Claude Moore Health Sciences Library 1300 Jefferson Park Avenue P.O. Box 800722 Charlottesville, Virginia 22908-0722 URL:
Dr. William H. Muller, Jr. was born in Dillon, South Carolina, on August 19, 1919, graduated from the McCallie School in Chattanooga,
Tennessee, earned his B.S. from The Citadel in 1940, and graduated from Duke University Medical School in 1943. Muller trained
under Dr. Alfred Blalock at Johns Hopkins Hospital where he did his internship and residencies in general surgery and cardiovascular
surgery. From April 1946 to August 1947 he was a captain stationed overseas with the U.S. Army. He was then in private practice
in Dillon for a year before returning to John Hopkins Hospital for further training. He served as an Instructor in Surgery
at the Johns Hopkins Medical School for one year prior to taking the position of Assistant Professor of Surgery in 1949 at
UCLA and helping to establish a new medical school with Dr. William Longmire. He served for a period of time as Chief of General
Surgery and developed a cardiothoracic surgical program in the Harbor General Hospital and the St. John's Hospital because
the UCLA Hospital had not yet been completed.
He was recruited to come to Charlottesville as Chair of the Department of Surgery and the S. Hurt Watts Professor in 1954.
At that time the department had five faculty members. He recruited new faculty whom he helped develop and created a nationally
recognized Department of Surgery. He served as Chair until 1982. Dr. Muller became Vice President for Health Affairs in 1976
and held that position until 1987 when he became Special Assistant to the President of the University. He was critical to
the creation in 1980 of the Health Services Foundation, an organization that increased the money available for faculty salaries
and for running the School of Medicine. He was also a driving force behind the construction of the new University of Virginia
Hospital which opened in 1989.
Dr. Muller was a pioneer in the field of heart surgery. When Dr. Blalock operated on the first 'blue baby', a child with a
congenital defect known as the "tetralogy of Fallot," Dr. Muller was in the room. While in Los Angeles he developed the pulmonary
artery banding procedure and was able to apply it to clinical cases. He shared the honor of being one of two surgeons who
performed the earliest total aortic valve replacement in 1958 and designed his own Muller valve from Teflon.
In addition to his leadership in California, at the University of Virginia and in clinical medicine, Dr. Muller was involved
in many national organizations. He was a founder of the Association for Academic Surgery. He was president of the Society
of University Surgeons, the Society for Vascular Surgery, the Southern Surgical Association, and the American Surgical Association.
He became a member of the Board of Regents of the American College of Surgeons in 1971, was made Chairman of the Board in
1976, and was President-elect in 1978. He served as President of the College in 1979-1980. Dr. Muller served as an active
member of the Executive Committee from 1974 to 1987.
In 1968 a group of his former residents created the Muller Surgical Society in his honor. He was the recipient of the Thomas
Jefferson Award from the University of Virginia in 1982 and the Walter Reed Distinguished Achievement Award from the UVa Medical
Alumni Association in 1997.
Married to Hildwin Clare for over 50 years and the father of three children, Dr. Muller retired in 1990. He died in Irvington,
Virginia, at the age of 92, on April 19, 2012.
The collection includes personal and professional correspondence. Some are family letters, most are professionally related.
Included University of Virginia correspondents are John T. Ashley, Robert M. Carey, Rose M. Chioni, Kenneth Crispell, Don
E. Detmer, Richard F. Edlich, Frank L. Hereford, R. Scott Jones, Norman J. Knorr, and Robert M. O'Neil. Correspondents outside
of UVa include W. G. Anlyan, Willard E. Goodwin, Hiram C. Polk, Mark M. Ravitch, Jonathan E. Rhoads, Robert S. Sparkman, H.
William Scott, and Richard L. Varco. Dr. Muller was a member of many organizations and some of those are represented here
including the American College of Surgeons, American Surgical Association, Halsted Society, Medical Society of Virginia, Muller
Surgical Society, Society of University Surgeons, Southern Society for Clinical Research, and Southern Surgical Association.
