Hampden-Sydney College Archives & Special Collections
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Maryska Connolly-Brown
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Collection is open for research; access requires at least 48 hours advance notice. Because of the nature of certain archival formats, including digital and audio-visual materials, access will require additional advanced notice. Copies of digital files will be provided for use upon request.
Preferred citation:
[Identification of item], A.J. Morrison Collection, CA 000102, Hampden-Sydney College Archives and Special Collections, Hampden-Sydney, VA
Processing information:
Processed by: Maryska Connelly-Brown, 2018. Machine-readable finding aid created from previous inventories by: Sarah Almond, 2020 April.
Biographical/historical note:
A.J. Morrison (d. 1923) was the grandson of Hampden-Sydney President J. M. P. Atkinson, and a 1895 graduate of the College. After receiving his Pd.D. at Johns Hopkins, he returned to Hampden-Sydney, where he engaged in copious historical research related to Prince Edward County and Hampden-Sydney College.
The collection contains an unfinished manuscript by A.J. Morrison about Prince Edward County, along with letters, newspaper clippings, and various documents about local history. Dates of materials range from 1754-1975.
The manuscript was originally divided into paper-clipped sections. Paper clips were removed and each section has been placed in a separate folder in accordance with the original order.
Related Material
Paul L. Grier Vertical Files (CA 000101)
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Hampden-Sydney College
- Hampden-Sydney College
- Military history
- Prince Edward County (Va.)
- United States--History
Significant Places Associated With the Collection
- Hampden-Sydney College
- Prince Edward County (Va.)
Container List
Morrison Memoranda. Projected title page, dedication, and table of contents with chapter titles; I - The Land and Transportation, II - Political and Municipal, III - Some Personal History, IV - Church and State and School, V - Prince Edward County Records, VI - Early Wars and Revolutions, and VII - Some Further Reminders. The next few pages are the table of contents for each chapters subsections. Finally, there is a handwritten preface (3 pages long).
Subsection of chapter 1, Inventory, pages 7-12 of manuscript. These pages are made up of a newspaper article cut out and glued to notebook paper with handwritten annotations and edits throughout.
Subsections of chapter 1; 2. Soil Survey: pp 13-19, 3. Woodson grapes and Morton Minerals: pp 20, and 4. Prince Edward Court House Plans for Transportation, 1822: pp 21-22. These pages are made up of a newspaper article cut out and glued to notebook paper with handwritten annotations and edits throughout.
The folder contains subsections of chapter 1; 5. Old Times in Charlotte and Prince Edward: p 23, 6. Prince Edward and Charlotte Farms in 1836: pp 24-28, 7. Railroad Convention at Farmville, May 7, 1846: pp 29-30, and 8. From Fomvil [sic] to Washington by way of Richmond: pp 31-33. These pages are made up of handwritten notes.
Contains subsections of chapter 1; 9. Remarks on Farming in Prince Edward and that Neighborhood just before the Civil War: pp 34-35, 10. A Letter from Mr. H.G. Richardson, Feb. 2, 1852: pp 36-37, 11. Farming at High Hill, A letter from Dr. Morton, July 3, 1852: p 38, and 12. History of the O. and K. and Nineteenth century Prince Edward Transportation ideas: pp 39-43. The folder then starts chaper 2 - Political and Municipal title on p 44 with the first subsection of the chapter, 1. 1754-1776: pp 45-51. These pages are made up of a newspaper article cut out and glued to notebook paper with handwritten annotations and edits throughout.
Contains subsection of chapter 2, 2. 1776-1810: pp 52-69 (this section contains information about the founding of Hampden-Sydney College). These pages are made up of handwritten notes.
Contains the subsections of chapter 2, 3. 1810-1836: pp 70-73, and 4. 1836-1854: pp 74-76. These pages are made up of a newspaper article cut out and glued to notebook paper with handwritten annotations and edits throughout.
Contains subsection of chapter 2; 5. 1854-1876: pp 77-123. These pages are made up of handwritten notes.
Contains the second part of the subsection of chapter 2; 5. 1854-1876: pp 124-129 (Civil War). These pages are made up of a newspaper article cut out and glued to notebook paper with handwritten annotations and edits throughout.
Contains the final part of the subsection of chapter 2; 5. 1854-1876 (After the war), pp 130-136. The folder then goes to chapter 3 - Some Personal History title on p 137 with subsections; 1. Latrobe on the Appomattox, pp 138-139, 2. Patrick Henry and John Randolph in Prince Edward, p 140, 3. May 18th 1825, p 141, 4. Charlotte Court First Monday in April 1827, pp 142-143, and 5. Edward in 1830, pp 144-145. These pages contain a mixture of handwritten notes and newspaper articles with Chapter 2 being handwritten and then the subsections of chapter 3 all being edited newspaper articles.
Contains subsection of chapter 3, 6. Dr. Mettauer, 1809-1875: pp 146-151. These pages are made up of a newspaper article cut out and glued to notebook paper with handwritten annotations and edits throughout.
