James Madison University Libraries Special Collections
880 Madison DriveMSC 1704
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807
Telephone: (540) 568-3612
URL: https://www.lib.jmu.edu/special/
Special Collections Staff, David Black
Administrative Information
Use Restrictions
Collection is open for research. Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws before using this collection. Please contact Research Services staff before visiting the James Madison University Special Collections Library to use this collection.
Access Restrictions
Collection is open for research. Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws before using this collection. Please contact Research Services staff before visiting the James Madison University Special Collections Library to use this collection.
Preferred Citation
[identification of item], [box #, folder #], Harrisonburg-Rockingham County Child Day Care Centers, Inc. Records, 1969-1991, SC 0135, Special Collections, Carrier Library, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Va.
Acquisition Information
This collection was received as a gift from Elizabeth Ihle, President of the Board of Directors, in May 1991.
Processing Information
In order to streamline the process of applying collection numbers, Special Collections staff completed a large-scale renumbring campaigin in the springof 2017. This collection was previously cataloged as SC 3055.
Administrative History
After several years of planning, the Harrisonburg-Rockingham County Child Day Care Centers, Inc. opened in May 1971 at Asbury United Methodist Church in Harrisonburg, as a community effort to address a widely recognized community need. It was supported at first by donations from local organizations, then by United Way and federal funds, and operated centers in several localities. Parents were charged for day care according to their income. A Board of Directors, composed of members of the community, gave guidance in policy making and fund raising. By 1991, approximately 70 children were being cared for. A detailed history is included in the collection.
Scope and Content
This Harrisonburg-Rockingham County Child Day Care Centers, Inc. Records, 1969-1991, consists of two boxes of administrative files of the Harrisonburg-Rockingham County Child Day Care Centers, Inc., one of the first day care facilities in the area. Materials include a detailed history of the center, by-laws, meeting minutes, budget information, correspondence, memoranda, and newsletters.
The collection is arranged topically.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- Bylaws (administrative records)
- Child care services -- Virginia -- Harrisonburg
- Child care services -- Virginia -- Rockingham County
- Child development
- Day care centers -- Administration
- Day care centers -- Virginia -- Harrisonburg
- Day care centers -- Virginia -- Rockingham County
- Federal aid to day care centers
- Letters (correspondence)
- Minutes (administrative records)
- Newsletters
- Poor children -- Care