There is also a 25 page recollection of his time with Dr. Alfred Blalock, a UVa Surgery Department scrapbook, photos, and
slides of the construction of the 1989 hospital.
Boxes one through four contain personal and professional correspondence arranged alphabetically by name. Also included are
news clippings about Dr. Muller. Boxes five through nine contain correspondence and documents related to Dr. Muller's professional
organizations and some of his lectures, again arranged alphabetically. The end of box 9 includes photos and miscellaneous
clippings. Box 10 contains documents and photos related to the 1989 hospital planning and ground-breaking. Box 11 contains
pages from Dr. Muller's scrapbook which covers 1967-1972 and also an architectural drawing of the Medical Center area. Box
12 is stored in the Historical Collections Vault and contains slides showing the progression of the construction process of
the 1989 University of Virginia Hospital.
Correspondence: W. G. Anlyan, Chancellor for Health Affairs, Duke University Medical Center;
Mixed Materials box: 01 folder: 003
Correspondence: John T. Ashley, Executive Director, University of Virginia Hospitals;
Scope and Contents
Includes John Ashley's curriculum vitae.
Mixed Materials box: 01 folder: 004
Correspondence: B;
Mixed Materials box: 01 folder: 005
Correspondence: Richard H. Blank;
Mixed Materials box: 01 folder: 006
Correspondence: Robert M. Carey;
Scope and Contents
Carey was Dean of the University of Virginia School of Medicine.
Mixed Materials box: 01 folder: 007
Correspondence: Rose M. Chioni;
Scope and Contents
Chioni was Dean of the University of Virginia School of Nursing.
Mixed Materials box: 01 folder: 008
Correspondence: Citadel;
Mixed Materials box: 01 folder: 009
Correspondence: Kenneth Crispell, Acting Dean and Dean of the University of Virginia School of Medicine;
Mixed Materials box: 01 folder: 010
Correspondence: D;
Mixed Materials box: 01 folder: 011
Correspondence: Don E. Detmer, Vice President for Health Sciences;
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence about renaming of hospital buildings, hospital dedication budget, and also Don Detmer's curriculum
Mixed Materials box: 01 folder: 012
Correspondence: E;
Mixed Materials box: 01 folder: 013
Correspondence: Richard F. Edlich, Department of Plastic Surgery;
Scope and Contents
Includes Richard Edlich's curriculum vitae.
Mixed Materials box: 01 folder: 014
Correspondence: F;
Mixed Materials box: 02 folder: 001
Correspondence: G;
Scope and Contents
Includes letters to the Gwathmey family: Frank and Marietta, Claire, Winston, and William.
Mixed Materials box: 02 folder: 002
Correspondence: Willard E. Goodwin, Professor of Urology, UCLA Medical Center;
Scope and Contents
Reprinted from Science , May 18, 1956.
Mixed Materials box: 02 folder: 003
Correspondence: Ha;
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence concerning C. Rollins Hanlon and John B. Hanks and Hanks' curriculum vitae.
Mixed Materials box: 02 folder: 004
Correspondence: He-Hz;
Mixed Materials box: 02 folder: 005
Correspondence: Frank L. Hereford, Jr.;
Scope and Contents
Hereford was President of the University of Virginia.
Mixed Materials box: 02 folder: 006
Correspondence: I;
Mixed Materials box: 02 folder: 007
Correspondence: J;
Mixed Materials box: 02 folder: 008
Correspondence: R. Scott Jones;
Scope and Contents
Jones was Chairman of the University of Virginia Department of Surgery.
Mixed Materials box: 02 folder: 009
Correspondence: K;
Scope and Contents
Includes Irving L. Kron's curriculum vitae.
Mixed Materials box: 02 folder: 010
Correspondence: Norman J. Knorr, Dean of the University of Virginia School of Medicine;
Scope and Contents
Includes color photos from Knorr's (retirement?) dinner.
