Special Collections at The George Washington Presidential Library at Mount Vernon
PO Box 3600Mount Vernon, VA 22121
Telephone: 703-799-3600
URL: http://archives.mountvernon.org
Administrative Information
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open for research during scheduled appointments. Researchers must complete the Washington Library's Special Collections and Archives Registration Form before access is provided. The library reserves the right to restrict access to certain items for preservation purposes.
Preferred Citation
[Name and date of item], Wallpaper Collection, [Folder], Special Collections, The George Washington Presidential Library at Mount Vernon [hereafter Washington Library], Mount Vernon, Virginia.
Itemized decriptions of all wallpaper fragments are available online: http://www.mountvernon.org/preservation/collections-holdings/browse-the-museum-collections
This collection is organized by room number, then by accession number.