University of Mary Washington Special Collections and University Archives
Simpson Library1801 College Ave.
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Business Number: 540-654-2045
Scope and Contents
This collection documents the student activities, clubs, and honorary societies at the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Since the establishment of the University in 1908, clubs and student activities have been founded and faded out throughout the decades. These folders highlight many of the University's older clubs that are no longer active such as the Home Economics Club, the Cavalry Club, etc. These folders contain a variety of documents from promotional event flyers to club constitutions, and photographs. Depending on the club, there is more documentation. The majority of clubs established before the technological advancements of the 1990s have many physical club records. These records include but are not limited to, minutes, presidential records, treasurer records, receipts, etc. Clubs established within the 1990s and to the present have less physical documentation. The oldest records with a recorded date are from the 1940s with the most recent records being from the current year of 2023. Within this collection are folders for materials from undergraduate honor societies such as Chi Beta Phi (Science Honorary), Kappa Omicron Phi (Home Economics), Mu Phi Epsilon (Music), etc. This collection continues to develop as new student organizations are formed and clubs and honorary societies promote events and activities each semester.
Container List
Previously titled "General," this folder contains past research collected about the number of clubs at Mary Washington. It includes lists of clubs from 1913-1982, membership rosters, newspaper clippings, and notes and correspondence from archivist Barbara Alden as she worked to obtain information on clubs/honor societies for Edward Alvey's history and to collect club records for the archives.
Series contains the materials pertaining to the Home Economics Club at MWC. The club disbanded in 1968 after the college ceased offering a Bachelor of Science in Home Economics.
Rosters and minutes1942-1949
Rosters and minutes1953-1961
- President's papersScope and Contents
Contains notes, documents, reports, and correspondence collected and/or produced by the president of the Home Economics Club.
President's papers1950-1951Contains bound lined notebooks with handwritten notes.
President's papers1953-1960Contains bound lined notebooks with handwritten notes.
President's papers1960-1961
President's papers1961-1962
President's papers1962-1963
President's papers1963-1964
President's papers1964-1965
President's papers1965-1966
President's papers1966-1967
President's papers1967-1968
Publications1951-1968Scope and Contents
Contains publications collected by the Home Economics Club. These publications include the College Echo, which was the newsletter for college clubs affiliated with the Virginia Home Economics Association (VHEA); the VHEA newsletter; fact sheets and other publications distributed by the American Home Economics Association.
Handbooks1960-[1967]Scope and Contents
Contains handmade handbooks for the Home Economics Club of Mary Washington College. The handbooks have decorative fabric or paper covers with some featuring stitched bindings or collage elements. Each handbook lists the purpose of the club and an explanation of the club's point system, as well as members and events for the year.
Installation Banquets1955-1967Scope and Contents
Contains programs, schedules, and ephemera from annual banquets celebrating the installation of new Home Economics Club officers.
Interclub Association reports1955-1965Scope and Contents
Contains annual and semester reports of the club's membership and activities as reported to the campus Interclub Association.
Home Economics1956-1957
Betty lamp1968Scope and Contents
Silver Betty lamp in brown fabric zippered bag. Includes the letter of donation signed by the officers of the 1968 Home Economics Club. The Betty lamp is considered a symbol of learning and was used as the logo for the Home Economics Association.
Home Economics1957-1958
Home Economics - Alumnae
Home Economics - Bank Statements
Home Economics - Conference/Workshops
Home Economics - Correspondence
Home Economics - General
Home Economics - Minutes
Home Economics - Minutes (Cont...)
Home Economics - Newletter
Virginia Home Economics Association
Hoof Prints Club
Interfaith Council
International Relations Club
International Night1978
Islamic Student Association
Kappa Omicron Phi (Home Economics) - Bills, Receipts
Kappa Omicron Phi (Home Economics) - Candle Lighting Service
Kappa Omicron Phi (Home Economics) - Constitution
Kappa Omicron Phi (Home Economics) - General
Kappa Omicron Phi (Home Economics) - Handbook
Kappa Omicron Phi (Home Economics) - Membership
Kappa Omicron Phi (Home Economics) - Pledge Manuel
Kappa Omicron Phi (Home Economics) - President Reports1962-1963
Kappa Omicron Phi (Home Economics) - Treasurer Reports
Latino Student Association
Lutheran Student Association
Matthew F. Maury Science Club
Mike Club
Miscellaneous (Alphabetical)
Mortar Board
Mu Alpha Chi (Med-Tech; Pre-Med)
Mu Phi Epsilon (Music Honorary)
Omicron Delta Epsilon (Economics Honorary)
Oriental Club
Organ Guild
Performing Arts Club/Company
Phi Alpha Theta (History Honorary)
Phi Beta Kappa (Honorary)
Phi Sigma Iota (Romance Languages Honorary)
Philosophy Club
Physical Education Club
Pi Gamma Mu (Social Sciences Honorary)
Pi Nu Chi (Pre-Nursing)
Pi Sigma Kappa
Psi Chi (Psychology Honorary)
- Mixed Materials box: P1
Mental Health Awareness Week banners2019, 2022Scope and Contents
Banners are large white fabric sheets (approximately the size of a twin bedsheet) with decoration in fabric paint and colored markers. The banner were part of an annual event hosted by Psi Chi where students were invited to sign their names on the banner in support of mental health awareness. Donated banners are from events in 2019 and 2022.