Mixed Materials box: 02 folder: 011
Correspondence: L;
Mixed Materials box: 03 folder: 001
Correspondence: Ma-Me;
Mixed Materials box: 03 folder: 002
Correspondence: Mi-Mz;
Scope and Contents
Includes letters to Muller family members. Includes letter, given by Diana Houchens, from C. Bruce Morton about his book on
the Department of Surgery.
Mixed Materials box: 03 folder: 003
Correspondence: McCallie School;
Mixed Materials box: 03 folder: 004
Correspondence, articles, newspaper clippings: William H. Muller, Jr.;
Mixed Materials box: 03 folder: 005
Correspondence, articles: William H. Muller, Jr.;
Mixed Materials box: 03 folder: 006
Correspondence, articles, newspaper clippings: William H. Muller, Jr.;
Mixed Materials box: 03 folder: 007
Correspondence: William H. Muller, Jr. Retirement;
Mixed Materials box: 04 folder: 001
Correspondence: N;
Mixed Materials box: 04 folder: 002
Correspondence: 0;
Mixed Materials box: 04 folder: 003
Correspondence: University of Virginia President Robert M. O'Neil;
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence concerning the dedication of the new hospital.
Mixed Materials box: 04 folder: 004
Correspondence: Pa-Pe;
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence concerning People to People International.
Mixed Materials box: 04 folder: 005
Correspondence: Pf-Pz;
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence with Hiram C. Polk.
Mixed Materials box: 04 folder: 006
Correspondence: R;
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence with Mark M. Ravitch, Jonathan E. Rhoads and Charles S. Robb
Mixed Materials box: 04 folder: 007
Correspondence: S;
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence with Robert S. Sparkman and H. William Scott.
Mixed Materials box: 04 folder: 008
Correspondence: V-W;
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence with Richard L. Varco
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 001
Albemarle County Medical Society;
Scope and Contents
Includes 1945 Constitution and By-laws of the Albemarle County Medical Society, 1974 proposed revised By-laws, a 1958 document
investigating the feasibility of a program to make every doctor's office a cancer detection center, and a 1961 document concerning
civil Defense emergency medical Services.
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 002
American Board of Surgery;
Scope and Contents
Most documents concern dual appointments (internship and junior assistant residency positions simultaneously) and graduate
education in surgery more generally. Also included is a 1968 and 1972 "Guide book for Residency Programs in General Surgery."
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 003
American College of Surgeons;
Scope and Contents
Includes congratulatory letters to Muller on his election as Chairman of the American College of Surgeons Board of Regents
and Muller's thank you letters in response.
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 004
American College of Surgeons;
Scope and Contents
Includes letters related to Muller's presentation as the Gibbon lecturer at the American College of Surgeons as well as the
text of his lecture.
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 005
American College of Surgeons;
Scope and Contents
Includes reports related to Medicare.
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 006
American Surgical Association;
Scope and Contents
This is the time period when Dr. Muller was president of the ASA.
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 007
Association for Academic Surgery;
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 008
Association of American Medical Colleges;
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 009
Blalock lectureship;
Scope and Contents
Includes a 25 page letter and drafts written to Dr. Mark Ravitch in which Muller recalls his memories of Dr. Alfred Blalock.
Other items are programs for the Alfred Blalock Lectureship and a program from the Blalock Heritage in American Surgery with
signatures of the speakers (Boone Powell, B. F. Bennett, Robert S. Sparkman, Abner V. McCall, W. Dewey Presley, David C. Sabiston,
Mark M. Ravitch, C. Rollins Hanlon, Frank C. Spencer, William H. Muller, James V. Maloney, Denton A. Cooley, H. William Scott,
G. Rainey Williams, J. Alex Haller, Henry T. Bahnson, and William P. Longmire) and spouses.
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 010
Bohemian Club;
Scope and Contents
Bohemian Club gathers for a summer encampment at the Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio, California.
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 011
Buffalo, New York talk;
includes photo
Scope and Contents
Muller's talk was for the 13th Annual Surgical Residents' Reunion.
