A Guide to the History of Cancer Care at the University of Virginia Project Records, 1942-2011 MS.46
Collection Number MS-46
Claude Moore Health Sciences Library
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P.O. Box 800722
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URL: https://www.hsl.virginia.edu/historical/
Claude Moore Health Sciences Library
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Collection is open to research.
Preferred Citation
History of Cancer Care at the University of Virginia Project Records, MS-46, Historical Collections, Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Va.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
The files were collected by Historical Collections staff members and M.C. Wilhelm.
Biographical / Historical
In 2006 Morton C. (M.C.) Wilhelm, a retired UVa surgeon, was working in the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library Historical Collections, writing a biography of a prominent cancer physician. He, together with Joan Echtenkamp Klein, Curator for Historical Collections, began to reflect on the cancer program at the University of Virginia and how many individuals had played significant roles in its development over the years. M.C. and Joan then realized that many of their friends and colleagues in this group had died and, except for scattered references, their contributions to the cancer program at UVa were not recorded. Discussions with others about this lack of a historical record led to the formation of a committee to explore the possibility of writing a book which would describe the evolution of the treatment of cancer at UVa over the years. The members of the committee were a brain trust of UVa's stellar surgeons, physicians, researchers, and nurses in the field of cancer care.
In the process of acquiring material and information for the 200 page book, The History of Cancer Care at the University of Virginia, 1901-2011, video-recorded interviews were conducted with 25 individuals who contributed to cancer care at UVa. These interviews are on a DVD included with each book. The book is unique in that it tells the UVa story, but it also sets the UVa history within the broader context of what was happening with cancer care in the nation and the state. A Historical Collections website incorporates the interviews and portions of the book.
Scope and Contents
This collection contains documents and notes used to write The History of Cancer Care at the University of Virginia, 1901-2011, by Morton C. Wilhelm and Henry K. Sharp. Included are copies of articles concerning cancer from non UVa related publications as well as those associated with UVa, such as UVa Alumni Bulletin, UVa Medical Alumni News Letter, Helix, Link, Oncologue and The Drawsheet; books notes; timelines; original reports by members of the committee on various topics such as gynecologic oncology and head and neck cancer treatment; selections and notes taken from manuscript collections in both Historical Collections and UVa's Special Collections; and 25 DVDs of individual video-recorded interviews along with 2 DVDs containing the final versions of the 25 interviews conducted during the project.
The folders are arranged alphabetically. Some of the folders are grouped so that all of the reports by committee members are together in a reports section. Articles photocopied from Historical Collection's UVa related journals at the beginning of the project are grouped by subject and also chronologically.
- Processed by:
- Historical Collections Staff
Container List
Notes are from books not housed in Historical Collections.
Includes minutes of meetings, letters to committee members, letters to potential interviewees, DVD Reception remarks, press release, and Medical Center Hour document.
The rest of the title page draft states: Editor and Introduction by Victoria N. Meyer, Ph.D., Forward by Morton C. Wilhelm, M.D. and Joan Echtenkamp Klein, M.S.L.S., Conclusion by George A. Beller, M.D. and Peyton T. Taylor, Jr., M.S., M.D. In Collaboration with Joan Echtenkamp Klein, M.S.L.S., Janet S. Pearson, M.L.S., Sonya Coleman, B.S. Historical Collections Claude Moore Health Sciences Library University of Virginia Copyright 2011 by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
M.C. Wilhelm made notes while listening to the audio tapes of Robert W. Cantrell, M.D.; David Cattell-Gordon, M.S.W.; Jay Y. Gillenwater, M.D.; Gerald Goldstein, M.D.; Kenneth E. Greer, M.D.; Sharon L. Hostler, M.D.; John A. Jane, Sr., M.D., Ph.D.; Theodore E. Keats, M.D.; James M. Larner, M.D.; Robert E. McLaughlin, M.D.; Stacey E. Mills, M.D.; Daniel N. Mohler, M.D.; Mary Jane Morris, R.N.; J. Thomas Parsons, Ph.D.; Bradley M. Rodgers, M.D.; Craig L. Slingluff, M.D.; Peyton T. Taylor, Jr., M.D.; Michael J. Weber, Ph.D.; Munsey S. Wheby, M.D.; and Michael E. Williams, M.D. Scott Jones, M.D. was not taped, but included in this folder are notes that Dr. Wilhelm made following a conversation. The actual DVDs are stored in Box 4.
Articles are predominantly from UVa Med Alum News Letter, The Draw Sheet, Helix, Link, and Inside UVA.
Includes a report by Byrd Leavell on the Hematology Division.
Includes a draft of a paper by Tom O'Leary.
Includes additional departmental papers.
