dream DeferredApril 1976
- Mixed Materials box: 37 folder: 11
Yiddish Writers Project, article in Jewish CurrentsSeptember 1975