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 012
Greenbrier Clinic Advisory Council, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia;
Mixed Materials box: 05 folder: 013
Greenville County Medical Society, Greenville, S.C. talk;
Mixed Materials box: 06 folder: 001
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Includes a copy of Muller's Halsted Society application and a photo of the 1959 meeting participants which did not include
Muller as he was just elected at that time.
Mixed Materials box: 06 folder: 002
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Photo of the 1960 meeting includes Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 06 folder: 003
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Photo of the 1962 meeting does not include Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 06 folder: 004
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Photo of the 1964 meeting does not include Muller. Photo of the 1965 meeting includes Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 06 folder: 005
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Photos of the February 1967 and September 1967 meetings includes Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 06 folder: 006
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Includes "The Founding and First Meeting of the Halsted Society" by Lawrence R. Wharton, Written for the members of the Halsted
Society, and filed with its Archives 1968.
Mixed Materials box: 06 folder: 007
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Photos of the 1970 and 1971 meetings do not include Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 06 folder: 008
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Photos of the 1972 and 1973 meetings do not include Muller. Includes letters from Alfred Blalock's residents, members of the
Old Hands Club, upon the occasion of the dedication of the Alfred Blalock Library at the Texas Heart Institute.
Mixed Materials box: 06 folder: 009
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Includes a reprint of "The Halsted Society, 1924-1974" by Peter D. Olch and Halsted's bibliography. Photo of the 1974 meeting
includes Muller. Photo of the 1975 meeting does not include Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 06 folder: 010
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Photo of the 1976 meeting includes Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 07 folder: 001
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Photos of the 1977 and 1979 meetings do not include Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 07 folder: 002
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Photo of the 1981 meeting does not include Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 07 folder: 003
Halsted Society;
Scope and Contents
Photo of the 1983 meeting does not include Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 07 folder: 004
Halsted Society;
Mixed Materials box: 07 folder: 005
Henry Ford Hospital International Symposium on Cardiac Surgery;
Mixed Materials box: 07 folder: 006
International Federation of Surgical Colleges;
Scope and Contents
Includes a certificate for William H. Muller stating he is enrolled as an Associate in The International Federation of Surgical
Mixed Materials box: 07 folder: 007
International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery / Society for Vascular Surgery;
Mixed Materials box: 07 folder: 008
International Society of Surgery / Societe Internationale de Chirurgie;
Mixed Materials box: 07 folder: 009
Kentucky Surgical Society;
Scope and Contents
Muller is made an honorary member in the Society due to being a previous guest and speaker in 1955.
Mixed Materials box: 07 folder: 010
Medical Society of Virginia;
Scope and Contents
Included is a letter welcoming Muller as a member as well as meeting programs.
Mixed Materials box: 07 folder: 011
Medical Society of Virginia;
Scope and Contents
Included are meeting programs.
Mixed Materials box: 07 folder: 012
Medical University of South Carolina;
Scope and Contents
Muller is invited to receive the Fourth Frederick E. Kredel Honorary Professorship of the Medical University of South Carolina
and is asked to speak.
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 001
National Joint Practice Commission, National Commission for the Study of Nursing and Nursing Education;
Scope and Contents
Includes a certificate of recognition for Muller's participation in and contribution to the National Joint Practice Commission.
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 002
Northwestern University;
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence related to Muller's participation on the External Review of Northwestern University's Department of
Surgery as well as the report. Additional correspondence relates to Muller being a Visiting Professor and Guest Speaker at
the annual meeting of the Department of Surgery at Northwestern.
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 003
President's Panel on Heart Disease, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare;
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 004
Rudolph Matas lectureship, Tulane University;
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 005
Society of Surgical Chairman;
Scope and Contents
Includes a copy of the Constitution.
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 006
Society of University Surgeons;
Scope and Contents
Includes a group photo with Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 007
Society of University Surgeons;
Scope and Contents
Most documents concern dual appointments (internship and junior assistant residency positions simultaneously) and graduate
education in surgery more generally. Also included is a 1968 and 1972 "Guide book for Residency Programs in General Surgery."