- Mixed Materials box: P2
Mental Health Awareness Week banner2023
- Mixed Materials box: P1
Psychology Club
Recreation Association
Russian Club
Sigma Tau Chi (Economics) - General
Sigma Tau Chi (Economics) - Minutes1940-1950
Sigma Tau Chi (Economics) - Minutes1952-1963
Sigma Tau Delta (English Honorary)
Sociology Club
Speech Pathology Club
Strawberry Leaf Society
Student Helping Hondurans
Inter-Club Association
Talk to the Hands (American Sign Language Club)
Terrapin Club
Victory Chorus
Wesley Foundation
Young Americans for Freedom
Young Democrats
Young Republicans
Y.W.C.A - Administrative1958-1966
Y.W.C.A - Annual Report1943-1944
Y.W.C.A - Minutes1952-1953
Y.W.C.A - Agendas1958-1961
Y.W.C.A - Hymns1964-1965
Y.W.C.A - Pamphlets1951-1959
Y.W.C.A - Pamphlets1960-1966
Y.W.C.A - Pamphlets (Undated)
Y.W.C.A - Correspondence1940-1959
Y.W.C.A - Correspondence1960-1965
Y.W.C.A - Correspondence (Undated)
Y.W.C.A - Westminster Fellowship
Women of Color
Zeta Phi Eta (Speech & Arts)
Materials show some of the activities of the Afro-American Association, also called the Black Student Association in 1989. These include concerts, recognition events, and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day programming.
Contains membership rosters, reports, and the club charter for the Alumnae Daughters Club, which existed to promote and maintain the traditions and values of the college through legacy students.
Materials include the club constitution and semester reports documenting the activities of the Art Club. The last one of these appears to be from the late 1960s, and the remainder of the materials are fliers promoting events for what is now known as the Art Appreciation Club. These are mostly undated but appear to be from the 1980s-1990s.
Materials describe the Admissions Club members hosting tours and overnight guests and participating in other activities to promote recruitment and retention.
Includes vol. 1, no. 1 of the ASA Journal, the MWC Asian Student Assoc. newsletter. Also includes fliers advertising various events such as Holi, performances for the Asian Cultural Celebration, and interest meetings.
Contains newsletters, pamphlets, and announcements pertaining to the meetings and activities of the Baptist Student Union
Founded in 1934 as the Riding Club, Hoof Prints (as it was known starting in 1939-40) was an extracurricular organization for students interested in horseback riding. They sponsored an annual horse show and held activities such as fox- and possum-hunts and trail rides. The Hoof Prints Club also decided to organize the Cavalry Club in the period following the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. The purpose of the Cavalry Club was to aid the college and Fredericksburg City in civil defense.
Calvary Club1942-1956Scope and Contents
Materials include information on the club's organization and procedures, as well as semester activities reports and some newsclippings.
Hoof Prints Club and Cavalry, Photographs1942-2002Scope and Contents
Contains photographs of the Hoof Prints Club and the Cavalry Club engaging in various activities. The majority of materials depict the years 1942-1961. Contents may also include depictions of other similar organizations that occurred in more recent history, such as the Equestrian Team.
Also called "Campus Christian Center" in some materials, this file includes devotionals, pamphlets, newsclippings, and newsletters.
The Canterbury Club was the Episcopal student group on campus.
Contents predominantly semester reports of the club's activities.
Contents within each folder have been divided into sub-folders per the club's original arrangement. The sub-series headings "Activities and governing documents" and "Publications" were created by staff for organizational ease, but the sub-folder titles represent the original materials description.
Contains the materials compiled by the Mary Washington College chapter of the Christian Science Organization. Includes many publications distributed by the national organization as well as descriptions of their activities on campus and their constitution and by-laws.
Activities and governing documentsScope and Contents
Includes sub-folders: Activities, Constitution and by-laws.
PublicationsScope and Contents
Includes sub-folders: "Biennial Meetings," "Christian Science Activities for the Armed Services," college organization newsletter, Plan Books.
Includes membership rosters and regular reports of activities from the club.
Contains photographs, newsclippings, notes, and awards.
Contains flyers advertising Ecology Club meetings and campus events.
The German Club of the mid-20th century at Mary Washington was primarily a social club. Their constitution lists their first objective as: "To assemble in the German Club a group of girls who will be congenial, thereby making for a delightful comradeship." They valued courtesy, good manners, and fine character, which they displayed at the regular dances the club organized.
This file contains multiple revisions of the German Club's consitution and by-laws, handwritten documents outlining the history of the club, meeting minutes, notes, reports, poems, and membership rosters.
Materials include photographs, newsletters, and flyers advertising various club activities like Ghost Walk and dances.