Contains subsection of chapter 4 - Church and State and School; 1. Notes from St. Patrick's Parish Vestry Book, 1755-1774: pp 153-172. These pages are made up of handwritten notes.
Contains subsections of chapter 4; 2. Miscellany Notes on Churches: pp 173-185, 3. Some Pastors of the Farmville Presbyterian Church: p 186, 4. Daniel Witt, of Sandy River Church: p 187, and 5. A Few Schools and The Prince Edward Library Company: pp 188-197. These pages contain a mixture of handwritten notes and edited newspaper articles.
Contains the subsection of chapter 4, 6. The Old Time Free School: pp 198-202. These pages contain a mixture of handwritten notes and edited newspaper articles.
Contains subsection of chapter 4, 7. Dr. Ruffner's Eleven Points: pp 203-214.These pages are made up of handwritten notes.
Contains subsections of chapter 5 - Prince Edward County Records, title p 215; 1. Prince Edward County Records: pp 216-218, 2. Names of the People: p 219, 3. Museum of Hampden Sidney: pp 220-221, 4. We will say something of a few important gifts to this museum...: pp 222-223, 5. A recent accession to this Museum will be of interest...: pp 224-225, and 6. Henry Jacob and His Map, pp 226-228. These pages are made up of a newspaper article cut out and glued to notebook paper with handwritten annotations and edits throughout.
Contains subsection of chapter 6 - Early Wars and Revolutions, title p 229, 1. Volunteers for the French War: p 230. These pages are made up of a newspaper article cut out and glued to notebook paper with handwritten annotations and edits throughout.
Contains subsections of chapter 6; 2. The Revolution, first and last: p 231, 3. Buffalo District in 1776: pp 232-234, 4. Pay Roll of Captain John Morton's Company of Regulars, Fourth Virginia, 1776: pp 235-239, 5. Militi Officers, Prince Edward County, 1777-1781: pp 240-241, 6. General Lawson and Dr. Holcombe: p 242, and 5. Moravian Travels in Prince Edward in 1780: p 243. These pages are made up of a newspaper article cut out and glued to notebook paper with handwritten annotations and edits throughout.
Contains subsections of chapter 6; 8. Colonel Tarleton's Visitations: pp 244-246, 9. Adventures in the West: pp 247-248, 10. General Washington at Prince Edward Court House, June 7th, 1791: pp 249-252, 11. The Virginia Yazoo Company of Prince Edward: pages 253-254, 12. Caldwell and Owen of Prince Edward and Kentucky: p 255, and 13. John Coffee of Prince Edward County and the Southwest: p 256. These pages are made up of a newspaper article cut out and glued to notebook paper with handwritten annotations and edits throughout.
Contains subsection of chapter 6; 14. Prince Edward and the War of 1812, A Few Memoranda: pp 257-267. These pages are a mixture of handwritten notes and edited newspaper articles.
Contains subsection of chapter 7 - Some Further Reminders; 1. Prince Edward Court, 1754, Old Style, and After: pp 268-273. These pages consist of handwritten notes.
Contains subsection of chapter 7; 2. St. Patricks' and Politics: pp 274-276. These pages consist of handwritten notes.
Contains subsection of chapter 7; 3. Resolutions of Prince Edward County Committee on Safety, 1775: pp 277-284. These pages consist of handwritten notes.
Contains subsections of chapter 7; 4. General Robert Lawson: 285-298 and 5. Patrick Henry of Prince Edward: p 299. These pages consist of handwritten notes.
Contains subsectionw of chapter 7; 6. Abner and Francis Nash, George Walton and Governor Towns: pp 300-303, 7. John Baytop Scott: p 304, and 8. Thomas Allen and Andrew Johnston: p 305. These pages consist of a mixture of handwritten notes and edited newspaper articles.
Contains subsectiosn of chapter 7; 8. Prince Edward Tobacco Markets around 1786: pp 306-309 and 9. Germantown: p 310. These pages consist of handwritten notes.
Contains subsection of chapter 7; 10. Business of Kingsville: pp 311-316. These pages consist of handwritten notes.
Contains subsections of chapter 7; 11. Nathaniel E. Venable and Prince Edward Business: pp 317-325. These pages consist of handwritten notes.
Contains subsection of chapter 7; 12. Dr. "Jim" Dillon and some other Prince Edward Doctors: pp 326-332. These pages consist of handwritten notes.
Contains subsection of chapter 7; 13. Wonder Booker and Uncle Jack [Historical Collections of Virginia]: pp 333-334. These pages consist of handwritten notes.
Contains subsections of chapter 7; 14. William Branch: p 336, 15. Needham Law School: p 337, 16. Samuel Clough Anderson: 338, 17. From the Court House to the New Court House: p 339, and 18. Prince Edward County Political Register, 1775-1865: p 340-342. These pages consist of edited and annotated newspaper articles.