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 008
Society of University Surgeons - Special Committees;
Scope and Contents
Includes correspondence for the following committees: Academic Placement, American Board of Surgery representatives, Fountain
Report and NIH Grants Manual, International Responsibility, National Research Council, National Society for Research, and
Surgical Education.
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 009
Society of University Surgeons;
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 010
Society of University Surgeons;
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 011
Society of University Surgeons;
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 012
Society of University Surgeons;
Mixed Materials box: 08 folder: 013
Society of University Surgeons;
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 001
Society of University Surgeons;
Scope and Contents
Correspondence is related to support for membership in the Society of University Surgeons for Raymond F. Morgan.
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 002
Southern Society for Clinical Research;
Scope and Contents
Includes document that gives a brief history, constitution and bylaws, officers and living members from 1947-1967 for the
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 003
Southern Surgical Association;
Scope and Contents
Includes letters congratulating Muller on his election as President of the Southern Surgical Association as well as Muller's
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 004
University of Virginia Clinical Appointments to the Medical Policy Committee;
Scope and Contents
Lists names of appointees and dates of the appointments.
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 005
University of Virginia Continuing Medical Education Committee;
Scope and Contents
Includes reports and also letters from Norman Knorr, Daniel Mohler, Leslie Rudolf, Muller, John A. Owen and others.
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 006
University of Virginia. Department of Surgery Attending Staff Lists and letters related to staffing;
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 007
University of Virginia. Department of Surgery House Staff;
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 008
University of Virginia Health Services Foundation: Comments;
Scope and Contents
Muller's comments describe the background for the need for the Health Services Foundation and its start. He mentions the contributions
of Jay Gillenwater, Leigh Middleditch, Hovey Dabney, Ray Bell, Jean Printz, and Billy Williams.
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 009
University of Virginia. Instructions for Appointments of Staff to Hospital;
Scope and Contents
Includes Employee benefits outline
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 010
Vanderbilt University - Barney Brooks Lecturer;
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 011
Clippings concerning people and topics of interest to Dr. Muller;
newspaper clippings, journal clippings;
Scope and Contents
Includes a number of clippings about J. Shelton Horsley
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 012
unidentified people at a festive occasion;
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 013
William H. Muller, Jr.;
photo 8x10 B
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 014
Hildwin Muller, William H. Muller, Jr., ? and Billy Old;
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 015
Dr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Morton and Dr. and Mrs. E. Cato Drash at the men's retirement;
Scope and Contents
Also included are pictures of the UVa Department of Surgery including Drs. Drash, Muller, Morton, Wangensteen, Harry Archer,
Sandusky, Gaylord Williams, Gardner Smith, Arthur Smith, Nolan, Minor, Horsley, Wilhelm, and Schrum. Absent were Rudolf and
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 016
William H. Muller, Jr. and Hildwin Muller;
1988, n.d.
passport photos and negatives
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 017
William H. Muller, Jr. and identified person in front of Muller Surgical Society board;
April 1989
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 018
Unidentified people at a festive occasion;
January 17, 2004
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 019
William H. Muller, Jr., Hildwin Muller, R. Scott Jones, Mrs. Jones (?);
May 22, 2005
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 020
miscellaneous photos;
Scope and Contents
The photos came from a folder marked 2007, but some individual photos are marked with different dates. Included are photos
of Muller, R. Scott Jones, Stephen H. Watts, William H. Goodwin, and Edwin P. Lehman in their academic gowns; C. Bruce Morton;
the first hospital pavilion, and hospital construction.
Mixed Materials box: 09 folder: 021
Surgery Department University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook;
photos, newspaper and article clippings;
Scope and Contents
Includes articles about surgical transplants, photos of Surgery Department Attendings and House Staff 1967-68 and 1969-70
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 001a
Highlights of the Consultants' Report on the Master Plan, press briefing
1980 November 6
2 TD;
Scope and Contents
The consultants, E.D. Rosenfeld Associates Inc. and Baskervill & Son, recommend rebuilding the Medical Center on the Blue
Ridge Hospital site.
