University of Richmond
Book Arts, Archives, & Rare Books, Boatwright Memorial Library261 Richmond Way
University of Richmond, VA 23173
Betty Dickie, Special Collections Cataloging and Preservation Associate
Administrative Information
Conditions Governing Use
Copyright restrictions may apply. Unpublished manuscripts are protected by copyright. Permission to publish, quote, or reproduce must be secured from the repository and the copyright holder.
Preferred Citation
[Box Number, Folder Number], MS-25, UR's 175th Anniversary Collection, Book Arts, Archives, & Rare Books, Boatwright Memorial Library, University of Richmond, Richmond, Virginia.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Material was collected by Kathy Monday, Vice President of Information Services, who was in charge of planning and implementing the 175th Anniversary Celebration for the University of Richmond. She transferred the materials to the library upon her retirement in 2016.
Processing Information
Processed by Betty Dickie.
Biographical / Historical
The University of Richmond traces its roots to 1830 at a private academy called Dunlora, which was operated by the Reverend Edward Baptist under the sponsorship of the Virginia Baptist Education Society. In 1832, the Virginia Baptist Seminary was formed with the Reverend Robert Ryland as principal and the only teacher. The seminary was located on a farm called Spring Farm near the present-day Bryan Park. In 1834, the seminary was moved to what was then a western suburb of Richmond, one-half mile from the city limits. The seminary, located near the present intersection of Grace and Lombardy Streets, and the school remained at this site for eighty years. In 1840, Richmond College was chartered as a liberal arts and sciences college for men by the Virginia General Assembly.
Two other events provided significant impact in shaping the existing physical campus: the move to the present campus and the establishment of the co-ordinate system. The origins of the present campus date to 1910, when the Richmond College Board of Trustees purchased approximately 290 acres including Westhampton Lake. Ben Green's old mill pond, now known as Westhampton Lake, stretched 1,326 feet in length and divided the property into two parts. The lake covered approximately fourteen acres and predated the Civil War. Classes at Richmond College started in September, 1914. Westhampton College, a college of liberal arts and sciences for women, was also established in 1914 on the same property. George White McDaniel, chairman of the Board of Trustees committee to secure the deed to the property, noted that the property was, "sufficiently large for all future purposes" of the institution. The property was outside the City of Richmond in Henrico County. Twenty-six years later, Richmond College was once again within city limits as the City of Richmond annexed a considerable portion of Henrico County.
President Frederic William Boatwright (1895–1946 term of office) envisioned a "Collegiate Gothic" style of architecture for the new University campus. In 1910, the architectural firm of Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson was commissioned by the Board of Trustees to draft plans for the future College. Ralph Adams Cram, eminent institutional architect, was responsible for establishing the enduring style on the University of Richmond campus. The Board of Trustees also engaged the service of a landscape architect Warren H. Manning, a former apprentice to Frederick Law Olmstead. Manning was responsible for designing and locating roads, supervising the cutting and planting of trees, locating walkways, and landscaping the terrain so that it would drain appropriately. President Boatwright worked with Cram and Manning to formulate a master plan which considered fifty years of growth for the institution on its present site. The master plan included provision for a college of medicine, a law school building, an observatory, a school of business administration, an engineering school, a gymnasium and swimming pool, a major library and homes for professors.
Construction of new buildings designed by Cram, Goodhue and Ferguson began in 1911. The first building constructed on the new site was Ryland Hall, now the Humanities Building, which housed administrative offices, lecture rooms, the art hall, meeting space and a library with 40,000 volumes. It was followed by North Court. Two residence halls for men were also constructed: Residence Hall No. 2 (formerly Thomas Hall) and Residence Hall No. 1 (formerly Jeter Hall). Cram is credited with remarking that the collegiate Gothic style symbolizes "eternal values" and "exalted ideals of education and religion." Cram also boasted that there "wasn't another site in the whole United States as suitable for a college, except for the site at West Point."
During World War II, the University of Richmond supported the national effort to conserve food by establishing victory gardens on campus. In the spring of 1943, an area on the Westhampton campus near River Road was cultivated with plots assigned to faculty who wished to make a garden. The University of Richmond expanded over time as the following schools of study were established:
1870 - The T.C. Williams School of Law 1921 - The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences 1949 - The E. Claiborne Robins School of Business 1962 - University College (The School of Continuing Studies) 1976 - The Richard S. Reynolds Graduate School of Business 1992 - The Jepson School of Leadership Studies
Perhaps, the most significant event in the recent history of the University occurred in 1969, when alumnus E. Claiborne Robins gave the University a gift valued at $50 million. The University moved forward to raise a matching amount of funds. This led to the construction of new facilities and the renovation of existing campus buildings.
