George Washington Memorial Parkway History Collection 2017.A.034

George Washington Memorial Parkway History Collection 2017.A.034


Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association

PO Box 3600
Mount Vernon, VA 22121
Telephone: 703-799-3600

Rebecca Baird, Archivist

Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association
George Washington Memorial Parkway History Collection 1900-2001
7 Files, 1 half Hollinger box
English .

Administrative Information

Conditions Governing Use

Material can be reproduced for study or personal use upon written approval from library staff. Please note: print material and photographs may not be copyrighted by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association. Copyright should be evaluated by the user.

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research during scheduled appointments. Researchers must complete the Washington Library's Special Collections and Archives Registration Form before access is provided. The library reserves the right to restrict access to certain items for preservation purposes.

Preferred Citation

[Name and date of item], George Washington Memorial Parkway History Collection, [Folder], Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, The George Washington Presidential Library [hereafter Washington Library], Mount Vernon, Virginia

Processing Information

While sorting backlog material, more material on the GW Memorial Parkway was found, also donated by German Culver in 1987. This material had no accession number, only a note indicating who had given it to Mount Vernon and the year. Because the material was from the same donor and on the same subject, it was added to this collection (February 2024).

Scope and Contents

A small collection of material from research done by Edward Benington for his article "The Many Roads to Mount Vernon" from the Virginia Cavalcade magazine in 1960-1961. The article concerns the history of the construction of the George Washington Memorial Parkway and the retirement of the railway or trolley to Mount Vernon. The collection includes correspondence, print material, news clippings, and photographs.


Alphabetical order by folder title/contents.

Container List

Text box: 1
Article, "The Many Roads to Mount Vernon," Virginia Cavalcade
Winter 1960-1961
Scope and Contents

Typescript copy and magazine copy of the article "The Many Roads to Mount Vernon" written by Edward W. Benington that appeared in the Winter 1960-1961 issue of Virginia Cavalcade.

Text box: 1
Correspondence of Edward Benington
Scope and Contents

File of correspondence of Edward Benington, mostly regarding his article "The Many Roads to Mount Vernon."

Text box: 1
Correspondence of M.B. Harlow
Scope and Contents

3 letters to M.B. Harlow including one from William Jennings Bryan, 1897.

Text box: 1
News clippings (1 of 2)
Scope and Contents

News clippings regarding the formation of the parkway and the railway trolley.

Text box: 1
News clippings (2 of 2)
Graphic Materials box: 1
undated, 1930-1932
Scope and Contents

Black and white photographic prints of the old railway line to Mount Vernon, the parkway dedication and construction, and facsimiles of area maps.

Conditions Governing Use

Please note: The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association does not hold copyright for most of these photographs. Please evaluate copyright before use.

Text box: 1
Scope and Contents

Includes printed material: "Centenary of Washington's Death and Burial, Grand Masonic Pilgrimage to Mt. Vernon, the Tomb of Washington. Together with accounts of the death and funeral of Washington and the proposed centenary memorial to the father of his country - Mt. Vernon Avenue - with special illustrations." ; "Washington to Mt. Vernon, via Alexandria, Va. over Mt. Vernon Avenuie, Work of the Daughters American Revolution" ; "Quiet Please" by Wilbur Simonson, reprinted from The American Road Builder, August 1958 ; "The Mount Vernon Memorial Highway: Description prepared for inspection trip of delegates to Sixth International Road Congress, October 8, 1930" ; "Mt. Vernon Avenue" by Alex Wedderburn, c. 1913 ; "Historic Alexandria, Va., Illustrated, Past and Present" by Alex Wedderburn, c. 1907