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 001b
Memorandum from Jules I. Levine to W. H. Muller;
1981 April 24
2 TD, ANS;
Scope and Contents
Medical Center and University Planning: Observations and Recommendations. Levine is concerned about the excessive workload
placed upon the Department of Physical Plant and the Health Affairs Office due to the large number of minor and major renovations
which are all expected to be created in a time frame that is not possible given the various entities involved.
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 002
Executive Summary from Master Plan Update, 1981;
1981, November 19
1 TD;
Scope and Contents
Prepared by Maurice W. Perreault and Associates, Inc.
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 003
Commonwealth of Virginia Capital Ourlay Request, Biennium 1984-86;
1982 December 7
1 TDS, copy;
Scope and Contents
Relates to the Replacement Hospital and site preparation; total cost of the project is estimated to be $128,166,000.
The Cavalier Daily: "Mounting unpaid bills threaten hospital's financial well-being";
1983 January 21
newspaper clipping;
Scope and Contents
Almost $8.5 million in bad debts and free service were incurred from August to November 1982.
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 006
The Cavalier Daily: "Hereford will try to recoup state funds";
1983 January 24
newspaper clipping;
Scope and Contents
Gov. Robb proposed $55 millsion in state budget cuts to higher education.
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 007
The Daily Progress: "UVa's Frank Hereford: A Personal Perspective";
1983 February 27
newspaper clipping;
Scope and Contents
Interview with Hereford
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 008
The Daily Progress: "UVa's Ailing Hospital Plan";
1983 March 27
newspaper clipping
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 009
The Cavalier Daily: "University uncovers its capital outlay proposals";
1983 April 7
newspaper clipping
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 010
The Draw Sheet: "Building a replacement hospital";
1983 September
1 D
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 011
The Cavalier Daily: "State OKs 445-bed replacement hospital;
1984 march 5
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 012
Inside UVA: "New hospital finance director appointed;
1984 May 1
1 D
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 013
A special supplement to Inside UVa: "New Hospital Construction to Begin with November 7 Ground Breaking Event";
1984 November 1
1 D
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 014a
The Draw Sheet: Groundbreaking set for new hospital and Inside UVa supplement: New Hospital Construction to Begin;
1984 November
2 D
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 014b
News release from Medical Center Information Services about Construction beginning of Replacement Hospital, including discharged
patient statistics by residence and days of care for July 1983 through June 1984;
1984 November 7
1 TD
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 014c
The New University of Virginia Hospital Ground-Breaking Ceremony; Remarks by Dr. William H. Muller; Key Dates in Hospital
construction; Replacement Hospital Ground-Breaking Ceremony: Who, What, When, Where, Why; Cost of Hospital; Patient Care Services;
1984 November 7
1 program, 5 D
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 015
Ground Breaking Ceremony The New University of Virginia Hospital and Buz Goforth business card;
1984 November 7
title page of photo album, business card
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 016
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 017
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 018
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 019
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Scope and Contents
left to right: Rector Fred G. Pollard, Gov. Charles S. Robb, Pres. Frank L. Hereford, Jr., Dr. William H. Muller, VP for Health
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 020
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Scope and Contents
in back, left to right: Rose Marie Chioni, Dean of the School of Nursing; Norman J. Knorr, Dean of the School of Medicine;
Pollard; Robb; Muller
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 021
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Scope and Contents
Muller at podium
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 022
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Scope and Contents
Hereford at podium
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 023
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Scope and Contents
Dr. John t. Ashley, Executive Director of the University Hospital next to Rose Marie Chioni; Hereford at podium
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 024
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Scope and Contents
Pollard at podium
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 025
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Scope and Contents
Robb at podium
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 026
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Scope and Contents
Robb at podium
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 027
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Scope and Contents
left to right: Robb, Hereford, Muller, Pollard, Knorr, Chioni
Robb, Pollard, Hereford, Muller, Ashley, Chioni, Knorr with shovels
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 051
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
7 photos;
Scope and Contents
Participants with shovels
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 052
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Scope and Contents
Ashley, Pollard and Hereford standing by architectural drawing
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 053
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
8 photos;
Scope and Contents
main participants and crowd members, post-ceremony?