Over the years, the University of Richmond has been characterized by its rolling terrain, commodious open space and lush tree canopy. This landscape was the primary determinant in the initial master plan organization and has continued to dictate the development patterns as growth has occurred. This methodology has been continuously embraced by those in leadership positions within the University and has clearly elevated the University of Richmond to a top position nationally in the aesthetic quality of its setting. In 1999, the University of Richmond was recognized by the Princeton Review as the most beautiful campus in the United States.
University history quoted from UR's Architectural Services website .
Scope and Contents
The collection includes research on University history, presidents, alumni, and buildings. It also includes the marketing materials and the steps that went into producing them; photographs from Dementi; VHS tapes of the Gala Celebration, President Ayers inauguration, and more; historical information about Boatwright Library. The collection includes all of the working notes and steps in the putting together of the various events for the anniversary celebrating 175 years.
Arranged in 3 boxes, one oversized.
Subjects and Indexing Terms
- DVDs
- Nonbook Materials
- Pamphlets
- Posters
- University of Richmond
- University of Richmond -- History
- Video CDs
- Videocassettes
Container List
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 1
Invitation master list for GalaUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 2
Examples of Save the Date cards and invitations for GalaUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 3
Examples of Save the Date invitation in stagesUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 4
Major named spaces on the University of Richmond campus--with list of living membersDecember 1, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 5
UR bookstore receipt for t-shirtsJanuary 21, 2005
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 6
150th materials--"The Baptist College in the War" by Woodford B. HackleyUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 7
150th materials--"Students in Va. Protest the War"--News LeaderOctober 4, 1969
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 8
150th Materials--UR MagazineSeptember, 1979
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 9
150th materials--biography of May L. KellerUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 10
150th materials--Commencement address--Dr. George ModlinMay 11, 1980
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 11
150th materials--Commencement ExcercisesMay 11, 1980
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 12
150th materials--script for 175th GalaUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 13
150th materials—"History of Westhampton College Explored"; Alumni remember students days—UR MagazineWinter 1990Undated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 14
150th materials; Letter to Dr. Berry, curator of museum; History of museumUndatedJune 10, 1977Undated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 15
150th Materials--Sesquifest flyer; "Building for the centuries"--UR MagazineWinter 1980Undated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 16
150th materials--"The Story of the University of Richmond"--Newcomen Society lectureSeptember 27, 1979
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 17
150th materials—Commencement addressMay 11, 1980
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 18
150th materials—UR Magazine--Dr. ModlinFall/Winter 1985
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 19
150th materials—Bio's of presidents-edited; Announcement of Dr. Bank's deathUndatedSeptember 14, 2000
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 20
150th materials—email to Kathy Monday; "Football at the University of Richmond"February 7, 2005
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 21
Website—Newspaper digitization; VBHS—contract for photos from archives; Memo re: architecture for websiteUndatedNovember 17, 2004Undated
- Graphic Materials box: 1 MS-25 folder: 22
Merchandise--calendar--various proofsUndated
- Graphic Materials box: 1 MS-25 folder: 23
Merchandise--mockup of calendar; List of photos by pageUndated
- Graphic Materials box: 1 MS-25 folder: 24
Merchandise--175th Anniversary LogosUndated
- Graphic Materials box: 1 MS-25 folder: 25
Merchandise--corrected proof of calendarUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 26
Quarterly talk with Dr. Cooper agenda Email re: 175th GalaFebruary 24, 2003September 20-21, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 27
175th Transactions—Request & receipt for caps & flag; Statement from Dementi Studio; Invoice from Dietz Press—A Gem of a CollegeSeptember 28, 2004 October 1, 2004May 20, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 28
Copy of contract to write magazine article; Business cards and notes re: Coca Cola involvementSeptember 3, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 29
Dementi invoice; Save the Date cards invoice; UR Bookstore receipts for t-shirtsFebruary 11, 2004 December 20, 2004September 7, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 30
Dementi exhibit; List of photos in calendar; Handwritten notes re: photos in calendarUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 31
Proof of Dementi exhibit; CatalogUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 32
Handwritten chart of "old and new" photosUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 33
Dementi business school exhibit; Handwritten notesJanuary - December, 2004Undated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 34
Memo re: photos of businesses and business leaders for exhibitOctober 4, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 35
Emails--Kathy Monday & Stuart Wheeler re: URPD ForumApril 28-29, 2004 May 6, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 36
Randolph Macon 175th News Articles; Booklet on Washington University's 100thSeptember 16-18, 2004 Summer 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 37
Student Committee Suggestions; Emails re: suggestions; Handwritten notesUndated February 8, 2004Undated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 38
UR Commencement 2005 schedule of events; Notes on ideas for convocationNovember 2, 2004Undated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 39
