Light blue desire : a manual for the color blue 2018
1 Volumes, 69 pages : includes illustrations, 21 cm
Duzant, Magali
Schlenker, Elana
Conveyor Arts
Title from cover. Other title information, statement of responsibility, and edition statement from colophon. Rare Book Room
copy includes author's autograph on inside front cover.
"Designed by Elana Schlenker, copy-edited by Elissa Rabellino, printed and bound at Conveyor Studio"--Colophon.
"Light Blue Desire: A Manual For the Color Blue is an artist book mapping the amorphous definitions and uses of blue across
languages. Gathering idioms from around the world the manual acts as a compendium of contradictions and concepts around a
color that is high and low, peaceful and pornographic, melancholic and manipulative, and consistently voted the world's favorite
color. How and why does blue seep into our speech, color our thoughts, lap into language? In attempting to define a color,
a concept built out of perception, we begin to let slip our interior selves"--Author's Web site, viewed January 3, 2019.