Oral Histories of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association A.ORH

Oral Histories of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association A.ORH


Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association

PO Box 3600
Mount Vernon, VA 22121
Telephone: 703-799-3600
URL: https://archives.mountvernon.org

Rebecca Baird, archivist, and Milan Cook, intern

Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association
Oral Histories of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association 1957-2015
2.5 Linear Feet, 2 Hollinger document boxes, two media boxes
English .

Administrative Information

Conditions Governing Use

Material can be reproduced for study or personal use upon written approval from library staff.

Conditions Governing Access

Oral history recordings of the Regents or Vice Regents and the President CEO (previously the Resident Director or Executive Director) are restricted for 30 years per the Association's policy. Other interviews are open to research, except in cases where the subject has indicated a preference for a wait period before release. Until the recordings are digitized, the transcriptions (when available) will remain the best way to access an interview. The library reserves the right to restrict access to physical media for preservation purposes.

Preferred Citation

[Name and date of item], Oral Histories of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, The George Washington Presidential Library [hereafter Washington Library], Mount Vernon, Virginia.

Biographical / Historical

The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union was founded in 1853 by Ann Pamela Cunningham. The purpose of the Association was to purchase Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington, in order to restore the property and open the grounds to visitors and admirers who desired to see Washington's house and tomb. Ann Pamela Cunningham became interested in the preservation of Mount Vernon when her mother, traveling down the Potomac River in 1853, saw the house in its neglected and dilapidated state and wrote to her daughter of its condition. Both women thought it shameful to allow the first President's home to fall into ruin. A determined Ann Pamela Cunningham assembled twenty-two women of like mind together to raise money to purchase the property, pay off all debt, and return the gardens and grounds to the condition in which they were left by Washington himself. John Augustine Washington III, George Washington's great-grandnephew and the owner of Mount Vernon at the time, delayed several years in selling the home to the Ladies' Association. He preferred a sale to the State of Virginia or the federal government, both of which declined purchase. In 1858 he finally agreed to sell Mount Vernon to Ann Pamela Cunningham and the MVLA for $200,000. The MVLA is the owner and executive board of Mount Vernon. Membership is made up of one Regent and 20-30 Vice Regents, each from a different state. All MVLA members assemble twice a year in April and October for Council, where they hear motions and reports concerning projects or issues at the estate. The Vice Regents also divide into committees focused on different functions and operations, and rotate members every few years. Today the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association is remembered as the first organization dedicated to historic preservation in the United States, and as innovators in the field of preservation. The Association remains loyal to its original goals, the restoration and care of Mount Vernon, and educating people all over the world about George Washington's life and legacy. Mount Vernon is open to visitors 365 days a year. The estate now consists of not only the Mansion and tomb of Washington, but restored gardens, outbuildings, Pioneer Farm, Gristmill, Distillery, museum and orientation center, the National Library for the Study of George Washington, gift shops, food pavilion, and the Mount Vernon Inn restaurant.

Scope and Contents

The oral histories collected by the MVLA and the Washington Library include personal memories and reminiscences of previous Regents, Vice Regents, and Mount Vernon employees. Much of the collection was recorded during the 2000s-2010s by staff members Sandra Robinette and Mary Thompson. This collection grows and accrues more recordings every year as other long-term employees and Board members contribute their stories. Mount Vernon's oral histories were often recorded via audio tape, some of which were then transferred to CD. The most recent interviews were digitally recorded and are only accessible in that format, or via the transcriptions. The date range of this collection is 1983-2021, but it is consistently updated.


The collection is described alphabetically by last name. Transcriptions are also arranged alphabetically. Physical media, audio cassettes and CDs, are arranged in separate boxes according to format.

Box 1 – Audio cassette recordings Box 2 – Compact disc recordings Box 3-4 – Transcriptions (alphabetical)

Related Material

- Audio/Visual Collection of the MVLA - Papers of the MVLA - Publications and Printed Material of the MVLA - Papers of the Superintendent and Resident Director - Papers of James Rees