UR's 175th Anniversary Celebrations Committee's Plans, etc.February 13, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 40
Budget request for 175th AnniversaryUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 41
175th meeting agendaNovember 22, 2002
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 42
Publicity--proposal from Broadcast Partners LLCUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 43
Publicity—email re: history recordings on phone; 175th Anniversary HighlightsAugust 25, 2004Undated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 44
Publicity—Save the Date Card; University Museums programs; Richmond Alumni MagazineUndatedUndatedWinter 2005
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 45
Publicity--UR TimelineUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 46
175th Gala--handwritten notes and suggested menuUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 47
175th Gala--Logistic time line; Proposal from Expert EventsUndatedJanuary 30, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 48
175th Gala--handwritten notes; Advance invitation for Top Ten Group (draft)January 13, 2005Undated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 49
175th Gala—Totally Chocolate Ad; Cost per person; Meeting with PresidentUndatedUndatedDecember 1, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 50
175th Gala--handwritten notesUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 51
175th Gala--checklist for gala; Handwritten notesUndatedDecember 13, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 52
175th Gala—email with cost estimates; Handwritten notesOctober 15, 2003
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 53
175th Gala—checklist with notes; Checklist more complete; Logistic Time-line with seating chartUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 54
175th Gala—Sample University Profile—2002-03; Handwritten notes; Fax with Westhampton Alma MaterUndatedUndatedJanuary 05, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 55
175th Gala--suggested menu; Handwritten notesUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 56
175th Gala—Blue Ridge Light Forms invoice; Email re-timing; BVC invoice with notesMarch 3, 2005 December 8, 2004Undated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 57
175th Gala--logistic time line for day before Gala and day of Instawares invoice; Breakdown of catering costUndatedDecember 4, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 58
Email re: Urban Practice and Policy Class for 2005 to tie in with 175th anniversaryDecember 3, 2003 - April 4, 2004
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 59
175th Anniversary Committee AgentFebruary 19, 2003
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 60
175th Committee--agendas and notes; Committee membersUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 61
175th Gala Presentation--history of URUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 62
In depth brochure for Dan Roberts--A Moment in Time; Business Card for Wordsmith PRUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 63
Richmond Physics Olympics--note and proposalUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 64
Community Open House--with notesUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 65
Campus news coverage of Anniversary CelebrationUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 66
Gift bag for the Gala--UR note cards and CD "175 Years"Undated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 67
Gift bag for the Gala--UR note cards and CD "175 Years"Undated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 68
UR 175th Anniversary Community Open House; Va. Baptist Register—devoted to anniversary, no. 94April 5, 2005 2005
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 70
175th Anniversary Edition Calendar2004-2005
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 71
Boatwright "Library Line" newsletterSpring, Summer, Fall, 2005-2006
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 72
History and resolution of the Nostrae Filiae Room in Boatwright Library1993-1999
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 73
Rettig on reference bookmark; U of R Libraries--Library Skills WorkbookUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 74
Library brochures: Encouraging Student Inquiry; Services for Faculty; Information SheetsUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 75
Annual Report--U of R Libraries1995-1996
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 76
Strategic Plan of the U of R LibrariesUndated
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 77
1993 Trustee's Honor Roll; Distinguished Faculty; Administrators and Staff1993
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 78
Memorandum to incoming president: an introduction to Information Services DivisionFebruary 16, 2015
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 79
Copy of article from Religious Herald re: changed relationship with Baptist ChurchOctober 21, 1989
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 80
Goal for University Archives 2007/08; Assessment & recommendations for UR's archival program2007
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 81
Report on University of Richmond archivesDecember 10, 1980
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 82
Memo to President Ayers re: BML: a center for integrated learning and innovation; University Archives--a plan to save the past for the futureAugust 25, 2011 January 2010
- Moving Images box: 1 MS-25 folder: 83
VHS tape: Dr. George Modlin interviewed on occasion of his 95th birthdayJuly 1998
- Moving Images box: 1 MS-25 folder: 84
VHS tape: A Decade of the Waltons1991
- Moving Images box: 1 MS-25 folder: 85
VHS tape: Communication Office--AIDs quiltOctober 27, 1998
- Text box: 1 MS-25 folder: 86
UR Oral History interview--Dr. Bruce HeilmanDecember 30, 1999
- Moving Images box: 1 MS-25 folder: 87
VHS Tape: Dr. Cooper/Dan RobertsMarch 3, 2005
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 1
UR at a glance--2008-09; The Carole Weinstein International Center brochure2008-2009 October 14, 2010
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 2
Collegian with Boatwright article on computer shortageFebruary 10, 2005
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 3
UR Libraries accomplishments for FY 1997/98; Goals for Library 1998/99; State of the Libraries meeting agenda; Mission Statement and Goals1997- 19981998-1999May 13, 19981999-2000