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 054
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
2 photos;
Scope and Contents
architectural models of UVa Medical Center, Hildwin and Willima H. Muller in one photo
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 055
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
2 photos;
Scope and Contents
people looking at architectural model, including Mitchell Van Yahres(man on far right in one of the pictures)
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 056
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
3 photos;
Scope and Contents
Hereford at podium
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 057
Ground breaking at UVa Hospital;
1984 November 7
Scope and Contents
Tom Hunter on the left
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 058
Inside UVa: "Governor among honored guests at hospital ceremony
1984 November 15
1 D
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 059
The Draw Sheet: "Breaking ground;
1984 December
1 D
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 060
Dr. Muller to Mr. Burgess;
1987 March 23
Scope and Contents
New hospital dedication
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 061
New Hospital PR Program and Dedication;
1988 February 12
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 061
Newsclips from UVa Office of University Relations, New Hospital move-in day coverage;
1989 March 20-23
copies of newspaper clippings
Mixed Materials box: 10 folder: 062
"The Beginning of A New Era, The New University Hospital;
2 brochures
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 001
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 1 and 2;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Includes clippings from "The Daily Progress" and probably "Medical Alumni News Letter." Names in articles include Jerry Bains,
C. Bruce Morton, Leslie Rudolf, Peter Hairston, Gardner W. Smith, J. Shelton Horsley, William Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 002
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 3 and 4;
1959, 1967-68
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Includes clippings from the "Medical Alumni News Letter" and the "Richmond Times-Dispatch. Names (and some photos) in articles
include Jerry Bains, Martha A. Carpenter, Julian R. Beckwith, Richard Rowland Lower, Paul D. Camp, David Milford Hume, and
Jack B. Russell. The last five are participants in a Medical Society of Virginia conference on transplantation issues.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 003
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 5 and 6;
1968 January 23
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
"Perspective: Experts Ponder the Transplant Issues" in the "Richmond Times-Dispatch. Names (and some photos) in articles include
William Henry Muller, Rev. Reno S. Harp, Rabbi Saul J. Rubin, Howard M McCue, Richard Rowland Lower, and David Milford Hume.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 004
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 7 and 8;
1968 January 23
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
"Perspective: Experts Ponder the Transplant Issues" in the "Richmond Times-Dispatch. Names and some photo) in articles include
Howard McCue, Beverly Ordndorff, Sual J. Rubin, William Henry Muller, Julian R Beckwith, Richard Rowland Lower, Jack B. Russell,
Reno S. Harp, Paul D. Camp, and David Milford Hume.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 005
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 9 and 10;
1968 January 23, ?
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Includes the end of the conference as well as an article in which Owen H. Wangensteen discusses the tranplant field and scorns
a proposal to establish a commission on the moral, legal and ethical aspects of modern medicine.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 006
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 11 and 12;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Includes clippings from "The Daily Progress" and the "Draw Sheet." Articles include one about transplantation and Owen Wangensteen
and Stephen Wangensteen; Medical School lectures at Wincester; the new intern staff; and spring medical school lecture series.
