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Eron Ackerman and Jordan Patty
George Mason University. Libraries. Special Collections Research Center
Ron Fraser papers 1982 - 1998
2.5 Linear Feet, 6 boxes
Fraser, Ronald R.
R 29, C 1, S 2
For his Ph.D. in Public Policy, Ron Fraser wrote a dissertation on the reauthorization of the Intermodal Surface Transportation
Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991. The materials in this collection come from his dissertation research and include 44 microcassette
audiotapes, transcriptions, and 5.25" floppy disks of interviews with upper-level transportation officials.
The copyright and related rights status of this collection have not been evaluated (See
Access Restrictions
Collection is open to research.
Preferred Citation
Ron Fraser papers, C0071, Special Collections Research Center, George Mason University Libraries.
Acquisition Information
Collection donated by Ron Fraser in 2005.
Processing Information
Processed by Special Collections Research Center staff. EAD markup completed by Eron Ackerman and Jordan Patty in August 2009.
Box inventory created by Jack Moore and finding aid updated by Amanda Menjivar in April 2023.
For his Ph.D. in Public Policy, Ron Fraser wrote a dissertation on the reauthorization of the Intermodal Surface Transportation
Efficiency Act (ISTEA) of 1991. The materials in this collection come from his dissertation research and include interstate
highway planning reports as well as 35 cassette tapes, transcriptions, and 5.25" floppy disks of interviews with dozens of
upper-level transportation officials. Among the interviewees are Sarah Campbell, former Surface Transportation Policy Project
Director; International Transportation Policy Consultant Alan E. Pisarski; Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Deputy Chair
Edward Kussy; Kevin E. Heanue, Director of Environment and Planning for the FHWA; and William Roberts, Legislative Director
for the Environmental Defense Fund.
Lockwood Archive Memorandum From Robt. Farris to the Secretary
February 15, 1989
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 6
Lockwood Archive: Nov. 6, 1989 Memo: Action: Legis. Proposal- Outline of Program Structure From: Assoc. Administrator for
Policy To: Mr. Tom Larson
November 6, 1989
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 7
Lockwood Archivr AASHTO Transportation 2020 Fund Contributions
May 8, 1989
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 8
Lockwood Archives Transportation Alternatives GroupHunt Valley Consensus Workshop Attendees
October 13-14. 1989
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 9
Lockwood Archive Compari. Key Features Administation, Senate and House Bills
November 15, 1991
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 10
Lockwood Archive Administration Bill
February 13, 1991
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 11
Lockwood Archive Articles of Agreement Transportation Alternatives Group
November 11, 1987
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 12
Lockwood Archive "Is Consensus Possible"
January 1, 1990
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 13
Lockwood Archive Transportation 2020 Tag Process
1988 - 1989
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 14
Lockwood Archives "Thick Description"
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 15
Lockwood Archives Tag Positions Matrix: Currently Preferred Positions
January 26, 1989
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 16
Lockwood Archive Summary of Estimated Apportionments FY1992-FY1997
November 15, 1991
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 17
Lockwood Archive A comparison of the Currency AASHTD Highway Policy Positions with those of other interest Groups
September 1, 1987
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 18
TAG Future Federal Surface Transportation Program
January 1, 1990
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 19
Federal Program Consensus Topics
circa 1990s
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 20
Tag Policy Recommendations October 1990
October 1, 1990
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 21
Tag Reports
circa 1990s
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 22
Edward Weiner Urban Transportation Planning in the US an historical overview. Part 1 1984
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 23
Ed. Weiner Urban Transportation Planning in the US: an historical overview Part 2 1985
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 24
Ed.Weiner 9-17-92 tele. w/ Ed. Weiner
September 17, 1992
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 25
Ed. Weiner 8-14-92 tele. w/ Ed. Weiner
August 14, 1992
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 26
Ed. Weiner Urban Transportation Planning in the United States An Historical Overview
January 1, 1987
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 27
Ed. Weiner Long Term Strategy for Urban Transportation Programs
October 15, 1990
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 28
Ed. Weiner Urban Transportation Planning since The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962
circa 1990
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 29
Ed. Werner Redefinition of Roles and Responsibilities in U.S. Transportation
June 6, 1905
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 30
Ed. Weiner New Directions for Transportation Policy
Mixed Materials box: 2 folder: 31
Ph.D. Dissertation
circa 1990
Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 1
Intermodel Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 2
Acting in the National Interest The Transportation Agenda (Surface Transportation Policy Project)
circa 1990s
Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 3
Future Federal Involvement in Highway Programs
circa 1990s
Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 4
America's Challenge for Highway Transportation in the 21st Century
November 1, 1998
Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 5
The States and the Interstates
Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 6
Standard Interview Introduction
Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 7
circa 1990s
Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 8
Transportation Spending and Economic Growth The Effects of Transit and Highway Expenditures
September 1, 1991
Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 9
Future Federal Surface Transportation Program Policy Recommendations
circa 1990s
Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 10
Conservatives and Mass Transit: Is it time for a new look?
Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 11
Delivering the Goods Public Works Technologies, Management, and Financing
April 1, 1991
Mixed Materials box: 3 folder: 12
Trends in Public Investment CBO Study- Dec 1987
December 1, 1987
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 1
Moving America New Directions, New Opportunities
circa 1989
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 2
AASHTO: 2020 Discussion Paper
May 1, 1989
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 3
Transportation 2020: Keeping America Moving The Bottom Line: Executive Summary
September 1, 1988
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 4
Transportation 2020: New Transportation Concepts For A New Century Oct. 1989
October 1, 1989
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 5
Transportation 2020: "Beyond the Gridlock" The Future of Mobility As The Public Sees It
June 1, 1988
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 6
American Road and Transportation Builders Assoc. Ad: How can we get America moving again? wp 7-13-1992
July 13, 1992
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 7
ARTBA The 1991 Federal Aid Highway Program Reauturization
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 8
ARTBA Highway Investment &US Competitiveness June 1991
June 1, 1991
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 9
ARTBA Enhancing US Competitiveness Through Highway Investment June 1990
June 1, 1990
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 10
ARTBA An Analysis of the Bush Administration Proposal for Reauthorization of the Federal-aid Highway &Mass Transit Programs
Feb. 1991
February 1, 1991
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 11
ARTBA The Jobs Impact of the Expanded Federal Highway Program Feb 1991
February 1, 1991
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 12
ARTBA: 1992 Annual Report
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 13
ARTBA: 1991 Annual Report
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 14
ARTBA The ARTBA Newsletter May 18, 1993
May 18, 1993
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 15
ARTBA "Support Full Funding For the Federal-aid Highway Program FY93"
circa 1993
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 16
ARTBA "Transportation Makes America work"
circa 1990s
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 17
ARTBA Membership Brochure
circa 1990s
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 18
ARTBA "Transportation Builder" Jan/Feb 1993
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 19
ARTBA US Transportation Construction Industry Profile
circa 1990s
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 20
ARTBA Building a Better America for 90 years
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 21
Building A Better America Through Transportation Advertisements
circa 1990s
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 22
ARTBA "A Federal Surface Transportation Program for the Future"
circa 1990s
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 23
ARTBA Rebuilding America's Greatness
circa 1990s
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 24
Moving America Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 25
"Progress on Energy" Wash. Post 8/11/1992
August 11, 1992
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 26
"Gloomy Report on the Health of Teen-Agers" NY Times: June 9, 1990
June 9, 1990.
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 27
Highway Fact Book, 1993
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 28
America's New Surface Transportation Network Recieved: 7/21/1993
July 21, 1993
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 1
Charts and Listings of Allocations to States and Metropolitan Regions Under the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency
Act for Fiscal Year 1992 April 1992
April 1, 1992
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 2
Memo: Interim Guidance on the ISTEA Metropolitan Planning Requirements
April 6, 1992
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 3
US DOT: Federal Highway Administration & Federal Transit Administration Interim Guidance on Sources of Flexible Funding including
Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement Program Apr. 1992.
April 1, 1992
Mixed Materials box: 4 folder: 4
Statement: Samuel K. Skinner Secretary of Transportation