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 4
UR Libraries-major events & accomplishments; Goal Statement from Retreat1995-19961996
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 5
Information for the Annual UR Libraries Planning RetreatMay 14, 1996
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 6
Position Paper on Revising the Library Staff Classification System (Draft)January 27, 1997
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 7
U of R Libraries--major goals & agenda items; Letter from Provost re: strategic plan1997-1998January 30, 1997
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 8
Letter from Solinet re: workflow analysis; Common evaluation criteria for library facultyDecember 14, 1998October 1998
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 9
Goal setting and year end documents--UR libraries1998-2006
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 10
Information materials for University Libraries annual planning sessionMay 8, 1997
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 11
Library Committee Reports2007-2008
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 12
Digital Library Task Force reportAugust 28, 2003
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 13
Science Library Services Task Force reportOctober, 2002
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 14
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 1; Rector's Club facts; Memo & list of oral histories; Skidmore Centennial informationUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 15
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 2; Collegian articles re: music for celebrationApril 7, 2005
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 16
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 3; Committee; Suggested plan for 150th; Plan for 150th and 150th committeeUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 17
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 4; Ryland Address1891
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 18
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 5; Achievement opportunity; Centennial address1932
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 19
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 6; Centennial celebration; Centennial programMay 8-10, 1932
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 20
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 7; Committee meeting notes; History of School of Continuing StudiesUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 21
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 8; Random notesUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 22
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 9; Committee agenda and notesFebruary 19, 2003
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 23
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt.10; Memo re: distinguished alumnae; Academic calendar; Notes on timelineJan 29, 2003 2004-2005Undated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 24
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 11; Preliminary CalendarUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 25
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 12; Notes on Family WeekendUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 26
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 13; MerchandiseUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 27
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 14; Notes on meeting with Alice Lynch; Various logo designsJanuary 23, 2004
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 28
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 15; 2004 News Items2004
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 29
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 16; Budget; Notes, emails, templatesUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 30
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 17; Dietz Press quote on book; Exposition notesMay 20, 2004
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 31
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 18; Articles; Invoice for directional signsJanuary 22, 2004February 18, 2004
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 32
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 19; Student committee suggestions; Wayne Dementi Business cardUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 33
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 20; EmailsMay-June, 2004
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 34
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 21; Events calendarUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 35
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 22; Archives acquisitionsUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 36
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 23; NotesUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 37
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 24; Gala Scripts; Gala programUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 38
175th Anniversary Celebration Binder pt. 25; Sesquicentennial envelopesUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 39
175th Building History Binder pt. 1; Boatwright LibraryUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 40
175th Building History Binder pt. 2; Business SchoolUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 41
175th Building History Binder pt. 3; Chapel; CommonsUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 42
175th Building History Binder pt. 4; Dennis Hall; Dining HallUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 43
175th Building History Binder pt. 5; Freeman Hall; Gottwald Science CenterUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 44
175th Building History Binder pt. 6; Gray Court; Greek TheaterUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 45
175th Building History Binder pt. 7; Jepson SchoolUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 46
175th Building History Binder pt. 8; Keller Hall; LakeUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 47
175th Building History Binder pt. 9; Law School; Lora Robins CourtUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 48
175th Building History Binder pt. 10; Marsh Hall; Maryland Hall; Millhiser GymUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 49
175th Building History Binder pt. 11; Modlin CenterUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 50