Significant Persons Associated With the Collection

  • Alexander, Hope Powel, 1925-2019
  • Allison, Margaret Appleton
  • Bishop, Mabel Livingstone, 1925-2007
  • Bolton, Mary Peters
  • Call, Nancy Banning
  • Collins, Mary Call Darby, 1911-2009
  • Cooke, Elizabeth Throckmorton, 1897-1993
  • Dawson, Kenneth
  • Embrey, Ernest "Lee", Jr.
  • Funderburk, Charles F.
  • Guy, Frances Claiborne, 1921-2016
  • Hagner, Adlumia Sterrett, 1916-2007
  • Hanks, Mary Esther Vilas, 1873-1959
  • Heiberg, Anna Howell Dodge, 1877-1967
  • Keeler, Sue
  • Lee, Jane Carew, 1931-2019
  • Macomber, Walter
  • Malissa, Dean
  • Newman, Eleanor Tarrant, 1934-2017
  • Norton, Dean
  • Rees, James C., 1952-2014
  • Seamans, Eugenia Merrill, 1922-2010
  • Thompson, Mary V., 1955-
  • Viebranz, Curt
  • Wall, Charles Cecil, 1903-1995
  • Walton, Ellen Carroll
  • West, Gail Berry, 1942-
  • Williams, Priscilla de Forest

Container List

Text Box 1
Alexander - Hope Powel Alexander, Vice Regent for Rhode Island
Alexander, Hope Powel, 1925-2019May 7-8, 2007
Audio Digital file: Archives 2024-A-019
Allison - Margaret Appleton Allison, Vice Regent for Washington
Allison, Margaret AppletonMay 31, 2024
Text box: 3
Bishop - Mabel Livingstone Bishop, Vice Regent for Oregon
Bishop, Mabel Livingstone, 1925-2007October 4, 2005
Audio Box 1 Audio Box 2 Text box: 3
Bolton - Mary Peters Bolton, Vice Regent for Ohio
Bolton, Mary PetersJanuary 24, 2007 - January 25, 2007English.
Scope and Contents

Interview of Mary Peters Bolton on January 24th and January 25th in 2007. Interviewed by Sandra Robinette. Includes 2 transcripts, 2 CDs, 1 CD transcript, 2 cassettes, and photographs.

Audio Box 1 Computer Disks Box 2 Text box: 3
Call - Nancy Morse Banning Call, Vice Regent for California
Call, Nancy BanningFebruary 26, 2008English.
Scope and Contents

Interview of Nancy Morse Banning Call, Vice Regent for California, 1984-2001, on February 26, 2008. Interviewed by Sandra Robinette. Includes 3 transcripts, 2 cassette tapes, and 1 transcript CD.

Text box: 3
Collins - Mary Call Darby Collins, Vice Regent for Florida
Collins, Mary Call Darby, 1911-2009November 17, 2005English.
Scope and Contents

Interview of Mary Call Collins, Vice Regent of Florida, 1961-1982. Interviewed by Kathi Ann Brown on November 17, 2005. Includes transcript only.

Audio Digital file: Archives 2019-A-023
Dawson - Kenny Dawson, employee
Dawson, KennethAugust 23, 2019
Scope and Contents

Oral history of Kenny Dawson, Mount Vernon security officer, August 23, 2019. Interviewed by Mary Thompson. Digital recording available upon request.

Audio Box 1 Text box: 3
Dodd - Reba Dodd, employee
September 18, 2001English.
Scope and Contents

Interview of Reba Dodd who worked at Mount Vernon for 38 years. Interviewed by Mary Thompson on September 18, 2001. Includes transcript and cassette tape.

Audio Box 2
Embrey - Lee Embrey, employee
Embrey, Ernest "Lee", Jr.September 29, 2011English.
Scope and Contents

Interview of Lee Embrey on September 29, 2011. Includes 2 CDs.

Audio Box 1 Text box: 3
Funderburk - Charles Funderburk, employee
Funderburk, Charles F.July 31, 2000English.
Scope and Contents

Interview with Charles Funderburk who worked on the house staff for 48 years. Interviewed by Mary Thompson on July 31, 2000. Includes transcript and cassette tape.

Audio Box 1 Audio Box 2 Text box: 3
Guy - Frances Claiborne Guy, Regent and Vice Regent for Virginia
Guy, Frances Claiborne, 1921-2016August 28, 2006 - August 29, 2006English.
Scope and Contents

Interview with Frances Claiborne Guy, past Regent (1976-1982) and Vice Regent for Virginia (1963-1995), elected Vice Regent Emerita 1995. Interviewed by Sandra Robinette on August 28th and 29th in 2006. Includes 3 transcripts, 3 cassette tapes, and 2 CDs.

Audio Box 1 Text box: 3
Hagner - Adlumia Hagner, Vice Regent for the District of Columbia
Hagner, Adlumia Sterrett, 1916-2007October 20, 2000English.
Scope and Contents

Interview of Adlumia (Lummy) Hagner, Vice Regent for D.C. Interviewed on October 20, 2000 by Clare Edwards, Vice Regent for Connecticut. Includes 2 cassette tapes, 1 transcript.