Additional documents and articles contributed by M.C. Wilhlem: a paper, "Ourselves and Patients Who Are Dying" by Lockhart B. Mcguire; "Pancreatic Cancer Resection Outcome in American University Centers in 1989-1990" with Morton C. Wilhelm as the last author; an issue of Behavioral Medicine with an article titled "The Relationship Between Psychosocial Factors and Breast Cancer: Some Unexpected Results" by Jeffrey R. Edwards, Carl L. Cooper, S. Gail Pearl, Ellen S. de Paredes, Tom O'Leary, and Morton C. Wilhelm; an issue of Link; 6 issues of Oncologue; slides of an approved hospital cancer program; American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer Task Force Reports; "Technique and Guidelines for Needle Localization Biopsy of Nonpalpable Lesions of the Breast" by M. C. Wilhelm and H. J. Wanebo; "Evolution of the Clinical Experience of Thyroid Cancer at the University of Virginia 1982-2002" by Tom Daniel with notes by M.C. Wilhelm; "A New Look at Lung Cancer" by George Minor with notes by M.C. Wilhelm.
Includes The Early Years of The University of Virginia Hospital: An Analysis of Patient's Records by Wilhelm Moll and Todd L. Savitt; History of the Out-Patient Department, University of Virginia Hospital by Alice E. Smith, excerpts from several Report of Activities by the Virginia Cancer Foundation, Inc., and History of the Medical Department of the University of Virginia, 1825-1914 by John S. Davis; notes taken from the History of the Paul Goodloe McIntire Memorial Clinic at the University of Virginia Hospital by Zula Mae Baber and The Dedication Exercises of the New Buildings of the Department of Medicine of the University of Virginia; and photocopied title pages of books consulted.
Includes "The Physician's Role in an Albemarle County Medical Society Program for Early Cancer Detection" and reports and minutes of the Bessie Dunn Miller Clinic for Cancer Prevention.
Includes papers by Byrd Leavell on the Hematology Division and the Medical Oncology Division as well as papers from the Cancer Studies Division with documents related to the Booz, Allen & Hamilton study.
Includes letters and minutes of meetings related to the Bessie Dunn Miller Clinic, costs for Virginia Cancer Foundation patients, the Tumor Clinic, conflict between the Department of Roentgenology and Department of Neurological Surgery, a proposed hospital for terminal cancer patients, "Minimum Requirements for Approval of a Cancer Program" paper, the Cancer Registry, Long-Range Planning Committee meetings including reports on a UVa Cancer Center.
Includes an interview with Vincent Archer, typescripts of speeches by Harvey E. Jordan and John L. Newcomb, a "Report of Meeting of the Medical Alumni Committee, April, 1940," and documents from the University of Virginia Development Fund including a 1948 "Report of the Medical School and Hospital."
Includes notes taken from the Papers of Armistead Page Booker, School of Medicine Student Notebooks, Hospital Record Books, University of Virginia Hospital Auxiliary Collection, Miscellaneous Letters and Documents Collection, and the Papers of the University of Virginia Hospital Isotope and Radiation Hazards Committee.
This is the last proof set sent back to Historical Collections from DEStech. Pages where more errors were found were sent back to DEStech after a photocopy was made and inserted into this proof set.
Includes non UVa articles referenced in A History of Cancer Care at the University of Virginia. See also Virginia Health Bulletin folder in Box 3, Folder 15.
Includes various notes; a Bibliography of the History of the University of Virginia Hospital based on the Health Sciences Library, Special Collections, Law Library, and the Fine Arts Library; and a Report of the Cancer Center brochure with statistical data from 1996.
Includes notes taken from the Virginia Medical Monthly, the Papers of the University of Virginia President, Annual Reports to the President, Correspondence of Charles Pinckney Jones, and Letterbooks of the Official Correspondence of the University of Virginia Faculty Chairman.
Includes Cancer Control Through the Years 1913-1980: A narrative outline of voluntary cancer control programs -- nationally and in Virginia by Bernard W. Woodahl.
New cancer cases: Distribution by sex, class, and AJCC stage at diagnosis.
The name of the publication changed over time and includes The Alumni Bulletin, Bulletins of the University of Virginia, and Alumni Bulletin of the University of Virginia.
The factoids concern the construction of the ECCCC, mainly how much electrical wire, glass, rebar, etc.
Interviewees are Robert W. Cantrell, M.D.; David Cattell-Gordon, M.S.W.; Diane D. Cole, M.P.H.; Milton T. Edgerton, M.D.; Jay Y. Gillenwater, M.D.; Gerald Goldstein, M.D.; Kenneth E. Greer, M.D.; Sharon L. Hostler, M.D.; John A. Jane, Sr., M.D., Ph.D.; Theodore E. Keats, M.D.; James M. Larner, M.D.; Robert E. McLaughlin, M.D.; Stacey E. Mills, M.D.; Daniel N. Mohler, M.D.; Mary Jane Morris, R.N.; Thomas J. O'Leary, Ph.D.; J. Thomas Parsons, Ph.D.; Bradley M. Rodgers, M.D.; Craig L. Slingluff, M.D.; Peyton T. Taylor, Jr., M.D.; Agathe van der Erve, R.N.; Michael J. Weber, Ph.D.; Munsey S. Wheby, M.D.; Morton C. Wilhelm, M.D.; and Michael E. Williams, M.D.