175th Building History Binder pt. 12; Moore Hall; North Court; Puryear HallUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 51
175th Building History Binder pt. 13; Richardson Hall; Richmond Hall; Robins CenterUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 52
175th Building History Binder pt. 14; Robins Hall; Ryland Hall; Sarah Brunet HallUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 53
175th Building History Binder pt. 15; South Court; Special Programs Building Thomas HallUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 54
175th Building History Binder pt. 16; Weinstein HallUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 55
175th Building History Binder pt. 17; Westhampton College; WhitehurstUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 56
175th Building History Binder pt. 18; Wood Hall; TechnologyUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 57
175th Biographies Binder pt. 1; Robert Ryland; Douglas FreemanUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 58
175th Biographies Binder pt. 2; NotesUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 59
175th Biographies Binder pt. 3; Dr. Banks; Dr. Boatwright; Lewis T. BookerUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 60
175th Biographies Binder pt. 4; A. Brockenbrough; Robert Burrus; Ralph CramUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 61
175th Biographies Binder pt. 5; J. L. M Curry; Dr. Cooper; Dr. FreemanUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 62
175th Biographies Binder pt. 6; J. T. and H. K. Ellyson; Fannie CrenshawUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 63
175th Biographies Binder pt. 7; Isabel Hams; Dr. Heilman; Jos. JenningsUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 64
175th Biographies Binder pt. 8; J. Jeter; R. Ryland; Henry KeelingUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 65
175th Biographies Binder pt. 9; May L. KellerUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 66
175th Biographies Binder pt. 10; John Kerr; Caroline Lutz; Robert T. MarshUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 67
175th Biographies Binder pt. 11; Dr. Modlin; Justin Moore; Dr. MorrillUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 68
175th Biographies Binder pt. 12; Archibald Patterson; Dean PinchbeckUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 69
175th Biographies Binder pt. 13; F. Carlisle Tiller; WILL FoundersUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 70
"Keep the Book"--2009 Student Prospectus2009
- Mixed Materials box: 2 MS-25 folder: 71
175th Calendar--Candid Photos (CD); Photo order and notesUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 72
Memo re: Lee & Jackson letterJuly 1, 2004
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 73 MS-25
Colloquy programs2009-20122014
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 74
10 Year Anniversary of Jepson School; Jepson Alumni Center Brochure2002-2003
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 75
Unleashing Richmond's Potential2007
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 76
U of R Report of the Engagement in Learning goalsMay, 1997
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 77
University Archives HistoryUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 78
Presidential Inauguration & Reunion Weekend Map and Information; Richmond Adventure--History in a nutshell2009Undated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 79
Against the Tide--Dr. Morrill1990
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 80
Westhampton College 75th Invitations & Information1989-1990
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 81 MS-25
175th Calendar Mock-upAugust, 2004
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 82
Printout of History DatabaseUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 83
Photocopies of photos used in the 175th calendarUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 84
Photos of Dunlora Academy siteUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 85
Westhampton College Alumnae Association Oral History Tapes ListingUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 86
Oral History—transcripts I1977 March 29, 1977Undated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 87
Oral History—transcripts IIMarch 25, 1975January 23, 1976February 6, 1976
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 88
Oral History—transcripts IIIMay 21, 1975 December, 12 1975
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 89
Oral History—transcripts IVUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 90
Oral History—transcripts VMarch 13, 1976
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 91
Kathy Monday accepting time capsule; Kathy Monday's remarks at 175th Birthday Party2005
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 92
175th Gala Dinner MenuUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 93
175th Anniversary Gala TimelineUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 94
Briefing Document 175th Anniversary Gala--Robins CenterMarch 3, 2005
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 95
Contents list of 175th Time Capsule; Richmond Spiders Questionnaire; 175th Birthday QuizzesUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 96
2/03/10 Boatwright Expansion Study—CD-R2004
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 97
Collegian articles on 2 CD-R'sOctober 6, 1969 May 31, 2004
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 98
Inauguration Slideshow on DVD-RMarch 6, 2008
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 99
Athletic Photos on CDUndated
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 100
Inauguration Ceremony Campus Slideshow--CDApril 11, 2008
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 101
U of R--Historic 70 CD; International Education Photos for InaugurationFebruary, 2008
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 102
U of R 175th Gala Anniversary--2 CD'sMarch 3, 2005
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 103
Additional Photos for Inauguration Slideshow--CDApril 2, 2008
- Text box: 2 MS-25 folder: 104
Peple Lecture DVD-RFebruary 3, 2009
- Text box: 3 MS-25 folder: 1
Library PrintUndated
- Text box: 3 MS-25 folder: 2
Paste down of 75th Anniversary Convocation InvitationOctober 1, 1989
- Text box: 3 MS-25 folder: 3
Posters--Honoring the Past, Creating the Future; University of Richmond Celebrating 175 yearsUndated