Bains, Carpenter and Horsley are mentioned.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 007
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 13 and 14;
photo, clippings;
Scope and Contents
Photo of Surgery Department including House Staff, 1967-68; names on sheet are Minor, Burnett, Rudolf, Callard, Muller, Zug,
Morton, Mandel, Drash, Alrich, Horsley, Wangensteen, Bains, Sandusky, Smith, Hakinson, Wright, Maddew, Ramitscher, Kelly,
Moore, Ludwig, Hutch, Allport, Jeans, Golden, Wray, Coyne, Ferguson, Milko, Pickles, Prioteau, Herbst, and Stecker. Articles
from the "Draw Sheet" include information about James B. Littlefield, J. Shelton Horsley, Gardner W. Smith, William Bobo,
William F. Burnett, George M. Callard, and Richard C. Zug.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 008
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 15 and 16;
Scope and Contents
Clippings from "The Daily Progress" and others. Includes articles about Leslie Rudolf speaking about emergency service and
staff shortages, and the Veterans Administration Hospital in Salem. arm
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 009
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 17 and 18;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Articles, at least one from "The Daily Progress," concerning the Salem VA Hospital; William Franklin Burnett; new residents
including Edgar Allport and Creighton B. Wright; and John W. Kirklin.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 010
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 19 and 20;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Articles are about Denton Cooley who lectured at UVa.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 011
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 21 and 22;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Articles are about Denton Cooley who lectured at UVa.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 012
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 23 and 24;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
One article is about Denton Cooley who lectured at UVa. Others about Muller, Sandusky, and the opening of a facial defects
clinic established by Jerry Bains.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 013
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 25 and 26;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Articles from "The Daily Progress" are about E. Cato Drash and William Muller. A page from "Clinical Congress News" has an
article about Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 014
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 27 and 28;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Articles from "The Daily Progress" and other publications about Francis L. Brochu, UVa in Computer Kidney Exchange, Leslie
E. Rudolf, Jerry Bains, Stephen Wangensteen, and Muller.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 015
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 29 and 30;
photo, clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Surgery Department photo with House Staff, 1969-70. Names included are Drash, Morton, Wellons, Rawitsher, Muller, Wright,
Wray, Sandusky, Nolan, Williams, Wangensteen, Horsley, Rudolf, Minor, Rawitzer, Botero, Segis, Allport, Strauch, Polito, Scruggs,
Prioleaus, Starling. "The Daily Progress" article on a device to keep babies warm and Anthony Shaw.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 016
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 31 and 32;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Article from "The Daily Progress" about three retiring professors: Edwin W. Burton, E. Cato Drash and C. Bruce Morton; a sex
change cliniic; and Milton T. Edgerton and face construction.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 017
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 33 and 34;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Notes and clippings on the baby warming device which Anthony Shaw helped develop; clippings from UVa Alumni News about Muller;
"The Daily Progress" clippings about Wagensteen and Lefer's work on a protein fragment and shock.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 018
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 35 and 36;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
"Shock: A Common Factor" in "Medical world News" with Allan Lefer and Stephen Wangensteen. also an article from "The Daily
Progress" on a thermograph unit and Theodore E. Keats and J. Shelton Horsley.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 019
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 37 and 38;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Articles are from "The Cavalier Daily," "The Daily Progress" and unknown. Includes articles about J. Shelton Horsley, William
H. Muller, and M.C. Wilhelm.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 020
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 39 and 40;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Articles are from "The Daily Progress" and probably UVa "Medical Alumni News Letter." Articles are about William H. Muller,
E. Meredith Alrich, and Leslie Rudolf and health careers presentation.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 021
Surgery Department, University of Virginia Medical Center Scrapbook, pages 41 and 42;
clippings with photos;
Scope and Contents
Articles are about donating kidneys, Leslie Rudolf, and Fred Westervelt; and Shelton Horsley.
Mixed Materials box: 11 folder: 022
Architectural elevation drawing of medical center area;
1987 December 4
elevation drawing;
Scope and Contents
Drawing includes McKim Hall, the Lawn, Health Sciences Library, Jordan Hall, Primary Care Center, Replacement Hospital, several
roads and the railroad.
Mixed Materials box: 12 folder: 001
Proposal for the University of Virginia: Start to Finish;
2 photos (copied);
Scope and Contents
Images from front and back covers and spine of disassembled notebook showing the progress of the construction of the 1989
UVa Hospital.
Mixed Materials box: 12 folder: 002
Area before and after 1989 UVa Hospital construction;