Audio Box 2
Hanks - Mary Hanks, Regent and Vice Regent for Wisconsin
Hanks, Mary Esther Vilas, 1873-19591956English.
Scope and Contents

2 CDs titled Remembrances of Mary Esther Vilas Hanks, Regent 1943-1948. These CDs are copies of the originals in the Hanks Family Papers at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

AV_00033 - AV_00037
Heiberg - Anna Heiberg, daughter of superintendent Harrison Dodge
Heiberg, Anna Howell Dodge, 1877-19671965English.
Scope and Contents

Five magnetic reel-to-reel tape recordings of Anna Heiberg's reminiscences. Heiberg was the daughter of superintendent Harrison Dodge. Recorded twice with only small differences between each. Five tapes total, each 7" reel, 2 track mono, 3 3/4 ips.

Audio Box 1 Audio Box 2 Text box: 4
Interview with 4 Regents (Ellen Walton, Carew R. Lee, Mabel L. Bishop, Eugenia M. Seamans)
Walton, Ellen CarrollLee, Jane Carew, 1931-2019Bishop, Mabel Livingstone, 1925-2007Seamans, Eugenia Merrill, 1922-2010February 27, 2003English.
Scope and Contents

Interview with 4 Regents including Ellen Walton, Carew R. Lee, Mabel L. Bishop, Eugenia M. Seamans. Interviewed by Mary Thompson on February 27, 2003. Includes 1 transcript, 3 cassette tapes, and 1 CD.

Audio Box 1 Text box: 4
Kearns - Eddie Kearns, employee
July 10, 2002English.
Scope and Contents

Interview with Eddie Kearns at his retirement after 43 years at Mount Vernon. Interviewed by Mary Thompson. Includes transcript and cassette tape.

Audio Box 2 Text box: 4
Keeler - Sue Keeler, employee
Keeler, SueMay 12, 2015English.
Scope and Contents

Interview with Sue Keeler, interpreter and guide at Mount Vernon for many years, on May 12, 2015. Interviewed by Mark Santangelo. Includes transcript and CD.

Audio Box 2 Text box: 4
Macomber - Walter Macomber, employee
Macomber, Walter1983, 1984English.
Scope and Contents

Interview of Walter Macomber, restoration architect, in 1983 and 1984. Interviewed by Kit Young. Includes transcript and 2 CDs.

Moving Images Digital file: Archives
Malissa - Dean Malissa, employee
Malissa, DeanOctober 30, 2022
Scope and Contents

Oral history recording of Dean Malissa, employee and George Washington character interpreter. Interviewed by Mary Thompson, Research Historian, October 30, 2020. Recorded using StreamYard online service. Audio only and video both available. Contact library staff for a link to the recording.

Moving Images Digital file: Archives
McKean - Mary Jane McKean, daughter of Charles Cecil Wall
December 30, 2021
Audio Box 1 Text box: 4
McVee - James McVee, employee
June 27, 2000English.
Scope and Contents

Interview with James (Jim) McVee on June 27, 2000 before his retirement after working at Mount Vernon for 50 years. Interviewed by Mary Thompson. Includes transcript and cassette tape.

Moving Images Digital file: Archives 2020-A-011
Mosley - Julia Mosely, employee
September 30, 2020
Scope and Contents

Oral history recording of Julia Mosley, Director of Retail and Licensing at Mount Vernon. Recorded via StreamYard online service. Interviewed by Mary Thompson, Research Historian, September 30, 2020. Audio only and video recording available. Contact library staff for a link to the recording.

Audio Box 1 Text Box 2 Text box: 4
Newman - Eleanor Tarrant Newman, Vice Regent for Kentucky
Newman, Eleanor Tarrant, 1934-2017May 14, 2007English.
Scope and Contents

Interview of Eleanor Tarrant Newman, Vice Regent for Kentucky from 1985 to 2000. Interviewed by Sandra Robinette. Includes transcript, 2 cassette tapes, and 1 CD transcript.

Moving Images Digital file: Archives 2020-A-018
Norton - Dean Norton, employee
Norton, DeanOctober 7, 2020
Scope and Contents

Oral history recording with Dean Norton, Mount Vernon Director of Horticulture. Interviewed by Mary Thompson, Research Historian, October 7, 2020. Recorded via StreamYard online service. Audio only and/or video available. Contact library staff for a link to the recording.

Audio Box 2
Pettit - Gerald Pettit, employee
June 19, 2006English.
Scope and Contents

Interview of Gerald Pettit, who worked as a night guard and in the Security Department, on June 19, 2006. This CD is labeled CD#2 and only includes a portion of the interview, approximately 15 minutes long. The rest of the recorded interview is currently missing. Digital copy of the recording available on request.

Audio Box 2
Rees - James Rees, President CEO
Rees, James C., 1952-2014April 10, 2012 English.
Scope and Contents

Interview with James Rees, President CEO of Mount Vernon by Mary Thompson. Includes 2 CDs.

Audio Box 1 Audio Box 2 Text box: 4
Seamans - Eugenia A.M. Seamans, Regent and Vice Regent for Massachusetts
Seamans, Eugenia Merrill, 1922-2010September 14, 2006 - September 15, 2006English.
Scope and Contents

Interview with Eugenia Merrill Seamans, Vice Regent for Massachusetts, 1975-1993, Regent 1986-1990, and Elected Vice Regent Emerita 1993, with her husband Dr. Robert Channing Seamans. Interviewed by Sandra Robinette on September 14th and 15th in 2006. Includes 3 transcripts, 2 cassette tapes, 1 CD, and 1 floppy disk.

Moving Images Digital file: Archives 2024-A-003
Thompson - Mary V. Thompson, employee
Thompson, Mary V., 1955-January 25, 2024
Audio Digital file: Archives
Viebranz - Curt Viebranz, President CEO
Viebranz, CurtSeptember 21, 2017
Scope and Contents

Interviewed by Mark Santangelo. Digital recording available on request.

Wall - Charles Cecil Wall, talk given to Council
Wall, Charles Cecil, 1903-1995October 25, 1976English.
Scope and Contents

Magnetic reel-to-reel tape recording of talk given by Mr. Charles Wall in 1976 upon his upcoming retirement. Discusses past Vice Regents he worked with and his experiences as Resident Director. 7" reel, 3 3/4 speed, 1 hr. Scotch recording tape case.

Wall - Charles Cecil Wall and Elizabeth Cooke
Wall, Charles Cecil, 1903-1995Cooke, Elizabeth Throckmorton, 1897-1993May 1, 1986English.
Scope and Contents

Two cassette tapes both labeled: CC Wall and Elizabeth T. Cooke, May 1, 1986. Lanier Business Products, Inc. tapes. Note with tapes reads "These tapes are from the evening of May 1, 1986 when Mr. Wall and Mrs. Cooke reminisced about MV, etc." From the minutes 1986, "Mr. Charles Cecil Wall, recently elected Resident Director Emeritus of the Association, was guest of honor at dinner in Bolton. A highlight of the evening was the lively reminiscence led by Mrs. Cooke and Mr. Wall over coffee in the sitting room." p. 50

Audio Box 2 Text box: 4
Wall - Charles Cecil Wall, Resident Director
Wall, Charles Cecil, 1903-1995October 8, 1987English.
Scope and Contents

Interview of Charles C. Wall, Resident Director of Mount Vernon and employee for over 40 years. Interviewed on October 8, 1987 by Dennis Pogue. Includes transcript and 3 CDs.

Audio Box 1 Audio Box 2 Text box: 4
Walton - Ellen Carroll Walton, Vice Regent for Pennsylvania
Walton, Ellen CarrollJuly 8, 2009 - July 9, 2009English.
Scope and Contents

Interview with Ellen Carroll Walton, Vice Regent for Pennsylvania, 1991-2007, on July 8th and 9th in 2009. Interviewed by Sandra Robinette. Includes transcript, 2 cassettes, 1 microcassette, and 1 CD.

Audio Digital file: Archives 2020-A-003
West - Gail Berry West, Vice Regent for the District of Columbia
West, Gail Berry, 1942-February 13, 2020
Scope and Contents

Interviewed by Rebecca Baird. Digital recording available on request.

Text box: 4
Westby - Linda Robey Westby
August 27, 2003English.
Scope and Contents

Notes on interview with Mrs. Linda Robey Westby regarding summers at Mount Vernon in the late 1940s-1950s. Interview conducted by Mary V. Thompson, research specialist. August 27, 2003. Actual interview recording and transcript missing.

Audio Box 1 Text box: 4
Williams - Priscilla de Forest Williams, Vice Regent for New York
Williams, Priscilla de ForestAugust 17, 2000English.
Scope and Contents

Interview of Priscilla Williams, Vice Regent for New York, 1975-1994. Interviewed on August 17, 2000. Includes cassette tape and transcript.

Moving Images Digital file: Archives
Wiseman - Mary Wiseman, employee
July 14, 2021